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Last active January 16, 2022 05:56
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import svgwrite
pin_type_colors = {
'gnd': (0x000000, 0xffffff),
'3v3': (0xc00000, 0xffffff),
'5v': (0xc00000, 0xffffff),
'bat': (0xc0c000, 0x000000),
'hpwr': (0xc0a000, 0x000000),
'i2c': (0x003000, 0x000000),
'input_only': (0x005000, 0x000000),
'misc': (0xc0c0c0, 0x000000),
'normal': (0xffffff, 0x000000),
usage_type_colors = {
'ADC': (0xffc0c0, 0xffffff),
'SPI': (0x2080ff, 0x000000),
'I2C': (0xff1010, 0xffffff),
'UART': (0x20a020, 0xffffff),
'GPIO': (0xc08080, 0x000000),
'I2S': (0xff8080, 0x000000),
'DAC': (0xff8080, 0xffffff),
'RST': (0xc0c0c0, 0x000000),
pin_definitions = {
'GND': {'type': 'gnd'},
'3V3': {'type': '3v3'},
'5V': {'type': '5v'},
'BAT': {'type': 'bat'},
'HPWR': {'type': 'hpwr'},
# ADC pins
'G35': {'type': 'input_only', 'usage': 'ADC' , 'usage_type': 'ADC'},
'G36': {'type': 'input_only', 'usage': 'ADC' , 'usage_type': 'ADC'},
# DAC pins
'G25': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'DAC/SPK' , 'usage_type': 'DAC'},
'G26': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'DAC' , 'usage_type': 'DAC'},
# SPI pins
'G23': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'MOSI', 'usage_type': 'SPI'},
'G19': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'MISO', 'usage_type': 'SPI'},
'G18': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'SCK', 'usage_type': 'SPI'},
# UART0 pins
'G3': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'RXD0', 'usage_type': 'UART'},
'G1': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'TXD0', 'usage_type': 'UART'},
# UART2 pins
'G16': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'RXD2', 'usage_type': 'UART'},
'G17': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'TXD2', 'usage_type': 'UART'},
# I2C pins (internal)
'G21': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'SDA', 'usage_type': 'I2C'},
'G22': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'SCL', 'usage_type': 'I2C'},
# GPIO pins
'G2': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'GPIO', 'usage_type': 'GPIO'},
'G5': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'GPIO', 'usage_type': 'GPIO'},
# I2S pins
'G12': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'I2S SK', 'usage_type': 'I2S'},
'G13': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'I2S WS', 'usage_type': 'I2S'},
'G15': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'I2SOUT', 'usage_type': 'I2S'},
'G0': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'I2S MK', 'usage_type': 'I2S'},
'G34': {'type': 'normal', 'usage': 'I2S IN', 'usage_type': 'I2S'},
'EN': {'type': 'misc', 'usage': 'RST', 'usage_type': 'RST'},
pin_map = (
('GND', 'G35'),
('GND', 'G36'),
('GND', 'EN'),
('G23', 'G25'),
('G19', 'G26'),
('G18', '3V3'),
('G3', 'G1'),
('G16', 'G17'),
('G21', 'G22'),
('G2', 'G5'),
('G12', 'G13'),
('G15', 'G0'),
('HPWR', 'G34'),
('HPWR', '5V'),
('HPWR', 'BAT'),
drawing = svgwrite.Drawing()
column_width = 120
column_usage_width = 80
row_height = 20
y = 0
for row_index, row in enumerate(pin_map):
y = row_height * row_index
for column_index, pin in enumerate(row):
x = column_width * column_index
pin_definition = pin_definitions.get(pin, {'type': 'normal'})
pin_type = pin_definition['type']
pin_usage = pin_definition.get('usage')
pin_usage_type = pin_definition.get('usage_type')
pin_color = pin_type_colors.get(pin_type, (0x000000, 0xffffff))
fill = f'#{pin_color[0]:06X}'
text_color = f'#{pin_color[1]:06X}'
if pin_usage is None:
rect = drawing.rect(insert=(x, y), size=(column_width, row_height), fill=fill)
text = drawing.text(pin, insert=(x+column_width/2, y+row_height/2), style='text-anchor:middle; dominant-baseline:central', fill=text_color)
pin_start_x = x if column_index == 0 else x + column_usage_width
pin_column_width = column_width - column_usage_width
usage_start_x = x + column_width - column_usage_width if column_index == 0 else x
rect = drawing.rect(insert=(pin_start_x, y), size=(pin_column_width, row_height), fill=fill)
text = drawing.text(pin, insert=(pin_start_x+pin_column_width/2, y+row_height/2), style='text-anchor:middle; dominant-baseline:central', fill=text_color)
usage_color = usage_type_colors[pin_usage_type]
usage_fill = f'#{usage_color[0]:06X}'
usage_text_color = f'#{usage_color[1]:06X}'
rect = drawing.rect(insert=(usage_start_x, y), size=(column_usage_width, row_height), fill=usage_fill)
text = drawing.text(pin_usage, insert=(usage_start_x+column_usage_width/2, y+row_height/2), style='text-anchor:middle; dominant-baseline:central', fill=usage_text_color)
drawing.saveas('pindef.svg', pretty=True)
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