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Created September 14, 2015 17:56
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  • Save cjwilburn/863e630c5a7cd71519be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cjwilburn/863e630c5a7cd71519be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// JSHint options
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/* global GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_xmlhttpRequest, console */
// turn on ECMAScript 5 strict mode
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// define global object
var wikEd; if (wikEd === undefined) { wikEd = {}; }
wikEd.Meta = function () {/*
// ==UserScript==
// @name wikEd
// @version 0.9.145b
// @date September 11, 2015
// @namespace
// @description A full-featured in-browser editor for Wikipedia and other MediaWikis
// @include *
// @homepage
// @source
// @author Cacycle (
// @license Released into the public domain
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
wikEd is a full-featured edit page text editor for regular to advanced users on Wikipedia and other MediaWikis.
wikEd features syntax highlighting, reference, template, and code folding,
on-page Show preview and Show changes, and advanced search and replace functions.
wikEd works under all web browsers except Internet Explorer.
This code has to be saved as UTF-8 in your editor to preserve Unicode characters like ♥ (heart symbol).
// define global objects
var wikEdConfig;
var wikEdText;
var WED;
var WikEdDiff;
// start of user configurable variables
// wikEd.InitGlobalsConfigs: initialize user configurable variables
wikEd.InitGlobalConfigs = function () {
// user readable texts, copy changes to, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
if (wikEd.config.text === undefined) { wikEd.config.text = {}; }
// wikEd.InitText: define built-in user interface texts
wikEd.InitText = function () {
wikEd.InitObject(wikEd.config.text, {
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'wikEdLogo browser title': 'Browser not supported - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate})',
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'wikEdLogo incompatible title': 'Incompatible script, gadget, or add-on: {wikEdParameter} - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate})',
'wikEdLogo disabled alt': '(wikEd)',
'wikEdLogo disabled title': 'Disabled - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to enable',
'wikEdLogo testVersion alt': 'wikEd_dev',
'wikEdLogo testVersion title': 'wikEd_dev (unstable test version) {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to disable',
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'wikEdScrollToEdit4 title': 'Scroll to edit field',
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'wikEdGripFormat title': 'Formatting buttons (click to hide or show)',
'wikEdGripTextify title': 'Textify and wikify buttons (click to hide or show)',
'wikEdGripCustom1 title': 'Custom buttons (click to hide or show)',
'wikEdGripFind title': 'Find buttons (click to hide or show)',
'wikEdGripFix title': 'Fixing buttons (click to hide or show)',
'wikEdGripCustom2 title': 'Custom buttons (click to hide or show)',
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'wikEdBarJump title': '',
'wikEdBarPasted title': '',
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'wikEdRedo title': 'Redo',
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'wikEdUnderline title': 'Underline text',
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'wikEdRedirect title': 'Create redirect, deletes whole text',
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'wikEdUndoAll title': 'Undo all changes',
'wikEdRedoAll alt': 'Redo all',
'wikEdRedoAll title': 'Redo all changes',
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'wikEdWebLink title': 'External weblink',
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'wikEdHeading title': 'Increase heading levels (shift-click: decrease)',
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'wikEdBulletList title': 'Increase bulleted list level (shift-click: decrease)',
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'wikEdNumberList title': 'Increase numbered list level (shift-click: decrease)',
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'wikEdIndentList title': 'Increase indention (shift-click: decrease)',
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'wikEdReferences title': 'References location (shift-click: references section)',
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'wikEdSign title': 'Signature ~~~~ (shift-click: name only ~~~)',
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'wikEdTextify alt': 'Textify',
'wikEdTextify title': 'Convert pasted content to plain text, update highlighting (shift-click: forced highlighting)',
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'wikEdPastedWikify title': 'Convert pasted content to wiki code',
'wikEdPastedTextify alt': 'Textify pasted',
'wikEdPastedTextify title': 'Convert pasted content to plain text',
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'wikEdPastedClose title': 'Close',
// find and replace buttons, top row
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'wikEdFindPrev title': 'Find previous match',
'wikEdFindSelect title': 'Select a previous search or jump to a heading',
'wikEdFindNext alt': 'Find next',
'wikEdFindNext title': 'Find next match (shift-click: get selection)',
'wikEdJumpPrev alt': 'Selected prev',
'wikEdJumpPrev title': 'Find the selected text backwards',
'wikEdJumpNext alt': 'Selected next',
'wikEdJumpNext title': 'Find the selected text forwards',
// find and replace buttons, bottom row
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'wikEdReplaceAll title': 'Replace all matches in whole text or selection',
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'wikEdReplacePrev title': 'Replace previous match',
'wikEdReplaceSelect title': 'Select a previous replacement',
'wikEdReplaceNext alt': 'Replace next (shift-click: get selection)',
'wikEdReplaceNext title': 'Replace next match',
'wikEdCaseSensitive alt': 'Case sensitive',
'wikEdCaseSensitive title': 'Search is case sensitive',
'wikEdRegExp alt': 'RegExp',
'wikEdRegExp title': 'Search field is a regular expression',
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'wikEdFindAhead title': 'Find ahead as you type (case-insensitive non-regexp search)',
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'wikEdFixRedirect title': 'Fix redirects',
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'wikEdFixPunct title': 'Fix spaces before punctuation',
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'wikEdFixMath title': 'Fix math',
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'wikEdFixChem title': 'Fix chemical formulas',
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'wikEdFixUnits title': 'Fix units',
'wikEdFixRegExTypo alt': 'Fix typos',
'wikEdFixRegExTypo title': 'Fix typos using the AutoWikiBrowser RegExTypoFixer rules',
// wikEd control buttons, top row
'wikEdRefHide alt': '[REF, TEMPL]',
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'wikEdRefButtonTooltip': 'Click to display hidden reference',
'wikEdTemplButtonTooltip': 'Click to display hidden template',
'wikEdCharEntityButtonTooltip': 'Click to display hidden character entity',
'wikEdTableButtonTooltip': 'Click to display hidden table code',
'wikEdRefButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide reference',
'wikEdTemplButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide template',
'wikEdCharEntityButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide character entity',
'wikEdTableButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide table code',
'wikEdTextZoom alt': 'Text zoom',
'wikEdTextZoom title': 'Text zoom cycling (shift-click: reverse)',
'wikEdClearHistory alt': 'Clear history',
'wikEdClearHistory title': 'Clear the find, replace, and summary history',
'wikEdScrollToPreview alt': 'Scroll to preview',
'wikEdScrollToPreview title': 'Scroll to preview field',
'wikEdScrollToEdit alt': 'Scroll to edit',
'wikEdScrollToEdit title': 'Scroll to edit field',
// wikEd control buttons, bottom row
'wikEdUseWikEd alt': 'Use wikEd',
'wikEdUseWikEd title': 'Use wikEd instead of classic text area',
'wikEdHighlightSyntax alt': 'Syntax',
'wikEdHighlightSyntax title': 'Syntax highlighting',
'wikEdSource alt': 'Source',
'wikEdCloseToolbar title': 'Close the standard non-wikEd toolbar',
'wikEdCloseToolbar alt': 'Close toolbar',
'wikEdSource title': 'Show the source code for testing',
'wikEdUsing alt': 'Using',
'wikEdUsing title': 'Automatically add \'\'…using wikEd\'\' to summaries',
'wikEdFullScreen alt': 'Fullscreen',
'wikEdFullScreen title': 'Fullscreen mode',
'wikEdTableMode alt': 'Table as tables',
'wikEdTableMode title': 'Edit tables as tables',
// summary buttons
'wikEdClearSummary alt': 'Clear summary',
'wikEdClearSummary title': 'Clear the summary field',
'wikEdSummarySelect title': 'Select a previous summary',
'wikEdPresetSummary': [
'/* */ ', 'copyedit', 'reply', 'article created', 'intro rewrite',
'linkfix', 'fixing typos', 'removing linkspam', 'reverting test',
'reverting vandalism', 'formatting source text', '{wikEdUsing}'
'wikEdSummaryUsing': '…using [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]]',
// toolbar
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// button title acceskey
'alt-shift': 'alt-shift-',
// submit buttons
'wikEdLocalPreviewImg alt': 'Preview below',
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'wikEdLocalDiffImg alt': 'Changes below',
'wikEdLocalDiff title': 'Show current changes below',
'wikEdHelpPageLink': ' | <a href="{wikEdHomeBaseUrl}wiki/User:Cacycle/wikEd_help" target="helpwindow">wikEd help</a>', // use full link without {wikEdHomeBaseUrl} if the page is not on the English Wikipedia
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'wikEdScrollToPreview2 title': 'Scroll to preview field',
'wikEdScrollToEdit2 alt': 'Scroll to edit',
'wikEdScrollToEdit2 title': 'Scroll to edit field',
// preview and changes buttons, bottom
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'wikEdScrollToPreview3 title': 'Scroll to preview field',
'wikEdScrollToEdit3 alt': 'Scroll to edit',
'wikEdScrollToEdit3 title': 'Scroll to edit field',
// preview field
'wikEdPreviewLoading': '...',
'diffNotLoaded': 'Error: Local diff script not installed.',
// formatting functions
'image filename': 'filename',
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'table heading': 'heading',
'table cell': 'cell',
'redirect article link': 'article link',
// fixing functions
'External links': 'External links',
'See also': 'See also',
'References': 'References',
// language specific wiki code
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'wikicode File': 'File',
'wikicode Media': 'Media',
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'wikicode Template': 'Template',
'wikEdReferencesSection': '\n== References ==\n\n<references />\n',
'talk page': 'talk',
'history page': 'history',
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'talk namespace suffix': '$1_talk', // '$1_talk', '_talk', or 'talk_'
// hiding buttons, type
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'hideTempl': 'TEMPL',
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// hiding buttons, details
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'hideTableEnd': 'Table end',
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'hideTableRow': 'Row',
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'redlink': ' (page does not exist)',
// auto updating
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'wikEdGreasemonkeyAutoUpdateBugfix': 'Important wikEd Bugfix:\n\nA bugfix for the Greasemonkey script "wikEd" is available.\n\n\nIt will be installed from:\n\n{updateURL}',
// highlighting popups
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'figureDash': 'Figure dash',
'enDash': 'En dash',
'emDash': 'Em dash',
'barDash': 'Horizontal bar',
'minusDash': 'Minus sign',
'softHyphen': 'Soft hyphen',
'tab': 'Tab',
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'emSpace': 'Em space',
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// highlighting
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'wikEdSignature4': 'Sign with user name and date',
'wikEdSignature5': 'Sign with date only',
// highlighting errors
'wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown': 'Unsupported HTML tag',
'wikEdErrorBoldItalic': 'Invalid bold / italic',
'wikEdErrorWrongClose': 'Close tag does not match',
'wikEdErrorNoOpen': 'Close tag has no match',
'wikEdErrorNoHandler': 'No handler',
'wikEdErrorNoClose': 'Open tag has no match',
'wikEdErrorNewline': 'Open tag closed by new line',
'wikEdErrorTemplHeading': 'Headings in templates are ignored',
'wikEdErrorTemplParam': 'Template/parameter tags do not match',
'wikEdErrorTemplParamAmbig': 'Template/parameter tags are ambiguous',
'wikEdErrorCodeInLinkName': 'Wikicode in link name',
'wikEdErrorCodeInTemplName': 'Wikicode in template name',
'wikEdErrorCodeInParamName': 'Wikicode in template parameter name',
// highlighting image preview
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// location search string functions
'iconPage': 'All icons and images used by wikEd. Save page as <i>web page, complete</i> to download all files into one folder.<br><br>',
// duplicated message
'clonedWarningsNote': 'Duplicated edit warnings (wikEd):'
}, wikEd.config.showMissingTranslations);
// define built-in user interface texts
// use local copies of images for testing (set to true in local copy of edit page), also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// path to wikEd images, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
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// wikEd image filenames, also defined in wikEdDiff.js
if (wikEd.config.image === undefined) { wikEd.config.image = {}; }
// wikEd.InitImages: define built-in image URLs
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27: ['o', 79], // textify
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72: ['g', 71], // scrolltoedit3
74: ['g', 71], // scrolltoedit4
32: ['g', 71] // scrolltoedit, overwrites previous wikEd buttons for same key
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wikEd.InitHistoryLength = function () {
wikEd.InitObject(wikEd.config.historyLength, {
'find': 10,
'replace': 10,
'summary': 10
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// 'name in error message': 'regexp', case insensitive for script file name from URL w/o .js, use '\\' for '\'
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'less edit clutter': 'less.?edit.?clutter', // [[User:Magnus_Manske/less_edit_clutter.js]]
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// user configurable variables needed during start up
// init config
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// end of user configurable variables
// wikEd.InitGlobals: initialize non-configurable variables
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// see
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// parser variables {{variable}}
// parser variables {{variable:R}}
// parser functions {{FUNCTION:parameter|R}}
// parser functions {{function:param|param}}
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priority = {};
if (typeof target == 'object') {
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function() {
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// copy custom text after values have arrived
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for (var imageKey in wikEd.config.image) {
if (, imageKey) === true) {
var imageAddress = wikEd.config.image[imageKey];
if (typeof imageAddress == 'string') {
str += '<img src="' + imageAddress + '"> ';
document.body.innerHTML = str;
// continue setup
// wikEd.TurnOn: continue setup, can be called repeatedly
wikEd.TurnOn = function (scrollToEditFocus) {
// check if setup was already run
if (wikEd.turnedOn === true) {
// set error logo
// check for active code editor and .js or .css page
// no id, no wikEd
if (window.navigator.appName === null) {
wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;
// check browser versions
switch (wikEd.browserName) {
// check Mozilla version
case 'Mozilla':
if (
(wikEd.browserFlavor == 'Firefox') && (wikEd.browserVersion < 1.5) ||
(wikEd.browserFlavor == 'Netscape') && (wikEd.browserVersion < 8.0) ||
(wikEd.browserFlavor == 'SeaMonkey') && (wikEd.browserVersion < 1.0)
) {
wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;
// check MSIE version
case 'MSIE':
wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;
// check Opera version
case 'Opera':
if (wikEd.browserVersion < 15) {
// too buggy (inserthtml, parentNode...)
wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;
// check Google Chrome version
case 'Chrome':
if (wikEd.browserVersion < 0.2) {
wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;
// Chrome 45.0.2454.85 broken: not possible to type into input fields (find, replace, input)
else if (wikEd.browserVersion == 45) {
wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;
// check Safari version
case 'Safari':
if (wikEd.browserVersion < 500) {
wikEd.browserNotSupported = true;
// browser or version not supported, set error message and exit
if ( (wikEd.browserNotSupported === true) && (wikEd.config.skipBrowserTest === false) ) {
wikEd.disabled = true;
// get form elements
var array;
array = document.getElementsByName('wpEdittime');
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wikEd.edittime = array[0].value;
array = document.getElementsByName('wpStarttime');
if (array[0] !== undefined) {
wikEd.starttime = array[0].value;
array = document.getElementsByName('wpAutoSummary');
if (array[0] !== undefined) {
wikEd.autoSummary = array[0].value;
array = document.getElementsByName('wpEditToken');
if (array[0] !== undefined) {
wikEd.editToken = array[0].value;
// page type detection
// detect custom edit page
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wikEd.editForm = document.getElementById(wikEd.config.customEditFormId);
if (wikEd.config.customTextAreaId !== '') {
wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById(wikEd.config.customTextAreaId);
if (wikEd.config.customSaveButtonId !== '') {
wikEd.saveButton = document.getElementById(wikEd.customwikEdSaveButtonId);
// detect standard edit page
if (wikEd.textarea === null) {
// HotCat injects this textarea into non-edit pages
var textarea = document.getElementsByName('wpTextbox1')[0];
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wikEd.textarea = textarea;
if (wikEd.editForm === null) {
wikEd.editForm = document.getElementById('editform');
if (wikEd.saveButton === null) {
wikEd.saveButton = document.getElementById('wpSave');
wikEd.diffPreviewButton = document.getElementById('wpDiff');
wikEd.previewButton = document.getElementById('wpPreview');
wikEd.editArticle = true;
// detect read-only edit page
if ( (wikEd.textarea !== null) && (wikEd.editForm === null) && (wikEd.saveButton === null) ) {
wikEd.editReadOnly = true;
wikEd.editArticle = false;
wikEd.readOnly = true;
// detect semantic forms extension
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wikEd.editForm = document.getElementById('sfForm');
wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById('sf_free_text');
if ( (wikEd.editForm !== null) && (wikEd.textarea !== null) ) {
wikEd.editArticle = false;
wikEd.editSemanticForm = true;
// detect edit raw watchlist page
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wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById('mw-input-wpTitles');
// old version
if (wikEd.textarea === null) {
wikEd.textarea = document.getElementById('titles');
if (wikEd.textarea !== null) {
wikEd.editArticle = false;
wikEd.editWatchlist = true;
// get watchlist edit form
var node = wikEd.textarea;
while (node !== null) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node.tagName == 'FORM') {
wikEd.editForm = node;
// get watchlist submit button
var saveButton = document.getElementsByClassName('mw-htmlform-submit')[0];
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wikEd.saveButton = saveButton;
var submits = wikEd.editForm.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < submits.length; i ++) {
if (submits[i].type == 'submit') {
wikEd.saveButton = submits[i];
// detect upload page
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var textarea = document.getElementsByName('wpUploadDescription')[0];
var editForm = document.getElementById('mw-upload-form');
var saveButton = document.getElementsByName('wpUpload')[0];
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wikEd.textarea = textarea;
wikEd.editForm = editForm;
wikEd.saveButton = saveButton;
wikEd.editArticle = false;
wikEd.editUpload = true;
wikEd.rearrange = false;
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var forms = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
var i = 0;
var form;
while ( (form = forms[i ++]) !== undefined) {
if (/\btitle=Special:Undelete\b/i.test(form.action) === true) {
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
var j = 0;
var textarea;
while ( (textarea = textareas[j ++]) !== undefined) {
if (textarea.readOnly === true) {
wikEd.textarea = textarea;
wikEd.previewButton = document.getElementsByName('preview')[0] || null;
wikEd.editArticle = false;
wikEd.viewDeleted = true;
wikEd.rearrange = true;
// set page detection error indicator
if (wikEd.textarea === null) {
// do not turn on when code editor is active
if (wikEd.useCodeEditor === true) {
wikEd.disabled = true;
wikEd.SetLogo('incompatible', 'Code Editor');
// check if the textarea is read-only
if (wikEd.config.skipReadOnlyTest === false) {
if ( (wikEd.textarea.getAttribute('readonly') !== null) || (wikEd.saveButton === null) ) {
wikEd.readOnly = true;
// check for section edits
var section = document.getElementsByName('wpSection');
if (
section !== null &&
section.length > 0 &&
/^\d+$/.test(section[0].value) === true
) {
wikEd.editSection = section[0].value;
// get missing wg variables from footer link (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath === undefined) {
var printfooter = document.body.getElementsByClassName('printfooter')[0];
if (printfooter !== undefined) {
var articleLink = printfooter.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
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var regExpMatch = /^(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)(\/([^\/]*\/)*)([^\/]*)$/.exec(articleLink.href);
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wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath = regExpMatch[1] + regExpMatch[2] + '$1';
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageName = regExpMatch[4] || '';
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle = decodeURIComponent( regExpMatch[4].replace(/_/g, ' ') );
// get missing wg variables from form action url
if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript === undefined) {
var form = wikEd.editForm;
if ( form !== null && form.action.indexOf( '/Special:EditWatchlist' ) !== -1 ) {
form = document.getElementById( 'searchform' );
if ( form !== null && form.action.indexOf( '/index.php' ) !== -1 ) {
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript = form.action.replace(/^https?:\/\/[^\/]*|\?.*$/g, '');
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript.replace(/\/index\.php/, '');
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wikEd.pageName = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageName;
// get current namespace
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if (colonPos == -1) {
wikEd.pageNamespace = '';
else {
wikEd.pageNamespace = wikEd.pageName.substr(0, colonPos);
// get MediaWiki file paths
// check if we can call external API for redlink detection
var regExpDomains = new RegExp('//(.*?\\.)?(' + wikEd.config.externalApiDomains.replace(/\s*,\s*/g, '|').replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '$)', 'g');
wikEd.useExternalApi = regExpDomains.test(window.location.origin);
// get page elements
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// check if mw.loader is available
if ( ( !== undefined) && ( !== undefined) && ( !== undefined) ) {
wikEd.loader = true;
// get wikibase defaults for linkification
wikEd.wikibase.currentSite = {};
wikEd.wikibase.currentSite.globalSiteId = wikEd.config.wbGlobalSiteId;
wikEd.wikibase.repoUrl = wikEd.config.wbRepoUrl;
wikEd.wikibase.repoArticlePath = wikEd.config.wbRepoArticlePath;
// get wikibase infos
if (wikEd.loader === true) {
// prevent error if module is not installed
try {'wikibase.client.currentSite', function () {
wikEd.wikibase.currentSite ='wbCurrentSite');
catch (exception) {
try {'wikibase.repoAccess', function () {
wikEd.wikibase.repoUrl ='wbRepoUrl');
wikEd.wikibase.repoArticlePath ='wbRepoArticlePath');
catch (exception) {
// initialize frame css, main css, buttons, and button bars
// check for incompatible scripts
var incompatible = '';
if (wikEd.config.skipScriptTest === false) {
for (var key in wikEd.config.incompatibleScripts) {
if (, key) === true) {
var regExp = new RegExp(wikEd.config.incompatibleScripts[key].replace(/\.js$/g, ''), 'gim');
if (regExp.test(wikEd.externalScriptsString) === true) {
if (incompatible !== '') {
incompatible += ', ';
incompatible += key;
// detect incompatible add-ons
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// Ginger add-on breaks undo history, corrupts text (<tag><!-- -->)
if (document.body.getAttribute('ginger_software_stylesheet') !== null) {
if (incompatible !== '') {
incompatible += ', ';
incompatible += 'Ginger';
// incompatible script or add-on error
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wikEd.disabled = true;
wikEd.SetLogo('incompatible', incompatible);
// define Unicode characters for fixing function
// detect if we add a new section (+ tab)
if (/(\?|&)section=new\b/.test( === true) {
wikEd.addNewSection = true;
else {
var section = document.getElementsByName('wpSection');
if ( (section[0] !== undefined) && (section[0].value == 'new') ) {
wikEd.addNewSection = true;
// get initial textarea dimensions
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wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial = wikEd.textarea.offsetHeight;
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wikEd.textareaWidth = '100%';
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wikEd.origVersion = wikEd.textarea.value;
// add stylesheet definitions
wikEd.ApplyCSS(document, wikEd.config.mainEditCSS);
// get button settings from saved settings
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wikEd.useWikEd = ! wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdUseClassic', ! wikEd.config.useWikEdPreset);
wikEd.highlightSyntax = ! wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdSyntaxOff', ! wikEd.config.highlightSyntaxPreset);
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wikEd.closeToolbar = wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdCloseToolbar', wikEd.config.closeToolbarPreset);
wikEd.refHide = wikEd.GetSavedSetting('wikEdRefHide', wikEd.config.refHidePreset);
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
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wikEd.tableMode = wikEd.refHide;
else {
wikEd.tableMode = false;
// detect preview page
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wikEd.previewPage = true;
// disable wikEd for Lupin's autoedit scripts
if (/(\?|&)autoedit=/.test( === true) {
wikEd.useWikEd = false;
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
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wikEd.noSpellcheck = true;
if (wikEd.origVersion.length > 20000) {
wikEd.useWikEd = false;
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
else {
wikEd.highlightSyntax = false;
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if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Module') {
wikEd.noSpellcheck = true;
wikEd.highlightSyntax = false;
// no spellcheck for watchlist editing
if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
wikEd.noSpellcheck = true;
// disable spellchecker for textarea
if (wikEd.noSpellcheck === true) {
wikEd.textarea.setAttribute('spellcheck', false);
// preset frame related styles to avoid browser crashes
var styleFrameWrapperPosition;
var styleFrameWrapperVisibility;
var styleTextareaWrapperPosition;
var styleTextareaWrapperVisibility;
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styleFrameWrapperPosition = 'static';
styleFrameWrapperVisibility = 'visible';
styleTextareaWrapperPosition = 'absolute';
styleTextareaWrapperVisibility = 'hidden';
else {
styleFrameWrapperPosition = 'absolute';
styleFrameWrapperVisibility = 'hidden';
styleTextareaWrapperPosition = 'static';
styleTextareaWrapperVisibility = 'visible';
// find proper insertion point of input wrapper
// inside the wikiEditor interface
var wikiEditor = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui')[0];
if (wikiEditor !== undefined) {
wikEd.wikiEditor = wikiEditor;
wikEd.wikiEditorFrame = wikEd.wikiEditor.getElementsByTagName('IFRAME')[0] || null;
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wikEd.wikiEditorLeft = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui-left')[0] || null;
wikEd.wikiEditorBar = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui-toolbar')[0] || null;
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wikEd.wikiEditorText = document.body.getElementsByClassName('wikiEditor-ui-text')[0] || null;
wikEd.textareaContainer = wikEd.wikiEditor;
if (wikEd.wikiEditorBar === null) {
wikEd.SetLogo('incompatible', 'WikiEditor (delayed)');
// before original textarea container (multiple nested containers for semantic forms)
else {
var node = wikEd.textarea;
var parent = node.parentNode;
while (wikEd.GetFirstChildNode(parent) == wikEd.GetLastChildNode(parent) ) {
if (/^(SPAN|DIV|P)$/.test(parent.nodeName) === false) {
node = parent;
parent = node.parentNode;
wikEd.textareaContainer = node;
// create input wrapper, contains the whole wikEd and wikiEditor user interface, is the fullscreen container
wikEd.inputWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdInputWrapper';
wikEd.inputWrapper.className = 'wikEdInputWrapper';
if (wikEd.wikiEditor !== null) {
wikEd.inputWrapper = wikEd.wikiEditor.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.inputWrapper, wikEd.wikiEditor);
else {
wikEd.textareaContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.inputWrapper, wikEd.textareaContainer);
// create editor wrapper, contains captcha, toolbar, debug, buttons bar, textarea, toc, but not the summary
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if (wikEd.wikiEditor !== null) {
wikEd.wikiEditor.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.editorWrapper, wikEd.wikiEditor);
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wikEd.wikiEditorBar.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.buttonsWrapper, wikEd.wikiEditorBar);
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// create toolbar wrapper
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if (wikEd.wikiEditorBar !== null) {
// create debug textarea wrapper
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wikEd.debugWrapper.className = 'wikEdDebugWrapper'; = 'none';
wikEd.editorWrapper.insertBefore(wikEd.debugWrapper, wikEd.editorWrapper.firstChild);
// create captcha wrapper
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wikEd.captchaWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdCaptchaWrapper';
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else {
// create textarea wrapper
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wikEd.textareaWrapper.className = 'wikEdTextareaWrapper'; = styleTextareaWrapperPosition; = styleTextareaWrapperVisibility;
// create frame wrapper
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wikEd.frameWrapper.className = 'wikEdFrameWrapper'; = styleFrameWrapperPosition; = styleFrameWrapperVisibility;
// create console wrapper for buttons, summary, and submit
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wikEd.consoleWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdConsoleWrapper';
wikEd.consoleWrapper.className = 'wikEdConsoleWrapper';
// create button bar wrapper
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wikEd.buttonBarWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarWrapper';
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wikEd.editOptionsWrapper.className = 'wikEdEditOptionsWrapper';
// create submit wrapper for submit elements
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wikEd.submitWrapper.className = 'wikEdSubmitWrapper';
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wikEd.localPrevWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdLocalPrevWrapper';
wikEd.localPrevWrapper.className = 'wikEdLocalPrevWrapper'; = 'none';
if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
else if (wikEd.saveButton !== null) {
else if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
else if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {
// create insert wrapper for insert special chars links
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wikEd.insertWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdInsertWrapper';
wikEd.insertWrapper.className = 'wikEdInsertWrapper';
// fill the wrappers
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wikEd.debug.rows = 20;
wikEd.debug.setAttribute('spellcheck', false);
// display startup error messages
if (wikEd.config.debugStartUp !== '') {
// wikEdDiff enhanced ajax diff
if (typeof wikEd.diffTable == 'object') {
if ( (wikEd.diffTable !== null) && (wikEd.diff === true) ) {
if (wikEd.Diff !== undefined) {
// hide toolbar wrapper
if (wikEd.closeToolbar === true) { = 'none';
else { = 'block';
// call wikibits:mwSetupToolbar() now because it would terminate with an error after setting textarea to display: none
if (wikEd.toolbar !== null) {
if (wikEd.toolbar.getElementsByTagName('IMG').length === 0) {
if (window.mwSetupToolbar !== undefined) {
window.removeEventListener('load', window.mwSetupToolbar, false);
// dropdowns from toolbar should go over wikEd toolbar
if (wikEd.wikiEditorBar !== null) { = '5';
// move editpage-copywarn out of summary wrapper
// needs to be done before appending editOptions to summary wrapper otherwise a linebreak stays (Mozilla bug)
if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
var copywarn = document.getElementById('editpage-copywarn');
if (copywarn !== null) {
wikEd.inputWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(copywarn, wikEd.inputWrapper.nextSibling); = 'both';
// add a link to the wikEd help page
var editHelp = document.getElementsByClassName('editHelp')[0];
if (editHelp !== undefined) {
if (typeof wikEd.config.helpPageLink == 'string') {
wikEd.editHelp = document.createElement('span'); = 'wikEdEditHelp';
wikEd.editHelp.className = 'wikEdEditHelp';
wikEd.editHelp.innerHTML = wikEd.config.helpPageLink.replace(/\{wikEdHomeBaseUrl\}/g, wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl);
editHelp.parentNode.insertBefore(wikEd.editHelp, editHelp.nextSibling);
// add submit buttons to submit wrapper, leaving only checkboxes in editOptions
if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
var editButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('editButtons')[0];
if (editButtons === undefined) {
if (wikEd.saveButton !== null) {
// edit watchlist, semantic forms
if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
editButtons = wikEd.saveButton;
// semantic forms
else {
editButtons = wikEd.saveButton.parentNode;
else if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
// edit watchlist
if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
editButtons = wikEd.previewButton;
else {
editButtons = wikEd.previewButton.parentNode;
else if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {
editButtons = wikEd.diffPreviewButton.parentNode;
if ( (editButtons !== undefined) && (editButtons !== null) ) {
// get edit checkboxes
var editCheckboxes;
if (wikEd.editForm !== null) {
editCheckboxes = wikEd.editForm.getElementsByClassName('editCheckboxes')[0];
// non-standard page (old, semantic forms...)
