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Created September 16, 2017 22:55
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Spelunky Classic - ASCII tiles table
"!" oShopkeeperTile
"#" oGoldIdolTile
"$" oGoldBarTile
"%" oSpectaclesTile
"&" oWebTile
"(" oMattockTile
")" oLeavesTile
"*" oGoldBarsTile
"+" oSmashTrapTile
"-" oPistolTile
"." oBombBagTile
"/" oMacheteTile
"1" oBrick
"2" oLush
"3" oDark
"4" oTemple
"5" oEmeraldBigTile
"6" oSapphireBigTile
"7" oRubyBigTile
"8" oDiamondTile
":" oBombBoxTile
"<" oArrowTrapLeft
"=" oShotgunTile
">" oArrowTrapRight
"?" oTeleporterTile
"@" oEntrance
"A" oVampireTile
"B" oBlock
"C" oCrateTile
"D" oDamselTile
"E" oAlienBossTile
"F" oFireFrogTile
"G" oGlovesTile
"H" oHawkmanTile
"I" oMsgSign
"J" oJetpackTile
"K" oSkeletonTile
"L" oLadderOrange
"M" oManTrapTile
"O" oCrystalSkullTile
"P" oLadderTop
"R" oRopePileTile
"S" oGiantSpiderTile
"T" oTombLordTile
"U" oUFOTile
"V" oSpikeShoesTile
"W" oWebCannonTile
"X" oExit
"Y" oYetiKingTile
"[" oSpearTrapTileBot
"\" oCapeTile
"]" oSpearTrapTileTop
"^" oSpikes
"_" oSpringTrapTile
"`" oParachuteTile
"a" oAlienTile
"b" oBatTile
"c" oChestTile
"d" oDarkFall
"f" oFrogTile
"g" oMittTile
"h" oCavemanTile
"i" oIceTile
"j" oJarTile
"k" oBonesTile
"l" oLavaTile
"m" oMonkeyTile
"n" oSnakeTile
"o" oCompassTile
"p" oPiranhaTile
"q" oTreeBranchTile
"r" oRockTile
"s" oSpiderTile
"t" oVineTop
"u" oBombPasteTile
"v" oVine
"w" oWaterTile
"x" oTreeTile
"y" oYetiTile
"z" oZombieTile
"{" oMegaMouthTile
"|" oTreeTile
"}" oBowTile
"~" oSpringShoesTile
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