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Last active June 10, 2018 00:05
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Create option instances
import tactic
class linear_ordered_comm_group (α : Type)
extends comm_group α, linear_order α :=
(mul_le_mul_left : ∀ {a b : α}, a ≤ b → ∀ c : α, c * a ≤ c * b)
class linear_ordered_comm_monoid (α : Type)
extends comm_monoid α, linear_order α :=
(mul_le_mul_left : ∀ {a b : α}, a ≤ b → ∀ c : α, c * a ≤ c * b)
variables {α : Type}
inductive option.le [has_le α] : option α → option α → Prop
| bottom (x : option α) : option.le none x
| lifted {x y : α} : x ≤ y → option.le (some x) (some y)
variables [linear_order α]
instance option.linear_order : linear_order (option α) :=
{ le := option.le
, le_refl := by intros x ; cases x ; constructor ; refl
, le_trans := by { introv h₀ h₁ ; cases h₀ ; [ skip, cases h₁ ] ;
constructor, transitivity ; assumption }
, le_antisymm := by { introv h₀ h₁ ; cases h₀ ; cases h₁, refl,
congr, apply le_antisymm h₀_a h₁_a, }
, le_total := by { introv, cases a, left, constructor,
cases b, right, constructor,
cases le_total a b ; [ left, right ] ;
constructor ; assumption } }
namespace tactic
open tactic.interactive
open list nat
meta def zip_gaols_core : list expr → list α → list (list expr) → (α → tactic unit) → tactic unit
| gs [] ys f := set_goals (ys.reverse.join ++ gs)
| [] _ ys f := set_goals (ys.reverse.join)
| (g :: gs) (x :: xs) ys f :=
do set_goals [g],
f x,
gs' ← get_goals,
zip_gaols_core gs xs (gs' :: ys) f
meta def zip_gaols (xs : list α) (f : α → tactic unit) : tactic unit :=
do gs ← get_goals,
zip_gaols_core gs xs [] f
meta def break_option' (f : list expr → tactic unit) : list expr → list expr → tactic unit
| xs [] := f xs.reverse
| xs (y :: ys) :=
do y ← get_local y.local_pp_name,
zs ← cases_core y,
zip_gaols zs $ λ ⟨_,z,_⟩, do
let xs' := if h : z = [] then xs
else z.last h :: xs,
try (break_option' xs' ys)
meta def break_option (xs : list expr) (f : list expr → tactic unit) : tactic unit :=
break_option' f [] xs
open lean.parser interactive interactive.types
meta def interactive.mk_option_instance : tactic unit :=
do field ← get_current_field,
xs ← intros,
break_option xs $ λ xs,
defn ← mk_mapp field ([none,none]),
let defn := defn.mk_app xs,
refine ``(some %%defn)
<|> refine ``(congr_arg some %%defn)
<|> refine ``(option.le.lifted %%defn) )
<|> refine ``(none)
<|> () <$ constructor
end tactic
variable [linear_ordered_comm_monoid α]
instance : linear_ordered_comm_monoid (option α) :=
by { refine_struct { .. option.linear_order }
; mk_option_instance,
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