(function() { |
//http://stackoverflow.com/a/901144/678708 |
function getParameterByName(name) { |
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); |
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; |
var regex = new RegExp(regexS); |
var results = regex.exec(parent.window.location.href); |
if(results == null) { |
return ""; |
} else { |
return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); |
} |
} |
App = Em.Application.create({ |
ready: function() { |
$("textarea.steppable,input.steppable[type=text]").live('keydown mousewheel', function(e){ |
if (event.which == 38 || event.which == 40 || event.type == 'mousewheel') { |
e.preventDefault(); |
var val = $(this).val(); |
var cursorIndex = $(this).caret().start; |
var cursorString = [val.slice(0, cursorIndex), 'CURSOR', val.slice(cursorIndex)].join(''); |
var re = /(-?\d*)CURSOR\s*(-?\d*)/g |
var matches = re.exec(cursorString); |
var number = 1 |
if(event.altKey) number *= 10 |
if(event.ctrlKey) number *= 10 |
if(event.shiftKey) number *= 10 |
var result = parseInt(matches[1] + matches[2]) + (event.which == 40 || event.wheelDelta < 0 ? -number : number); |
if(!isNaN(result)){ |
$(this).val(cursorString.replace(re, result)); |
} |
$(this).caret(matches.index, matches.index); |
} |
}); |
$(window).resize(function () { |
App.graph.resize($(window).height(), $(window).width()) |
}); |
$("#charge").live('change', function() { |
App.graph.set('charge', $(this).val()) |
}) |
App.graph.svg = d3.select("#chart").append("svg:svg").attr("width", App.graph.width).attr("height", App.graph.height); |
this.initialize(); |
}, |
Router: Ember.Router.extend({ |
//enableLogging: true, |
root: Ember.Route.extend({ |
index: Ember.Route.extend({ |
route: '/', |
connectOutlets: function(router, params) { |
// do not transition the "/" url so the back history doesn't get stuck on the first route transition |
//router.transitionTo('paramsRoute', { |
//lcfCode: lcfCode, |
//animationSpeed: animationSpeed, |
//freezeFrameAt: 0 |
//}); |
}, |
deserialize: function(router, params) { |
// TODO make root route work w/o globals |
if(getParameterByName('lcfCode') != '') { |
lcfCode = getParameterByName('lcfCode') |
animationSpeed = getParameterByName('animationSpeed') |
var freezeFrameAt = getParameterByName('lockVertices') == 1 ? 1 : 0 |
} else { |
lcfCode = '[10]50' |
animationSpeed = App.animationSpeedsController.objectAt(1).speed |
var freezeFrameAt = 0 |
} |
router.transitionTo('paramsRoute', { |
lcfCode: lcfCode, |
animationSpeed: animationSpeed, |
freezeFrameAt: freezeFrameAt |
}); |
App.graph.lcfCode = lcfCode |
App.graph.animationSpeed = animationSpeed |
App.graph.freezeFrameAt = freezeFrameAt |
App.graph.redraw() |
} |
}), |
paramsRoute: Ember.Route.extend({ |
route: '/:lcfCode/:animationSpeed/:freezeFrameAt', |
moveElsewhere: Ember.Route.transitionTo('paramsRoute'), |
deserialize: function(router, params) { |
App.graph.lcfCode = params.lcfCode |
App.graph.animationSpeed = params.animationSpeed |
App.graph.freezeFrameAt = params.freezeFrameAt |
App.graph.redraw() |
return params |
}, |
serialize: function(router, context) { |
return { |
lcfCode: context.lcfCode, |
animationSpeed: context.animationSpeed, |
freezeFrameAt: context.freezeFrameAt |
} |
}, |
random: Ember.Route.transitionTo('paramsRoute') |
}) |
}) |
}), |
ApplicationView: Ember.View.extend({ |
templateName: 'application', |
showPermalink: function() { |
App.controls.set('showPermalink', !App.controls.get('showPermalink')) |
}, |
redraw: function() { |
App.graph.redraw() |
}, |
prevFrame: function() { |
if(App.graph.get('prevFrame') <= 0) return |
App.graph.set('freezeFrameAt', App.graph.get('prevFrame')) |