if (editCheckboxes === undefined) {
var checkbox = document.getElementById('wpMinoredit');
if (checkbox === null) {
checkbox = document.getElementById('wpWatchthis');
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// get checkbox container, e.g. semantic forms <p>
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editCheckboxes = checkbox.parentNode;
editCheckboxes.className = 'wikEdEditCheckboxes';
// old MediaWiki versions: create edit options container
else {
editCheckboxes = document.createElement('div'); = 'wikEdEditCheckboxes';
editCheckboxes.className = 'wikEdEditCheckboxes';
if (summary.nextSibling == checkbox) {
var node = checkbox;
while (node !== null) {
var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
node = nextNode;
// add summary elements to summary input wrapper
if (wikEd.rearrange === true) {
wikEd.summaryLabel = document.getElementById('wpSummaryLabel');
if (wikEd.summaryLabel !== null) {
wikEd.summaryText = document.getElementsByName('wpSummary')[0] || null;
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// add submit buttons, edit options, and edit help to submit wrapper
if (wikEd.submitWrapper !== null) {
if (wikEd.submitButtonsWrapper !== null) {
if (wikEd.editOptionsWrapper !== null) {
if (editCheckboxes !== undefined) {
// remove linebreak before minor edit checkbox
var node = editCheckboxes.firstChild;
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if (node.tagName == 'BR') {
node = node.nextSibling;
// add empty editOptions to wikEdConsoleWrapper
if (wikEd.consoleWrapper !== null) {
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else {
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if ( (wikEd.editUpload === false) && (wikEd.editWatchlist === false) ) {
var node = wikEd.editForm.firstChild;
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if ( (node == wikEd.inputWrapper) || (node == wikEd.wikiEditor) || (node == wikEd.captchaWrapper) ) {
var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
if (node.tagName != 'INPUT') {
node = nextNode;
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// done with setup and turn-on
// wikEd.GetPaths: get MediaWiki file paths from wikiGlobals if possible
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// wait for landing patch:
if ( ( !== undefined) && ( !== undefined) && ( !== undefined) ) {
if ('usebetatoolbar') == 1) {
wikEd.useBetaToolbar = true;
if ('usecodeeditor') == 1) {
wikEd.useCodeEditor = true;
// wikEd.DisableCodeEditorButton: disable CodeEditor button when wikEd is active
wikEd.DisableCodeEditorButton = function () {
if ( (wikEd.config.disableCodeEditorButton === true) && ( (wikEd.useBetaToolbar === true) || (wikEd.wikiEditorBar !== null) ) ) {
var buttons = document.body.getElementsByClassName('tool-button');
var disabled = false;
for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i ++) {
var rel = buttons[i].getAttribute('rel');
var title = buttons[i].getAttribute('title');
if (rel == 'codeEditor') {
var buttonClone = buttons[i].cloneNode(true);
buttonClone.setAttribute('rel', rel + '_disabled_by_wikEd');
buttonClone.setAttribute('title', title + wikEd.config.text['wikEdCodeEditorButtonDisabled']);
buttons[i].style.display = 'none';
buttons[i].parentNode.insertBefore(buttonClone, buttons[i]);
disabled = true;
// poll between 0.1 and 12 s
if ( (disabled === false) && (wikEd.codeEditorButtonPollCount < 15) ) {
var delay = 100 + wikEd.codeEditorButtonPollCount * 100;
wikEd.codeEditorButtonPollCount ++;
window.setTimeout(wikEd.DisableCodeEditorButton, delay);
// wikEd.DeleteAccesskeys: remove accesskeys that are defined in wikEd from page elements
wikEd.DeleteAccesskeys = function () {
var accesskeyTags = ['textarea', 'input', 'a'];
for (var i = 0; i < accesskeyTags.length; i ++) {
var accesskeyElements = document.getElementsByTagName(accesskeyTags[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < accesskeyElements.length; j ++) {
var attribute = accesskeyElements[j].getAttribute('accesskey');
if (attribute !== null) {
if (wikEd.buttonKeyCode[ attribute.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) ] !== undefined) {
accesskeyElements[j].setAttribute('accesskey', null);
// wikEd.AutoUpdate: check for the latest version and force-reload to update
wikEd.AutoUpdate = function () {
// check only on non-interaction pages
if (/(\?|&)action=/.test( === true) {
// check if autoupdate is enabled
if (wikEd.config.autoUpdate !== true) {
// install bugfix (fix script duplication after @namespace change in version 0.9.127)
if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
var currentVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.programVersion);
if (currentVersion < 9127000) {
var updatePopup = wikEd.config.text.wikEdGreasemonkeyAutoUpdateBugfix;
var updateURL = wikEd.config.autoUpdateScriptUrlBugfix;
var protocol = document.location.href.replace(/\/\/.*/, '');
updateURL = updateURL.replace(/^(?=\/\/)/, protocol);
updatePopup = updatePopup.replace(/\{updateURL\}/g, updateURL);
window.location.href = updateURL;
// check for forced update check
var forcedUpdate = false;
if (wikEd.config.forcedUpdate !== '') {
// get version numbers from strings
var currentVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.programVersion);
var forcedVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.config.forcedUpdate);
// schedule forced update check
if ( (currentVersion !== '') && (forcedVersion !== '') ) {
if (forcedVersion > currentVersion) {
forcedUpdate = true;
// check for regular update
var regularUpdate = false;
var currentDate = new Date();
if (forcedUpdate === false) {
// get date of last update check
var lastCheckStr = wikEd.GetPersistent('wikEdAutoUpdate');
var lastCheckDate = new Date(lastCheckStr);
// fix missing or corrupt saved setting
if (isNaN(lastCheckDate.valueOf()) === true) {
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdAutoUpdate', 'January 1, 1970', 0, '/');
// get the hours since last update check
var diffHours = (currentDate - lastCheckDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60;
if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
if (diffHours > wikEd.config.autoUpdateHoursGM) {
regularUpdate = true;
else if (diffHours > wikEd.config.autoUpdateHours) {
regularUpdate = true;
// perform AJAX request to get latest version number
if ( (forcedUpdate === true) || (regularUpdate === true) ) {
// save current update check date
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdAutoUpdate', currentDate.toUTCString(), 0, '/');
// make the ajax request
wikEd.AjaxRequest('GET', wikEd.config.autoUpdateUrl, null, 'text/plain', function (ajax) {
// get response
var html = ajax.responseText;
// get version numbers from strings
var currentVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(wikEd.programVersion);
var newVersion = wikEd.VersionToNumber(html);
// check if downloaded version is newer and perform update
if ( (currentVersion !== '') && (newVersion !== '') ) {
if (newVersion > currentVersion) {
// wikEd.VersionToNumber: parse version string (1.22.333a) into number 122333097
wikEd.VersionToNumber = function (versionStr) {
var regExpMatchVer = versionStr.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\w?)/);
if (regExpMatchVer === null) {
return '';
var versionNumber = Number(regExpMatchVer[1]) * 100000000 + Number(regExpMatchVer[2]) * 1000000 + Number(regExpMatchVer[3]) * 1000 + (regExpMatchVer[4] + '0').charCodeAt(0);
return versionNumber;
// wikEd.DoUpdate: actually perform update
wikEd.DoUpdate = function () {
// update Greasemonkey script by navigating to the script code page
if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
var updatePopup = wikEd.config.text.wikEdGreasemonkeyAutoUpdate;
updatePopup = updatePopup.replace(/\{updateURL\}/g, wikEd.config.autoUpdateUrl);
window.location.href = wikEd.config.autoUpdateScriptUrl;
// update wikEd by reloading the page with cache bypassing (equivalent to Shift-Reload or Shift-F5)
else {
// wikEd.LoadTypoFixRules: load and parse RegExTypoFix rules if the button is enabled
wikEd.LoadTypoFixRules = function () {
// load RegExTypoFix rules per Ajax if enabled
if ( (wikEd.config.regExTypoFix === false) || (wikEd.readOnly === true) || (wikEd.typoRulesFind.length > 0) ) {
// make the ajax request
var sep = '&';
if (wikEd.config.regExTypoFixURL.indexOf('?') == -1) {
sep = '?';
wikEd.AjaxRequest('GET', wikEd.config.regExTypoFixURL + sep + wikEd.programVersion, null, 'text/plain', function (ajax) {
// get response
var rulesTxt = ajax.responseText;
// parse regexp rules
var regExp = /<(?:Typo)?\s+(?:word="(.*?)"\s+)?find="(.*?)"\s+replace="(.*?)"\s*\/?>/g;
var regExpMatch;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(rulesTxt)) !== null) {
// check if this is a valid regexp
var regExpFind;
try {
regExpFind = new RegExp(regExpMatch[2], 'gm');
catch (exception) {
var msg = 'Invalid RegExTypoFix rule:\nfind=' + regExpMatch[2] + '\nreplace=' + regExpMatch[3];
// save regexp and replace
// display typo fix button
if (wikEd.typoRulesFind.length > 0) {
if (wikEd.fixRegExTypo !== null) { = 'inline';
// wikEd.EditButtonHandler: handler for clicks on edit buttons
wikEd.EditButtonHandler = function (event) {
// execute the button click handler code, obj required in eval context
var obj = event.currentTarget;
// wikEd.ShrinkSummaryHandler: shrink the summary after loading the 'Clear summary' image
wikEd.ShrinkSummaryHandler = function (event) {
var diffWidth = wikEd.clearSummary.offsetWidth - wikEd.clearSummaryWidth; = (wikEd.inputElement.summary.offsetWidth - diffWidth) + 'px'; = (wikEd.selectElement.summary.offsetWidth - diffWidth) + 'px';
wikEd.clearSummaryWidth = wikEd.clearSummary.offsetWidth;
// wikEd.InsertChangeHandler: resize fullscreen after changing insert special char selection
wikEd.InsertChangeHandler = function (event) {
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
// wikEd.ResizeWindowHandler: adjust fullscreen frame and summary width after resizing the window
// browser's dynamic table resizing interferes if wikEd is inserted in table (Special:Upload)
wikEd.ResizeWindowHandler = function (event) {
// fullscreen resizing
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
var captchaHeight = wikEd.captchaWrapper.offsetHeight;
var debugHeight = wikEd.debugWrapper.offsetHeight;
var buttonsHeight = wikEd.buttonsWrapper.offsetHeight;
var consoleTopHeight = 0;
if (wikEd.consoleTopWrapper !== null) {
consoleTopHeight = wikEd.consoleTopWrapper.offsetHeight;
var consoleHeight = wikEd.consoleWrapper.offsetHeight;
var insertHeight = 0;
if (wikEd.insertWrapper !== null) {
insertHeight = wikEd.insertWrapper.offsetHeight;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
var frameHeight = windowHeight - captchaHeight - debugHeight - buttonsHeight - consoleTopHeight - consoleHeight - insertHeight - wikEd.frameBorderHeight;
if (frameHeight < 100) {
frameHeight = 100;
} = frameHeight + 'px'; = (wikEd.frameWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth) + 'px';
// adjust frame size
else {
wikEd.frameWidth = (wikEd.frameWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth) + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight; = wikEd.frameWidth;
// wikEd.WikiPreviewHandler: event handler for wiki preview: scroll to edit field on double click
wikEd.WikiPreviewHandler = function (event) {
// filter out selecting double clicks on text
var sel = window.getSelection();
// explicitOriginalTarget (Firefox)
var textTarget = event.explicitOriginalTarget;
if (textTarget !== undefined) {
if (textTarget.nodeName == '#text') {
// ignore for non-blank selection
else if ( (sel !== null) && (/^\s*$/.test(sel.toString()) === false) ) {
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));
// wikEd.UnloadHandler: save editing frame to cached textarea
wikEd.UnloadHandler = function (event) {
// update textarea if not already done in submit handlers
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
if (wikEd.textareaUpdated === false) {
// wikEd.SaveButtonHandler: 'Save page' onsubmit click handler for submit button
wikEd.SaveButtonHandler = function (event) {
wikEd.saveButton.removeEventListener('click', wikEd.SaveButtonHandler, true);
// update textarea
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;
// check for interfering scripts or gadgets: mwEmbed for file uploads
if ( (wikEd.editUpload === true) && (window.MW_EMBED_VERSION !== undefined) ) {
wikEd.saveButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.SaveButtonHandler, true);
// add "using wikEd" to summary, not for adding a new section (+ tab)
if (wikEd.summaryText !== null) {
var text = wikEd.summaryText.value;
text = text.replace(/^[, ]+/, '');
text = text.replace(/[, ]+$/, '');
if ( (wikEd.using === true) && (text !== '') ) {
if (text.lastIndexOf(wikEd.config.summaryUsing) < 0) {
if (wikEd.addNewSection !== true) {
text += ' ' + wikEd.config.summaryUsing;
wikEd.summaryText.value = text;
// submit;
// reinstate handler in case the browser back button will be used
wikEd.saveButton.addEventListener('click', wikEd.SaveButtonHandler, true);
// wikEd.PreviewButtonHandler: 'Show preview' click handler
wikEd.PreviewButtonHandler = function (event) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;
// wikEd.DiffPreviewButtonHandler: 'Show changes' click handler
wikEd.DiffPreviewButtonHandler = function (event) {
// interrupt fullscreen mode
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;
// wikEd.LinkifyHandler: open innermost highlighted link in new window/tab on ctrl/meta-click
wikEd.LinkifyHandler = function (event) {
if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && ( (event.ctrlKey === true) || (event.metaKey === true) ) && (event.altKey === false) ) {
var node =;
while (node !== null) {
var id =;
if ( (id !== null) && (id.indexOf('wikEdWikiLink') === 0) ) {
if (, id) === true) {
var linkUrl = wikEd.wikiLinks[id].url;
node = node.parentNode;
// wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler: click, mouseover handler, see also wikEd.ButtonBarInit()
wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler = function (event) {
var grip =;
var gripWrapper = grip.parentNode;
var buttonsWrapper = gripWrapper.nextSibling;
var barInnerWrapper = gripWrapper.parentNode;
var bar = barInnerWrapper.parentNode;
if (event.type == 'click') { = 'static';
// hide the buttons bar
if (buttonsWrapper.className != 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden') {
buttonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden';
barInnerWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperHidden';
gripWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperHidden';
wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth[] = buttonsWrapper.offsetWidth; = 'none';
grip.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
wikEd.SetPersistent( + 'Hidden', '1', 0, '/');
// unhide the buttons bar
else {
buttonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperVisible';
barInnerWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperVisible';
gripWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperVisible'; = 'block';
grip.removeEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, false);
wikEd.SetPersistent( + 'Hidden', '0', 0, '/');
// show the buttons bar on mouseover
else if (event.type == 'mouseover') {
if (buttonsWrapper.className == 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden') {
bar.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.ButtonBarHandler, false);
// browsers sometimes give offsetTop/offsetLeft - 1, + 0.5 seems to help
// show buttons to the right
if (bar.offsetParent.clientWidth > grip.offsetLeft + grip.offsetWidth + wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth[] + 0.5) { = (grip.offsetLeft + grip.offsetWidth + 0.5) + 'px';
// show buttons to the left
else { = (gripWrapper.offsetLeft - wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth[] + 0.5) + 'px';
} = (gripWrapper.offsetTop + 0.5) + 'px'; = 'absolute'; = 'block';
// wikEd.ButtonBarHandler: mouseout handler
wikEd.ButtonBarHandler = function (event) {
var bar = event.currentTarget;
var barInnerWrapper = bar.firstChild;
var gripWrapper = barInnerWrapper.firstChild;
var grip = gripWrapper.firstChild;
var buttonsWrapper = gripWrapper.nextSibling;
var buttons = buttonsWrapper.firstChild;
// hide the buttons
if (event.type == 'mouseout') {
if (buttonsWrapper.className == 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden') {
// filter the events for mouseouts actually leaving the bar
if (
( ( == grip) || ( == gripWrapper) ) &&
(event.relatedTarget != gripWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != buttonsWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget.parentNode != buttons)
) ||
( ( == buttons) || ( == buttons) || ( == buttons) || ( == buttonsWrapper) ) &&
(event.relatedTarget.parentNode.parentNode != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget.parentNode != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget != buttons) && (event.relatedTarget != buttonsWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != gripWrapper) && (event.relatedTarget != grip)
) {
bar.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.ButtonBarHandler, false); = 'none'; = 'static';
// clear the summary click handler
wikEd.ClearSummaryHandler = function (event) {
// clear the summary if it is only a paragraph name
if ( /^\/\* .*? \*\/ *$/.test(wikEd.summaryText.value) === true) {
wikEd.summaryText.value = '';
// clear the summary but leave paragraph names
else {
wikEd.summaryText.value = wikEd.summaryText.value.replace(/^((\/\* .*? \*\/ *)?).*()/,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
if (p1.length > 0) {
p1 = p1 + ' ';
return p1;
// wikEd.FindReplaceHandler: find and replace: tab and shift-tab between fields, select on focus
wikEd.FindReplaceHandler = function (event) {
// tab / shift-tab between fields
if (event.type == 'keydown') {
if (event.keyCode == 9) {
if ( == wikEd.findText) {
wikEd.replaceText.removeEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
wikEd.replaceText.addEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
else if ( == wikEd.replaceText) {
wikEd.findText.removeEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
wikEd.findText.addEventListener('focus', wikEd.FindReplaceHandler, true);
// select on focus
else if (event.type == 'focus') {, this.textLength);
// wikEd.KeyFrameHandler: event handler for key and mouse events in the frame
wikEd.KeyFrameHandler = function (event) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
// textarea no longer up to date
if ( event.type == 'paste' ) {
wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;
// invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted text and textarea status for printable char key presses
else if ( (event.type == 'keydown') || (event.type == 'keypress') ) {
switch (event.keyCode) {
// keys that do not change text
case 16: // shift
case 17: // ctrl
case 18: // alt
case 19: // pause/break
case 20: // caps lock
case 33: // page up
case 34: // page down
case 35: // end
case 36: // home
case 37: // left
case 38: // up
case 39: // right
case 40: // down
case 45: // insert
case 91: // windows left
case 91: // windows right
case 93: // select
case 112: // F1
case 113: // F2
case 114: // F3
case 115: // F4
case 116: // F5
case 117: // F6
case 118: // F7
case 119: // F8
case 120: // F9
case 121: // F10
case 122: // F11
case 123: // F12
case 144: // num lock
case 145: // scroll lock
case 182: // my computer
case 183: // my calculator
case 224: // apple
// escape ends wikify/textify, all others change text
// textarea no longer up to date
if (event.keyCode !== 27) { // escape
wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;
// invalidate wikify/textify
switch (event.type) {
// keydown event
case 'keydown':
switch (event.keyCode) {
// tab key, switch between form elements instead of adding multiple spaces
case 9:
if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {
// focus the next form element
if (wikEd.addNewSection === true) {
else {
// scroll to text input top
if (wikEd.fullscreen === false) {
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));
// after cursor movements set cursor position into closest highest text node so that highlighting does not bleed out
case 'keyup':
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 17: // ctrl-v
case 46: // del
case 37: // left
case 38: // up
case 33: // page up
case 8: // backspace
wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding({}, null, 'left');
case 39: // right
case 40: // down
case 34: // page down
wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding({}, null, 'right');
case 'click':
// invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted text after selecting text
if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.polling === false) ) {
var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
if (sel.isCollapsed === false) {
// check if clicking into selected pasted text
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
if (range != wikEd.keepSelRange) {
// run through, no break
case 'keypress':
case 'paste':
// grey out inactive buttons
// wikEd.PasteFrameHandler: event handler for paste and drop events in the edit frame
wikEd.PasteFrameHandler = function (event) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd !== true) {
wikEd.paste = null;
var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// ignore if still processing previous event
if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.polling === false) ) {
wikEd.paste = {
eventType: event.type,
atStart: false,
polling: true,
blockStart: false,
blockEnd: false,
pasteAtEndOfLine: false,
offset: null,
prevNode: null,
prevUp: null,
parent: null,
prevNodeIndex: null,
rangeStartNode: null,
rangeStartOffset: null,
rangeStartAfter: null,
last: '',
dropHtml: null,
sel: sel,
range: range
// get position info before event is performed
var startNode = range.startContainer;
var startOffset = range.startOffset;
var endNode = range.endContainer;
var endOffset = range.endOffset;
switch (event.type) {
// drop
case 'drop':
if (event.dataTransfer === undefined) {
wikEd.paste.dropHtml = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/html');
// paste
case 'paste':
// find first previous node up as anchor to recover start node after insertion
// needed to check if pasted content has been added to frame
wikEd.paste.startNode = startNode;
wikEd.paste.startOffset = startOffset;
wikEd.paste.endNode = endNode;
wikEd.paste.endOffset = endOffset;
wikEd.paste.startNodePreviousSibling = startNode.previousSibling;
wikEd.paste.startNodeNextSibling = startNode.nextSibling;
wikEd.paste.endNodePreviousSibling = endNode.previousSibling;
wikEd.paste.endNodeNextSibling = endNode.nextSibling;
// detect and process pasted content in edit frame by polling
wikEd.paste.pollCount = 1;
window.setTimeout(wikEd.PastePoll, 1);
// wikEd.PasteFindPreviousNode: find first previous node up relative to selection as an anchor to recover start node after insertion
wikEd.PasteFindPreviousNode = function () {
var sel = wikEd.paste.sel;
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var node = range.startContainer;
var offset = range.startOffset;
var prevNode = node.previousSibling;
// correct startNode into leaf node
if ( (node.nodeName != '#text') && (offset > 0) ) {
var childs = node.childNodes;
if ( (childs.length > 0) && (offset < childs.length) ) {
node = childs.item(offset);
offset = 0;
prevNode = node.previousSibling;
// test for paste at end of line after br
if ( (node.nodeName == '#text') && (offset == node.textContent.length) ) {
if ( (node.nextSibling !== null) && (node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'BR') ) {
wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine = true;
else if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
// not in empty line
if ( (node.previousSibling === null) || (node.previousSibling.nodeName != 'BR') ) {
wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine = true;
// correct <br> into previous text node
if ( (node.nodeName == 'BR') && (prevNode !== null) && (prevNode.nodeName == '#text') ) {
node = prevNode;
offset = node.textContent.length;
prevNode = node.previousSibling;
// ascend to first node with a previous sibling
var prevUp = 0;
while ( (node != wikEd.frameBody) && (prevNode === null) ) {
node = node.parentNode;
prevUp ++;
prevNode = node.previousSibling;
// save paste location reference to drop object
if ( (node == wikEd.frameBody) && (offset === 0) ) {
wikEd.paste.atStart = true;
else {
wikEd.paste.offset = offset;
wikEd.paste.prevNode = prevNode;
wikEd.paste.prevUp = prevUp;
// find prevNode index
wikEd.paste.parent = prevNode.parentNode;
wikEd.paste.prevNodeIndex = null;
var parentNodes = wikEd.paste.parent.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < parentNodes.length; i ++) {
if (prevNode === parentNodes.item(i)) {
wikEd.paste.prevNodeIndex = i;
// wikEd.PastePoll: detect and process pasted content in edit frame by polling
wikEd.PastePoll = function () {
if (wikEd.paste === null) {
if (wikEd.paste.pollCount > 100) {
wikEd.paste = null;
var sel = wikEd.paste.sel;
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var startNode = range.startContainer;
var startOffset = range.startOffset;
var endNode = range.endContainer;
var endOffset = range.endOffset;
// check if pasted content has already been added to frame
if (
(startNode === wikEd.paste.startNode) &&
(startOffset === wikEd.paste.startOffset) &&
(endNode === wikEd.paste.endNode) &&
(endOffset === wikEd.paste.endOffset) &&
(startNode.previousSibling === wikEd.paste.startNodePreviousSibling) &&
(startNode.nextSibling === wikEd.paste.startNodeNextSibling) &&
(endNode.previousSibling === wikEd.paste.endNodePreviousSibling) &&
(endNode.nextSibling === wikEd.paste.endNodeNextSibling)
) {
// schedule next poll, typically requires only one or two polls
wikEd.paste.pollCount ++;
window.setTimeout(wikEd.PastePoll, 1);
wikEd.paste.polling = false;
// select dropped or pasted text; Chrome selects pasted text automatically
if (range.collapsed === true) {
switch (wikEd.paste.eventType) {
// drop
case 'drop':
if (wikEd.paste.dropHtml !== null) {
// plainTextify dropHtml
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = wikEd.paste.dropHtml;
var obj = {};
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, div);
var plainText = obj.plain;
plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// select using backwards built-in find
if ( (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find == 'function') && (plainText.length > 0) ) {
// Chrome (but keeps selection in first place)
var found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, true, false, false);
// Firefox (removes \n)
if (found === false) {
var plainTextCrop = plainText.replace(/\n+/g, '');
found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainTextCrop, true, true, false, false);
if (found === true) {
// extend selection into removed \n
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// extend left
var regExpMatchStart = /^\n+/.exec(plainText);
if (regExpMatchStart !== null) {
var newlines = regExpMatchStart[0].length;
var node = range.startContainer;
var offset = range.startOffset;
if ( (node.nodeName == '#text') && (offset === 0) ) {
for (var i = 0; i < newlines; i ++) {
var nextNode = node.previousSibling;
if ( (nextNode === null) || (nextNode.nodeName != 'BR') ) {
node = nextNode;
if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
// extend right
var regExpMatchEnd = /\n+$/.exec(plainText);
if (regExpMatchEnd !== null) {
var newlines = regExpMatchEnd[0].length;
var node = range.endContainer;
var offset = range.endOffset;
if ( (node.nodeName == '#text') && (offset == node.textContent.length) ) {
for (var i = 0; i < newlines; i ++) {
var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
if ( (nextNode === null) || (nextNode.nodeName != 'BR') ) {
node = nextNode;
if (node.nodeName == 'BR') {
// paste
case 'paste':
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
wikEd.paste.range = range.cloneRange();
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdPasting');
if (wikEd.paste === null) {
// display floating pasted toolbar
if (range.getClientRects === undefined) { = '1px'; = '1px';
// get cursor rectangle position
else {
var barWidth = wikEd.buttonBarPasted.offsetWidth;
var barHeight = wikEd.buttonBarPasted.offsetHeight;
// extend collapsed caret range to start, get last line coords
range.setStart(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
var rectList = range.getClientRects();
var rect = rectList[rectList.length - 1];
// vertical pos
if (rect.bottom + barHeight <= parseInt(wikEd.frameHeight)) { = rect.bottom + 'px';
else { = '1px';
// horizontal pos
if (rect.right + barWidth <= parseInt(wikEd.frameWidth)) { = rect.right + 'px';
else { = '1px';
// remove selection
// wikEd.SelectPasted: select pasted text
// does not work good for Chromium that normalizes ranges into text nodes, see
wikEd.SelectPasted = function () {
var sel = wikEd.paste.sel;
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
// insert at start
if (wikEd.paste.atStart === true) {
range.setStart(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
// recover start node from saved previous node
else {
var offset = wikEd.paste.offset;
// reverse navigate back down to start node, start at prevNode, then descend prevUp levels
var preStartNode = null;
var prevNode = wikEd.paste.prevNode;
// node has been replaced
if (prevNode.parentNode === null) {
prevNode = wikEd.paste.parent.childNodes.item(wikEd.paste.prevNodeIndex);
wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine = false;
var node = prevNode;
var up = wikEd.paste.prevUp;
if (node.nextSibling !== null) {
node = node.nextSibling;
for (var i = 0; i < up; i ++) {
var child = node.firstChild;
if (child === null) {
wikEd.paste = null;
node = child;
preStartNode = node;
// move up to first next node when element has been inserted at top level
else {
while ( (node.nextSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
preStartNode = node.nextSibling;
// set range start
