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Created April 21, 2018 20:30
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How to write finite sums with infinite index types
import data.pfun
open nat
class bounded (p : ℕ → Prop) :=
(ubound : ℕ)
(only_below : ∀ i > ubound, ¬ p i)
export bounded (only_below)
instance bounded_lt {k : ℕ} : bounded (λ n, n < k) :=
{ ubound := k
, only_below := by intros ; simp [not_lt_of_gt,*] }
instance bounded_le {k : ℕ} : bounded (λ n, n ≤ k) :=
{ ubound := k
, only_below := by intros ; simp [not_le_of_gt,*] }
instance bounded_and {p q : ℕ → Prop} [bounded p] : bounded (λ n, p n ∧ q n) :=
{ ubound := bounded.ubound p
, only_below := by { intros, apply mt and.left, apply only_below _ H, } }
instance bounded_and' {p q : ℕ → Prop} [bounded q] : bounded (λ n, p n ∧ q n) :=
{ ubound := bounded.ubound q
, only_below := by { intros, apply mt and.right, apply only_below _ H, } }
instance bounded_or {p q : ℕ → Prop} [bounded p] [bounded q] : bounded (λ n, p n ∨ q n) :=
{ ubound := max (bounded.ubound p) (bounded.ubound q)
, only_below :=
by { intros,
apply not_or
; apply only_below
; apply lt_of_le_of_lt _ H
; simp [le_max_left,le_max_right], } }
def' {α} (p : Prop) (x : α) := p $ λ _, x
infix ` ▻ `:30 :='
variables {α : Type*}
instance decidable_dom {p : ℕ → Prop} [dec : decidable_pred p] {f : ℕ → α} :
decidable_pred (pfun.dom (λ i, p i ▻ f i)) :=
instance bounded_dom {p : ℕ → Prop} [bounded p] {f : ℕ → α} :
bounded (pfun.dom (λ i, p i ▻ f i)) :=
{ ubound := bounded.ubound p
, only_below := only_below }
variables [has_zero α] [has_add α]
def sum_aux (f : ℕ →. α) [bounded f.dom] [decidable_pred f.dom] : ℕ → α
| 0 := 0
| (succ n) :=
sum_aux n +
if h : n ∈ f.dom
then (f n).get h
else 0
def sum' (f : ℕ →. α) [bounded f.dom] [decidable_pred f.dom] : α :=
sum_aux f (succ $ bounded.ubound f.dom)
#check @sum' ℕ
#check sum' (λ i, i < 10 ▻ i^2)
notation `ΣΣ ` binder `, ` r:(scoped p, p) := sum' r
def even (n : ℕ) : Prop := n % 2 = 0
#check ΣΣ i, i ≥ 3 ∧ i < 21 ▻ i^2
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