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Last active March 28, 2017 07:21
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* **thank you** for doing this
* going to cover three things:
* local setup
* issues, labels, and reviewing code
* merging code
* setup:
* CI lives here:
* make sure to log in – I've sent your emails to rvagg, who will set up an account for you
* go to "Build with parameters"
* fill in user, repo, and branch. pr number is unused.
* other repos:
* notifications setup
* use or set up email
* watching the main repo will flood your inbox, so be prepared
* make sure you have whitespace=fix: `git config --global --add core.whitespace fix`
* working dirs (clone the repo twice)
* fork the repo to your user account on github
* git clone git:// work-iojs
* git clone work-iojs MERGE-iojs
* cd work-iojs; git remote add chris; git fetch;
* cd ../MERGE-iojs; git remote remove origin; git remote add origin; git fetch
* #io.js on freenode is the best place to be to interact with the TC / other collaborators
* if you don't have IRC or a bouncer, contact me via email after the meeting and
we'll get you set up.
* issues + labels
* you have free reign – don't hesitate to close an issue if you are confident that it should be closed
* this will come more naturally over time
* subsystems:
* doc, tools, test, src (special)
* lib/*.js
* cc'ing humans (by subsystem):
* lib/child_process: bnoordhuis, piscisaereus, cjihrig
* lib/cluster: bnoordhuis
* lib/net: indutny, bnoordhuis, piscisaereus, chrisdickinson, iojs/streams
* lib/http: isaacs, bnoordhuis
* lib/vm: isaac (or domenic!)
* lib/buffer: trevnorris
* src/async-wrap.*: trevnorris
* lib/crypto,tls,https: indutny
* src/node_crypto.*: indutny
* upgrading v8: domenic, bnoordhuis
* IN GENERAL: iojs/tc, or `git shortlog -n -s <file>`
* labels:
* tsc-agenda if a topic seems controversial
* semver-major, semver-minor:
* be conservative – that is, if a change has the remote *chance* of breaking something, go for major
* when adding the label, add a comment explaining why you're adding it
* it's cached locally in your brain at that moment!
* minor vs. patch: roughly: "does it add a new method / does it add a new section to the docs"
* major vs. everything else: run last versions tests against this version, if they pass, minor or patch
* adding affected subsystem, os, + iojs version labels is good as well!
* – test commits
git checkout $(git show -s --pretty='%T' $(git show-ref -d $(git describe --abbrev=0) | tail -n1 | awk '{print $1}')) -- test; make test
* reviewing:
* primary goal is for the codebase to improve
* secondary (but not far off) is for the person submitting code to succeed
* helps grow the community
* and draws new people into the project
* it is tempting to micro-optimize / make everything about relative perf,
don't succumb to that temptation. we change v8 a lot more often now, contortions
that are zippy today may be unnecessary in the future
* be aware: your opinion carries a lot of weight!
* nits are fine, but try to avoid stalling the PR
* note that they are nits when you comment
* if they really are nits, feel free to fix them yourself on merge (especially for new contributors)
* improvement doesn't have to come all at once
* set time limits and expectations:
* before merging code: give folks at least one working day to respond: "If no one objects, tomorrow at <time> I'll merge this in."
* set reminders
* check in on the code every once in a while (set reminders!)
* if a PR is abandoned, check if they'd mind if you took it over (especially if its just nits left)
* what belongs in iojs:
* opinions vary, but I find the following helpful:
* if io.js itself needs it, then it belongs in io.js
* that is to say, url is there because of http, freelist is there because of http, et al
* process for getting code in:
* the collaborator guide is a great resource:
* no one (not even TC) pushes directly to master without review
* best practice: work in WORK-iojs, commit often, open a PR
* make sure to spend time on the description: every moment you spend writing
a good description halves the amount of time it takes to understand your code.
* only squash at the *end* of your work
* one "LGTM" is sufficient
* you have the power to LGTM another collaborator or TC members' work
* make sure to run the PR through CI *first*!
* once code is ready to go in:
* cd MERGE-iojs
* git status; git pull origin master
* curl -sL 'url-of-pr.patch' | less
* if it all looks good, `curl -sL 'url-of-pr.patch' | git am`
* git rebase -i origin/master
* squash into logical commits
* `make clean; ./configure; make -j8; make test` (`-j8` builds iojs in parallel with 8 cores. adjust to the number of cores your processor has for best results.)
* commits should follow `subsystem[,subsystem]: small description\n\nbig description\n\n<metadata>`
* first line 50, all others 72
* add metadata:
* Fixes: <url>
* Reviewed-By: human <email>
* PR-URL: <original-pr-url>
* make clean; make test-ci; git push origin master
* close the original PR with "merged in `<commit hash>`".
* what if something goes wrong?
* ping a TC member
* if `git am` fails – use `git am --abort`
* this usually means the PR needs updated
* prefer to make the originating user update the code, since they have it fresh in mind
* if you must, `git fetch origin pull/N/head:pr-N; git checkout pr-N; git rebase master`
* exercise: make PRs adding yourselves to the README.
* final note:
* don't worry about making mistakes: everybody makes them, there's a lot to internalize and that takes time (& we recognize that!)
* very few (no?) mistakes are unrecoverable
* the existing io.js committers trust you and are grateful for your help!
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