if (preStartNode.nodeName == '#text') {
range.setStart(preStartNode, offset);
// start after prevNode
else {
// needed for Chrome
// check if range starts with a block
var node = range.startContainer;
var offset = range.startOffset;
// before or after text in textnode
if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
// get first insert parent with left sibling, from inside the insert up
if (offset === 0) {
while ( (node.previousSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
node = node.parentNode;
// find first insert sibling to right, from ouside into insert
else if (offset == node.textContent.length) {
while ( (node.nextSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
node = node.nextSibling;
if (wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine === true) {
node = node.nextSibling;
// check if block element
if ( (node !== null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') && (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
if (wikEd.frameWindow.getComputedStyle(node).getPropertyValue('display') == 'block') {
wikEd.paste.blockStart = true;
// check if range ends with a block
var node = range.endContainer;
var offset = range.endOffset;
// before or after text in textnode
if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
// get first insert parent with right sibling, from inside the insert up
if (offset == node.textContent.length) {
while ( (node.nextSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
node = node.parentNode;
// find first insert sibling to left, from ouside into insert
else if (offset === 0) {
while ( (node.previousSibling === null) && (node.nodeName != 'BODY') ) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node.nodeName != 'BODY') {
node = node.previousSibling;
// check if block element
if ( (node.nodeName != 'BODY') && (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
if (wikEd.GetStyle(node, 'display') == 'block') {
wikEd.paste.blockEnd = true;
// return if no content is selected
if (range.collapsed === true) {
wikEd.paste = null;
// wikEd.PastedSwitch: set wikify/textify indicator after pasting wikified text
wikEd.PastedSwitch = function () {
if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {
else {
if (wikEd.paste.last == 'wikify') {
document.getElementById('wikEdPastedTextify').className = 'wikEdButton';
document.getElementById('wikEdPastedWikify').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
else if (wikEd.paste.last == 'textify') {
document.getElementById('wikEdPastedTextify').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
document.getElementById('wikEdPastedWikify').className = 'wikEdButton';
document.getElementById('wikEdPastedTextify').style.cursor = '';
document.getElementById('wikEdPastedWikify').style.cursor = ''; = 'visible';
// show text selection when mouse hovers over bar
wikEd.buttonBarPasted.addEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, true);
// wikEd.PastedOff: invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted wikified text
wikEd.PastedOff = function () {
wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseleave', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
wikEd.paste = null; = 'hidden';
// wikEd.PastedClose: handler for pastedClose button on floating paste button bar
wikEd.PastedClose = function () {
var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
// wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler: show text selection when mouse hovers over floating paste button bar
wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler = function (event) {
if ( == wikEd.buttonBarPasted) {
// add selection
if (event.type == 'mouseenter') {
wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.sel !== null) && (wikEd.paste.range !== null) ) {
wikEd.buttonBarPasted.addEventListener('mouseleave', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
// remove selection
else if (event.type == 'mouseleave') {
wikEd.buttonBarPasted.removeEventListener('mouseleave', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (wikEd.paste.sel !== null) ) {
wikEd.buttonBarPasted.addEventListener('mouseenter', wikEd.ButtonBarPastedHandler, false);
// wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding: set cursor position into closest highest text node so that highlighting does not bleed out
// does not work under Google Chrome that forces the cursor into the previous node
wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding = function (obj, editButtonInsert, direction) {
// check if disabled
if (wikEd.config.antiHighlightBleeding !== true) {
// get selection object
if (obj.sel === undefined) {
obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
// only if no text is selected
var range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
if ( (obj.sel.isCollapsed !== true) || (range.collapsed !== true) ) {
// get focus node
var focusNode = obj.sel.focusNode;
var focusOffset = obj.sel.focusOffset;
if (focusNode === null) {
// correct focusNode into leaf node
if ( (focusNode.childNodes !== null) && (focusNode.childNodes.length > 0) ) {
if (focusOffset < focusNode.childNodes.length) {
focusNode = focusNode.childNodes.item(focusOffset);
focusOffset = 0;
// pasting behind "<br>: " (list)
else {
focusNode = focusNode.childNodes.item(focusOffset - 1);
focusOffset = focusNode.childNodes.length;
if (focusNode.tagName != 'BR') {
range.setStart(focusNode, focusOffset);
range.setEnd(focusNode, focusOffset);
// do not further correct if focus is linebreak if key but not if edit button
if ( (focusNode.tagName == 'BR') && (editButtonInsert !== true) ) {
// do not leave opened hide box (refs, templates, charents, and table code)
var node = focusNode;
var hidden = false;
while (node !== null) {
if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Show$/.test(node.className) === true) {
// detect hidden node
if (
( (wikEd.refHide === true) && (/^((wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table))|(wikEdTableBR))$/.test(node.className) === true) ) ||
(/^(wikEdScroll(Before|After))$/.test(node.className) === true)
) {
focusNode = node;
hidden = true;
node = node.parentNode;
// detect start of text
var startOfText = false;
if (focusOffset === 0) {
startOfText = true;
var node = focusNode;
while ( (node !== null) && (node != wikEd.frameBody) ) {
if (node.previousSibling !== null) {
startOfText = false;
node = node.parentNode;
if (startOfText === true) {
// get next text-like node to the left if we are not in the middle of a text node
var leftNode = focusNode;
var leftLevel = 0;
if ( (focusNode.nodeName != '#text') || (focusOffset === 0) || (hidden === true) ) {
var objLeft = {
'backwards': true
wikEd.GetNextTextNode(objLeft, focusNode, 0);
if (objLeft.foundNode !== undefined) {
leftNode = objLeft.foundNode;
leftLevel = objLeft.foundLevel;
// get next text-like node to the right if we are not in the middle of a text node
var rightNode = focusNode;
var rightLevel = 0;
if ( (focusNode.nodeName != '#text') || (focusOffset == focusNode.textContent.length) || (hidden === true) ) {
var objRight = {
'backwards': false
wikEd.GetNextTextNode(objRight, focusNode, 0);
if (objRight.foundNode !== undefined) {
rightNode = objRight.foundNode;
rightLevel = objRight.foundLevel;
// check if we need to correct the focus node to higher level text-like node
var correctTo = '';
if (leftNode != rightNode) {
// get out of hidden element
if (hidden === true) {
// direction
if ( (direction == 'right') && (rightNode !== null) ) {
correctTo = 'right';
else if ( (direction == 'left') && (leftNode !== null) ) {
correctTo = 'left';
// right, left
else if (rightNode !== null) {
correctTo = 'right';
else if (leftNode !== null) {
correctTo = 'left';
// BR
else if ( (focusNode.tagName == 'BR') && (editButtonInsert === true) ) {
correctTo = 'left';
// correct into heighest neighboring node
else if ( (leftNode !== null) && (leftLevel > rightLevel) && (leftNode != focusNode) ) {
correctTo = 'left';
else if ( (rightNode !== null) && (leftLevel < rightLevel) && (rightNode != focusNode) ) {
correctTo = 'right';
// same level, set focus outside tag markups: [ [[ | || <
else if ( (leftNode !== null) && (rightNode !== null) && (leftLevel == rightLevel) ) {
// get class names
var leftClass = '';
if (leftNode.nodeName == '#text') {
leftClass = leftNode.parentNode.className;
else {
leftClass = leftNode.className;
var rightClass = '';
if (rightNode.nodeName == '#text') {
rightClass = rightNode.parentNode.className;
else {
rightClass = rightNode.className;
// class names contains 'Tag'
if ( (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(leftClass) !== true) && (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(rightClass) === true) && (leftNode != focusNode) ) {
correctTo = 'left';
else if ( (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(leftClass) === true) && (/wikEd.*?Tag/.test(rightClass) !== true) && (rightNode != focusNode) ) {
correctTo = 'right';
// set focus to the next left node
if (correctTo == 'left') {
var node;
// insert new text node after linebreak and focus
if (leftNode.tagName == 'BR') {
node = wikEd.frameDocument.createTextNode('');
leftNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, leftNode.nextSibling);
range.setStart(node, 0);
range.setEnd(node, 0);
else {
node = leftNode;
if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
range.setStart(node, node.textContent.length);
range.setEnd(node, node.textContent.length);
else {
// set focus to the next right node
else if (correctTo == 'right') {
var node;
// insert new text node before linebreak
if (rightNode.tagName == 'BR') {
var node = wikEd.frameDocument.createTextNode('');
rightNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, rightNode);
range.setStart(node, 0);
range.setEnd(node, 0);
else {
node = rightNode;
if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
range.setStart(node, 0);
range.setEnd(node, 0);
else {
// wikEd.ResizeGripLoadHandler: event handler to determine grip background image size
wikEd.ResizeGripLoadHandler = function (event) {
wikEd.resizeGripWidth = event.currentTarget.width;
wikEd.resizeGripHeight = event.currentTarget.height;
// wikEd.ResizeGripHandler: event handler for mouse over resize grip background image
wikEd.ResizeGripHandler = function (event) {
// Firefox bug during startup ("wikEd is not defined")
if (wikEd === undefined) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
if (event.type == 'mousemove') {
if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {
// move into grip
if (wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip === false) {
if (event.clientY >= wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) {
if (event.clientX >= wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth) {
if ( (event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) && (event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) ) {
wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip = true;
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) { = 'alias';
else {
wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('mousedown', wikEd.ResizeStartHandler, true); = 'move';
// move out of grip
else if (wikEd.resizeFrameActive === false) {
if (
(event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) ||
(event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth)
) {
wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip = false;
wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mousedown', wikEd.ResizeStartHandler, true); = 'auto';
// wikEd.ResizeStartHandler: event handler to start the resizing of the editing frame
wikEd.ResizeStartHandler = function (event) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
if ( (event.type == 'mousedown') && (event.button === 0) ) {
if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {
if (event.clientY >= wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) {
if (event.clientX >= wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth) {
if ( (event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) && (event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) ) {
wikEd.resizeFrameActive = true;
wikEd.resizeFramePageYStart = event.pageY;
wikEd.resizeFramePageXStart = event.pageX;
wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetHeight = wikEd.frame.offsetHeight;
wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetWidth = wikEd.frame.offsetWidth;
wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame, true);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument, true);
// wikEd.ResizeStopHandler: event handler to stop the resizing of the editing frame
wikEd.ResizeStopHandler = function (event) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
if ( (event === undefined) || (event.type == 'mouseup') ) {
wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', wikEd.ResizeStopHandler, true);
wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame, true);
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument, true);
if (
(event === undefined) ||
(event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) ||
(event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth)
) {
wikEd.resizeFrameMouseOverGrip = false;
wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('mousedown', wikEd.ResizeStartHandler, true); = 'auto';
wikEd.resizeFrameActive = false;
// wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame: event handler for editing frame resizing by mouse dragging (frame event)
wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerFrame = function (event) {
if (event.type == 'mousemove') {
var diffY = event.pageY - wikEd.resizeFramePageYStart;
var diffX = event.pageX - wikEd.resizeFramePageXStart;
var frameHeightNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetHeight + diffY;
var frameWidthNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetWidth + diffX;
if (frameHeightNew >= 100) {
wikEd.frameHeight = frameHeightNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight;
if (frameWidthNew >= 100) {
wikEd.frameWidth = frameWidthNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameWidth;
// wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument: event handler for editing frame resizing by mouse dragging (document event)
wikEd.ResizeDragHandlerDocument = function (event) {
if (event.type == 'mousemove') {
var diffY = event.pageY - wikEd.resizeFramePageYStart - wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.frame);
var diffX = event.pageX - wikEd.resizeFramePageXStart - wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(wikEd.frame);
var frameHeightNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetHeight + diffY;
var frameWidthNew = wikEd.resizeFrameOffsetWidth + diffX;
if (frameHeightNew >= 100) {
wikEd.frameHeight = frameHeightNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight;
if (frameWidthNew >= 100) {
wikEd.frameWidth = frameWidthNew + 'px'; = wikEd.frameWidth;
// wikEd.ResizeFrameResetHandler: event handler to reset the editing frame size
wikEd.ResizeFrameResetHandler = function (event) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
if (event.type == 'dblclick') {
if ( (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === false) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {
if (event.clientY > wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight - wikEd.resizeGripHeight) {
if (event.clientX > wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth - wikEd.resizeGripWidth) {
if ( (event.clientY < wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) && (event.clientX < wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) ) {
// end fullscreen mode
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
wikEd.FullScreen(false, true);
// reset size to default
wikEd.frameHeight = (wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial - wikEd.frameBorderHeight) + 'px';
wikEd.frameWidth = (wikEd.editorWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth) + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight; = wikEd.frameWidth;
// end resizing
// wikEd.DebugHandler: event handler for debug textarea: clear (double click) or hide (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)
wikEd.DebugHandler = function (event) {
if ( (event.shiftKey === true) || (event.ctrlKey === true) || (event.altKey === true) || (event.metaKey === true) ) { = 'none';
wikEd.debugOpen = false;
// resize fullscreen frame
if (wikEd.fullScreenMode === true) {
else {
wikEd.debug.value = '';
// wikEd.PrevWrapperHandler: event handler for preview box: scroll to edit field (double click) or close (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)
wikEd.PrevWrapperHandler = function (event) {
// close (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)
if ( (event.shiftKey === true) || (event.ctrlKey === true) || (event.altKey === true) || (event.metaKey === true) ) { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'auto';
// reinstate interrupted fullscreen mode
if (wikEd.fullScreenMode === true) {
// scroll to edit field (double click)
else {
// filter out selecting double clicks on text
var sel = window.getSelection();
// explicitOriginalTarget (Firefox)
var textTarget = event.explicitOriginalTarget;
if (textTarget !== undefined) {
if (textTarget.nodeName == '#text') {
// ignore for non-blank selection
else if ( (sel !== null) && (/^\s*$/.test(sel.toString()) === false) ) {
// scroll to edit field
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));
// wikEd.SetLogo: set the logo on top of the page
wikEd.SetLogo = function (state, parameter) {
var src = '';
var alt = '';
var title = '';
if (state == 'error') {
src = wikEd.config.image['error'];
alt = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo error alt'];
title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo error title'];
else if (state == 'browser') {
src = wikEd.config.image['browser'];
alt = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo browser alt'];
title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo browser title'];
else if (state == 'incompatible') {
src = wikEd.config.image['incompatible'];
alt = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo incompatible alt'];
title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo incompatible title'];
else {
if (wikEd.disabled === true) {
src = wikEd.config.image['disabled'];
alt = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo disabled alt'];
title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo disabled title'];
else if (wikEd.testVersion === true) {
src = wikEd.config.image['testVersion'];
alt = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo testVersion alt'];
title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo testVersion title'];
else {
src = wikEd.config.image['logo'];
alt = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo alt'];
title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdLogo title'];
if (parameter !== undefined) {
title = title.replace(/\{wikEdParameter\}/g, parameter);
title = title.replace(/\{wikEdProgramVersion\}/g, wikEd.programVersion + wikEd.installationType);
title = title.replace(/\{wikEdProgramDate\}/g, wikEd.programDate);
wikEd.logo.src = src;
wikEd.logo.alt = alt;
wikEd.logo.title = title;
// wikEd.MakeButtonBar: generate button bar div element
wikEd.MakeButtonBar = function (bar) {
// id outer, class outer, id inner, class inner, alt, button numbers
var barId = bar[0];
var barClass = bar[1];
var buttonsId = bar[2];
var buttonsClass = bar[3];
var barHeight = bar[4];
var gripTitle = bar[5];
var buttonNumbers = bar[6];
var barTitle = bar[7];
// collect the buttons
var buttons = '';
for (var i = 0; i < buttonNumbers.length; i ++) {
var buttonNo = buttonNumbers[i];
switch (buttonNo) {
case 'br':
buttons += '<br>';
case 'find':
buttons += '<span class="wikEdFindComboInput" id="wikEdFindComboInput">';
buttons += '<input class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdFindText" type="text" value="">';
buttons += '<select class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdFindSelect">';
buttons += '</select>';
buttons += '</span>';
case 'replace':
buttons += '<span class="wikEdReplaceComboInput" id="wikEdReplaceComboInput">';
buttons += '<input class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdReplaceText" type="text" value="">';
buttons += '<select class="wikEdCombo" id="wikEdReplaceSelect">';
buttons += '</select>';
buttons += '</span>';
var currButton = wikEd.config.button[buttonNo];
if (typeof currButton != 'object') {
window.alert('Loading error: The button "' + buttonNumbers[i] + '" is not defined.');
if ( (currButton[0] == 'wikEdSource') && (wikEd.config.showSourceButton !== true) && (wikEd.config.debug !== true) ) {
else if ( (currButton[0] == 'wikEdUsing') && (wikEd.config.showUsingButton !== true) ) {
else if ( (currButton[0] == 'wikEdTableMode') && (wikEd.config.showTableModeButton !== true) ) {
// add button html code
buttons += wikEd.MakeButtonCode(buttonNo);
// create the button bar div
var div = document.createElement('div'); = barId;
div.className = barClass;
if ( (barTitle !== undefined) && (barTitle !== '') ) {
barTitle = barTitle.replace(/\{wikEdProgramVersion\}/g, wikEd.programVersion + wikEd.installationType);
barTitle = barTitle.replace(/\{wikEdProgramDate\}/g, wikEd.programDate);
div.title = barTitle;
var buttonsStyle = '';
if (barHeight > 0) {
buttonsStyle = ' style="height: ' + barHeight + 'px;"';
// make a grip bar
var html = '';
if (gripTitle !== null) {
var gripStyle = 'width: ' + wikEd.config.buttonBarGripWidth + 'px; ';
if (barHeight > 0) {
gripStyle += 'height: ' + barHeight + 'px; ';
if (gripStyle.length > 0){
gripStyle = ' style="' + gripStyle + '"';
html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperVisible" style="height: ' + barHeight + 'px;">';
html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperVisible">';
html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarGrip"' + gripStyle + ' title="' + gripTitle + '">';
html += '&nbsp;';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperVisible"' + buttonsStyle + '>';
html += '<div id="' + buttonsId + '" class="' + buttonsClass + '" style="">';
html += buttons;
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
// make a standard no-grip bar
else {
html += '<div id="' + buttonsId + '" class="' + buttonsClass + '"' + buttonsStyle + '>';
html += buttons;
html += '</div>';
div.innerHTML = html;
return div;
// wikEd.MakeButtonCode: create button code and register
wikEd.MakeButtonCode = function (buttonNo, type) {
var currButton = wikEd.config.button[buttonNo];
// add accesskey information to button title
var accessKey = '';
if (wikEd.config.buttonKey[buttonNo] !== undefined) {
accessKey = ' [' + wikEd.config.text['alt-shift'] + wikEd.config.buttonKey[buttonNo][0] + ']';
// initialize wikEd.buttonKeyCode[keyCode] = id
wikEd.buttonKeyCode[ (wikEd.config.buttonKey[buttonNo][1]) ] = currButton[0];
// add button html code
var html;
if (type == 'button') {
html = '<button type="button" id="' + currButton[0] + '" class="' + currButton[1] + '" title="' + currButton[2] + accessKey +'"><img src="' + currButton[3] + '" width="' + currButton[4] + '" height="' + currButton[5] + '" alt="' + currButton[6] + '"></button>';
else {
html = '<img id="' + currButton[0] + '" class="' + currButton[1] + '" title="' + currButton[2] + accessKey +'" src="' + currButton[3] + '" width="' + currButton[4] + '" height="' + currButton[5] + '" alt="' + currButton[6] + '">';
// collect click event info
wikEd.editButtonHandler[ currButton[0] ] = currButton[7];
return html;
// wikEd.ButtonBarInit: hide buttons bar, see also wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler()
wikEd.ButtonBarInit = function (bar) {
if (wikEd.GetSavedSetting( + 'Hidden') === true) {
var barInnerWrapper = bar.firstChild;
var gripWrapper = barInnerWrapper.firstChild;
var grip = gripWrapper.firstChild;
var buttonsWrapper = gripWrapper.nextSibling;
barInnerWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarInnerWrapperHidden';
gripWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarGripWrapperHidden';
buttonsWrapper.className = 'wikEdButtonBarButtonsWrapperHidden';
wikEd.buttonsWrapperWidth[] = buttonsWrapper.offsetWidth; = 'none';
grip.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.ButtonBarGripHandler, true);
// wikEd.SetEditArea: apply css changes to switch between classic textarea and rich text frame
wikEd.SetEditArea = function (useFrame, notFrame) {
var scrollRatio = null;
// turn rich text frame on
if (useFrame === true) {
scrollRatio = wikEd.textarea.scrollTop / wikEd.textarea.scrollHeight;
// remember resized textarea dimensions
wikEd.textareaHeight = (wikEd.textarea.offsetHeight - wikEd.textareaBorderHeight) + 'px';
wikEd.textareaWidth = '100%'; = 'absolute'; = 'hidden'; = 'none';
if (notFrame !== true) { = 'static'; = 'visible'; = 'block';
// set visibility of native toolbar
if (wikEd.closeToolbar === true) { = 'none';
else { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarFormat !== null) { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarTextify !== null) { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom1 !== null) { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarFind !== null) { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarFix !== null) { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom2 !== null) { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarControl !== null) { = 'block';
wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = scrollRatio * wikEd.frameBody.scrollHeight;
// turn classic textarea on
else {
scrollRatio = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop / wikEd.frameBody.scrollHeight;
if (notFrame !== true) {
// get resized frame dimensions for textarea
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
wikEd.textareaHeight = wikEd.frameHeight;
wikEd.textareaWidth = '100%';
} = 'absolute'; = 'hidden';
// Mozilla or wikEd bug: <br> insertion before text a while after setting display to 'none', test with setTimeout('alert(wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML)', 1000);
// = 'none';
} = 'static'; = 'visible'; = wikEd.textareaHeight; = wikEd.textareaWidth; = 'block';
// force visibility of native toolbar
if (wikEd.toolbarWrapper !== null) { = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarFormat !== null) { = 'none';
if (wikEd.buttonBarTextify !== null) { = 'none';
if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom1 !== null) { = 'none';
if (wikEd.buttonBarFind !== null) { = 'none';
if (wikEd.buttonBarFix !== null) { = 'none';
if (wikEd.buttonBarCustom2 !== null) { = 'none';
if (wikEd.buttonBarControl !== null) { = 'block';
wikEd.textarea.scrollTop = scrollRatio * wikEd.textarea.scrollHeight;
// wikEd.Button: toggle or set button checked state
// used for buttons that do not require nor change the text. Faster than wikEd.EditButton()
wikEd.Button = function (buttonObj, buttonId, toggleButton, setButton, classButton, doButton) {
if (buttonObj !== null) {
// check if the button is disabled
if (buttonObj.className == 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
// set button to pressed, set cursor to hourglass = 'wait';
// init the button
if (setButton === false) {
buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', false);
if (classButton === undefined) {
buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonUnchecked';
else if (setButton === true) {
buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', true);
if (classButton === undefined) {
buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';
else if (typeof classButton == 'string') {
buttonObj.className = classButton;
else {
doButton = true;
// toggle the button
if (toggleButton === true) {
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') === 'true') {
buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', false);
buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonUnchecked';
else {
buttonObj.setAttribute('checked', true);
buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';
// perform specific actions
var focusFrame = false;
if (doButton === true) {
// textarea no longer up to date
wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;
// remove active content
wikEd.RemoveElements(['script', 'object', 'applet', 'embed']);
switch (buttonId) {
// switch between syntax highlighting and plain text
case 'wikEdHighlightSyntax':
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
wikEd.highlightSyntax = true;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSyntaxOff', '0', 0, '/');
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodyNewbie';
else {
wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodySyntax';
else {
wikEd.highlightSyntax = false;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSyntaxOff', '1', 0, '/');
wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodyPlain';
// do not keep whole text selected
wikEd.EditButton( null, 'wikEdUpdateAll', {'keepSel': false} );
// table mode button
case 'wikEdTableMode':
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') != 'true') {
wikEd.tableMode = false;
wikEd.EditButton( null, 'wikEdUpdateAll', {'keepSel': false} );
else {
wikEd.tableMode = true;
wikEd.EditButton( null, 'wikEdUpdateAll', {'keepSel': false} );
// align textbox with display top
case 'wikEdScrollToPreview':
case 'wikEdScrollToPreview2':
case 'wikEdScrollToPreview3':
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.submitWrapper));
focusFrame = true;
// align edit buttons with display top
case 'wikEdScrollToEdit':
case 'wikEdScrollToEdit2':
case 'wikEdScrollToEdit3':
case 'wikEdScrollToEdit4':
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper));
focusFrame = true;
// cycle through different font sizes
case 'wikEdTextZoomDown':
wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSize / 1.2;
if (wikEd.textSize < wikEd.textSizeInit / 1.2 / 1.2) {
wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSizeInit * 1.2 * 1.2;
} = wikEd.textSize + 'px';
focusFrame = true;
// cycle through different font sizes
case 'wikEdTextZoomUp':
wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSize * 1.2;
