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-Q msl VST.msl -Q sepcomp VST.sepcomp -Q veric VST.veric -Q floyd VST.floyd -Q progs VST.progs -Q concurrency VST.concurrency -Q wand_demo wand_demo -Q sha sha -Q hmacfcf hmacfcf -Q tweetnacl20140427 tweetnacl20140427 -Q hmacdrbg hmacdrbg -Q aes aes -Q mailbox mailbox -Q atomics atomics -Q compcert/lib compcert.lib -Q compcert/common compcert.common -Q compcert/x86_32 compcert.x86_32 -Q compcert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend -Q compcert/flocq compcert.flocq -Q compcert/exportclight compcert.exportclight
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive vtype : Set :=
| int32 : vtype
| array : vtype -> vtype.
Parameter vname : Set.
Parameter sig : vname -> vtype.
def fact (p : Prop) := p
variables {n : ℕ}
namespace fin
def of_int [h : fact (0 < n)] (i : ℤ) : fin n :=
⟨(i % n).nat_abs, int.nat_abs_mod_lt⟩
cipher1024 / option_instances.lean
Last active June 10, 2018 00:05
Create option instances
import tactic
class linear_ordered_comm_group (α : Type)
extends comm_group α, linear_order α :=
(mul_le_mul_left : ∀ {a b : α}, a ≤ b → ∀ c : α, c * a ≤ c * b)
class linear_ordered_comm_monoid (α : Type)
extends comm_monoid α, linear_order α :=
(mul_le_mul_left : ∀ {a b : α}, a ≤ b → ∀ c : α, c * a ≤ c * b)
cipher1024 / assume_sub_nneg.lean
Created May 30, 2018 21:24
Tactic for adding assumptions about every subtractions in the goal
import tactic.norm_num
meta def expr.find_all (f : expr → list (expr × expr)) (e : expr) : list (expr × expr) :=
e.fold [] (λ x _ xs, f x ++ xs)
namespace tactic
meta def is_sub : expr → list (expr × expr)
| `(%%x - %%y) := [(x,y)]
| _ := []
-- These are pretty general lemmas about lists.
-- We could find them in the standard library
namespace list
universes u v w
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
variables (f : α → β → γ)
variables {x : α} {y : β} {xs : list α} {ys : list β}
section unique
variables {α : Type*} [decidable_eq α]
def unique : list α → list α
| [] := []
| (x :: xs) :=
if x ∈ xs
then unique xs
else x :: unique xs
import data.list.basic
section left_pad
variables {α : Type*}
open nat
lemma list.cons_repeat (c : α) :
cipher1024 / bridge_gap.lean
Last active April 24, 2018 01:38
try to apply a rule that doesn't quite fit the goal and generate equality obligations for the parts where they differ
namespace tactic
namespace interactive
open interactive interactive.types lean.parser
local postfix `?`:9001 := optional
local postfix *:9001 := many
meta def convert (sym : parse (with_desc "←" (tk "<-")?)) (r : parse texpr) (n : parse (tk "using" *> small_nat)?) : tactic unit :=
do v ← mk_mvar,
if sym.is_some
cipher1024 / Big sum
Created April 21, 2018 20:30
How to write finite sums with infinite index types
import data.pfun
open nat
class bounded (p : ℕ → Prop) :=
(ubound : ℕ)
(only_below : ∀ i > ubound, ¬ p i)
export bounded (only_below)