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Last active December 8, 2015 22:44
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module Lifting (main) where
import Json.Decode as J
import Window
import Html
import Http
import Task
import Graphics.Element
import Color exposing (grayscale)
import Signal exposing(map)
import Graphics.Element exposing (show, flow, right, Element)
import Graphics.Input exposing (button)
import Signal exposing (message, Mailbox, mailbox, map, map2)
import Text exposing (fromString, Text)
import Effects exposing (Never, Effects)
import Mouse exposing (position, x, clicks)
-- Shortcut to use in dict-like lists,
-- like [key => value] vs [(key, value)]
(=>) : a -> b -> (a, b)
(=>) =
-- lift is no longer available, using map instead
main : Signal Element
main = header widthMousexRation
sampleTextLabel : Float -> Element
sampleTextLabel windowWidth =
<| Text.bold
<| Text.color (grayscale windowWidth)
<| fromString "This is a fading text"
-- action states / or what this program can do
type Action
= Top
| Next
| Prev
| Last
| NoOp
| NewGif (Maybe String)
-- *
update : Action -> ()
update action =
case action of
Top ->
_ ->
action : Mailbox Action
action =
mailbox NoOp
header : Float -> Element
header windowWidth =
flow right
[ button (message action.address Top) "Top"
, button (message action.address Next) "Next"
, button (message action.address Prev) "Previous"
, button (message action.address Last) "Last"
, sampleTextLabel windowWidth
output : a -> Html.Html
output a =
toString a
|> Html.text
content : List String
content =
[ "test"
, "po"
integerDiv : Int -> Int -> Float
integerDiv a b =
toFloat a / toFloat b
-- Left side yield 0, right side yields 1 and
-- everything between is yielded as a signal between 0..1
widthMousexRation : Signal Float
widthMousexRation =
-- Gives a signal of a (changing) height and width of window/div
windowDimensionSignal : Signal (Int,Int)
windowDimensionSignal = map2 (,) Window.width Window.height
map fst windowDimensionSignal
|> map2 integerDiv x
-- equivalent: clickPosition = Signal.sampleOn Mouse.clicks Mouse.position
clickPosition : Signal (Int,Int)
clickPosition =
|> Signal.sampleOn clicks
allUpdates : Signal ()
allUpdates =
updates : Signal a -> Signal ()
updates = always () |> map
Signal.merge (updates position) (updates clicks)
-- The first line there created an HTTP GET request. It tries to
-- get some JSON at `randomUrl topic` and decodes the result
-- with `decodeImageUrl`. Both are defined below!
-- Next we use `Task.toMaybe` to capture any potential failures and
-- apply the `NewGif` tag to turn the result into a `Action`.
-- Finally we turn it into an `Effects` value that can be used in our
-- `init` or `update` functions.
getRandomGif : String -> Effects Action
getRandomGif topic =
Http.get decodeImageUrl (randomUrl topic)
|> Task.toMaybe
|> NewGif
|> Effects.task
-- Given a topic, construct a URL for the giphy API.
randomUrl : String -> String
randomUrl topic =
Http.url ""
[ "api_key" => "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"
, "tag" => topic
-- A JSON decoder that takes a big chunk of JSON spit out by
-- giphy and extracts the string at ``
decodeImageUrl : J.Decoder String
decodeImageUrl = ["data", "image_url"] J.string
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