}, |
nextFrame: function() { |
// don't use set so graph observer isn't alerted |
App.graph.freezeFrameAt = App.graph.get('nextFrame') |
App.get('router').send('moveElsewhere', { |
lcfCode: App.graph.get('lcfCode'), |
animationSpeed: App.graph.get('animationSpeed'), |
freezeFrameAt: App.graph.get('nextFrame') |
}) |
App.graph.force.start() |
App.graph.force.tick() |
App.graph.force.stop() |
}, |
random: function() { |
function randomBetween(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min } |
var min_step = -100 |
var max_step = 100 |
var num_steps = randomBetween(1, 50) |
var max_repeats = 25 |
var arr = [] |
for (i = 0; i < num_steps; i++) { |
arr.push(randomBetween(min_step, max_step)) |
} |
App.graph.set('lcfCode', '['+arr.join(',')+']'+(randomBetween(1, max_repeats))) |
}, |
fullscreen: function() { |
window.open(window.location.href) |
} |
}), |
ApplicationController: Ember.Controller.extend({ |
}) |
}); |
App.controls = Em.Object.create({ |
lcfCodeError: null, |
showPermalink: false, |
isFullscreen: window.location == window.parent.location, |
permalink: function() { |
return window.location.href |
}.property('App.graph.lcfCode', 'App.graph.animationSpeed', 'App.graph.freezeFrame'), |
}); |
App.lcfCodeObject = Ember.Object.extend({ |
lcfCode: null, |
init: function() { |
this._super() |
this.steps = [] |
this.edges = [] |
this.numVertices = 0 |
this.numRepeats = 0 |
this.parse() |
}, |
parse: function() { |
this.lcfCode = this.lcfCode.replace(/ /g,"").replace(/−/g,"-") |
// TODO validate repeats and steps also match repeats |
var match = this.lcfCode.match(/\[(.*?)\]/) |
if(match == null) throw "Invalid Syntax" |
if(match[1] != "") { |
this.steps = match[1].split(',').filter(Number).map(function(e) {return +e}); |
} else { |
throw "Must have at least one step" |
} |
this.numRepeats = parseInt(this.lcfCode.split(']')[1]) || 0 |
if(this.numRepeats < 0) throw "Repeats must be positive" |
this.numVertices = this.steps.length * (this.numRepeats || 1) |
var numSteps = this.steps.length |
var dupCache = {} |
for(var vertex=0; vertex<this.numVertices; vertex++){ |
var source = vertex % this.numVertices |
var target = (this.numVertices+vertex+this.steps[vertex % numSteps]) % this.numVertices |
var hp_target = (source + 1) % this.numVertices |
if(target < 0) target = this.numVertices + target |
// hamiltonian path |
if (!dupCache[source+','+hp_target] && !dupCache[hp_target+','+source]) { |
this.edges.push({source: source, target: hp_target}); |
dupCache[source+','+hp_target] = 1 |
} |
if (!dupCache[source+','+target] && !dupCache[target+','+source]) { |
this.edges.push({source: source, target: target}); |
dupCache[source+','+target] = 1 |
} |
} |
}, |
}); |
App.graph = Ember.Object.create({ |
init: function() { |
this._super(); |
this.width = $(window).width() |
this.height = $(window).height() |
this.rcx = this.width/2 + 110 |
this.rcy = this.height/2 |
this.radius = 240 |
this.numEdges = 0 |
this.numVertices = 0 |
this.colors = d3.scale.category10().range() |
this.nodes = [] // the node with index 0 is fixed to the center and has a high charge |
this.links = [] |
this.lcfStepsAndRepeats = [] |
this.lcfEdges = null |
this.animationSpeed = 0 |
this.freezeFrameAt = 0 |
this.currentFrame = 0 |
this.charge = 100 |
this.interval = null |
this.force = d3.layout.force().charge(function(d, i) { |
return i == 0 ? 0 : -App.graph.get('charge') |
}).size([this.rcx*2, this.height]); |
//TODO |
this.force.on("tick", function(e) { |
var graph = App.graph |
if(graph.get('currentFrame') == graph.get('freezeFrameAt')) { |
graph.force.stop() |
return |
} |
graph.svg.selectAll("circle") |
