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Created June 15, 2017 07:54
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Simple Docker Installation
This is to help familiarise with Docker and how to install, run and delete containers. It doesn't do anything useful beyond that.
Install Docker
- Search for 'Docker for Windows' (
- Install from the downloaded .msi
Check installation:
- in Git Bash (may need to run as an administrator):
- 'docker -v'
- 'docker-machine -v'
- 'docker-compose -v'
Create a default machine:
- 'docker-machine create --drive hyperv default'
- if this gets stuck then create a new virtual switch within Hyper-V (detailed below)
- check it has installed ok by typing 'docker ps' & something should appear
Use Hyper-V manager to create a virtual switch (allows the virtual machine access to the wifi):
- click on machine name 'IMT-xxxxx'
- click on 'default'
- click on 'virtual switch manager'
- click on 'DockerNAT'
- choose 'external network'
- choose the wireless from the dropdown
- tick the box underneath
- tick 'apply'
List machines:
- 'docker-machine ls'
Stop machine:
- 'docker-machine stop default'
Find images we have:
- 'docker images'
Pull hello-world image from
- 'docker pull hello-world'
- private repositories - need to use the registry address as part of the pull
Create a container to run 'hello-world':
- 'docker run -d hello-world'
Check it exists & has run:
- 'docker ps -a' - the '-a' shows all the instances that have run in the past
Show what is currently running:
- 'docker ps'
Run and keep live:
- 'docker run hello-world'
(A message should appear to show the installation is working)
Get ubuntu image
- 'docker run ubuntu bash'
- 'docker ps -a' will show that ubuntu has downloaded
A container is a instance of the image - which can be running or stopped. Many container instances can be run from one image.
Run bash in an ubuntu container:
- 'docker run -it ubuntu bash'
- 'ls'
- 'exit' to return to the command window from ubuntu
Run and keep the container running (example):
- 'docker run -d ubuntu tail -f dev/null'
- '-d' means run in the background, don't print to this window
- 'tail -f dev/null' - is an ubuntu command - logs to the window the contents of the file dev/null
list the container ids
- 'docker ps -aq'
Remove all containers in the list
- 'docker rm -vf $(docker ps -aq)'
- docker remove version force (if running) - takes a list of ids and removes them all
Remove all the images
- 'docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)'
- but it wont delete any currently being used by a container
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