if (wikEd.textSize > wikEd.textSizeInit * 1.2 * 1.2) {
wikEd.textSize = wikEd.textSizeInit / 1.2 / 1.2;
} = wikEd.textSize + 'px';
focusFrame = true;
// display local preview box
case 'wikEdLocalPreview':
focusFrame = true;
// display local diff box
case 'wikEdLocalDiff':
if (WikEdDiff === undefined) {
wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML = '<div class="wikEdPreviewDiffError">' + wikEd.config.text.diffNotLoaded + '</div>'; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'block';
// interrupt fullscreen mode
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
// display diff, keep wrapper height to prevent scrolling
var previewHeight = wikEd.localPrevWrapper.offsetHeight;
if ( ( (wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML !== '') || (wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML !== '') ) && (previewHeight > 0) ) { = previewHeight + 'px';
if (wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML === '') {
wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML = wikEd.config.text.wikEdPreviewLoading;
} = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'block';
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
// add trailing newline
var currentVersion = wikEd.textarea.value;
// call external diff program
wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML = wikEd.DiffResponse(wikEd.origVersion, currentVersion);
// scroll to button, textarea, or preview field
// run scheduled custom functions
// close the preview and diff boxes
case 'wikEdClose':
case 'wikEdClose2':
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper)); = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'auto';
focusFrame = true;
// switch between textarea and frame display
// switching an iframe in design mode immediately after initialization between absolute/static may crash mozilla
case 'wikEdUseWikEd':
// enble wikEd
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
wikEd.useWikEd = true;
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdUseClassic', '0', 0, '/');
// update frame content
// display rich text frame
// run scheduled custom functions
// turn classic textarea on, disable wikEd
else {
// update frame content
// display on textarea
wikEd.useWikEd = false;
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdUseClassic', '1', 0, '/');
// run scheduled custom functions
// update fullscreen
wikEd.FullScreen(wikEd.fullScreenMode, true);
// add "using wikEd" to summaries
case 'wikEdUsing':
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
wikEd.using = true;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSummaryUsing', '1', 0, '/');
else {
wikEd.using = false;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdSummaryUsing', '0', 0, '/');
// hide ref tags
case 'wikEdRefHide':
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
wikEd.refHide = true;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdRefHide', '1', 0, '/');
else {
wikEd.refHide = false;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdRefHide', '0', 0, '/');
if ( (wikEd.config.showTableModeButton === false) && (wikEd.config.tableMode === true) ) {
wikEd.tableMode = wikEd.refHide;
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodyNewbie';
else {
wikEd.frameBody.className = 'wikEdFrameBodySyntax';
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdWikify', 'whole');
// close the toolbar
case 'wikEdCloseToolbar':
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
wikEd.closeToolbar = true; = 'none';
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdCloseToolbar', '1', 0, '/');
else {
wikEd.closeToolbar = false; = 'block';
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdCloseToolbar', '0', 0, '/');
// resize fullscreen frame
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
// just toggle the case sensitive search button
case 'wikEdCaseSensitive':
// just toggle the regexp search button
case 'wikEdRegExp':
// just toggle the find-ahead-as-you-type search button
case 'wikEdFindAhead':
// switch to fullscreen edit area
case 'wikEdFullScreen':
if (buttonObj.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
wikEd.FullScreen(true, true);
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdFullscreen', '1', 0, '/');
else {
wikEd.FullScreen(false, true);
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdFullscreen', '0', 0, '/');
// clear the saved settings for find, replace, and summary history
case 'wikEdClearHistory':
focusFrame = true;
// for testing
case 'wikEdPlaceholder':
// reset cursor to normal
if (buttonObj !== null) { = '';
// Firefox 27 bug workaround to force cursor update
// focus the frame
if ( (wikEd.useWikEd === true) && (focusFrame === true) ) {
// wikEd.EditButton: editing functions
// used for buttons that require or change the text, more time consuming than wikEd.Button()
wikEd.EditButton = function (buttonObj, buttonId, parameters, CustomHandler) {
// check if iframe is enabled
if (wikEd.UseWikEd === false) {
// check if button is disabled
if (buttonObj !== null) {
if (buttonObj.className == 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
// remove active and non-text content
wikEd.RemoveElements(['script', 'object', 'applet', 'embed', 'textarea']);
// select the appropriate text change targets (whole, selection, cursor, focusWord, focusLine, selectionWord, or selectionLine)
var obj = {};
obj.changed = {};
var highlightNoTimeOut = false;
// set cursor position into closest highest text node so that highlighting does not bleed out
wikEd.AntiHighlightBleeding(obj, true);
// textarea no longer up to date
wikEd.textareaUpdated = false;
// invalidate wikify/textify of recently pasted text
if ( (buttonId != 'wikEdPastedWikify') && (buttonId != 'wikEdPastedTextify') && (buttonId != 'wikEdPasting') ) {
// switch the button
switch (buttonId) {
// undo, redo: whole
case 'wikEdUndo':
case 'wikEdRedo':
case 'wikEdUndoAll':
case 'wikEdRedoAll':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// basic wiki character formatting: selection / focusWord / cursor
case 'wikEdBold':
case 'wikEdItalic':
case 'wikEdUnderline':
case 'wikEdStrikethrough':
case 'wikEdNowiki':
case 'wikEdSuperscript':
case 'wikEdSubscript':
case 'wikEdWikiLink':
case 'wikEdWebLink':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusWord');
if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// reference: selection / cursor
case 'wikEdRef':
case 'wikEdRefNamed':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// references and small references: selection / cursor
case 'wikEdReferences':
case 'wikEdReferencesSection':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// signature and name only signature: selection / cursor
case 'wikEdSign':
case 'wikEdSignName':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// character formatting: selection / focusWord / cursor
case 'wikEdCase':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusWord');
if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// multiple line changes: selectionLine / focusLine / cursor
case 'wikEdDecreaseHeading':
case 'wikEdIncreaseHeading':
case 'wikEdIncreaseBulletList':
case 'wikEdDecreaseBulletList':
case 'wikEdIncreaseNumberList':
case 'wikEdDecreaseNumberList':
case 'wikEdIncreaseIndentList':
case 'wikEdDecreaseIndentList':
case 'wikEdDefinitionList':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionLine');
obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusLine');
if (obj.focusLine.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.focusLine;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// sort: selectionLine / focusLine
case 'wikEdSort':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor, selectionLine');
if (obj.selection.plain === '') {
obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
else if (/\n./.test(obj.selection.plain) === false) {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
// image: selectionWord (if text is selected) / cursor
case 'wikEdImage':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionWord');
obj.changed = obj.selectionWord;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// table: selectionLine / cursor
case 'wikEdTable':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionLine');
obj.changed = obj.selectionLine;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusLine');
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// wikify pasted: cursor
case 'wikEdPastedWikify':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'cursor');
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// textify during pasting: selection
case 'wikEdPasting':
// get text, do not wikify
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
obj.changed = obj.selection;
// textify pasted: cursor
case 'wikEdPastedTextify':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'cursor');
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// wikify: selection / whole
case 'wikEdWikify':
if (parameters == 'whole') {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// textify: selection / whole, without wikifying
case 'wikEdTextify':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole', false);
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// redirect: whole
case 'wikEdRedirect':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole, selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain === '') {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selectionWord');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// find and replace: selection / focusWord / cursor
case 'wikEdFindPrev':
case 'wikEdFindNext':
case 'wikEdJumpPrev':
case 'wikEdJumpNext':
case 'wikEdReplacePrev':
case 'wikEdReplaceNext':
case 'wikEdFindAll':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusWord');
if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.focusWord;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// replace all: selection / whole
case 'wikEdReplaceAll':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// fixing buttons: selection / whole
case 'wikEdFixBasic':
case 'wikEdFixUnicode':
case 'wikEdFixAll':
case 'wikEdFixHtml':
case 'wikEdFixRegExTypo':
case 'wikEdFixRedirect':
case 'wikEdFixRedirectReplace':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// fixing buttons: selection / focusPara / cursor
case 'wikEdFixPunct':
case 'wikEdFixMath':
case 'wikEdFixUnits':
case 'wikEdFixDashes':
case 'wikEdFixCaps':
case 'wikEdFixChem':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusPara');
if (obj.focusPara.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.focusPara;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// fixing buttons: selection / focusLine / cursor
case 'wikEdFixChem':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'focusLine');
if (obj.focusPara.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.focusLine;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// source: selection / whole
case 'wikEdSource':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// insert tags: selection / cursor
case 'wikEdInsertTags':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection, cursor');
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
obj.changed = obj.selection;
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// update text view using current control button settings
case 'wikEdUpdateAll':
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'whole');
obj.changed = obj.whole;
// custom edit functions have to call wikEd.GetText() themselves
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'cursor');
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
// exit
if (obj.changed === undefined) {
// reset button to active, reset cursor
if (buttonObj !== null) {
if (buttonObj.className != 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButton';
// set local syntax highlighting flag
var highlightSyntax = wikEd.highlightSyntax;
// apply selected action
var selectChanged = true;
var selectChangedText = '';
var emptyOrSpaces = /^ *$/.test(obj.changed.plain);
switch (buttonId) {
// undo
case 'wikEdUndo':
if (wikEd.lastVersion === null) {
wikEd.lastVersion = obj.changed.plain;
if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
obj.changed.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
obj.changed.plain = null;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// redo
case 'wikEdRedo':
if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
obj.changed.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
obj.changed.plain = null;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// bold
case 'wikEdBold':
// remove markup
if (/^(\s*)'''((.|\n)*?)'''(\s*)$/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)'''((.|\n)*?)'''(\s*)$/g, '$1$2$4');
// add markup
else {
obj.changed.plain = '\'\'\'' + obj.changed.plain + '\'\'\'';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
// move spaces outside markup
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(''')(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(''')$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
// trim to maximal number of ' (bold + italic)
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^'{6,}((.|\n)*)'{6,}$/g, '\'\'\'\'\'$1\'\'\'\'\'');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// italic
case 'wikEdItalic':
// remove markup
if (/^(\s*)''((.|\n)*?)''(\s*)$/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)''((.|\n)*?)''(\s*)$/g, '$1$2$4');
// add markup
else {
obj.changed.plain = '\'\'' + obj.changed.plain + '\'\'';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
// move spaces outside markup
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^('')(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)('')$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
// trim to maximal number of ' (bold + italic)
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^'{6,}((.|\n)*)'{6,}$/g, '\'\'\'\'\'$1\'\'\'\'\'');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// underline
case 'wikEdUnderline':
// remove markup
if ( /&lt;u&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/u&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;u&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/u&gt;/gi, '$1');
// add markup
else {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;u&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/u&gt;';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;u&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/u&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// strikethrough
case 'wikEdStrikethrough':
if ( /&lt;s&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/s&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;s&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/s&gt;/gi, '$1');
else {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;s&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/s&gt;';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;s&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/s&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// nowiki
case 'wikEdNowiki':
if ( /&lt;nowiki&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/nowiki&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;nowiki&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/nowiki&gt;/gi, '$1');
else {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;nowiki&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;\/nowiki&gt;';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;nowiki&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/nowiki&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// superscript
case 'wikEdSuperscript':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)&lt;sub&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;(\s*)$/, '$1$2$4');
if ( /&lt;sup&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;sup&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;/gi, '$1');
else {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;sup&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/sup&gt;';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;sup&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/sup&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// subscript
case 'wikEdSubscript':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\s*)&lt;sup&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sup&gt;(\s*)$/, '$1$2$4');
if ( /&lt;sub&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;sub&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/sub&gt;/gi, '$1');
else {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;sub&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/sub&gt;';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;sub&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/sub&gt;)$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// in-text reference
case 'wikEdRef':
case 'wikEdRefNamed':
if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
if (buttonId == 'wikEdRef') {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref&gt;&lt;\/ref&gt;';
else {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref name="" \/&gt;';
else if ( /&lt;ref( name="")? ?\/&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = '';
else if ( /&lt;ref( name="")?&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/ref&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;ref( name="")?&gt;((.|\n)*?)&lt;\/ref&gt;/gi, '$2');
else {
if (buttonId == 'wikEdRef') {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/ref&gt;';
else {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;ref name=""&gt;' + obj.changed.plain + '&lt;/ref&gt;';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(&lt;ref( name="")?&gt;)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(&lt;\/ref&gt;)$/, '$3$1$4$7$6');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// signature ~~~~
case 'wikEdSign':
if (obj.changed.plain == '~~~~') {
obj.changed.plain = '';
else {
obj.changed.plain = '~~~~';
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// name only signature ~~~
case 'wikEdSignName':
if (obj.changed.plain == '~~~') {
obj.changed.plain = '';
else {
obj.changed.plain = '~~~';
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// references location
case 'wikEdReferences':
case 'wikEdReferencesSection':
var ref = wikEd.config.text.wikEdReferencesSection;
ref = ref.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
ref = ref.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
var refEscaped = ref;
refEscaped = refEscaped.replace(/([^\w\s;&])/g, '\\$1');
refEscaped = refEscaped.replace(/^\n|\n$/g, '\\n*');
refEscaped = refEscaped.replace(/(\n)/g, '\\n');
var regExp = new RegExp(refEscaped, 'gi');
// plain references tag
if (buttonId == 'wikEdReferences') {
if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;references/&gt;';
else if (regExp.test(obj.changed.plain) === true) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(regExp, '');
else if (/&lt;references ?\/&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;references ?\/&gt;/gi, '');
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
obj.changed.plain = '&lt;references/&gt;';
// complete references code
else {
if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
obj.changed.plain = ref;
else if (regExp.test(obj.changed.plain) === true) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(regExp, '');
else if ( /&lt;references ?\/&gt;/i.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;references ?\/&gt;/gi, '');
else {
obj.changed = obj.cursor;
obj.changed.plain = ref;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// toggle lowercase / uppercase
case 'wikEdCase':
if (obj.changed.plain === '') {
obj.changed.plain = null;
// lowercase all uppercased text
else {
// html character entities to chars
var plain = obj.changed.plain;
plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
if (plain.toUpperCase() == plain) {
plain = plain.toLowerCase();
// first-letter-uppercase all lowercased text
else if (plain.toLowerCase() == plain) {
var regExp = new RegExp('(^|[^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9])([' + wikEd.letters + '])([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\']*)', 'g');
plain = plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
return p1 + p2.toUpperCase() + p3.toLowerCase();
// uppercase mixed upper and lowercased text
else {
plain = plain.toUpperCase();
// chars back to html character entities
plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(plain);
obj.changed.plain = plain;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// sort alphabetically by visible words, case insensitive, and numerically
case 'wikEdSort':
// fix unicode and character entities
// sort a single line
if (/\n./.test(obj.changed.plain) === false) {
// Normalize(): normalize strings for sorting
var Normalize = function (text) {
// [ [ |( ) ] ]
text = text.replace(/\[\[[^\[\]\|]*\|([^\[\]]*)\]\]/g, '$1');
// [ [( ) ] ]
text = text.replace(/\[\[([^\[\]\|]*)\]\]/g, '$1');
// start with first letter
var regExp = new RegExp('^[^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]+', 'g');
text = text.replace(regExp, '');
// sort numerically by adding preceeding 0s to numbers
text = text.replace(/0*(\d+)(\.\d*)?/g,
function(p, p1, p2) {
return '000000000000000'.substr(p1.length) + p1 + p2;
// case insensitive
text = text.toLowerCase();
return text;
// SplitSortJoin(): sort list items in one line
var SplitSortJoin = function (regExp, text) {
var sorted = null;
// split text into array of element / separator pairs
var array = [];
var regExpMatch;
var lastMatch = 0;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(text)) !== null) {
var element = text.substring(lastMatch, regExpMatch.index);
var separator = regExpMatch[0];
array.push([element, separator, Normalize(element)]);
lastMatch = regExp.lastIndex;
if (array.length > 0) {
var element = text.substring(lastMatch);
if (element !== '') {
array.push([element, '', Normalize(element)]);
// sort array after normalized elements
array.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a[2] > b[2]) {
return 1;
if (a[2] < b[2]) {
return -1;
return 0;
// join, keep separator next to element if possible, otherwise use last separator
sorted = '';
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i ++) {
if ( (array[i][1] === '') && (i < array.length - 1) ) {
array[i][1] = array[array.length - 1][1];
array[array.length - 1][1] = '';
sorted += array[i][0] + array[i][1];
return sorted;
// extract sortable text
var pre = '';
var sortable = obj.changed.plain;
var post = '';
// 123 3 4 4 2 15 56 6
var regExpMatch = /^(((\|[\w ]+\=)|\||!|(:*;)+) *)(.*?)( *\n*)$/.exec(obj.changed.plain);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
pre = regExpMatch[1];
sortable = regExpMatch[5];
post = regExpMatch[6];
// sortable text enclosed in html
var regExpMatch = /^(<[^>]>+)(.*?)(<\/[^>]>+)$/.exec(sortable);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
pre = pre + regExpMatch[1];
sortable = regExpMatch[2];
post = regExpMatch[3] + post;
// table cells
var sorted = SplitSortJoin(/ *((\||!){2,2}) *()/g, sortable);
if ( (sorted === null) || (/^(\|{1,1}|!{1,1})/.test(pre) === false) ) {
// bullets, dots, dashes, \|/:-,; in spaces
sorted = SplitSortJoin(/((&amp;nbsp;| )+((\\|\||\/|:|-|,|;)+)(&amp;nbsp;| )+|(&amp;nbsp;| )*(•|&bull;|&#x2022;|&#8226;|·|&middot;|&#0*xb7;|&#0*183;|–|&ndash;|&#x2013;|&#8211;|—|&mdash;|&#x2015;|&#8213;)(&amp;nbsp;| )*)()/gi, sortable);
if (sorted === null) {
// ,;:
sorted = SplitSortJoin(/(&amp;nbsp;| )*(,|;|:)(&amp;nbsp;| )+/g, sortable);
if (sorted === null) {
// multiple spaces with &nbsp;
sorted = SplitSortJoin(/( +&amp;nbsp;|&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;|&amp;nbsp; )(&amp;nbsp;| )*()/g, sortable);
// simple spaces
if (sorted === null) {
sorted = SplitSortJoin(/ +/g, sortable);
// join pre, sorted, and post
if (sorted !== null) {
sorted = sorted.replace(/ {2,}/, ' ');
sorted = sorted.replace(/ +$/, '');
post = post.replace(/ +(\n*|$)/, '$1');
obj.changed.plain = pre + sorted + post;
// keep leading and trailing empty lines and table syntax
var pre = '';
var main = '';
var post = '';
var regExpMatch = /^(((\{\|.*|!.*|\|\+.*|\|\-.*|)\n)*)((.|\n)*?)(((\|\}.*|\|\-.*|)\n)*)$/.exec(obj.changed.plain);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
pre = regExpMatch[1];
main = regExpMatch[4];
post = regExpMatch[6];
else {
main = obj.changed.plain;
// join cells in table rows
main = main.replace(/(^|\n)(\|[^\-\+\}](.|\n)*?(?=(\|\-|\{\||\|\}|$)|$))/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
p2 = p2.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');
return p1 + p2;
// cycle through lines
var lines = main.split('\n');
var sortArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++) {
var line = lines[i];
var sortKey = line;
// remove empty lines
if (line === '') {
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
// remove html
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/&lt;.*&gt;/g, '');
// lowercase
sortKey = sortKey.toLowerCase();
// keep visible text of wikilinks only
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\[\[[^\|\[\]]*\|/g, '');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\[\[|\]\]/g, '');
// keep visible text of external links only
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/\[(https?:|ftp:|irc:|gopher:)\/\/\S+/g, '');
// keep visible cell content only
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/((^|\n)(\||\!))(?![\+\-\}\|\!])[^\|\!]*(\||\!)(?!\4)/g, '$1');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/(^|\n)\|-.*?(\n|$)/g, '$2');
// keep single ' only
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/'{2,}/g, '');
// remove decimal commas
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/(\d)\,(?=\d\d\d(\D|$))/g, '$1');
// sort numerically by adding preceeding 0s to numbers
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/0*(\d+)(\.\d*)?/g,
function(p, p1, p2) {
return '000000000000000'.substr(p1.length) + p1 + p2;
// non-breaking and other spaces
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/&nbsp;|\s/g, ' ');
// remove umlauts (just guessing, but probably better than not doing it)
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[à-æ]/g, 'a');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ç]/g, 'c');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ð]/g, 'd');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[è-ë]/g, 'e');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ì-ï]/g, 'i');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ñ]/g, 'n');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ò-öø]/g, 'o');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ß]/g, 'ss');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ù-ü]/g, 'u');
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[ýÿ]/g, 'y');
// remove non-chars
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/[^$@.,:;\-\w\s'\u007f-\uffff]/g, '');
// join multiple spaces
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
// remove leading and trailing spaces
sortKey = sortKey.replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');
sortArray.push( [line, sortKey] );
// sort lines
sortArray = sortArray.sort(
function(a, b) {
if (a[1] > b[1]) {
return 1;
if (a[1] < b[1]) {
return -1;
else {
return 0;
// join lines
var joined = '';
for (var i = 0; i < sortArray.length; i ++) {
joined += sortArray[i][0];
if (i < sortArray.length - 1) {
joined += '\n';
joined = joined.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
obj.changed.plain = pre + joined + post;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// undo all
case 'wikEdUndoAll':
if (wikEd.lastVersion === null) {
wikEd.lastVersion = obj.changed.plain;
obj.changed.plain = wikEd.origVersion;
obj.changed.plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.changed.plain);
// redo all
case 'wikEdRedoAll':
if (wikEd.lastVersion !== null) {
obj.changed.plain = wikEd.lastVersion;
// create wikilink
case 'wikEdWikiLink':
if ( /\[\[((.|\n)*?)\]\]/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\[\[(.*?)\|\s*(.*?)\s*\]\]/g, '$2');
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\[\[((.|\n)*?)\]\]/g, '$1');
else {
obj.changed.plain = '[[' + obj.changed.plain + ']]';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\[\[)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(\]\])$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// create weblink
case 'wikEdWebLink':
if ( /\[((.|\n)*?)\]/.test(obj.changed.plain) ) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\[((.|\n)*?)\]/g, '$1');
else {
obj.changed.plain = '[' + obj.changed.plain + ']';
if (emptyOrSpaces === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^(\[)(\s*)((.|\n)*?)(\s*)(\])$/, '$2$1$3$6$5');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// decrease heading level
case 'wikEdDecreaseHeading':
// decrease heading
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)=(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2');
// remove heading
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)=(?!=) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2');
// adjust closing tags
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// increase heading level
case 'wikEdIncreaseHeading':
// increase heading
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1=$2 $3 $2=');
// create new heading
if (/\n/.test(obj.changed.plain) === false) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([^=\s].*?)(?=\n|$)/g, '$1== $2 ==');
// adjust closing tags
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n)(=+) *(.*?) *=+(?=\n|$)/g, '$1$2 $3 $2');
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// increase bullet list
case 'wikEdIncreaseBulletList':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
function(p, p1) {
p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([*#:;]*) *()/g, '*$1 ');
return p1;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// decrease bullet list
case 'wikEdDecreaseBulletList':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
function(p, p1) {
p1 = p1.replace(/^[*#:;] *()/g, '');