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; }) |
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; }); |
graph.svg.selectAll("line.link") |
.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; }) |
.attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; }) |
.attr("x2", function(d) { return d.target.x; }) |
.attr("y2", function(d) { return d.target.y; }); |
//this line causes metamorph problems |
graph.set('currentFrame', graph.get('currentFrame') + 1) |
}); |
}, |
isFrozen: function() { |
return this.get('freezeFrameAt') > 0 |
}.property('freezeFrameAt'), |
resize: function(height, width){ |
this.svg.attr('height', height).attr('width', width) |
this.set('height', height) |
this.set('width', width) |
this.set('rcx', width/2 + 110) |
this.set('rcy', height/2) |
this.force.size([this.rcx*2, height]); |
this.redraw() |
}, |
prevFrame: function() { |
return this.get('currentFrame') - 1 |
}.property('currentFrame'), |
nextFrame: function() { |
return this.get('currentFrame') + 1 |
}.property('currentFrame'), |
draw: function(lcfCodeObject){ |
numVertices = lcfCodeObject.numVertices |
stepsArray = lcfCodeObject.steps |
var numRepeats = lcfCodeObject.numRepeats |
var lcfEdges = lcfCodeObject.edges |
if(numVertices + lcfEdges.length > 50000){ |
if(!confirm(lcfEdges.length+' edges and '+numVertices+' vertices will be drawn. Continue?')) { |
return |
} |
} |
this.setProperties({ |
numVertices: numVertices, |
numEdges: lcfEdges.length |
}) |
var graph = App.graph |
clearInterval(this.interval) |
// magic vertex |
this.nodes = [{fixed: true, x: this.rcx, y: this.rcy}] |
// arrange nodes in a circle |
this.nodes = this.nodes.concat(d3.range(numVertices).map(function(d, i) { |
return { |
x: App.graph.rcx+App.graph.radius*Math.cos((i*2*Math.PI/numVertices) - Math.PI/2), |
y: App.graph.rcy+App.graph.radius*Math.sin((i*2*Math.PI/numVertices) - Math.PI/2) |
} |
})) |
this.links = [] |
this.currentVertex = 0 |
this.currentVertexOffset = 0 |
this.force.nodes(this.nodes) |
this.force.start() |
if(this.get('animationSpeed') == 0){ |
this.svg.selectAll(".vertex").style("fill", this.colors[0]) |
var nodes = this.nodes.slice(1) |
lcfEdges.forEach(function(edge, i) { |
graph.links.push({source: nodes[edge.source], target: nodes[edge.target]}); |
}); |
this.drawLines() |
this.force.links(this.links) |
this.force.start() |
}else{ |
// hamiltonian path |
this.nodes.slice(1).forEach(function(target, i) { |
App.graph.links.push({source: App.graph.nodes[i == App.graph.nodes.length - 2 ? 1 : i+2], target: target, linkDistance: 0}) |
}); |
this.svg.selectAll(".vertex").style("fill", "white") |
this.drawLines() |
this.interval = setTimeout(this.animateLcf, this.get('animationSpeed')) |
} |
// drawn last so it has the highest z-index |
this.drawCircles() |
}, |
animateLcf: function() { |
var graph = App.graph |
var stepInstruction = stepsArray[graph.currentVertex % stepsArray.length] |
graph.currentStep = (graph.currentVertex + graph.currentVertexOffset) - numVertices * Math.floor((graph.currentVertex + graph.currentVertexOffset) / numVertices) |
var circles = graph.svg.selectAll(".vertex") |
if(graph.currentVertexOffset == 0){ |
circles.filter(function(d,i){return graph.currentVertex == i}).style("fill", graph.colors[2]) |
circles.filter(function(d,i){return graph.currentVertex > i}).style("fill", graph.colors[0]) |
circles.filter(function(d,i){return graph.currentVertex < i}).style("fill","white") |
graph.currentVertexOffset += (stepInstruction > 0 ? 1 : -1); |
}else if(graph.currentVertexOffset != stepInstruction){ |
circles.filter(function(d,i){return graph.currentStep == i}).style("fill", graph.colors[1]) |
