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Last active February 7, 2024 20:31
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ANSI_escape_sequences.h Header file for C/C++ Programing to use Console Virtual Terminal Sequences which are supported in Windows 10 and Linux. ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING flag must be set using SetConsoleMode on Windows 10 before using any of these sequences. This header file can be used and modified freely without any restrictions.
// List of basic Console Virtual Terminal Sequences
// For more info:
#pragma once
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Operating System Command (OSC) sequences
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define WIN_TITLE(x) "\x1B]2;" x "\x07" // Set window title to string x
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Control Sequence Introducer (CSI) sequences
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define RST_CUR "\x1B[1;1H" // Reset cursor position to upper left
#define CLR_DISP_A "\x1B[0J" // Erase in Display (after cursor)
#define CLR_DISP_B "\x1B[1J" // Erase in Display (before cursor)
#define CLR_DISP "\x1B[2J" // Erase in Display (entire)
#define CLR_LINE_A "\x1B[0K" // Erase in Line (after cursor)
#define CLR_LINE_B "\x1B[1K" // Erase in Line (before cursor)
#define CLR_LINE "\x1B[2K" // Erase in Line (entire)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Select Graphic Rendition (SGR) sequences
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define RESET "\x1B[0m" // Reset all SRG parameters
#define BOLD "\x1B[1m" // Bold text
#define UND "\x1B[4m" // Underline text
// Text colour
// BLK - Black BLU - Blue
// RED - Red MAG - Magenta
// GRN - Green CYN - Cyan
// YEL - Yellow WHT - White
// H-prefix - High intensity variant (brighter)
#define BLK "\x1B[30m"
#define RED "\x1B[31m"
#define GRN "\x1B[32m"
#define YEL "\x1B[33m"
#define BLU "\x1B[34m"
#define MAG "\x1B[35m"
#define CYN "\x1B[36m"
#define WHT "\x1B[37m"
#define HBLK "\x1B[90m"
#define HRED "\x1B[91m"
#define HGRN "\x1B[92m"
#define HYEL "\x1B[93m"
#define HBLU "\x1B[94m"
#define HMAG "\x1B[95m"
#define HCYN "\x1B[96m"
#define HWHT "\x1B[97m"
// Background colour (_B-suffix)
// BLK - Black BLU - Blue
// RED - Red MAG - Magenta
// GRN - Green CYN - Cyan
// YEL - Yellow WHT - White
// H-prefix - High intensity variant (brighter)
#define BLK_B "\x1B[40m"
#define RED_B "\x1B[41m"
#define GRN_B "\x1B[42m"
#define YEL_B "\x1B[43m"
#define BLU_B "\x1B[44m"
#define MAG_B "\x1B[45m"
#define CYN_B "\x1B[46m"
#define WHT_B "\x1B[47m"
#define HBLK_B "\x1B[100m"
#define HRED_B "\x1B[101m"
#define HGRN_B "\x1B[102m"
#define HYEL_B "\x1B[103m"
#define HBLU_B "\x1B[104m"
#define HMAG_B "\x1B[105m"
#define HCYN_B "\x1B[106m"
#define HWHT_B "\x1B[107m"
// 24-bit true colour
#define COL_RGB(r, g, b) "\x1B[38;2;"#r";"#g";"#b"m" // Select RGB foreground color
#define COL_B_RGB(r, g, b) "\x1B[48;2;"#r";"#g";"#b"m" // Select RGB background color
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cjee21 commented Mar 25, 2021

An example of what can be achieved using Console Virtual Terminal Sequences on Windows 10.
Windows 10 Console Colours

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