return p1;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// increase numbered list
case 'wikEdIncreaseNumberList':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
function(p, p1) {
p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([*#:;]*) *()/g, '#$1 ');
return p1;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// decrease numbered list
case 'wikEdDecreaseNumberList':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
function(p, p1) {
p1 = p1.replace(/^[*#:;] *()/g, '');
return p1;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// increase indented list
case 'wikEdIncreaseIndentList':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
function(p, p1) {
p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([*#:;]*) *()/g, ':$1 ');
return p1;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// decrease indented list
case 'wikEdDecreaseIndentList':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
function(p, p1) {
p1 = p1.replace(/^[*#:;] *()/g, '');
return p1;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// create definition list
case 'wikEdDefinitionList':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(.+)/g,
function(p, p1) {
p1 = p1.replace(/^ *([^\s;]+) *()/g, '; $1 : ');
return p1;
// create image
case 'wikEdImage':
if (obj.changed.plain !== '') {
obj.changed.plain = '[[Image:<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['image filename'] + '</span>|thumb|<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['image width'] + '</span>px|' + obj.changed.plain + ']]';
else {
obj.changed.plain = '[[Image:<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['image filename'] + '</span>|thumb|<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['image width'] + '</span>px|<span class="wikEdInsertHere"> </span>]]';
if (obj.focusWord !== undefined) {
if (obj.focusWord.plain !== '') {
obj.changed.plain = ' ' + obj.changed.plain + ' ';
// create table
case 'wikEdTable':
if (obj.changed.plain !== '') {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(^|\n) *()/g, '\n|-\n| ');
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^\n\|\-\n/, '\n{| class="wikitable"\n');
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/$/g, '\n|}\n');
else {
obj.changed.plain = '\n{| class="wikitable"\n|+ <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['table caption'] + '</span>\n! <span class="wikEdinserthere">' + wikEd.config.text['table heading'] + '</span> !! <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['table heading'] + '</span>\n|-\n| <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['table cell'] + '</span> || <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['table cell'] + '</span>\n|-\n| <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['table cell'] + '</span> || <span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['table cell'] + '</span>\n|}\n';
if (obj.focusLine.plain !== '') {
obj.changed.plain = '\n' + obj.changed.plain + '\n';
// wikify pasted
case 'wikEdPastedWikify':
// wikify already pasted content
if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {
// reselect pasted
obj = {};
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
obj.changed = obj.selection;
obj.changed.plain = wikEd.paste.wikified;
wikEd.paste.last = 'wikify';
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// textify during pasting
case 'wikEdPasting':
if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {
// move content before br after paste at end of line, part 1
if (wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine === true) {
if (wikEd.paste.blockStart === true) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/^\n/, '');
obj.changed.html = obj.changed.html.replace(/^<br\b[^>]*>/, '');
// textify, not changing obj.html
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
wikEd.paste.last = 'textify';
// wikify, not changing obj.plain
wikEd.WikifyHTML(obj.changed, false);
obj.changed.html = obj.changed.html.replace(/\s*<br\b[^>]*>\s*/g, '\n');
obj.changed.html = obj.changed.html.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
// move content before br after paste at end of line, part 2
if (wikEd.paste.pasteAtEndOfLine === true) {
if (wikEd.paste.blockEnd === true) {
obj.changed.plain += '\n';
obj.changed.html += '\n';
// save textified and wikified for switching
wikEd.paste.textified = obj.changed.plain;
wikEd.paste.wikified = obj.changed.html;
// no textify/wikify option when pasting plain text
if (wikEd.paste.textified == wikEd.paste.wikified) {
else {
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// textify pasted: strip html from recently pasted content
case 'wikEdPastedTextify':
if ( (wikEd.paste === null) || (wikEd.paste.polling === true) ) {
// reselect pasted
obj = {};
wikEd.GetText(obj, 'selection', false);
obj.changed = obj.selection;
obj.changed.plain = wikEd.paste.textified;
wikEd.paste.last = 'textify';
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// wikify
case 'wikEdWikify':
// wikify already done in wikEd.GetText()
// textify: strip html from pasted content
case 'wikEdTextify':
if (parameters == 'shift') {
highlightNoTimeOut = true;
// redirect
case 'wikEdRedirect':
var linkTarget;
if (obj.selection.plain !== '') {
linkTarget = obj.selection.plain;
else if (obj.selectionWord.plain !== '') {
linkTarget = obj.selectionWord.plain;
else {
linkTarget = '<span class="wikEdInsertHere">' + wikEd.config.text['redirect article link'] + '</span>';
// remove link text after |
linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/\|(.|\n)*()/, '');
// remove formatting and spaces
linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/^(=+|'+|<[^>]*>|\s+|\[)+((.|\n)*?)(=+|'+|<[^>]*>|\s+|\])+$/g, '$2');
linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
linkTarget = linkTarget.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
obj.changed.plain = '#REDIRECT [[' + linkTarget + ']]';
// append to summary
if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgUseAutomaticEditSummaries !== true) {
if (wikEd.inputElement.summary !== undefined) {
if ( (obj.selection.plain !== '') || (obj.selectionWord.plain !== '') ) {
wikEd.inputElement.summary.value = wikEd.inputElement.summary.value.replace(/#REDIRECT( \[\[[^\]]*\]\])?(, *)?/g, '');
wikEd.inputElement.summary.value = wikEd.AppendToSummary(wikEd.inputElement.summary.value, '#REDIRECT [[' + linkTarget + ']]');
else {
wikEd.inputElement.summary.value = wikEd.AppendToSummary(wikEd.inputElement.summary.value, '#REDIRECT');
selectChanged = false;
// find and replace
case 'wikEdFindPrev':
case 'wikEdFindNext':
case 'wikEdJumpPrev':
case 'wikEdJumpNext':
case 'wikEdReplacePrev':
case 'wikEdReplaceNext':
case 'wikEdFindAll':
case 'wikEdReplaceAll':
// get the find text
var findText;
// unescape <, >, and &
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// copy selection/word under cursor to find field
if ( (parameters == 'shift') && ( (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') ) ) {
if (/\n/.test(obj.changed.plain) === false) {
if (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') {
wikEd.inputElement.find.value = obj.changed.plain;
else {
wikEd.inputElement.replace.value = obj.changed.plain;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
obj.changed.plain = null;
// get the find text from the selection
if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext') ) {
findText = obj.changed.plain;
if (obj.selection.plain === '') {
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
obj.changed.plain = null;
// get the find text from the find field
else {
if (wikEd.inputElement.find.value !== '') {
findText = wikEd.inputElement.find.value.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
else {
obj.changed.plain = null;
// get button status
var regExpChecked = wikEd.regExp.getAttribute('checked');
var caseSensitiveChecked = wikEd.caseSensitive.getAttribute('checked');
// get case sensitive setting
var caseSensitive = false;
if (caseSensitiveChecked == 'true') {
caseSensitive = true;
// get the replace text
var replaceText = wikEd.inputElement.replace.value.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
// format the find and replace texts for a plain text search
var useRegExp = true;
if ( (regExpChecked == 'false') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext') ) {
useRegExp = false;
// format the replace text for a regular expression search
if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') ) {
if (useRegExp === true) {
// substitute \\ \n \r \t \' \" \127 \x1f \u12ef
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\\\/g, '\x00');
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\r/g, '\r');
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\t/g, '\t');
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\'/g, '\'');
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\"/g, '\"');
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\([0-7]{3})/g,
function(p, p1) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 8));
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g,
function(p, p1) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16));
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,
function(p, p1) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(p1, 16));
replaceText = replaceText.replace(/\x00/g, '\\');
// check the regexp
var replacedFlag = false;
var regExpFind;
if (
(buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll')
) {
var regExpFindText = findText;
if (useRegExp !== true){
regExpFindText = regExpFindText.replace(/([\\^$*+?.()\[\]{}:=!|,\-])/g, '\\$1');
var regExpFlags = 'gm';
if (caseSensitive !== true) {
regExpFlags += 'i';
try {
regExpFind = new RegExp(regExpFindText, regExpFlags);
catch (exception) {
// replace all
if (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') {
if (regExpFind.test(obj.changed.plain)) {
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(regExpFind, replaceText);
replacedFlag = true;
else {
obj.changed.plain = null;
// replace an existing selection
else if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') ) {
if (regExpFind.test(obj.selection.plain)) {
var replaced = obj.selection.plain.replace(regExpFind, replaceText);
if (obj.changed.plain != replaced) {
obj.changed.plain = replaced;
replacedFlag = true;
else {
obj.changed.plain = null;
else {
obj.changed.plain = null;
else if (
(buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext')
) {
obj.changed.plain = null;
if (
(buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpNext') ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll')
) {
if (replacedFlag === false) {
// get direction
var backwards = false;
if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdJumpPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') ) {
backwards = true;
// find all
if (buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll') {
var found;
var foundRanges = [];
// start at top of text
var range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
if (wikEd.frameBody.firstChild !== null) {
range = obj.sel.addRange(range);
// cycle through matches
var scrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;
do {
// wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp)
found = wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, false, false, useRegExp);
if (found === true) {
} while (found === true);
// scroll back
if (regExpChecked == 'false') {
wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = scrollTop;
// add the found ranges, Webkit does not support multiple selections
for (var i = 0; i < foundRanges.length; i ++) {
obj.changed.plain = null;
selectChanged = false;
// normal find
else {
obj.selectChanged = selectChanged;
wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, true, useRegExp);
selectChanged = obj.selectChanged;
// escape <, >, and &
if (obj.changed.plain !== null) {
obj.changed.plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.changed.plain);
// save search history to settings
if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdFindPrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdFindAll') ) {
if ( (buttonId == 'wikEdReplacePrev') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceNext') || (buttonId == 'wikEdReplaceAll') ) {
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// fixbasic: fix characters, spaces, empty lines, certain headings, needed for all fixing functions
// to do: only certain changes in multiline tags: comments, tables, subst
case 'wikEdFixBasic':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixPunct':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixMath':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixChem':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixUnicode':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixRedirect':
wikEd.LinkInfoCall(obj.changed, function (ajax) {
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFixRedirectReplace');
case 'wikEdFixRedirectReplace':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixUnits':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixDashes':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixHtml':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixRegExTypo':
if ( (wikEd.config.regExTypoFix === true) && (wikEd.typoRulesFind.length > 0) ) {
else {
obj.changed.plain = null;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixCaps':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
case 'wikEdFixAll':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
// source on
case 'wikEdSource':
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.code;
obj.changed.plain = obj.changed.plain.replace(/(<(br|p)\b[^>]*>)/g, '$1\n\n');
obj.changed.plain = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.changed.plain);
highlightSyntax = false;
// insert tags
case 'wikEdInsertTags':
var tagOpen = parameters[0] || '';
var tagClose = parameters[1] || '';
var sampleText = parameters[2] || '';
tagOpen = wikEd.EscapeHtml(tagOpen);
tagClose = wikEd.EscapeHtml(tagClose);
sampleText = wikEd.EscapeHtml(sampleText);
// single string to insert
if ( (tagOpen.length > 0) && (tagClose.length === 0) && (sampleText.length === 0) ) {
obj.changed.plain = tagOpen;
else if ( (tagOpen.length === 0) && (tagClose.length === 0) && (sampleText.length > 0) ) {
obj.changed.plain = sampleText;
// opening and closing strings
else if ( (obj.changed.plain === '') && (sampleText.length > 0) ) {
obj.changed.plain = tagOpen + sampleText + tagClose;
// select sample text
selectChangedText = sampleText;
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
else {
obj.changed.plain = tagOpen + obj.changed.plain + tagClose;
// update text view using current control button settings
case 'wikEdUpdateAll':
obj.changed.keepSel = true;
if ( (parameters !== undefined) && (parameters.keepSel === false) ) {
obj.changed.keepSel = false;
// custom edit functions
if (CustomHandler !== undefined) {
else {
window.alert('Unknown edit function \'' + buttonId + '\'');
// pause frame spellchecking
var pauseFrameSpellchecking = false;
var frameSpellchecking = wikEd.frameBody.spellcheck;
if (frameSpellchecking === true) {
var wholeLength = 0;
var changedLength = 0;
if (obj.whole !== undefined) {
if (obj.whole.plain !== null) {
wholeLength = obj.whole.plain.length;
if (obj.changed.plain !== null) {
changedLength = obj.changed.plain.length;
if ( (changedLength > 10000) || (wholeLength > 10000) ) {
pauseFrameSpellchecking = true;
wikEd.frameBody.spellcheck = false;
// get the scroll position
var frameScrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;
// update the selection ranges, do not add any text changes
if (obj.changed.plain === null) {
if (buttonId != 'wikEdFindAll') {
// scroll the selected text into the viewport
if (selectChanged !== false) {
// apply text changes
else {
// a text change erases the last version for redo all
if ( (buttonId != 'wikEdUndo') && (buttonId != 'wikEdRedo') && (buttonId != 'wikEdUndoAll') ) {
wikEd.lastVersion = null;
// highlight the syntax
obj.html = obj.changed.plain;
if (highlightSyntax === true) {
if (obj.changed.from == 'whole') {
obj.whole = true;
wikEd.HighlightSyntax(obj, highlightNoTimeOut);
// at least highlight tab characters
else {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\t)/g, '<span class="wikEdTabPlain">$1</span><!--wikEdTabPlain-->');
// display multiple blanks as blank-&nbsp;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n) /g, '$1&nbsp;');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ (\n|$)/g, '&nbsp;$1');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');
// newlines to <br>
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
// make changed range text the current selection
var range = obj.changed.range;
// replace the selection with changed text
if ( (obj.changed.keepSel === false) && (obj.html === '') && (obj.sel.isCollapsed === false) ) {
else if ( (obj.changed.keepSel === false) || (obj.changed.from == 'whole') ) {
// read only toggle highlight button
if (wikEd.readOnly === true) {
wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML = obj.html;
else if (obj.html !== '') {
wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, obj.html);
// firefox workaround
else {
wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('delete', false);
else {
wikEd.insertCounter ++;
var reselectBefore = '<span class="wikEdScrollBefore" id="wikEdScrollBefore' + wikEd.insertCounter + '"></span>';
var reselectAfter = '<span class="wikEdScrollAfter" id="wikEdScrollAfter' + wikEd.insertCounter + '"></span>';
wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, reselectBefore + obj.html + reselectAfter);
// select the whole text after replacing the whole text and scroll to same height
var range = null;
if ( (obj.changed.from == 'whole') && (wikEd.frameBody.firstChild !== null) ) {
range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
selectChanged = false;
// scheduling needed for Firefox but not Chrome
window.setTimeout( function () { wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = frameScrollTop; }, 0);
// select the changed text and scroll it into the viewport
else if (selectChanged !== false) {
range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
var startNodeReselect = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementById('wikEdScrollBefore' + wikEd.insertCounter);
var endNodeReselect = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementById('wikEdScrollAfter' + wikEd.insertCounter);
if ( (startNodeReselect !== null) && (endNodeReselect !== null) ) {
wikEd.ScrollToNodes(startNodeReselect, endNodeReselect);
// save paste range for reselection to switch between textified and wikified text
if ( (wikEd.paste !== null) && (range !== null) ) {
wikEd.paste.range = range.cloneRange();
// remove selection, keep whole text auto-selection as warning
if (
( (obj.changed.keepSel !== true) && (obj.changed.from != 'whole') ) ||
(obj.changed.keepSel === false) ||
(buttonId == 'wikEdRedirect') ||
( (buttonId == 'wikEdWikify') && (parameters == 'whole') )
) {
if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
else {
// focus edit area to continue editing as there is no selection that would be overwritten
wikEd.keepSelRange = null;
// save curently selected range
else if (obj.sel.rangeCount > 0) {
wikEd.keepSelRange = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
else {
wikEd.keepSelRange = null;
// reset button to active, reset cursor
if (buttonObj !== null) {
if (buttonObj.className != 'wikEdButtonInactive') {
buttonObj.className = 'wikEdButton';
} = '';
// grey out inactive buttons
// add event handlers to unhide refs and templates
if ( (highlightSyntax === true) && (obj.changed.plain !== null) ) {
// add ref and template names to hide buttons
// add event handlers to unhide refs and templates
// add event handlers to make highlighted frame links ctrl-clickable
// get link infos from server (redirects, redlinks)
// resume frame spellchecking
if (pauseFrameSpellchecking === true) {
wikEd.frameBody.spellcheck = true;
// wikEd.LocalPreview: display local preview box using AJAX call
wikEd.LocalPreview = function ( fetchRefs ) {
// interrupt fullscreen mode
if ( wikEd.fullscreen === true ) {
wikEd.FullScreen( false );
// update textarea
if ( wikEd.useWikEd === true && wikEd.textareaUpdated === false ) {
wikEd.textareaUpdated = true;
// clear box to display loading indicator, keep wrapper height to prevent scrolling
var previewHeight = wikEd.localPrevWrapper.offsetHeight;
if ( ( wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML !== '' || wikEd.previewDiff.innerHTML !== '' ) && previewHeight > 0 ) { = previewHeight + 'px';
if ( wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML === '' ) {
wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML = wikEd.config.text.wikEdPreviewLoading;
} = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'block';
// load MathJax js
if ( window.MathJax === undefined ) {
if ( wikEd.loader === true ) {
// prevent error if module is not installed
try { 'ext.math.mathjax.enabler', function () {
window.$( '.wikEdPreviewArticle' ).renderTeX();
} );
catch ( exception ) {
// prepare ajax preview
wikEd.previewIsAjax = false;
var bodyData = wikEd.textarea.value;
if ( wikEd.config.useAjaxPreview === true ) {
// use Live preview if possible, see
var livePreview = true;
// articles on watchlist preview page
if ( wikEd.editWatchlist === true ) {
bodyData = bodyData.replace( /\n{1}/g, '\n\n' );
bodyData = bodyData.replace( /(.+)/g,
function( p, p1 ) {
if ( /[#<>\[\]|{}]/.test(p1) === true ) {
return p1;
var article = p1;
// get article talk page
var talk;
if ( /:/.test(article) === true ) {
// $1_ns:name
if ( wikEd.config.text['talk namespace suffix'].indexOf('$1') >= 0 ) {
talk = article.replace( /^([^:]*)/, wikEd.config.text['talk namespace suffix'] );
// talk_ns:name (Discussion_Utilisateur) (all ASCII non-letters as separator)
else if ( /[ -\/:-@\[-`{-\x88‰‹\x8d\x8f-\x98™›\x9d\xa0-»¿×÷]$/.test( wikEd.config.text['talk namespace suffix'] ) === true ) {
talk = article.replace( /^([^:]*)/, wikEd.config.text['talk namespace suffix'] + '$1' );
// ns_talk:name (User_talk)
else {
talk = article.replace( /^([^:]*)/, '$1' + wikEd.config.text['talk namespace suffix'] );
else {
talk = wikEd.config.text['talk namespace'] + ':' + article;
var uriArticle = wikEd.EncodeTitle( article );
var hist = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScript + '?title=' + uriArticle + '&action=history';
return '[[:' + p1 + ']]&nbsp;•&nbsp;([[:' + talk + '|' + wikEd.config.text['talk page'] + ']], [' + hist + ' ' + wikEd.config.text['history page'] + '])';
// normal article edit page
else {
// check for section edits with <ref> tags
if (
wikEd.editSection !== null &&
/<ref\b[^>\/]*(\/>|>(.|\n)*?<\/ref>)/i.test( bodyData ) === true
) {
// check for named references defined outside edited section
if (
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgEnableAPI === true ||
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgEnableAPI === 'true'
) {
// collect named references in section text
var namedRefs = wikEd.ParseNamedRefs( bodyData );
// check for undefined named refs
var undefinedRefs = false;
for ( var name in namedRefs ) {
if ( namedRefs, name ) === true &&
namedRefs[name] === null
) {
// reference definition not yet fetched
if ( wikEd.namedRefs[name] === undefined ) {
undefinedRefs = true;
if ( fetchRefs !== false ) {
// replace first ref tag with fetched reference definition
else {
var regExpRef = new RegExp( '<ref\\b[^>]*?\\bname\\s*=\\s*' + name + '[^>/]*(/>|></ref>)', 'i' );
bodyData = bodyData.replace( regExpRef, wikEd.namedRefs[name] );
// fetch reference definitions from whole article text for outside refs, do not repeat fetch cycle
if ( undefinedRefs === true && fetchRefs !== false ) {
wikEd.GetArticleText( wikEd.GetArticleTextAjaxHandler );
// append references section
if (
/<references\b[^>]*>/i.test(bodyData) === false &&
/\{\{reflist\b(.|\n)*?\}\}/i.test(bodyData) === false
) {
bodyData += '<div class="wikEdPreviewRefs"><references/></div>';
// GeSHi syntax highlighting support, CSS is only provided dynamically and not for Live preview
// request a full preview and attach CSS to page, remember already loaded languages
var regExp = /<(syntaxhighlight|source)\b[^>]*?lang\s*=\s*("|')(\w+)\2/gi;
var regExpMatch;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(bodyData)) !== null) {
var lang = regExpMatch[3];
if (wikEd.syntaxHighlightTagCSS['wikEd' + lang] === undefined) {
livePreview = false;
wikEd.syntaxHighlightTagCSS['wikEd' + lang] = true;
// make the AJAX request
wikEd.AjaxPreview( bodyData, wikEd.LocalPreviewAjaxHandler, livePreview );
// wikEd.LocalPreviewAjaxHandler: process the returned article preview
wikEd.LocalPreviewAjaxHandler = function ( ajax ) {
wikEd.previewIsAjax = true;
// get response
var html = ajax.responseText;
// API reponse
if ( html.indexOf( '<api>' ) != -1 ) {
html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'text', '' )
.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );
// livepreview (
else if ( html.indexOf( '<livepreview>' ) != -1 ) {
html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'preview', '' )
.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
.replace( /&apos;/g, '\'' )
.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );
html = wikEd.RemoveTag( html, 'div', /\bclass=("|')previewnote("|')/, '\x00', '\x01' );
html = html.replace( /\x00(.|\n)*?\x01/g, '' );
// full preview page
else {
// attach <style> stylesheet declarations to document (<source>, <syntaxhighlight>)
var regExpMatch;
var regExp = /<()style\b[^>]*?type="text\/css">((.|\n)*?)<\/style>/gi;
while ( ( regExpMatch = regExp.exec( html ) ) !== null ) {
var css = regExpMatch[2];
var stylesheet = new wikEd.StyleSheet( document );
stylesheet.AddCSSRules( css );
// get preview html
html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'div', 'id', 'wikiPreview', true );
html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'div', 'class', 'previewnote', true, false, true );
html = html.replace( /<!--(.|\n)*?-->/g, '' );
html = html.replace( /\s+$/g, '' );
// clean form elements as these could interfere with the submit buttons
html = html.replace( /<\/?form\b[^>]*>/gi, '' );
html = html.replace( /<input\b[^>]*?\btype\s*=\s*["']?hidden["']?[^>]*>/gi, '' );
html = html.replace( /<input\b([^>]*)>/gi,
function( p, p1 ) {
p1 = p1.replace( /\bname\s*=\s*([^"'`=]+|\'[^'=]*\'|\"[^"=]*\")/gi, '' );
return p1;
// remove cite errors for automatic section preview refs
html = html.replace( /(<div\b[^>]*?\bclass="wikEdPreviewRefs"[^>]*>(.|\n)*$)/gi,
function( p, p1, p2 ) {
p1 = p1.replace( /<strong\b[^>]*?\bclass="error"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/strong>/g, '' );
return p1;
wikEd.previewArticle.innerHTML = html;
// init sortable tables (wikibits.js)
if ( typeof window.sortables_init == 'function' ) {
// init collapsible tables (common.js)
if ( typeof window.createCollapseButtons == 'function' ) {
// fire mediawiki hook to apply changes to preview content: <categorytree>, <math>
if ( !== undefined && !== undefined && 'wikipage.content' ).fire !== undefined ) { 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $( '#wikEdPreviewArticle' ) );
// scroll to button, textarea, or preview field
// run scheduled custom functions
wikEd.ExecuteHook( wikEd.config.previewHook );
// wikEd.GetArticleText: get full article text
// for section edits with refs defined outside section
wikEd.GetArticleText = function ( ResponseHandler ) {
var postFields = {
'format': 'xml',
'action': 'query',
'titles': wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle,
'prop': 'revisions',
'rvprop': 'content'
if ( wikEd.starttime !== null ) {
postFields['wpStarttime'] = wikEd.starttime;
if ( wikEd.edittime !== null ) {
postFields['wpEdittime'] = wikEd.edittime;
if ( wikEd.editToken !== null ) {
postFields['wpEditToken'] = wikEd.editToken;
if ( wikEd.autoSummary !== null ) {
postFields['wpAutoSummary'] = wikEd.autoSummary;
var requestUrl = wikEd.scriptURL + 'api.php';
// make an ajax API request
wikEd.AjaxRequest( 'POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', ResponseHandler );
// wikEd.GetArticleTextAjaxHandler: process the returned full article text
// for section edits with refs defined outside section
wikEd.GetArticleTextAjaxHandler = function ( ajax ) {
wikEd.previewIsAjax = true;
// get response
var html = ajax.responseText;
// get text
html = wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML( html, 'rev', '' )
.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
.replace( /&apos;/g, '\'' )
.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );
// collect named references in section text
var namedRefs = wikEd.ParseNamedRefs( html );
// save undefined named refs
for ( var name in namedRefs ) {
if ( namedRefs, name ) === true ) {
if ( namedRefs[name] !== null ) {
wikEd.namedRefs[name] = namedRefs[name];
// do a local preview, do not repeat fetch cycle for reference definitions
wikEd.LocalPreview( false );
// wikEd.ParseNamedRefs: parse named references from article text
wikEd.ParseNamedRefs = function ( text ) {
var namedRefs = {};
var regExpRef = /<ref\b[^>]*?\bname\s*=\s*("[^<"]+"|[\w!$%&()*,\-.:;<@\[\]^`\{|\}~]+)[^>]*?(\/>|>((.|\n)*?)<\/ref>)/gi;
var regExpMatch;
while ( ( regExpMatch = regExpRef.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
var ref = regExpMatch[0];
var name = regExpMatch[1];
var def = regExpMatch[3] || '';
if ( namedRefs, name ) === false ) {
namedRefs[name] = null;
if ( def !== '' ) {
namedRefs[name] = ref;
return namedRefs;
// wikEd.FilePreviewAjaxHandler: process the returned image addresses
wikEd.FilePreviewAjaxHandler = function ( ajax ) {
// get response
var html = ajax.responseText;
// html-ize
html = html.replace( /\s*<\/preview>\s*()/, '' )
.replace( /\s*<\/livepreview>\s*()/, '' )
.replace( /&lt;/g, '<' )
.replace( /&gt;/g, '>' )
.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' )
.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
.replace( /&apos;/g, '\'' )
.replace( /<\/?(br|p)\b[^>]*>/g, '\n' );
// parse response into file url cache
