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building things!

CJ Sturgess cjsturgess

building things!
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cjsturgess /
Last active August 10, 2023 16:46
Automated Tailscale install and UFW configuration. Designed for and tested against Debian 11.
echo "Tailscale Installer" | tee ts_install.log
# Update and upgrade apt
echo "[~] Updating & upgrading apt..." | tee -a ts_install.log
apt update &>> ts_install.log
apt upgrade -y &>> ts_install.log
# Install UFW if not present
cjsturgess / reactor.lua
Created March 24, 2023 22:55 — forked from InternetUnexplorer/reactor.lua
ComputerCraft program to control a Mekanism fission reactor
local state, data, reactor, turbine, info_window, rules_window
local STATES = {
READY = 1, -- Reactor is off and can be started with the lever
RUNNING = 2, -- Reactor is running and all rules are met
ESTOP = 3, -- Reactor is stopped due to rule(s) being violated
UNKNOWN = 4, -- Reactor or turbine peripherals are missing
local MIN_BURN_RATE = 1.0