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Last active August 10, 2023 16:46
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Automated Tailscale install and UFW configuration. Designed for and tested against Debian 11.
echo "Tailscale Installer" | tee ts_install.log
# Update and upgrade apt
echo "[~] Updating & upgrading apt..." | tee -a ts_install.log
apt update &>> ts_install.log
apt upgrade -y &>> ts_install.log
# Install UFW if not present
echo "[~] Checking for UFW..." | tee -a ts_install.log
if ! command -v ufw &> /dev/null
echo "[~] UFW not found, installing..." | tee -a ts_install.log
apt install ufw -y &>> ts_install.log
echo "[~] UFW installed successfully." | tee -a ts_install.log
echo "[~] UFW found, skipping install..." | tee -a ts_install.log
# Install Tailscale
echo "[~] Installing Tailscale..." | tee -a ts_install.log
curl -fsSL | sh &>> ts_install.log
echo "[~] Starting Tailscale... (Script will resume after authorization and machine approval)" | tee -a ts_install.log
tailscale up --ssh
# Add UFW rules for Tailscale
echo "[~] Adding UFW rules for Tailscale..." | tee -a ts_install.log
ufw allow in on tailscale0 &>> ts_install.log
ufw allow 41641/udp &>> ts_install.log
# Enable UFW
echo "[~] Enabling UFW..." | tee -a ts_install.log
echo "y" | ufw enable &>> ts_install.log
# Set default UFW rules
echo "[~] Setting UFW default rules..." | tee -a ts_install.log
ufw default deny incoming &>> ts_install.log
ufw default allow outgoing &>> ts_install.log
# Delete existing SSH rules
echo "[~] Removing existing SSH UFW rules..." | tee -a ts_install.log
ufw delete allow 22 &>> ts_install.log
# Reload UFW and restart SSH
echo "[~] Reloading UFW..." | tee -a ts_install.log
ufw reload &>> ts_install.log
echo "[~] Restarting the SSH daemon..." | tee -a ts_install.log
service ssh restart &>> ts_install.log
# Done!
echo "Done! Tailscale is now installed, configured, and running." | tee -a ts_install.log
echo "See ts_install.log for command outputs." | tee -a ts_install.log
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