var regExpFile = new RegExp( '\\n((Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text[ 'wikicode Image' ] + '|' + wikEd.config.text[ 'wikicode File' ] + '|' + wikEd.config.text[ 'wikicode Media' ] + '):[^ ]+) +(\\d+) +(.*)', 'ig' );
var regExpMatch;
while ( ( regExpMatch = regExpFile.exec( html ) ) !== null ) {
var file = regExpMatch[1];
var filePreviewSize = regExpMatch[3];
var links = regExpMatch[4];
var cacheKey = 'wikEd' + file + filePreviewSize;
var regExpMatch;
if ( ( regExpMatch = /\bsrc="(.+?)"/.exec( links ) ) !== null ) {
wikEd.filePreviewCache[ cacheKey ] = {};
var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache[ cacheKey ];
fileObj.url = regExpMatch[1];
if ( ( regExpMatch = /\bwidth="(\d+)"/.exec(links)) !== null ) {
fileObj.width = parseInt(regExpMatch[ 1 ] );
if ( ( regExpMatch = /\bheight="(\d+)"/.exec( links ) ) !== null ) {
fileObj.height = parseInt( regExpMatch[ 1 ] );
else if ( wikEd.filePreviewCache[ cacheKey ] === undefined ) {
wikEd.filePreviewCache[ cacheKey ] = {};
var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache[ cacheKey ];
fileObj.url = wikEd.config.image[ 'noFile' ];
fileObj.width = 16;
fileObj.height = 16;
// cycle through file preview spans and add missing images as background
for ( var i = 0; i < wikEd.filePreviewNo; i ++ ) {
if ( wikEd.filePreviewIds[ i ] !== '' ) {
var span = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementById( 'wikEdFilePreview' + i );
if ( span !== null ) {
var cacheKey = 'wikEd' + wikEd.filePreviewIds[ i ];
var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache[ cacheKey ];
if ( fileObj !== undefined ) { = 'url(' + fileObj.url + ')';
if ( fileObj.height !== null ) { = fileObj.height + 'px';
if ( fileObj.width !== null ) { = fileObj.width + 'px';
} = 'block';
wikEd.filePreviewIds[ i ] = '';
// wikEd.DiffResponse: calculate and linkify the diff between two versions (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.DiffResponse = function (oldVersion, newVersion) {
// add trailing newline
if (oldVersion.substr(oldVersion.length - 1, 1) != '\n') {
oldVersion += '\n';
if (newVersion.substr(newVersion.length - 1, 1) != '\n') {
newVersion += '\n';
// call external diff program
var wikEdDiff = new WikEdDiff();
var diffText = wikEdDiff.diff(oldVersion, newVersion);
// linkify blockwise with breaks at delete and block move tags
var diffTextLinkified = '';
var regExp = /<span\b[^>]+?\bclass="wikEdDiff(Delete|Block)"[^>]*>/g;
var regExpMatch;
var pos = 0;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(diffText)) !== null) {
diffTextLinkified += wikEd.DiffLinkify(diffText.substring(pos, regExpMatch.index)) + regExpMatch[0];
pos = regExp.lastIndex;
diffTextLinkified += wikEd.DiffLinkify(diffText.substr(pos));
return diffTextLinkified;
// wikEd.DiffLinkify: linkify external links and wikilinks in diffed text as <a> anchor elements (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.DiffLinkify = function (html) {
// &lt; &gt; to \x00 \x01
html = html.replace(/&lt;/g, '\x00');
html = html.replace(/&gt;/g, '\x01');
// split into valid html tags and plain text fragments
var linkified = '';
var regExp = /(<[^<>]*>)|([^<>]+|<|>)/g;
var regExpMatch;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(html)) !== null) {
var tag = regExpMatch[1] || '';
var plain = regExpMatch[2] || '';
// process tags
if (tag !== '') {
linkified += tag;
// process plain tags
else {
// escape bogus < or >
plain = plain.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
plain = plain.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
// external links 123 3 2 14 4 5 6 65
plain = plain.replace(/(((\bhttps?:|\bftp:|\birc:|\bgopher:|)\/\/)|\bnews:|\bmailto:)([^\x00-\x20\s"\[\]\x7f\|\{\}<>]|<[^>]*>)+?(?=([!"().,:;‘-•]*\s|[\x00-\x20\s"\[\]\x7f|{}]|$))/gi,
function(p) {
var whole = p;
// remove tags and comments
var url = whole;
url = url.replace(/\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '');
url = url.replace(/.*--\x01|\x00!--.*()/g, '');
url = url.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
url = url.replace(/^.*>|<.*$/g, '');
url = url.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// make title as readable as possible
var title = url;
title = title.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
// decodeURI breaks for invalid UTF-8 escapes
title = title.replace(/(%[0-9a-f]{2})+/gi,
function(p, p1) {
try {
return decodeURI(p);
catch (exception) {
return p;
title = title.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
title = wikEd.EscapeHtml(title);
title = title.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
// linkify all url text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color);" title="' + title + '">';
var anchorClose = '</a>';
whole = whole.replace(/(<[^>]*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen);
return anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose;
// linkify links and templates
if ( (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer !== undefined) && (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath !== undefined) ) {
// 1 [[ 2title 23 | text 3 ]]1 4 {{ 5title 56 6 4
plain = plain.replace(/(\[\[([^|\[\]{}\n]+)(\|[^\[\]{}<>]*)?\]\])|(\{\{([^|\[\]{}\n]*)([^\[\]{}<>]*\}\})?)/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) {
var articleName = p2 || '';
var templateName = p5 || '';
var whole = p;
// extract title
var title = articleName;
if (title === '') {
title = templateName;
title = title.replace(/\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '');
title = title.replace(/.*--\x01|\x00!--.*()/g, '');
title = title.replace(/<.*?>/g, '');
title = title.replace(/^.*>|<.*$/g, '');
title = title.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// [[/subpage]] refers to a subpage of the current page, [[#section]] to a section of the current page
if ( (title.indexOf('/')=== 0) || (title.indexOf('#')=== 0) ) {
title = wikEd.pageName + title;
// create url
var url = wikEd.EncodeTitle(title);
var articleTitle = title.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
if (templateName !== '') {
if (/:/.test(title) === false) {
url = 'Template:' + url;
articleTitle = 'Template:' + articleTitle;
url = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, url);
// linkify all text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style = "text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color)" title="' + articleTitle + '">';
var anchorClose = '</a>';
whole = whole.replace(/(<[^>]*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen);
return anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose;
linkified += plain;
// \x00 and \x01 back to &lt; and &gt;
linkified = linkified.replace(/\x00/g, '&lt;');
linkified = linkified.replace(/\x01/g, '&gt;');
return linkified;
// wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML: get innerHTML of element from html in a string; can also get text before or after node
wikEd.StringGetInnerHTML = function (html, tag, attrib, value, defaultToWholeHTML, getBeforeHTML, getAfterHTML) {
var startPos;
var startLength;
var endPos;
var endLength;
var level = 0;
var string;
var attribValue = '';
if (attrib !== '') {
attribValue = '[^>]*?' + attrib + '\\s*=\\s*("|\\\')?' + value + '\\1';
var regExpStart = new RegExp('<' + tag + '\\b' + attribValue + '[^>]*>', 'gi');
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = regExpStart.exec(html)) !== null) {
startPos = regExpMatch.index;
startLength = regExpMatch[0].length;
var regExpParse = new RegExp('<(\\/?)' + tag + '\\b[^>]*>', 'g');
regExpParse.lastIndex = startPos;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpParse.exec(html)) !== null) {
var p1 = regExpMatch[1] || '';
if (p1 === '') {
level ++;
else {
level --;
if (level === 0) {
endPos = regExpMatch.index;
endLength = regExpMatch[0].length;
// return whole html if node does not exist
if (endPos === undefined) {
if (defaultToWholeHTML === true) {
string = html;
// return text before node
else if (getBeforeHTML === true) {
string = html.substr(0, startPos);
// return text after node
else if (getAfterHTML === true) {
string = html.substr(endPos + endLength);
// return innerHTML of node
else {
string = html.substring(startPos + startLength, endPos);
return string;
// wikEd.ScrollToPreview: scroll to edit buttons, textarea, or preview field depending on current position
wikEd.ScrollToPreview = function () {
// reset fixed height to auto = 'auto';
var scrollOffset = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop;
var inputOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper);
var editOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.editWrapper);
var submitOffset = 0;
if (wikEd.saveButton !== null) {
submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.submitWrapper);
else if (wikEd.previewButton !== null) {
submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.previewButton);
else if (wikEd.diffPreviewButton !== null) {
submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.diffPreviewButton);
else if (wikEd.submitWrapper !== null) {
submitOffset = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.submitWrapper);
else {
var editHeight = wikEd.editWrapper.clientHeight;
if (scrollOffset > submitOffset) {
window.scroll(0, submitOffset);
else if (scrollOffset > (editHeight / 2 + editOffset) ) {
window.scroll(0, submitOffset);
else if (scrollOffset > editOffset) {
window.scroll(0, editOffset);
else {
window.scroll(0, inputOffset);
// wikEd.LinkifyLinks: register click handlers to make highlighted frame links ctrl-clickable (linkify), add redirect info, and highlight redlinks
wikEd.LinkifyLinks = function () {
// detect external files and images
var regExpFile = new RegExp('^(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Image'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Media'] + '):', 'i');
// cycle through spans
var spans = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementsByTagName('span');
for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i ++) {
var span = spans[i];
var id =;
if ( (id !== null) && (id.indexOf('wikEdWikiLink')=== 0) ) {
if (, id) === true) {
// linkify
if (wikEd.config.linkify === true) {
span.addEventListener('click', wikEd.LinkifyHandler, true);
// add redirect and redlink info to popup
var info = '';
var link = wikEd.wikiLinks[id].link;
var externalLink = link.replace(regExpFile, 'File:');
// redirects
if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[link].updated === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[link].redirect === true) ) {
var target = wikEd.linkInfo[link].target;
if (target !== undefined) {
info += wikEd.config.text.redirect + ' ' + target;
else if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.externalLinkInfo[link].updated === true) && (wikEd.externalLinkInfo[link].redirect === true) ) {
var target = wikEd.linkInfo[link].target;
if (target !== undefined) {
info += wikEd.config.text.redirect + ' ' + target;
// normalize redlinks from preview scanning
var linkNorm = link.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + link.substr(1);
var linkNormFull = link.replace(/(^|:)(.)/g, function (p, p1, p2) {
return p.toUpperCase();
// check for redlinks (missing links)
var missingLink = false;
if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[link].updated === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[link].missing === true) ) {
missingLink = true;
var missingExternalLink = false;
if (, externalLink) === true) {
if ( (wikEd.externalLinkInfo[externalLink].updated === true) && (wikEd.externalLinkInfo[externalLink].missing === true) ) {
missingExternalLink = true;
else {
missingExternalLink = true;
var missingLinkNorm = false;
if ( (, linkNorm) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[linkNorm].type == 'preview') && (wikEd.linkInfo[linkNorm].missing === true) ) {
missingLinkNorm = true;
var missingLinkNormFull = false;
if ( (, linkNormFull) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[linkNormFull].type == 'preview') && (wikEd.linkInfo[linkNormFull].missing === true) ) {
missingLinkNormFull = true;
if ( ( (missingLink === true) && (missingExternalLink === true) ) || (missingLinkNorm === true) || (missingLinkNormFull === true) ) {
info += wikEd.config.text.redlink;
else {
// set title popup
span.title = wikEd.wikiLinks[id].linkify + info;
// save current link infos
wikEd.wikiLinks[id].info = info;
// wikEd.HighlightNamedHideButtons: register :before text for named hiding buttons
wikEd.HighlightNamedHideButtons = function () {
if (wikEd.refHide !== true) {
var rules = '';
// references
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.referenceArray.length; i ++) {
if (wikEd.referenceArray[i].added === true) {
rules += '.wikEdRefButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; }\n';
rules += '.wikEdRefButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; }\n';
rules += '.wikEdRefButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdRefButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + wikEd.config.text.hideRef + ' ' + wikEd.referenceArray[i].text + '"; line-height: 0.75em; font-size: 65%; color: #000; font-family: sans-serif; }\n';
wikEd.referenceArray[i].added = true;
// templates
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.templateArray.length; i ++) {
if (wikEd.templateArray[i].added === true) {
rules += '.wikEdTemplButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; }\n';
rules += '.wikEdTemplButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; }\n';
rules += '.wikEdTemplButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdTemplButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + wikEd.config.text.hideTempl + ' ' + wikEd.templateArray[i].text + '"; line-height: 0.75em; font-size: 65%; color: #000; font-family: sans-serif; }\n';
wikEd.templateArray[i].added = true;
// character entities
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.charEntityArray.length; i ++) {
if (wikEd.charEntityArray[i].added === true) {
var character = wikEd.charEntityArray[i].text;
if (character == '"') {
character = '\\' + character;
rules += '.wikEdCharEntityButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5) rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.3); }\n';
rules += '.wikEdCharEntityButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; border-color: rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5); background: rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.3); }\n';
rules += '.wikEdCharEntityButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdCharEntityButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + character + '"; }\n';
wikEd.charEntityArray[i].added = true;
// tables
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.tableArray.length; i ++) {
if (wikEd.tableArray[i].added === true) {
var text = wikEd.config.text.hideTable;
if (text !== '') {
text += ' ';
text += wikEd.tableArray[i].text;
rules += '.wikEdTableButton' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #e8e8e8 #444 #444 #e8e8e8; background: #d8d4d0; }\n';
rules += '.wikEdTableButtonShow' + i + ' { border: 1px solid; border-color: #000 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #000; background: #c8c4c0; }\n';
rules += '.wikEdTableButton' + i + ':before, .wikEdTableButtonShow' + i + ':before { content: "' + text + '"; line-height: 0.75em; font-size: 65%; color: #000; font-family: sans-serif; }\n';
wikEd.tableArray[i].added = true;
// add or replace existing css rules
if (rules !== '') {
// wikEd.HideAddHandlers: register mouseover handlers for tabs to unhide refs, templates, and character entities
wikEd.HideAddHandlers = function () {
if ( (wikEd.config.hideContent !== true) || (wikEd.refHide !== true) ) {
var hideButton = wikEd.frameDocument.getElementsByTagName('button');
for (var i = 0; i < hideButton.length; i ++) {
var tabClass = hideButton[i].className;
if (
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdRefButton')=== 0) ||
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTemplButton')=== 0) ||
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdCharEntityButton')=== 0) ||
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTableButton')=== 0)
) {
hideButton[i].addEventListener('click', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
if (
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdRefButtonShow') == -1) &&
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTemplButtonShow') == -1) &&
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdCharEntityButtonShow') == -1) &&
(tabClass.indexOf('wikEdTableButtonShow') == -1)
) {
hideButton[i].addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
// wikEd.HideShowHandler: display hidden ref or template on mouse over hide tab
wikEd.HideShowHandler = function (event) {
// find hidden content node
var hideTarget = null;
var hideInto = null;
var hideButtonClass = null;
var hideClass = null;
var hideButton = null;
var hideContainer = null;
var hideCell = null;
var hide = null;
if ( (event.type == 'mouseover') || (event.type == 'mouseout') || (event.type == 'click') ) {
hideTarget = event.currentTarget;
hideInto = event.relatedTarget;
// <container><button></button></container><hide> text </hide>
// target = table cell
if ( (hideTarget.tagName == 'TD') && (/^wikEdTable\w+?$/.test(hideTarget.className) === true) ) {
hideCell = hideTarget;
hideButton = hideCell.getElementsByTagName('button')[0] || null;
// target = button
else if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button(Show)?\d*$/.test(hideTarget.className) === true) {
hideButton = hideTarget;
if (hideButton !== null) {
hideContainer = hideButton.parentNode;
if (hideContainer !== null) {
if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Container$/.test(hideContainer.className) === false) {
hideContainer = null;
else {
// get hide text
hide = wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode(hideContainer);
if (hide !== null) {
if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|TemplNs|CharEntity|Table)(Show)?$/.test(hide.className) === false) {
hide = null;
// target = hide text
else if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|TemplNs|CharEntity|Table)(Show)?$/.test(hideTarget.className) === true) {
hide = hideTarget;
hideContainer = wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode(hideTarget);
if (hideContainer !== null) {
if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Container$/.test(hideContainer.className) === false) {
hideContainer = null;
else {
// get button
hideButton = wikEd.GetFirstChildNode(hideContainer);
if (hideButton !== null) {
if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button(Show)?\d*$/.test(hideButton.className) === false) {
hideButton = null;
// exit if missing elements
if ( (hideContainer === null) || (hideButton === null) || (hide === null) ) {
// get classes
hideButtonClass = hideButton.className;
hideClass = hide.className;
// schedule unhide on later shift or ctrl key push
if (event.type == 'mouseover') {
if (wikEd.config.unhideShift === true) {
if ( (event.type == 'mouseover') && (wikEd.config.unhideShift === true) && (event.shiftKey === false) && (event.ctrlKey === false) ) {
wikEd.scheduledUnhide = [hide, hideButton];
wikEd.frameDocument.addEventListener('keydown', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
hideButton.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
// scheduled unhide on shift or ctrl keydown
if (event.type == 'keydown') {
if ( (wikEd.scheduledUnhide !== null) && ( (event.shiftKey === true) || (event.ctrlKey === true) ) ) {
hide = wikEd.scheduledUnhide[0];
hideButton = wikEd.scheduledUnhide[1];
hideButtonClass = hideButton.className;
hideClass = hide.className;
// open on hover
if ( (event.type == 'mouseover') || ( (event.type == 'keydown') && (wikEd.scheduledUnhide !== null) ) ) {
hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '') + 'Show';
hide.className = hideClass;
// table cell
if (hideClass == 'wikEdTableShow') {
var node = hide;
while (node !== null) {
if ( (node.tagName == 'TD') && (/^wikEdTable\w+$/.test(node.className) === true) ) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node !== null) {
// wait for class change
window.setTimeout( function () {
node.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
}, 100);
// button and hide
else {
// wait for class change
window.setTimeout( function () {
hide.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
hideButton.addEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
}, 100);
// close after hover
else if (event.type == 'mouseout') {
if ( (hideInto != hideContainer) && (hideInto != hideButton) && (hideInto != hide) && (hideInto != hideCell) ) {
if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button\d*$/.test(hideButton.className) === true) {
var hideOut = false;
var node = hideInto;
while (node !== null) {
if (node == wikEd.frameBody) {
hideOut = true;
if ( (node == hideContainer) || (node == hide) || (node == hideCell) ) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (hideOut === true) {
if (hideCell !== null) {
hideCell.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
else {
hide.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '');
hide.className = hideClass;
// wait for class change
window.setTimeout( function () {
hideButton.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
}, 100);
// move cursor out of hidden text
wikEd.UnhideCursor(hideContainer, hide);
// hide on click
else if (event.type == 'click') {
if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)ButtonShow\d*$/.test(hideButtonClass) === true) {
hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '');
hide.className = hideClass;
hideButtonClass = hideButtonClass.replace(/Show/, '');
hideButton.className = hideButtonClass;
hideButton.title = wikEd.config.text[hideButtonClass.replace(/\d+$/g, '') + 'Tooltip'];
hideButton.addEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
// move cursor out of hidden text
wikEd.UnhideCursor(hideContainer, hide);
// open on click
else if (/^wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table)Button\d*$/.test(hideButtonClass) === true) {
hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseover', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
hide.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
hideClass = hideClass.replace(/Show/, '') + 'Show';
hide.className = hideClass;
hideButtonClass = hideButtonClass.replace(/Button(Show)?/, 'ButtonShow');
hideButton.className = hideButtonClass;
hideButton.title = wikEd.config.text[hideButtonClass.replace(/\d+$/g, '') + 'Tooltip'];
hideButton.removeEventListener('mouseout', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
// clear scheduled unhide
if (wikEd.scheduledUnhide !== null) {
wikEd.frameDocument.removeEventListener('keydown', wikEd.HideShowHandler, true);
wikEd.scheduledUnhide = null;
// wikEd.UnhideCursor: move cursor out of hidden element for wikEd.HideShowHandler
wikEd.UnhideCursor = function (firstHiddenParent, lastHiddenParent) {
// get selection and clone range
var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
if (range !== null) {
// check if selected text is hidden
var startHidden = false;
var node = range.startContainer;
while (node !== null) {
if (node == wikEd.frameBody) {
if ( (node == lastHiddenParent) || (node == firstHiddenParent) ) {
startHidden = true;
node = node.parentNode;
var endHidden = false;
var node = range.endContainer;
while (node !== null) {
if (node == wikEd.frameBody) {
if ( (node == lastHiddenParent) || (node == firstHiddenParent) ) {
endHidden = true;
node = node.parentNode;
// unselect hidden text
if ( (startHidden === false) && (endHidden === true) ) {
else if ( (startHidden === true) && (endHidden === false) ) {
else if ( (startHidden === true) && (endHidden === true) ) {
// wikEd.GetText: get the text fragments to manipulate
wikEd.GetText = function (obj, whichFragment, wikify) {
// remove dynamically inserted nodes by other scripts
// get selection object
if (obj.sel === undefined) {
obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
// cursor for the cursor position (always done)
if (obj.cursor === undefined) {
obj.cursor = {
'from': 'cursor',
'keepSel': null,
'plain': ''
// set cursor range
obj.cursor.range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
wikEd.SetRangeStart(obj.cursor.range, obj.sel.focusNode, obj.sel.focusOffset);
// whole for the whole text
if (obj.whole === undefined) {
if (/whole|selectionWord|selectionLine|selectionPara|focusWord|focusLine|focusPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {
obj.whole = {
'plainArray': [],
'plainNode': [],
'plainStart': [],
'from': 'whole',
'keepSel': null
// set whole range
obj.whole.range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
obj.whole.range.setStart(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
obj.whole.range.setEnd(wikEd.frameBody, wikEd.frameBody.childNodes.length);
// get whole plain text
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.whole, wikEd.frameBody);
obj.whole.code = obj.whole.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.whole, wikify);
// selection for the selected text
if (obj.selection === undefined) {
if (/selection\b|selectionWord|selectionLine|selectionPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {
obj.selection = {
'from': 'selection',
'keepSel': null
// copy range to document fragment
if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
obj.selection.range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
var documentFragment = obj.selection.range.cloneContents();
// get selected text
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selection, documentFragment);
obj.selection.code = obj.selection.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selection, wikify);
// focusWord, focusLine, and focusPara for the word, line, and paragraph under the cursor
if (obj.focusWord === undefined) {
if (/focusWord|focusLine|focusPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {
obj.focusWord = {
'from': 'focusWord',
'keepSel': false,
'range': wikEd.frameDocument.createRange()
// setup focusLine object for the line under the cursor
obj.focusLine = {
'from': 'focusLine',
'keepSel': false,
'range': wikEd.frameDocument.createRange()
// setup focusPara object for the paragraph under the cursor
obj.focusPara = {
'from': 'focusPara',
'keepSel': false,
'range': wikEd.frameDocument.createRange()
// find the word and line boundaries
wikEd.FindBoundaries(obj.focusWord, obj.focusLine, obj.focusPara, obj.whole, obj.cursor);
// get the wikified plain text for the word under the cursor
var documentFragment = obj.focusWord.range.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.focusWord, documentFragment);
obj.focusWord.code = obj.focusWord.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.focusWord, wikify);
// get the wikified plain text for the line under the cursor
var documentFragment = obj.focusLine.range.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.focusLine, documentFragment);
obj.focusLine.code = obj.focusLine.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.focusLine, wikify);
// get the wikified plain text for the paragraph under the cursor
var documentFragment = obj.focusPara.range.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.focusPara, documentFragment);
obj.focusPara.code = obj.focusPara.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.focusPara, wikify);
// selectionWord and selectionLine for the complete words and lines under the selection
if (obj.selectionWord === undefined) {
if (/selectionWord|selectionLine|selectionPara/.test(whichFragment) === true) {
// setup selectionWord object for the words under the selection
obj.selectionWord = {
'from': 'selectionWord',
'keepSel': false,
'range': wikEd.frameDocument.createRange(),
// setup selectionLine object for the lines under the selection
obj.selectionLine = {
'from': 'selectionLine',
'keepSel': false,
'range': wikEd.frameDocument.createRange(),
// setup focusPara object for the paragraph under the selection
obj.selectionPara = {
'from': 'selectionPara',
'keepSel': false,
'range': wikEd.frameDocument.createRange(),
// find the word and line boundaries
wikEd.FindBoundaries(obj.selectionWord, obj.selectionLine, obj.selectionPara, obj.whole, obj.selection);
// get the wikified plain text for the words under the selection
var documentFragment = obj.selectionWord.range.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selectionWord, documentFragment);
obj.selectionWord.code = obj.selectionWord.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selectionWord, wikify);
// get the wikified plain text for the lines under the selection
var documentFragment = obj.selectionLine.range.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selectionLine, documentFragment);
obj.selectionLine.code = obj.selectionLine.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selectionLine, wikify);
// get the wikified plain text for the paragraph under the selection
var documentFragment = obj.selectionPara.range.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj.selectionPara, documentFragment);
obj.selectionPara.code = obj.selectionPara.html;
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify(obj.selectionPara, wikify);
// wikEd.Find: custom find function with regexp properties, sets obj.changed.range, uses obj ranges
wikEd.Find = function (obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp) {
var found = false;
// get selection
if (obj.sel === undefined) {
obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
obj.sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
var range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
if (obj.changed === undefined) {
obj.changed = {};
obj.selectChanged = false;
// empty the range to avoid error messages for reverse direction ranges
obj.changed.range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
// regexp instead of plain text search for browser lacking .find (Opera), built in .find() ignores newlines
if (useRegExp !== true) {
if (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find != 'function') {
useRegExp = true;