graph.currentVertexOffset += (stepInstruction > 0 ? 1 : -1) |
}else{ |
circles.filter(function(d,i){return graph.currentStep == i}).style("fill", graph.colors[1]) |
graph.links.push({source: graph.nodes.slice(1)[graph.currentVertex], target: graph.nodes.slice(1)[graph.currentStep]}); |
graph.drawLines() |
graph.currentVertex++ |
graph.currentVertexOffset = 0; |
} |
if(graph.currentVertex != numVertices){ |
graph.interval = setTimeout(function(){ App.graph.animateLcf() }, App.graph.get('animationSpeed')); |
} else { |
graph.interval = null |
graph.svg.selectAll(".vertex").style("fill", graph.colors[0]) |
} |
graph.force.links(graph.links) |
graph.force.start() |
}, |
drawCircles: function() { |
var circles = this.svg.selectAll("circle") |
.data(this.nodes) |
circles.enter() |
.append("svg:circle") |
circles.attr("r", function(d, i) { return i == 0 ? 0 : 5 }) |
.attr("class", function(d, i) { return i == 0 ? 'magic-vertex' : 'vertex' }) |
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; }) |
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; }) |
.call(this.force.drag); |
circles.exit().remove(); |
}, |
drawLines: function(){ |
var lines = this.svg.selectAll("line.link") |
.data(this.links) |
lines.enter() |
.append("svg:line") |
lines.attr("class", "link") |
.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; }) |
.attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; }) |
.attr("x2", function(d) { return d.target.x; }) |
.attr("y2", function(d) { return d.target.y; }) |
lines.exit().remove() |
}, |
redraw: function() { |
App.graph.set('currentFrame', 1) |
try { |
App.controls.set('lcfCodeError', null) |
var lcfCodeObject = App.lcfCodeObject.create({ lcfCode: this.get('lcfCode') }); |
this.draw(lcfCodeObject) |
} catch(error) { |
App.controls.set('lcfCodeError', error) |
} |
App.get('router').transitionTo('paramsRoute', { |
lcfCode: this.get('lcfCode'), |
animationSpeed: this.get('animationSpeed'), |
freezeFrameAt: this.get('freezeFrameAt') |
}); |
}.observes('lcfCode', 'animationSpeed', 'charge', 'freezeFrameAt') |
}); |
App.lcfCodesController = Ember.ArrayController.create({ |
content: Ember.A([ { code: '[2]4', name: 'Tetrahedral graph' }, { code: '[3]6', name: 'Utility graph' }, { code: '[3,-3]4', name: 'Cubical graph' }, { code: '[4]8', name: 'Wagner graph' }, { code: '[6,4,-4]4', name: 'Bidiakis cube' }, { code: '[5,-5]6', name: 'Franklin graph' }, { code: '[-5,-2,-4,2,5,-2,2,5,-2,-5,4,2]', name: 'Frucht graph' }, { code: '[2,6,-2]4', name: 'Truncated tetrahedral graph' }, { code: '[5,-5]7', name: 'Heawood graph' }, { code: '[5,-5]8', name: 'Mobius-Kantor graph' }, { code: '[5,7,-7,7,-7,-5]3', name: 'Pappus graph' }, { code: '[5,-5,9,-9]5', name: 'Desargues graph' }, { code: '[10,7,4,-4,-7,10,-4,7,-7,4]2', name: 'Dodecahedral graph' }, { code: '[12,7,-7]8', name: 'McGee graph' }, { code: '[2,9,-2,2,-9,-2]4', name: 'Truncated cubical graph' }, { code: '[3,-7,7,-3]6', name: 'Truncated octahedral graph' }, { code: '[5,-9,7,-7,9,-5]4', name: 'Nauru graph' }, { code: '[-7,7]13', name: 'F26A graph' }, { code: '[-13,-9,7,-7,9,13]5', name: 'Tutte–Coxeter graph' }, { code: '[5,-5,13,-13]8', name: 'Dyck graph' }, { code: '[-25,7,-7,13,-13,25]9', name: 'Gray graph' }, { code: '[30,-2,2,21,-2,2,12,-2,2,-12,-2,2,-21,-2,2,30,-2,2,-12,-2,2,21,-2,2,-21,-2,2,12,-2,2]2', name: 'Truncated dodecahedral graph' }, { code: '[-29,-19,-13,13,21,-27,27,33,-13,13,19,-21,-33,29]5', name: 'Harries graph' }, { code: '[9,25,31,-17,17,33,9,-29,-15,-9,9,25,-25,29,17,-9,9,-27,35,-9,9,-17,21,27,-29,-9,-25,13,19,-9,-33,-17,19,-31,27,11,-25,29,-33,13,-13,21,-29,-21,25,9,-11,-19,29,9,-27,-19,-13,-35,-9,9,17,25,-9,9,27,-27,-21,15,-9,29,-29,33,-9,-25]', name: 