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Created July 16, 2019 18:06
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# 1. Below are a set of scores that students have received in the past semester.
# Write code to determine how many are 90 or above and assign that result to the value a_scores.
scores = "67 80 90 78 93 20 79 89 96 97 92 88 79 68 58 90 98 100 79 74 83 88 80 86 85 70 90 100"
scores_split = scores.split(" ")
a_scores = 0
for x in scores_split:
x = float(x)
if x >= 90:
a_scores += 1
# 2. Write code that uses the string stored in org and creates an acronym which is assigned to the variable acro.
# Only the first letter of each word should be used, each letter in the acronym should be a capital letter, and there should be nothing to separate the letters of the acronym.
# Words that should not be included in the acronym are stored in the list stopwords.
# For example, if org was assigned the string “hello to world” then the resulting acronym should be “HW”.
stopwords = ['to', 'a', 'for', 'by', 'an', 'am', 'the', 'so', 'it', 'and', "The"]
org = "The organization for health, safety, and education"
stopwords = set(w.upper() for w in stopwords)
acro = ''.join(i[0] for i in org.upper().split(' ') if i not in stopwords)
# 3. Write code that uses the string stored in sent and creates an acronym which is assigned to the variable acro.
# The first two letters of each word should be used, each letter in the acronym should be a capital letter, and each element of the acronym should be separated by a “. ” (dot and space).
# Words that should not be included in the acronym are stored in the list stopwords.
# For example, if sent was assigned the string “height and ewok wonder” then the resulting acronym should be “HE. EW. WO”.
stopwords = ['to', 'a', 'for', 'by', 'an', 'am', 'the', 'so', 'it', 'and', 'The']
sent = "The water earth and air are vital"
acro = '. '.join(word[:2].upper() for word in sent.split() if word not in stopwords)
# 4. A palindrome is a phrase that, if reversed, would read the exact same.
# Write code that checks if p_phrase is a palindrome by reversing it and then checking if the reversed version is equal to the original.
# Assign the reversed version of p_phrase to the variable r_phrase so that we can check your work.
p_phrase = "was it a car or a cat I saw"
r_phrase = p_phrase[::-1]
# 5. Provided is a list of data about a store’s inventory where each item in the list represents the name of an item, how much is in stock, and how much it costs.
# Print out each item in the list with the same formatting, using the .format method (not string concatenation).
# For example, the first print statment should read The store has 12 shoes, each for 29.99 USD.
inventory = ["shoes, 12, 29.99", "shirts, 20, 9.99", "sweatpants, 25, 15.00", "scarves, 13, 7.75"]
for item in inventory:
item_desc, number, cost = item.split(", ")
print("The store has {} {}, each for {} USD.".format(number, item_desc, cost))
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Ivan6240 commented May 1, 2023

The part #p_phrase[::-1] is a Python slice notation that reverses the order of the characters in the string variable p_phrase. It starts with the colon ":" which means the slice starts at the beginning of the string, and since no end index is specified, it goes to the end of the string. The "-1" after the colon indicates that the step size is -1, which means the slice moves through the string backward, one character at a time. The result is a new string variable r_phrase that contains the reversed version of p_phrase

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