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Last active September 1, 2020 01:56
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Google Trends API
require "net/http"
require "uri"
require "json"
require "openssl"
TIMEZONE = (-9 * 60).to_s
HL = "en"
keywords = ["bitcoin"]
def get_ready(keywords)
u = URI.parse("")
u.query = URI.encode_www_form(
["hl", HL],
["tz", TIMEZONE],
["req", JSON.generate({"comparisonItem" => ["keyword" => keywords[0].to_s, "geo" => "", "time" => "now 7-d"], "category" => 0, "property" => ""})]
h =, u.port)
h.use_ssl = true
h.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
return JSON.parse(h.start{h.get(u.path + ?? + u.query)}.body[5..-1])["widgets"]
def get_interest_over_time(request, token)
request["requestOptions"]["category"] = 0
request["requestOptions"]["property"] = ""
u = URI.parse("")
u.query = URI.encode_www_form(
["hl", HL],
["tz", TIMEZONE],
["req", JSON.generate(request)],
["token", token]
h =, u.port)
h.use_ssl = true
h.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
return JSON.parse(h.start{h.get(u.path + ?? + u.query)}.body[5..-1])
ready_data = get_ready(keywords)
timelineData = get_interest_over_time(ready_data[0]["request"], ready_data[0]["token"])["default"]["timelineData"]
manth, day, year, _, time, am_pm = e["formattedTime"].split
value = e["value"][0]
"#{manth} #{day.rjust(3)} #{year} at #{time.rjust(5)} #{am_pm}:#{?X*value} #{value}"
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