'Harries–Wong graph' }, { code: '[-9,-25,-19,29,13,35,-13,-29,19,25,9,-29,29,17,33,21,9,-13,-31,-9,25,17,9,-31,27,-9,17,-19,-29,27,-17,-9,-29,33,-25,25,-21,17,-17,29,35,-29,17,-17,21,-25,25,-33,29,9,17,-27,29,19,-17,9,-27,31,-9,-17,-25,9,31,13,-9,-21,-33,-17,-29,29]', name: 'Balaban 10-cage' }, { code: '[17,-9,37,-37,9,-17]15', name: 'Foster graph' }, { code: '[16,24,-38,17,34,48,-19,41,-35,47,-20,34,-36,21,14,48,-16,-36,-43,28,-17,21,29,-43,46,-24,28,-38,-14,-50,-45,21,8,27,-21,20,-37,39,-34,-44,-8,38,-21,25,15,-34,18,-28,-41,36,8,-29,-21,-48,-28,-20,-47,14,-8,-15,-27,38,24,-48,-18,25,38,31,-25,24,-46,-14,28,11,21,35,-39,43,36,-38,14,50,43,36,-11,-36,-24,45,8,19,-25,38,20,-24,-14,-21,-8,44,-31,-38,-28,37]', name: 'Biggs-Smith graph' }, { code: '[44,26,-47,-15,35,-39,11,-27,38,-37,43,14,28,51,-29,-16,41,-11,-26,15,22,-51,-35,36,52,-14,-33,-26,-46,52,26,16,43,33,-15,17,-53,23,-42,-35,-28,30,-22,45,-44,16,-38,-16,50,-55,20,28,-17,-43,47,34,-26,-41,11,-36,-23,-16,41,17,-51,26,-33,47,17,-11,-20,-30,21,29,36,-43,-52,10,39,-28,-17,-52,51,26,37,-17,10,-10,-45,-34,17,-26,27,-21,46,53,-10,29,-50,35,15,-47,-29,-41,26,33,55,-17,42,-26,-36,16]', name: 'Balaban 11-cage' }, { code: '[47,-23,-31,39,25,-21,-31,-41,25,15,29,-41,-19,15,-49,33,39,-35,-21,17,-33,49,41,31,-15,-29,41,31,-15,-25,21,31,-51,-25,23,9,-17,51,35,-29,21,-51,-39,33,-9,-51,51,-47,-33,19,51,-21,29,21,-31,-39]2', name: 'Ljubljana graph' }, { code: '[17,27,-13,-59,-35,35,-11,13,-53,53,-27,21,57,11,-21,-57,59,-17]7', name: 'Tutte 12-cage' } ]), |
selectedChange: function(event) { |
if(event.selected != null && event.selected != App.graph.get('lcfCode')){ |
App.graph.set('lcfCode', event.selected) |
} |
}.observes('selected') |
}); |
App.ApplicationView.lcfCodes = Ember.Select.extend({ |
contentBinding: "App.lcfCodesController", |
optionLabelPath: "content.name", |
optionValuePath: "content.code", |
valueBinding: "App.lcfCodesController.selected", |
prompt: " " |
}) |
App.ApplicationView.lcfCode = Ember.TextArea.extend({ |
rows: "5", |
classNames: ['steppable'], |
valueBinding: 'App.graph.lcfCode', |
// TODO respond to mousewheel |
valueChanged: function(event) { |
if($.inArray(event.keyCode, [9, 17, 18, 32, 37, 39, 188]) == -1) { |
App.lcfCodesController.set('selected', event.value) |
} |
}.observes('value') |
}) |
App.animationSpeedsController = Ember.ArrayController.create({ |
content: Ember.A([ { speed: '0', name: 'Instant' }, { speed: '1', name: 'Fast' }, { speed: '100', name: 'Slow' } ]), |
}); |
App.ApplicationView.animationSpeeds = Ember.Select.extend({ |
contentBinding: "App.animationSpeedsController", |
optionLabelPath: "content.name", |
optionValuePath: "content.speed", |
valueBinding: "App.graph.animationSpeed", |
valueChange: function(event) { |
if(App.graph.get('freezeFrameAt') != 0 && event.selection != null && event.selection != App.animationSpeedsController.objectAt(0)){ |
$('.freezeFrameCheckbox').trigger('click') |
} |
}.observes('value') |
}) |
App.ApplicationView.freezeFrame = Ember.Checkbox.extend({ |
classNames: ['freezeFrameCheckbox'], |
init: function() { |
this._super(); |
Ember.set(this, 'checked', App.graph.get('freezeFrameAt') != 0); |
}, |
checkedChange: function(event) { |
if(event.checked) { |
App.graph.set('animationSpeed', App.animationSpeedsController.objectAt(0).speed) |
if(App.graph.get('freezeFrameAt') == 0) { |
App.graph.set('freezeFrameAt', 1) |
} |
} else { |
App.graph.set('freezeFrameAt', 0) |
} |
}.observes('checked') |
}) |
})(); |
Excelente trabajo. Es una herramienta muy potente para enseñar, para analizar, simular, para entender..........el mismo Infinito.