findText = findText.replace(/([\\^$*+?.()\[\]{}:=!|,\-])/g, '\\$1');
// create the regexp
var regExpFind;
if (useRegExp === true) {
var regExpFlags = 'gm';
if (caseSensitive !== true) {
regExpFlags += 'i';
try {
regExpFind = new RegExp(findText, regExpFlags);
catch (exception) {
return false;
// use the fast built-in find function for non-regexp searches; Opera does not have .find
if (useRegExp !== true) {
// parameters: window.find(string, caseSensitive, backwards, wrapAround, wholeWord, searchInFrames, showDialog)
found = wikEd.frameWindow.find(findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, false, true, false);
if (found === true) {
range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
obj.changed.range = range;
// slow javascript regexp find and replace
else {
// perform find
if (obj.plainArray === undefined) {
wikEd.ParseDOM(obj, wikEd.frameBody);
var regExpMatch;
// find next, search to the right
if (backwards === false) {
// set start position for search to right
regExpFind.lastIndex = obj.plainFocus;
// execute the regexp search to the right
regExpMatch = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);
// remember position for repeated searches
obj.plainFocus = regExpFind.lastIndex;
// wrap around, start at beginning
if ( (wrap === true) && (regExpMatch === null) ) {
regExpFind.lastIndex = 0;
regExpMatch = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);
// find previous, search to the left
else {
// cycle through the matches to the left
var regExpMatchNext;
do {
regExpMatch = regExpMatchNext;
regExpMatchNext = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);
if (regExpMatchNext === null) {
} while (regExpMatchNext.index < obj.plainAnchor);
// wrap around, find last occurrence
if ( (wrap === true) && (regExpMatch === null) ) {
do {
regExpMatch = regExpMatchNext;
regExpMatchNext = regExpFind.exec(obj.plain);
} while (regExpMatchNext !== null);
// select the find
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
found = true;
// start
var i = 0;
while ( (obj.plainStart[i + 1] <= regExpMatch.index) && (obj.plainStart[i + 1] !== null) ) {
i ++;
// end
var j = i;
while ( (obj.plainStart[j + 1] <= regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[0].length) && (obj.plainStart[j + 1] !== null) ) {
j ++;
var startNode = obj.plainNode[i];
var startOffset = regExpMatch.index - obj.plainStart[i];
var endNode = obj.plainNode[j];
var endOffset = regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[0].length - obj.plainStart[j];
wikEd.SetRange(obj.changed.range, startNode, startOffset, endNode, endOffset);
obj.selectChanged = true;
return found;
// wikEd.ScrollToSelection: scroll iframe range into viewport
// removing helper nodes gives Error: Node was not found = NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR for certain undo actions
// adding nodes breaks the undo history in Chrome and Opera
wikEd.ScrollToSelection = function () {
// get selection and clone range
var obj = {};
obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
if (obj.sel.rangeCount === 0) {
// get selection plain text
var range = obj.sel.getRangeAt(0);
var documentFragment = range.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, documentFragment);
var plainText = obj.plain;
plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// select using backwards built-in find
if ( (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find == 'function') && (plainText.length > 0) ) {
// Chrome; wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp)
var found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, true, false, false);
// Firefox (removes \n)
if (found === false) {
wikEd.Find(obj, range.toString(), true, true, false, false);
// reinstate original range if it starts or ends with \n or spaces
if (/^(\n| )|(\n| )$/.test(plainText) === true) {
// select empty range using backwards built-in find for previous character
else if ( (typeof wikEd.frameWindow.find == 'function') && (plainText.length === 0) ) {
var backwards = true;
// get plain text from start to selection
var rangeClone = range.cloneRange();
var documentFragment = rangeClone.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, documentFragment);
var plainText = obj.plain;
plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
plainText = plainText.replace(/^([\s\S]*?)([^\n]\n*)$/, '$2');
// get plain text from selection to end for potentially less newlines
if (plainText.length > 1) {
var plainTextBack = plainText;
var obj = {};
var rangeClone = range.cloneRange();
var documentFragment = rangeClone.cloneContents();
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, documentFragment);
var plainText = obj.plain;
plainText = plainText.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plainText = plainText.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
plainText = plainText.replace(/^(\n*[^\n])([\s\S]*?)$/, '$1');
// backward or forward find
if (plainTextBack.length > plainText.length) {
backwards = false;
else {
plainText = plainTextBack;
// Chrome; parameters: wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp)
var found = wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, backwards, false, false);
// Firefox
if ( (found === false) && (/\n/.test(plainText) === true) ) {
plainText = plainText.replace(/\n/g, '');
plainText = plainText.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
wikEd.Find(obj, plainText, true, backwards, false, false);
if (backwards === true) {
else {
// use inserted spans as scroll marker, breaks undo history in Chrome and Opera
else {
var rangeStart = range.cloneRange();
var rangeEnd = range.cloneRange();
// spans to be temporarily inserted before and after selection range to get range position
wikEd.insertCounter ++;
var scrollStartNode = wikEd.frameDocument.createElement('span');
scrollStartNode.className = 'wikEdScrollBefore'; = 'wikEdScrollBefore' + wikEd.insertCounter;
var scrollEndNode = wikEd.frameDocument.createElement('span');
scrollEndNode.className = 'wikEdScrollAfter'; = 'wikEdScrollAfter' + wikEd.insertCounter;
// get the range border nodes and offsets
var startNode = range.startContainer;
var startOffset = range.startOffset;
var endNode = range.endContainer;
var endOffset = range.endOffset;
var startLength;
if (startNode.nodeName == '#text') {
startLength = startNode.nodeValue.length;
var endLength;
if (endNode.nodeName == '#text') {
endLength = endNode.nodeValue.length;
// insert end node
if (endNode.nodeName == '#text') {
if (endOffset === 0) {
endNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollEndNode, endNode);
else if (endOffset == endLength - 1) {
endNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollEndNode, endNode.nextSibling);
else {
else {
var refNode = endNode.childNodes.item(endOffset);
endNode.insertBefore(scrollEndNode, refNode);
// insert start node
if (startNode.nodeName == '#text') {
if (startOffset === 0) {
startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollStartNode, startNode);
else if (startOffset == startLength - 1) {
startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(scrollStartNode, startNode.nextSibling);
else {
// collapse as a Firefox bug work around;
else {
var refNode = startNode.childNodes.item(startOffset);
startNode.insertBefore(scrollStartNode, refNode);
wikEd.ScrollToNodes(scrollStartNode, scrollEndNode);
// set selection
// wikEd.ScrollToNodes: scroll iframe range into viewport
wikEd.ScrollToNodes = function (scrollStartNode, scrollEndNode) {
// absolute span for line height detection (Opera and Chrome do not vertically align empty span at bottom)
var lineHeightNode = wikEd.frameDocument.createElement('span');
lineHeightNode.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
lineHeightNode.className = 'wikEdScrollLineHeight';
var lineHeight = lineHeightNode.clientHeight;
lineHeightNode.innerHTML = '';
// scroll to node coordinates = 'top'; = 'top';
var startOffsetLeft = wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(scrollStartNode);
var startOffsetTop = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(scrollStartNode);
var endOffsetRight = wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(scrollEndNode);
var endOffsetBottom = wikEd.GetOffsetTop(scrollEndNode); = 'baseline'; = 'baseline';
var frameScrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;
var frameScrollLeft = wikEd.frameBody.scrollLeft;
var x = frameScrollLeft;
var y = frameScrollTop;
// current scroll position
// selection above viewport
if (endOffsetBottom < frameScrollTop) {
y = startOffsetTop;
// selection below viewport
else if (startOffsetTop > frameScrollTop + wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight) {
y = endOffsetBottom - wikEd.frameBody.clientHeight + lineHeight;
// selection left of viewport
if (endOffsetRight < frameScrollLeft) {
if (endOffsetRight <= wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) {
x = 0;
else {
x = startOffsetLeft;
// selection right of viewport
else if (startOffsetLeft > frameScrollLeft + wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth) {
x = endOffsetRight - wikEd.frameBody.clientWidth;
// do scroll
wikEd.frameWindow.scrollTo(x, y);
// wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting: strip table html, add linebreaks back
// expects <br> instead of \n
wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting = function (html) {
// add linebreaks back (class="wikEdTable...BR")
html = html.replace(/(<(br)\b[^>]*?\bclass="wikEdTable(BR)"[^>]*?>)/g, '<br>');
html = html.replace(/(<(span)\b[^>]*?\bclass="wikEdTable(Tag|Caption|Row|Header|Cell)BR"[^>]*?>)/g, '<br>$1');
// mark tbody
html = html.replace(/(<table\b[^>]*?\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"[^>]*?><tbody\b)([^>]*>)/g, '$1 class="wikEdTableMode"$2');
// remove table mode tags
html = wikEd.RemoveTag(html, 'table', /\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"/, '', '<br>');
html = wikEd.RemoveTag(html, 'div|tbody|caption|tr|th|td|span', /\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"/);
return html;
// wikEd.Textify: strip html off of text
wikEd.Textify = function (obj) {
// convert html to plain
obj.plain = obj.html;
// conserve spaces and linebreaks in <pre> tags
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(<pre\b[^>]*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/pre>)/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p2 = p2.replace(/ /g, '\x03');
p2 = p2.replace(/\n/g, '\x04');
return p1 + p2 + p4;
// remove linebreaks
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ \n|\n /g, ' ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
// delete content tags
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<(style|script|object|applet|embed)\b[^>]*>.*?<\/\1>/g, '');
// delete MS-Office tags
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<((w:|m:)(\w+))[^>]*>.*?<\/\1>/g, '');
// remove tablemode highlighting code
obj.plain = wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting(obj.plain);
// convert <div>...</div> to <br> for Safari, Chrome, and WebKit
if ( (wikEd.safari === true) || ( === true) || (wikEd.webkit === true) ) {
obj.plain = wikEd.DivToBr(obj.plain);
// newlines
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/[\n ]*<br\b[^>]*>[\n ]*()/g, '\n');
// remove empty lines from block tags
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(<(blockquote|center|div|p|pre|gallery)\b[^>]*>)[\s\x00]+/gi, '$1');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/[\s\x00]+(<\/(blockquote|center|div|p|pre|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references)>)/gi, '$1');
// remove highlighting pre tags
obj.plain = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.plain, 'pre', /\bclass="wikEd[\w\/]+"/);
// blocks
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(address|blockquote|center|div|hr|isindex|p|pre)\b[^>]*>/g, '\x00\x00');
// keep headings only if starting with a newline
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/[\s|\x00]*(^|\n|\x00)[\s|\x00]*<h[1-6]\b[^>]*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h[1-6]>[\s|\x00]*()/g, '\x00\x00$2\x00\x00');
// lists
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(dir|dl|menu|ol|ul)\b[^>]*>/g, '\x00');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(dd|dt|li)>/g, '\x00');
// forms
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(select|textarea)\b[^>]*>/g, '\x00');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(option|legend|optgroup)>/g, '\x00');
// tables
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/?(table|caption)\b[^>]*>/g, '\x00');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<\/(tr|th|td)>/g, '\x00');
// finish html to plain conversion
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
// recover table html
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x01/g, '<');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x02/g, '>');
// remove spaces
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/[ \t\xa0]+(\x00)/g, '$1');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\x00)[ \t\xa0]+/g, '$1');
// trim down \x00 and \n
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00+\n/g, '\n');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n\x00+/g, '\n');
// pasting external content as inline
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\x00+|\x00+$/g, '');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n*\x00(\x00|\n)+/g, '\n\n');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(<\/table>\n)\n+/g, '$1');
// recover spaces and linebreaks from <pre> tags
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x03/g, ' ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x04/g, '\n');
// remove empty lines and spaces from article start and end
if (obj.from == 'whole') {
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// wikEd.InactiveButtons: grey out inactive buttons, called after every change and click
wikEd.InactiveButtons = function () {
// read only
if (wikEd.readOnly === true) {
// undo
if (wikEd.frameDocument.queryCommandEnabled('undo') === true ) {
document.getElementById('wikEdUndo').className = 'wikEdButton';
document.getElementById('wikEdUndoAll').className = 'wikEdButton';
else {
document.getElementById('wikEdUndo').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
document.getElementById('wikEdUndoAll').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
// redo
if (wikEd.frameDocument.queryCommandEnabled('redo') === true ) {
document.getElementById('wikEdRedo').className = 'wikEdButton';
else {
document.getElementById('wikEdRedo').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
// redo all
if (wikEd.lastVersion !== null) {
document.getElementById('wikEdRedoAll').className = 'wikEdButton';
else {
document.getElementById('wikEdRedoAll').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
// wikEd.FixBasic: fix characters, spaces, empty lines, certain headings, needed for all fixing functions
wikEd.FixBasic = function (obj) {
// preserve spaces and content in pre, syntaxhighlight, source, and nowiki
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&lt;(syntaxhighlight|source|pre|nowiki)\b[^\/]*?&gt;)((.|\n)*?)(&lt;\/\2&gt;)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
p3 = p3.replace(/([\[\]{}=*#:;|&])/g, '\x00$1\x00');
if (/^(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)$/i.test(p2) === true) {
p3 = p3.replace(/ /g, '\x01');
p3 = p3.replace(/\n/g, '\x02');
return p1 + p3 + p5;
// non-breaking space character to normal space
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
// tab to space
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *\t[ \t]*()/g, ' ');
// remove trailing spaces
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([^\n])(\t| |&nbsp;)+(?=(\n|$))/g, '$1');
// empty line before and after headings, spaces around word (lookahead), remove bold, italics, and extra =
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)+(=+) *(.*?) *(=+)(?=(\n|$))/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p3 = p3.replace(/'{2,}/g, '');
return '\n\n' + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + '\n\n';
// uppercase well known headings
var regExp = new RegExp('\\n=+ ' + wikEd.config.text['External links'] + '? =+\\n', 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n== ' + wikEd.config.text['External links'] + ' ==\n');
regExp = new RegExp('\\n=+ ' + wikEd.config.text['See also'] + ' =+\\n', 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n== ' + wikEd.config.text['See also'] + ' ==\n');
regExp = new RegExp('\\n=+ ' + wikEd.config.text.References + '? =+\\n', 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n== ' + wikEd.config.text.References + ' ==\n');
// add space after * # : ; (list) spare #{| and #REDIRECT
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)#(REDIRECT)\b/gi, '$1\x03$2');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n):+\{\|/g,
function(p, p1) {
p = p.replace(/:/g, '\x04');
return p;
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([*#:;]+)(?![ \n*#:;\x00])/g, '$1$2 ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x03/g, '#');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x04/g, ':');
// add space after table markup {| |- |+ |
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([*#:;]*)(\{\||\|-|\|\+|\|(?!(\}|-|\+)))(?!( |\n|\x00|$))/g, '$1$2$3 ');
// empty line before and after tables
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n+(\{\|)/g, '\n\n$1');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\n\|\}([^\}]|$)) *(.*)[\n|$]+/g, '$1\n\n$3\n\n');
// empty line before and after lists
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([^*#:;\n].*)(?=\n[*#:;])/g, '$1$2\n\n');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)([*#:;].*?)(?=\n[^*#:;\n])/g, '$1$2\n\n');
// split into lines and change single lines, used to handle tables
var lines = obj.plain.split('\n');
obj.plain = '';
var tableFlag = false;
var preFlag = false;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++) {
var line = lines[i];
// line not starting with a blank
if (/^ /.test(line) === false) {
preFlag = false;
// detect table
if (/^(\{\||\!|\|[^}])/.test(line) === true) {
tableFlag = true;
else if (/^\|\}/.test(line) === true) {
tableFlag = false;
// changes only to be done in tables
if (tableFlag === true) {
// add spaces around ||
line = line.replace(/ *\|\| *()/g, ' || ');
// changes not to be done in tables
else {
// empty line before and after images, Media links stay inline
var regExp = new RegExp('^(\\[\\[(Image|File|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Image'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + '):.*?\\]\\])', 'ig');
line = line.replace(regExp, '\n$1');
regExp = new RegExp('(\\[\\[(Image|File|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Image'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + '):.*?(\\[\\[.*?\\]\\].*?)*\\]\\])$', 'ig');
line = line.replace(regExp, '$1\n');
// empty line before and after includes
line = line.replace(/^(\{\{.*?\}\})$/g, '\n$1\n');
// line starting with blank
else {
// detect preformatted blocks
if (/^ +\S/.test(line) === true) {
preFlag = true;
// add <br> to preformatted empty line
if (preFlag === true) {
line = line.replace(/^( +)$/g, '$1&lt;br&gt;');
// concatenate the lines
obj.plain += line;
if (i < lines.length - 1) {
obj.plain += '\n';
// remove spaces in empty lines
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|\n)( |&nbsp;|\t)+(?=(\n|$))/g, '$1');
// remove underscores in wikilinks
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\[\[(.*?)((\|.*?)|)\]\]/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
p1 = p1.replace(/_/g, ' ');
return '[[' + p1 + p2 + ']]';
// remove spaces in wikilinks, protect [[xxx| ]]
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\[\[ *([^\|\[\]]*?) *\| +\]\]/g, '[[$1|\x03]]');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\[\[ *([^\|\[\]]*?) *\| *([^\[\][]*?) *\]\]/g, '[[$1|$2]]');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\[\[ *([^\|\[\]]*) *\]\]/g, '[[$1]]');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x03/g, ' ');
// remove spaces in external links
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\[ *(.*?) *\](?!\])/g, '[$1]');
// no space around pipes before curly brackets
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +\| +\}\}/g, '|}}');
// no empty line between headings and includes
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n(=+ .*? =+\n)\n+(\{\{.*?\}\})/g, '\n$1$2');
// spaces in comments
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&lt;!--) *((.|\n)*?) *(--&gt;)/g, '$1 $2 $4');
// empty line before and after categories
var regExp = new RegExp('( |\\n)*(\\[\\[(Category|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + ')\\s*:[^\\n]*?\\]\\])( |\\n)*', 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '\n\n$2\n\n');
// categories not separated by empty lines (lookahead)
regExp = new RegExp('(\\[\\[(Category|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + ')\\s*:[^\\n]*?\\]\\])\\n*(?=\\[\\[(Category|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + ')\\s*:[^\\n]*?\\]\\])', 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1\n');
// single empty lines only
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n');
// remove leading and trailing newlines
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^\n+/, '');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\n{2,}$/, '\n');
// preserved markup and spaces
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00/g, '');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x01/g, ' ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x02/g, '\n');
// wikEd.FixPunct: remove (or add) space before .,:;
wikEd.FixPunct = function (obj) {
// protect punctuation in charents
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,10}|#[0-9]{2,7}))(;)/g, '$1\x00$3');
// protect punctuation in URLs
var regExp = new RegExp('((\\bhttps?://|\\bftp://|\\birc://|\\bgopher://|\\bnews:|\\bmailto:|\\bfile://|//)[!#%&()+,\\-./:;=?@~' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]*)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2) {
p = p.replace(/([.,:;?!](?!$))/g, '\x00$1');
return p;
// protect punctuation in filenames
regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\\-])([.,:;?!])(?=([a-zA-Z]{2,4})([\\s:;?!.,()\\[\\]{}|]|$))', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1\x00$2');
// protect punctuation in article names
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(\[\[|\{\{)([^\]}|\n]*)/g,
function(p, p1, p2) {
p = p.replace(/([.,:;?!])/g, '\x00$1');
return p;
// protect punctuation in single letter abbreviations (e.g. U.S.) (language specific behaviour)
regExp = new RegExp('(^|[\\s\'"”\\[{(])([' + wikEd.letters + '][.,:;]){2,}', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p) {
p = p.replace(/([.,:;])/g, '\x00$1');
return p;
// preserve double spaces after dot
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/([.!?]) {2}(?=\S)/g, '$1\x01\x01');
// remove spaces before punctuation
if (wikEd.config.fixPunctFrench === true) {
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(«) *()/g, '$1 ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(»)/g, ' $1');
regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\]})]) *([.,])(?=(['+ wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\[{(\\s\\x01]|$))', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1$2 ');
regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\]})]) *([:;?!])', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1 $2 ');
else {
regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\]})]) *([.,:;])(?=([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\[{(\\s\\x01]|$))', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1$2 ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x00/g, '');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +$/g, '');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ +\n/g, '\n');
// multiple spaces
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ (?=\x01)/g, '');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\x01/g, ' ');
// wikEd.FixUnicode: fix unicode character representations
wikEd.FixUnicode = function (obj) {
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;#0*160;|&amp;#x0*a0;/gi, '&amp;nbsp;');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;#0*32;|&amp;#x0*20;/gi, ' ');
// replace supported chars: change decimal, hex, and character entities into actual char
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.supportedChars.length; i ++) {
var replaceChar = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(wikEd.supportedChars[i][0], 16));
// decimal representation
var regExpStr = '&amp;#0*' + parseInt(wikEd.supportedChars[i][0], 16) + ';|';
// hex representation
regExpStr += '&amp;#x0*' + wikEd.supportedChars[i][0] + ';';
// case insensitive replace
var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);
// character entity representation
regExpStr = '&amp;' + wikEd.supportedChars[i][1] + ';';
// case sensitive replace
var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);
// replace unsupported chars in IE6: change decimal, hex, and chars into character entities
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.problemChars.length; i ++) {
var replaceChar = '&amp;' + wikEd.problemChars[i][1] + ';';
// decimal representation
var regExpStr = '&amp;#0*' + parseInt(wikEd.problemChars[i][0], 16) + ';|';
// hex representation
regExpStr += '&amp;#x0*' + wikEd.problemChars[i][0] + ';';
// case insensitive replace
var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);
// actual character representation
regExpStr = '\\u' + wikEd.problemChars[i][0];
// case sensitive replace
var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);
// replace special chars (spaces and invisible characters): change decimal, hex, and chars into character entities
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.specialChars.length; i ++) {
var replaceChar = '&amp;' + wikEd.specialChars[i][1] + ';';
// decimal representation
var regExpStr = '&amp;#0*' + parseInt(wikEd.specialChars[i][0], 16) + ';|';
// hex representation
regExpStr += '&amp;#x0*' + wikEd.specialChars[i][0] + ';';
// case insensitive replace
var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'gi');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);
// actual character representation
regExpStr = '\\u' + wikEd.specialChars[i][0];
// case sensitive replace
var regExp = new RegExp(regExpStr, 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, replaceChar);
// unicode line separator and paragraph separator
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\u2028/g, '\n');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\u2029/g, '\n\n');
// wikEd.LinkInfoCall: get link infos (redirects, redlinks) using AJAX API call
wikEd.LinkInfoCall = function (obj, handler) {
// check if api is enabled
if ( ( (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgEnableAPI !== true) && (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgEnableAPI != 'true') ) || (wikEd.scriptURL === '') ) {
// set default handlers
var externalHandler = null;
if (handler === undefined) {
handler = wikEd.LinkInfoHandler;
externalHandler = wikEd.ExternalLinkInfoHandler;
// get links and external file links
var links = '';
var externalLinks = '';
// detect external files
var regExpFile = new RegExp('^(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Image'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Media'] + '):', 'i');
// parse links from provided text
if (obj !== undefined) {
// 1 [[ 2 2 3 34 # 4 5 6 6 5 ]] 1 7 {{ 8 8 9 910 # 1011 12 12 11 }} 7
var regExpLink = /(\[\[\s*(:?)\s*([^\n#<>\[\]{}|]+)(\s*#[^\n\[\]|]*?)?(\s*\|(.|\n)*?)?\]\])|(\{\{\s*(:?)\s*([^\n#<>\[\]{}|]+)(\s*#[^\n\[\]|]*?)?(\s*\|(.|\n)*?)?\}\})/g;
var regExpMatch ;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpLink.exec(obj.plain)) !== null) {
var link = wikEd.CleanLink(regExpMatch[3] || regExpMatch[9]);
if (links !== '') {
links += '|';
links += link;
// collect external file links
if (regExpFile.test(link) === true) {
if (externalLinks !== '') {
externalLinks += '|';
externalLinks += link.replace(regExpFile, 'File:');
// get links from link info data structure
else {
for (var link in wikEd.linkInfo) {
if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[link].update === true) ) {
if (links !== '') {
links += '|';
links += link;
// collect external file links
if (regExpFile.test(link) === true) {
if (externalLinks !== '') {
externalLinks += '|';
externalLinks += link.replace(regExpFile, 'File:');
// prepare Ajax request
var postFields = {};
postFields['redirects'] = 'true';
postFields['format'] = 'xml';
postFields['action'] = 'query';
if (wikEd.starttime !== null) {
postFields['wpStarttime'] = wikEd.starttime;
if (wikEd.edittime !== null) {
postFields['wpEdittime'] = wikEd.edittime;
if (wikEd.editToken !== null) {
postFields['wpEditToken'] = wikEd.editToken;
if (wikEd.autoSummary !== null) {
postFields['wpAutoSummary'] = wikEd.autoSummary;
// prepare link request
if (links !== '') {
postFields['titles'] = links;
var requestUrl = wikEd.scriptURL + 'api.php';
// make the ajax request
wikEd.AjaxRequest('POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', handler);
// prepare external file request to Commons
if ( (externalHandler !== null) && (externalLinks !== '') && (wikEd.useExternalApi === true) && (wikEd.config.externalApiUrl !== '') ) {
postFields['titles'] = externalLinks;
var requestUrl = wikEd.config.externalApiUrl;
// make the ajax request
wikEd.AjaxRequest('POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', externalHandler, true);
// wikEd.ExternalLinkInfoHandler: parse external file link infos from AJAX call for redirect fixing and redlinking
wikEd.ExternalLinkInfoHandler = function (ajax) {
wikEd.LinkInfoHandler(ajax, true);
// wikEd.LinkInfoHandler: parse link infos from AJAX call for redirect fixing and redlinking
// see
wikEd.LinkInfoHandler = function (ajax, external) {
// WED('ajax.responseText', ajax.responseText.replace(/></g, '>\n<'));
// get response <query>
