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Created April 26, 2018 21:30
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import data.list.basic
section left_pad
variables {α : Type*}
open nat
lemma list.cons_repeat (c : α) :
Π (n : ℕ), c :: list.repeat c n = list.repeat c n ++ [c] :=
by { intro, symmetry, induction n ; simp *, }
lemma list.take_append (xs ys : list α) (n : ℕ)
(h : xs.length = n) :
(xs ++ ys).take n = xs :=
by { subst n, induction xs ; simp! [add_one,*], }
lemma list.drop_append (xs ys : list α) (n : ℕ)
(h : xs.length = n) :
(xs ++ ys).drop n = ys :=
by { subst n, induction xs ; simp! [add_one,*], }
def left_pad_aux (c : α) : ℕ → list α → list α
| 0 xs := xs
| (succ n) xs := left_pad_aux n (c :: xs)
def left_pad (c : α) (n : ℕ) (x : list α) : list α :=
left_pad_aux c (n - x.length) x
variables (c : α) (n : ℕ) (x : list α)
lemma left_pad_def
: left_pad c n x = list.repeat c (n - x.length) ++ x :=
simp [left_pad],
generalize : (n - list.length x) = k,
induction k generalizing x
; simp! [add_one,add_succ,succ_add,list.cons_repeat,*],
lemma length_left_pad
: (left_pad c n x).length = max n x.length :=
simp [left_pad_def],
cases le_total n x.length with Hk Hk,
{ rw max_eq_right Hk,
rw ← nat.sub_eq_zero_iff_le at Hk,
simp *, },
{ simp [max_eq_left Hk],
rw [← nat.add_sub_assoc Hk,nat.add_sub_cancel_left] },
lemma left_pad_prefix
: ∀ c' ∈ (left_pad c n x).take (n - x.length), c' = c :=
by { rw [left_pad_def,list.take_append] ,
{ intro, apply list.eq_of_mem_repeat },
simp! , }
lemma left_pad_suffix
: (left_pad c n x).drop (n - x.length) = x :=
by simp [left_pad_def,list.drop_append]
end left_pad
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