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Michael Kohl citizen428

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user=> ; generate random number
user=> (rand)
user=> ; infinite list of random numbers
user=> ; make sure to set *print-length*
user=> (set! *print-length* 10)
user=> (repeatedly rand)
(0.13569783475252373 0.585868618595554 0.7048671603900427 0.1440943435265447 0.24546858003727567 0.15406959135696596 0.41117257771529947 0.1115848319639422 0.669215744258339 0.1521494621978804 ...)
user=> ; get the reductions function from seq-utils
class Fixnum
alias_method :intdiv, :/
def /(divisor)
(self % divisor) == 0 ? self.intdiv(divisor) : self.to_f/divisor
user=> ; get the expt funtion
user=> (use '[clojure.contrib.math :only (expt)])
user=> (expt 2 3)
user=> ; function to calculate no. of pairs for n people
user=> (defn number-pairs [n] (/ (* n (- n 1)) 2))
user=> ; how many pairs for 23 people?
user=> (number-pairs 23)

Gist Clients

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Editor Support

require 'httparty'
class GitHub
include HTTParty
base_uri ''
:watched => '/repos/watched/' }
class << self
# Get the official Emacs repo:
git clone
# Get the fullscreen patch
git remote add typester git://
git fetch typester
# Create a patch and apply to HEAD
# I had merge conflicts when rebasing and
# build failures for origin/emacs-23
;;; Ruby/Rails development
;; RVM support
;; Ruby Version Manager
(require 'rvm)
;; automatically add 'end' after class, module, def etc.
;; automatically pair braces, single and double quotes
(require 'ruby-electric)
(use '(incanter core charts io))
(ns step1)
(defn fact
(if (< n 2) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)))))
;; (fact 5) => 120