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Forked from cgrand/
Last active December 17, 2015 13:39
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(ns tron.xianralph
(:require [tron.core :as tron]))
(defn move [[x y] [dx dy]] [(+ x dx) (+ y dy)])
(defn up [point] (move point [0 1]))
(defn down [point] (move point [0 -1]))
(defn right [point] (move point [1 0]))
(defn left [point] (move point [-1 0]))
(def directions #{up down right left})
(defn neighbours [point]
(map (comp next #(iterate % point)) directions))
(defn valid-neighbours [look pos]
(filter (comp nil? look first) (neighbours pos)))
(defn cost [look candidates]
(count (take-while (comp nil? look) candidates)))
(defn wall-costed
[look pos]
(let [candidates (valid-neighbours look pos)]
(sort-by #(cost look %) candidates)))
(defn survivor [look {:keys [pos]}]
{:pos (-> (wall-costed look pos) reverse ffirst)})
(defn most-blanks [look pos]
(map first (filter (comp nil? look first) (neighbours pos)))))
(defn wide-open-spaces
[look {:keys [pos]}]
(let [candidates (map first (filter (comp nil? look first) (neighbours pos)))]
{:pos (last (sort-by #(most-blanks look %) candidates))}))
(defn switcheroo
[look {:keys [pos steps] :as context}]
(let [steps (or steps 0)
result (if (< (mod steps 50) 3)
(wide-open-spaces look context)
(survivor look context))]
(merge result {:steps (inc steps)})))
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