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Last active November 1, 2018 23:33
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Joke-a-tron 9000
h1 {
text-align: center;
#joke-box {
padding: 20px;
background-color: #f9f7f5;
#joke-box p:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
// ----
// ----
// A couple jokes to start with
var jokes = {
'the horse': {
setup: 'A horse walks into the bar. The bartender asks...',
punchline: 'Why the long face?'
'Orion\'s pants': {
setup: 'How does Orion keep his pants up?',
punchline: 'With an asteroid belt.'
// The message to display if the jokes object is empty
var noJokesMessage = 'I... I don\'t know any jokes. 😢'
// -------------
// -------------
// Update the listed jokes, based on the jokes object
var jokesMenuList = document.getElementById('jokes-menu')
var updateJokesMenu = function () {
// Don't worry too much about this code for now.
// You'll learn how to do advanced stuff like
// this in a later lesson.
var jokeKeys = Object.keys(jokes)
var jokeKeyListItems = jokeKeys.join('</li><li>') || noJokesMessage
jokesMenuList.innerHTML = '<li>' + jokeKeyListItems + '</li>'
// Update the displayed joke, based on the requested joke
var requestedJokeInput = document.getElementById('requested-joke')
var jokeBox = document.getElementById('joke-box')
var updateDisplayedJoke = function () {
var requestedJokeKey = requestedJokeInput.value
jokeBox.textContent = requestedJokeKey
// Function to keep track of all other
// page update functions, so that we
// can call them all at once
var updatePage = function () {
// -------
// -------
// Update the page immediately on startup
// ---------------
// ---------------
// Keep the requested joke up-to-date
requestedJokeInput.addEventListener('input', updateDisplayedJoke)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Joke-a-tron 9000</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="app.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="container">
<h1>🤖 Joke-a-tron 9000 🤖</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="six columns">
<p>Psst. I know a joke about...</p>
<ul id="jokes-menu"></ul>
<div class="six columns">
<label>Tell me the joke about:</label>
<input id="requested-joke" type="text" class="u-full-width">
<div id="joke-box"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="six columns">
<h2>Teach me a new joke 🤓</h2>
<label>The joke is about:</label>
<input type="text" class="u-full-width">
<label>The setup is:</label>
<textarea class="u-full-width"></textarea>
<label>The punchline is:</label>
<textarea class="u-full-width"></textarea>
<button class="u-full-width">
Remember this joke!
<div class="six columns">
<h2>Erase my memory 😢</h2>
<label>I don't like the joke about:</label>
<input type="text" class="u-full-width">
<button class="u-full-width">
Forget about it!
<script src="app.js"></script>
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