var regExpMatchQuery = ajax.responseText.match(/<api>(.|\n)*?<query>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/query>(.|\n)*?<\/api>/);
if (regExpMatchQuery === null) {
var query = regExpMatchQuery[2];
// <normalized>
var normalized = '';
var regExpMatchNormalized = query.match(/<normalized>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/normalized>/);
if (regExpMatchNormalized !== null) {
normalized = regExpMatchNormalized[1];
// <interwiki>
var interwiki = '';
var regExpMatchInterwiki = query.match(/<interwiki>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/interwiki>/);
if (regExpMatchInterwiki !== null) {
interwiki = regExpMatchInterwiki[1];
// <redirects>
var redirects = '';
var regExpMatchRedirects = query.match(/<redirects>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/redirects>/);
if (regExpMatchRedirects !== null) {
redirects = regExpMatchRedirects[1];
// <pages>
var pages = '';
var regExpMatchPages = query.match(/<pages>\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/pages>/);
if (regExpMatchPages !== null) {
pages = regExpMatchPages[1];
// standard links or external file links
var linkInfo;
if (external === true) {
linkInfo = wikEd.externalLinkInfo;
else {
linkInfo = wikEd.linkInfo;
// parse redirects and normalized, type: n or r
var regExpRedirNorm = /<(r|n)\b[^>]*?\bfrom="([^">]*)"[^>]*?\bto="([^"]*)"[^>]*?>/g;
var regExpMatchRedirNorm ;
while ( (regExpMatchRedirNorm = regExpRedirNorm.exec(redirects + normalized) ) !== null) {
var link = regExpMatchRedirNorm[2];
link = link.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
link = link.replace(/&#039;/g, '\'');
link = link.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
var to = regExpMatchRedirNorm[3];
to = to.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
to = to.replace(/&#039;/g, '\'');
to = to.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
linkInfo[link] = {
update: false,
updated: true,
type: regExpMatchRedirNorm[1],
missing: false,
redirect: (regExpMatchRedirNorm[1] == 'r'),
to: to
// parse pages and interwiki, type: page, i
var regExpPageInter = /<(page|i)\b([^>]*?\btitle="([^">]*)"[^>]*)>/g;
var regExpMatchPageInter;
while ( (regExpMatchPageInter = regExpPageInter.exec(pages + interwiki) ) !== null) {
var link = regExpMatchPageInter[3];
link = link.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
link = link.replace(/&#039;/g, '\'');
link = link.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
linkInfo[link] = {
update: false,
updated: true,
type: regExpMatchPageInter[1],
redirect: false,
// also: special, invalid
missing: /\bmissing="([^"]*)"/.test(regExpMatchPageInter[2])
// find target by recursing through chained normalizations and redirects
for (var link in linkInfo) {
if ( (, link) === true) && (linkInfo[link].updated === true) ) {
var target = wikEd.ResolveRedirects(linkInfo, link);
linkInfo[link].target = target;
linkInfo[link].missing = linkInfo[target].missing;
// normalizations are also redirects when pointing to a redirect
if ( (linkInfo[link].type == 'n') && (linkInfo.hasOwnProperty(linkInfo[link].to) === true) && (linkInfo[ linkInfo[link].to ].type == 'r') ) {
linkInfo[link].redirect = true;
// add redirect info and redlink highlighting to existing links
// wikEd.ResolveRedirects: recursively follow redirects when parsing API response in wikEd.LinkInfoCall handler
wikEd.ResolveRedirects = function (linkInfo, link) {
if ( (, link) === true) && (linkInfo[link].updated === true) ) {
if (linkInfo[link].hasOwnProperty('to') === true) {
link = wikEd.ResolveRedirects(linkInfo, linkInfo[link].to);
return link;
// wikEd.ScanPreviewRedlinks: scan article preview section for redlinks
wikEd.ScanPreviewRedlinks = function () {
// check all link tags in preview and cat links section
var linkTags = [];
var i = 0;
if (wikEd.wikiPreview !== null) {
if (wikEd.catLinks !== null) {
// cycle through links
var regExpQuery = new RegExp(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath + '/index.php\\?(.*?)(#|$)');
for (var i = 0; i < linkTags.length; i ++) {
for (var j = 0; j < linkTags[i].length; j ++) {
var tag = linkTags[i][j];
var href = tag.href;
if (href !== null) {
// get query string
var regExpMatchQuery = regExpQuery.exec(href);
if (regExpMatchQuery !== null) {
var query = regExpMatchQuery[1];
// get title
var regExpMatchTitle = query.match(/(^|&)title=(.+?)(&|$)/);
if (regExpMatchTitle !== null) {
var title = regExpMatchTitle[2];
var link = '';
// files
if ( (title == 'Special:Upload') && (/\bnew\b/.test(tag.className) === true) ) {
link = tag.innerHTML;
// links, templates, categories
else if (/(^|&)redlink=(.*?)(&|$)/.test(query) === true) {
link = title;
link = link.replace(/_/g, ' ');
link = decodeURIComponent(link);
// save redlink status in link info; get API info later anyway
if (link !== '') {
wikEd.linkInfo[link] = {
update: true,
updated: true,
type: 'preview',
redirect: false,
missing: true
// wikEd.FixRedirectReplace: replace redirects using linkInfo data
wikEd.FixRedirectReplace = function (obj) {
// 1 2[[ 2 3 3 4 45 # 5 6 |78 8 76 9 ]] 91,01{{ 1 2 2 3 34 # 4 5 |67 7 65 8 }} 80
var regExpLink = /((\[\[)\s*(:?)\s*([^\n#<>\[\]{}|]+)(\s*#[^\n\[\]|]*?)?(\s*\|((.|\n)*?))?(\]\]))|((\{\{)\s*(:?)\s*([^\n#<>\[\]{}|]+)(\s*#[^\n\[\]|]*?)?(\s*\|((.|\n)*?))?(\}\}))/g;
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExpLink,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18) {
var tag = p1 || p10;
var openTag = p2 || p11;
var prefix = p3 || p12;
var article = p4 || p13;
var fragmentId = p5 || p14;
var linkText = p7 || p16;
var closeTag = p9 || p18;
var link = wikEd.CleanLink(article);
if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[link].redirect === true) ) {
var target = wikEd.linkInfo[link].target;
// lowercase link target if link text starts with lowercase (main space only)
if (wikEd.config.articlesCaseSensitive === false) {
if (/:/.test(target) !== true) {
if (article.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == article.charAt(0)) {
target = target.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + target.substr(1);
// remove link text if identical to new target
if (openTag == '[[') {
if (linkText !== '') {
if (linkText.replace(/_/g, ' ') == target) {
linkText = '';
// keep replaced link as link text
else if (linkText === '') {
if (target != article) {
linkText = article;
// return fixed link
var wikiLink = openTag + prefix + target + fragmentId;
if (linkText !== '') {
wikiLink += '|' + linkText;
wikiLink += closeTag;
return wikiLink;
return tag;
// wikEd.FixMath: math character fixer, originally from User:Omegatron
wikEd.FixMath = function (obj) {
// change only outside <math> </math> wikicode
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(.*?)((&lt;math(\b.*?)&gt;.*?&lt;\/math&gt;)|$)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2) {
// convert html entities into actual dash characters
p1 = p1.replace(/&plus;/g, '+');
p1 = p1.replace(/&minus;/g, '\u2212');
p1 = p1.replace(/&middot;/g, '·');
// convert dash next to a number into a minus sign character
var regExp = new RegExp('([^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9,{])-(\\d)', 'g');
p1 = p1.replace(regExp, '$1\u2212$2');
// changes 2x3 to 2×3
p1 = p1.replace(/(\d *)x( *\d)/g, '$1\xd7$2');
// changes 10^3 to 10<sup>3</sup>
p1 = p1.replace(/(\d*\.?\d+)\^(\u2212?\d+\.?\d*)/g, '$1&lt;sup&gt;$2&lt;/sup&gt;');
// change x^3 to x<sup>3</sup>
var regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9])\\^(\\u2212?\\d+\\.?\\d*) ', 'g');
p1 = p1.replace(regExp, '$1&lt;sup&gt;$2&lt;/sup&gt;');
// change +/- to ±
p1 = p1.replace(/( |\d)\+\/(-|\u2212)( |\d)/g, '$1\xb1$3');
// htmlize single char superscripts
p1 = p1.replace(/(\xb9|&sup1;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;1&lt;/sup&gt;');
p1 = p1.replace(/(\xb2|&sup2;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;');
p1 = p1.replace(/(\xb3|&sup3;)/g, '&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt;');
return p1 + p2;
// wikEd.FixChem: fix chemical formulas
wikEd.FixChem = function (obj) {
var realElements = 'H|He|Li|Be|B|C|N|O|F|Ne|Na|Mg|Al|Si|P|S|Cl|Ar|K|Ca|Sc|Ti|V|Cr|Mn|Fe|Co|Ni|Cu|Zn|Ga|Ge|As|Se|Br|Kr|Rb|Sr|Y|Zr|Nb|Mo|Tc|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|In|Sn|Sb|Te|I|Xe|Cs|Ba|Hf|Ta|W|Re|Os|Ir|Pt|Au|Hg|Tl|Pb|Bi|Po|At|Rn|Fr|Ra|Rf|Db|Sg|Bh|Hs|Mt|Ds|Rg|La|Ce|Pr|Nd|Pm|Sm|Eu|Gd|Tb|Dy|Ho|Er|Tm|Yb|Lu|Ac|Th|Pa|U|Np|Pu|Am|Cm|Bk|Cf|Es|Fm|Md|No|Lr';
var pseudoElements = '|Me|Et|Pr|Bu|e';
// fix common typos
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\bh2o\b/g, 'H2O');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\bh3o+/g, 'H3O+');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\boh-/g, 'OH-');
// uppercase lowercased elements
var regExp = new RegExp('(^|[^a-zA-Z])(' + realElements.toLowerCase() + pseudoElements.toLowerCase() + ')([^a-zA-Z]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
if (p2 != 'e') {
p2 = p2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p2.substr(1).toLowerCase();
return p1 + p2 + p3;
// fix superscripts
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&plus;/g, '+');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&minus;/g, '\u2212');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&middot;/g, '·');
regExp = new RegExp('(' + realElements + pseudoElements + '|\\))(\\d*(\\+|-|\\u2212))', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
p2 = p2.replace(/-/g, '\u2212');
return p1 + '&lt;sup&gt;' + p2 + '&lt;/sup&gt;';
// fix indices
regExp = new RegExp('(' + realElements + pseudoElements + '|\\))(\\d+)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1&lt;sub&gt;$2&lt;/sub&gt;');
// fix prefixes
regExp = new RegExp('(\\d+) *(\\(|' + realElements + pseudoElements + ')', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1$2');
// fix arrows
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *-+&gt; *()/g, ' \u2192 ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *&lt;-+ *()/g, ' \u2190 ');
// &hdarr; and "leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon" not supported in IE6
// obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(&lt;=+&gt;|&hdarr;|&harr;|\u2190 *\u2192) *()/g, ' \u21cc ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/ *(&lt;==+&gt;|&hdarr;|&harr;|\u21cc|\u2190 *\u2192) *()/g, ' <=> ');
// fix -
var regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|\\)|&gt;) +(-|\\u2212) +([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|\\()', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1 \u2212 $3');
// wikEd.FixUnits: unit formatter
wikEd.FixUnits = function (obj) {
// convert into actual characters
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;deg;|&amp;#00b0;/g, '°');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;#00b5;|&amp;mu;|&amp;micro;/g, 'µ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;Omega;|&amp;#8486;/g, '\u03a9');
// add space before units, remove space around /, and use abreviations
var regExp = new RegExp('( */ *|\\d *)(Y|yotta|Z|zetta|E|exa|P|peta|T|tera|G|giga|M|mega|k|kilo|K|h|hecto|da|deca|d|deci|c|centi|m|mill?i|micro|u|µ|n|nano|p|pico|f|femto|a|atto|z|zepto|y|yocto|mibi|mebi|)(gramm?s?|g|metres?|meters?|m|amperes?|Amperes?|amps?|Amps?|A|Angstroms?|Angströms?|Å|Kelvins?|kelvins?|K|moles?|Moles?|mol|candelas?|cd|rad|Ci|sr|Hert?z|hert?z|Hz|newtons?|Newtons?|N|Joules?|joules?|J|watts?|Watts?|W|pascals?|Pascals?|Pa|lm|lx|C|volts?|Volts?|V|O|Farads?|F|Wb|T|H|S|bequerels?|Bequerels?|Bq|Gy|Sv|kat|centigrades?|°C|decibels?|db|dB|M|ohms?|Ohms?|\\u03a9|sec|seconds?|s|minutes?|min|hour?|h|bits?|Bits?|bit|bytes?|Bytes?|B|bps|Bps)(?=[^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
p1 = p1.replace(/ *\/ *()/g, '/');
p1 = p1.replace(/(\d) *()/g, '$1 ');
p2 = p2.replace(/yotta/g, 'Y');
p2 = p2.replace(/zetta/g, 'Z');
p2 = p2.replace(/exa/g, 'E');
p2 = p2.replace(/peta/g, 'P');
p2 = p2.replace(/tera/g, 'T');
p2 = p2.replace(/giga/g, 'G');
p2 = p2.replace(/mega/g, 'M');
p2 = p2.replace(/kilo/g, 'k');
p2 = p2.replace(/K/g, 'k');
p2 = p2.replace(/hecto/g, 'h');
p2 = p2.replace(/deca/g, 'da');
p2 = p2.replace(/deci/g, 'd');
p2 = p2.replace(/centi/g, 'c');
p2 = p2.replace(/mill?i/g, 'm');
p2 = p2.replace(/micro|u/g, 'µ');
p2 = p2.replace(/nano/g, 'n');
p2 = p2.replace(/pico/g, 'p');
p2 = p2.replace(/femto/g, 'f');
p2 = p2.replace(/atto/g, 'a');
p2 = p2.replace(/zepto/g, 'z');
p2 = p2.replace(/yocto/g, 'y');
p2 = p2.replace(/mibi/g, 'mebi');
p3 = p3.replace(/gramm?s?/g, 'g');
p3 = p3.replace(/metres?|meters?/g, 'm');
p3 = p3.replace(/amperes?|Amperes?|amps?|Amps?/g, 'A');
p3 = p3.replace(/Angstroms?|Angströms?/g, 'Å');
p3 = p3.replace(/Kelvins?|kelvins?/g, 'K');
p3 = p3.replace(/moles?|Moles?/g, 'mol');
p3 = p3.replace(/candelas?/g, 'cd');
p3 = p3.replace(/Hert?z|hert?z/g, 'Hz');
p3 = p3.replace(/newtons?|Newtons?/g, 'N');
p3 = p3.replace(/Joules?|joules?/g, 'J');
p3 = p3.replace(/watts?|Watts?/g, 'W');
p3 = p3.replace(/pascals?|Pascals?/g, 'Pa');
p3 = p3.replace(/volts?|Volts?/g, 'V');
p3 = p3.replace(/ohms?|Ohms?/g, '\u03a9');
p3 = p3.replace(/bequerels?|Bequerels?/g, 'Bq');
p3 = p3.replace(/Farads?/g, 'F');
p3 = p3.replace(/bits?|Bits?/g, 'bit');
p3 = p3.replace(/bytes?|Bytes?/g, 'B');
p3 = p3.replace(/sec|seconds?/g, 's');
p3 = p3.replace(/minutes?/g, 'min');
p3 = p3.replace(/hours?/g, 'h');
p3 = p3.replace(/sec|seconds?/g, 's');
p3 = p3.replace(/bps/g, 'bit/s');
p3 = p3.replace(/Bps/g, 'B/s');
return p1 + p2 + p3;
// fix prefix casing
var regExp = new RegExp(' K(bit/s|B/s)([^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' k$1$2');
var regExp = new RegExp(' m(bit/s|B/s)([^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' M$1$2');
var regExp = new RegExp(' g(bit/s|B/s)([^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' G$1$2');
var regExp = new RegExp(' t(bit/s|B/s)([^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' T$1$2');
var regExp = new RegExp(' e(bit/s|B/s)([^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]|$)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, ' E$1$2');
// wikEd.FixDashes: fixes dashes and minus signs
wikEd.FixDashes = function (obj) {
// convert html character entities into actual dash characters
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;mdash;/g, '—');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;ndash;/g, '–');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;minus;/g, '\u2212');
// remove spaces around em dashes
var regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\]})])( |&amp;nbsp;)*—( |&amp;nbsp;)*([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"“\\[{(])', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1—$4');
// convert -- to em dashes
var regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\]})])( |&amp;nbsp;)*--( |&amp;nbsp;)*([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"“\\[{(])', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1—$4');
// convert hyphen next to lone number into a minus sign character
var regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\]>] ) *(\\u2212|–)(\\d)', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1\u2212$3');
// convert minus or en dashes to dashes with spaces
var regExp = new RegExp('([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"”\\]}])( |&amp;nbsp;)*(\\u2212|–)( |&amp;nbsp;)*([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9\'"“\\[{])', 'g');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp, '$1 – $5');
// convert dashes to en dashes in dates
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(^|[ \(\|])(\d\d(\d\d)?)(\u2212|-|–)(\d\d)(\u2212|-|–)(\d\d(\d\d)?)([ \)\}\|,.;—]|$)/gm, '$1$2–$5–$7$9');
// wikEd.FixHTML: fix html to wikicode
wikEd.FixHTML = function (obj) {
// get html from plain, keep leading spaces, \n to <br>
obj.html = obj.plain;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n) +/g,
function(p, p1) {
p = p.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
return p;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
// preserve double spaces after dot
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/([.!?]) {2}(?=\S)/g, '$1\xa0\xa0');
// remove syntax highlighting
// keep <br> in preformatted lines
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|<br>)( |\xa0).*?(?=<br>)/g,
function(p, p1, p2) {
p = p.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');
return p;
// keep <br> in blockquote
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;blockquote\b.*?&gt;)([\S\s]*?)(&lt;\/blockquote&gt;)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
p2 = p2.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\x00$1\x01\n');
return p1 + p2 + p3;
// keep <br> in tables (and certain templates!?)
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<br\b[^>]*>\|)([^\}][\S\s]*?)(?=<br\b[^>]*>\|)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2) {
p2 = p2.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');
return p1 + p2;
// detect outermost template tags
var depth = 0;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((\{\{)|\}\})/g,
function(p, p1, p2) {
p2 = p2 || '';
if (p2 !== '') {
depth ++;
if (depth == 1) {
return '<!--wikEdOuterTemplateStart-->' + p1;
return p1;
depth --;
if (depth === 0) {
return p1 + '<!--wikEdOuterTemplateEnd-->';
return p1;
// keep <br> in templates
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEdOuterTemplateStart-->([\S\s]*?)<!--wikEdOuterTemplateEnd-->/g,
function(p, p1) {
return p1.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');
// detect outermost table tags
var depth = 0;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(((^|<br\b[^>]*>)\{\|)|<br\b[^>]*>\|\})/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
if (p2 !== '') {
depth ++;
if (depth == 1) {
return '<!--wikEdOuterTableStart-->' + p1;
return p1;
depth --;
if (depth === 0) {
return p1 + '<!--wikEdOuterTableEnd-->';
return p1;
// keep <br> in tables
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEdOuterTableStart-->([\S\s]*?)<!--wikEdOuterTableEnd-->/g,
function(p, p1) {
return p1.replace(/&lt;(br\b.*?)&gt;/g, '\x00$1\x01');
// turn visible html code into real html, exclude comments
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&lt;(\/?\w.*?)&gt;/g, '<$1>');
// restore valid <br>s
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00(.*?)\x01/g, '&lt;$1&gt;');
// wikify, keep user added attribute
wikEd.WikifyHTML(obj, true);
// turn real html into visible html code
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>\s*?\n/g, '\n');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
obj.plain = obj.html;
// wikEd.FixCaps: fix capitalizing of lists, linklists, images, headings
wikEd.FixCaps = function (obj) {
// uppercase lists, also uppercases cat parameter names
// (( listcode ) (wcode|char-ent|tag |category |digit| non-word ) )( word rest)
var regExp = new RegExp('^((\\||[*#:;]+)[\\s\'"]*(\'+|&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\{\\{.*?\\}\\}.*|\\d|[^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9])*)([' + wikEd.letters + '].*)$', 'gm');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p4 = p4 || '';
if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda|$)/.test(p4) === false) {
// spaces cannot be added to p1 in above regExp !?
p4 = p4.replace(/^(\s*)(.*?)$/,
function(p, p1, p2) {
p2 = p2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p2.substr(1);
return p1 + p2;
return p1 + p4;
// uppercase link lists (link)
// 12table list2 13 34 4
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/^((\||[*#:;]+)[ '"]*\[\[)(.*?)(\]\])/gm,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
// uppercase link
var regExp = new RegExp('^((&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\s)*)([' + wikEd.letters + '].*)$', '');
p3 = p3.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/.test(p3) === false) {
p3 = p3.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
return p1 + p3;
// uppercase link text
var regExp = new RegExp('(\\|(&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\s)*)([' + wikEd.letters + '].*)$', '');
p3 = p3.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/.test(p3) === false) {
p3 = p3.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
return p1 + p3;
return p1 + p3 + p4;
// uppercase headings
var regExp = new RegExp('^(=+ (&amp;\\w+;|&lt;.*?&gt;|\\d|[^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9])*)([' + wikEd.letters + '].*? =+)$', 'gm');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
if (/^(https?|ftp|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|kappa|lambda)/.test(p3) === false) {
p3 = p3.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p3.substr(1);
return p1 + p3;
// uppercase images
var regExp = new RegExp('(\\[\\[)(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Image'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Media'] + '):([' + wikEd.letters + '])(.*?\\]\\])', 'igm');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(regExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p2 = p2.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p2.substr(1).toLowerCase();
p3 = p3.toUpperCase();
return p1 + p2 + ':' + p3 + p4;
// wikEd.FixTypos: fix typos using the AutoWikiBrowser/RegExTypoFix list (.test() is not faster)
wikEd.FixTypos = function (obj) {
// split into alternating plain text and {{lang}} template fragments (does not support nested templates)
var fragment = [];
var nextPos = 0;
var regExp = /{{\s*lang\s*\|(.|\n)*?}}/gi;
var regExpMatch;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(obj.plain)) !== null) {
fragment.push(obj.plain.substring(nextPos, regExpMatch.index));
nextPos = regExp.lastIndex;
// cycle through the RegExTypoFix rules
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.typoRulesFind.length; i ++) {
// cycle through the fragments, jump over {{lang}} templates
for (var j = 0; j < fragment.length; j = j + 2) {
fragment[j] = fragment[j].replace(wikEd.typoRulesFind[i], wikEd.typoRulesReplace[i]);
// re-assemble text
obj.plain = fragment.join('');
// wikEd.FixAll:
wikEd.FixAll = function (obj) {
// wikEd.RemoveElements: remove elements by tag name
wikEd.RemoveElements = function (tagNameArray) {
// cycle through the element names
for (var i = 0; i < tagNameArray.length; i ++) {
var elementArray = wikEd.frameBody.getElementsByTagName(tagNameArray[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < elementArray.length; j ++) {
// wikEd.FindBoundaries: find word boundaries and line boundaries starting from selection.range
wikEd.FindBoundaries = function (word, line, para, whole, selection) {
if (whole.plain === '') {
// get the start node and offset
var startNode = selection.range.startContainer;
var startOffset = selection.range.startOffset;
// get the end node and offset
var endNode = selection.range.endContainer;
var endOffset = selection.range.endOffset;
if (startNode.childNodes !== null) {
if (startNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
startNode = startNode.childNodes.item(startOffset);
startOffset = 0;
if (endNode.childNodes !== null) {
if (endNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
endNode = endNode.childNodes.item(endOffset);
endOffset = 0;
// find the start and end nodes in the whole plain text arrays
var startNodeIndex;
var endNodeIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < whole.plainNode.length; i ++) {
if (startNode == whole.plainNode[i]) {
startNodeIndex = i;
if (endNode == whole.plainNode[i]) {
endNodeIndex = i;
// find last previous word and line boundary
var foundWord = false;
var foundLine = false;
var foundPara = false;
var regExp = new RegExp('.*[^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]', 'g');
var plainPrev = '';
// check text nodes left-wise for a boundary
var plain = '';
for (var i = startNodeIndex; i >= 0; i --) {
plainPrev = plain;
plain = whole.plainArray[i];
plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// boundary is a new paragraph
if ( (plainPrev == '\n') && (plain == '\n') ) {
para.range.setStartAfter(whole.plainNode[i + 1]);
foundPara = true;
// boundary is a newline
else if (plain == '\n') {
if (foundWord === false) {
foundWord = true;
if (foundLine === false) {
foundLine = true;
// check text node for a word boundary
else if (foundWord === false) {
if (i == startNodeIndex) {
plain = plain.substr(0, startOffset);
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
if (regExp.exec(plain) !== null) {
wikEd.SetRangeStart(word.range, whole.plainNode[i], regExp.lastIndex);
foundWord = true;
// boundary is start of text
if (foundPara === false) {
if (foundLine === false) {
if (foundWord === false) {
// find next word and line boundary
regExp = new RegExp('[^' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]', 'g');
foundWord = false;
foundLine = false;
foundPara = false;
// check text nodes right-wise for a boundary
plain = '';
for (var i = endNodeIndex; i < whole.plainArray.length; i ++) {
plainPrev = plain;
plain = whole.plainArray[i];
plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// boundary is a double newline
if ( (plainPrev == '\n') && (plain == '\n') ) {
foundPara = true;
// boundary is a newline
else if (plain == '\n') {
if (foundWord === false) {
foundWord = true;
if (foundLine === false) {
line.range.setEndBefore(whole.plainNode[i]); //// crashes for empty selection
foundLine = true;
// check text node for a word boundary
else if (foundWord === false) {
if (i == endNodeIndex) {
regExp.lastIndex = endOffset;
else {
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
var regExpArray = regExp.exec(plain);
if (regExpArray !== null) {
wikEd.SetRangeEnd(word.range, whole.plainNode[i], regExp.lastIndex - 1);
foundWord = true;
// boundary is end of text
if (foundPara === false) {
para.range.setEndAfter(whole.plainNode[whole.plainArray.length - 1]);
if (foundLine === false) {
line.range.setEndAfter(whole.plainNode[whole.plainArray.length - 1]);
if (foundWord === false) {
word.range.setEndAfter(whole.plainNode[whole.plainArray.length - 1]);
// wikEd.DivToBr: convert <div>...</div> to <br> for Safari, Chrome, and WebKit
wikEd.DivToBr = function (html) {
// remove inline tags around <br>
var tagRegExp = /<(i|dfn|cite|em|var|b|strong|abbr|big|code|del|font|ins|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby)\b[^>]*>((<br\b[^>]*>)+)<\/\1>/gi;
while (tagRegExp.test(html) === true) {
html = html.replace(tagRegExp, '$2');
tagRegExp.lastIndex = 0;
// convert <div>...</div> to \x00...\x00 to mark block borders
html = wikEd.RemoveTag(html, 'div', null, '\x00', '\x00');
// remove div block borders after <br>
html = html.replace(/<br>\x00+/g, '<br>');
// remove leading and trailing div block borders
html = html.replace(/^\x00+|\x00+$/g, '');
// combine div block borders into single <br>
html = html.replace(/\x00+/g, '<br>');
return html;
// wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify: remove syntax highlighting and wikify
wikEd.RemoveHighlightingWikify = function (obj, wikify) {
if ( (obj.html !== '') || (wikify === true) ) {
// convert <div>...</div> to <br> for Safari, Chrome, and WebKit
if ( (wikEd.safari === true) || ( === true) || (wikEd.webkit === true) ) {
obj.html = wikEd.DivToBr(obj.html);
// remove syntax highlighting
// wikify, don't allow many attributes
if ( (obj.htmlCode === true) && (wikify !== false) ) {
wikEd.WikifyHTML(obj, false);
// wikEd.WikifyHTML:
// obj.html contains the text to be wikified
// expects < > &lt; &gt; &amp; spaces instead of &nbsp; <br> (not \n)
// returns <br> (not \n)
// wikiCode === true: allow extended set of attributes for existing wikicode, keep leading spaces
// allowed and converted tags:
// br|p
// h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6
// hr
// i|dfn|cite|em|var
// b|strong
// table|caption|col|thead|tfoot|tbody|tr|td|th
// dl|dt|dd|li|ol|ul
// a
// not allowed yet:
// bdo|q|kbd|samp|abbr|acronym|label
// other allowed tags:
// abbr|big|blockquote|colgroup|center|code|del|div|font|ins|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby
// mediawiki tags (inline/block):
// nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|ref|charinsert
// gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references
wikEd.WikifyHTML = function (obj, wikiCode) {
// preserve spaces and content in pre, syntaxhighlight, source, and nowiki
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(syntaxhighlight|source|pre|nowiki)\b[^\/>]*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/\2>)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
p3 = p3.replace(/</g, '\x01');
p3 = p3.replace(/>/g, '\x02');
if (/^(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)$/i.test(p2) === true) {
p3 = p3.replace(/ |\xa0/g, '\x03');
return p1 + p3 + p5;
// delete tags: <style>
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(style)\b[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/\1>/gi, '');
// remove MediaWiki section edit spans
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span[^>]*class="editsection"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/span>\s*()/gi, '');
// remove MediaWiki heading spans
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span\b[^>]*\bclass="mw-headline"[^>]*>((.|\n)*?)<\/span>\s*()/g, '$1');
// remove MediaWiki divs from article top
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<h3\b[^>]*\bid="siteSub"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/h3>\s*()/g, '');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b[^>]*\bid="contentSub"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/div>\s*()/g, '');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b[^>]*\bid="jump-to-nav"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/div>\s*()/g, '');
// remove MediaWiki table of contents
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<table\b[^>]*?\bid="toc"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/table>\s*()/g, '');
// remove MediaWiki print footer
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b[^>]*?\bclass="printfooter"[^>]*>[^<>"]+"<a\b[^>]*>[^<]+<\/a>"<\/div>\s*()/g, '');
// remove MediaWiki category list tags
var regExp = /<div\b[^>]*\bid="catlinks"[^>]*>((.|\n)*?)<\/div>\s*()/g;
while(regExp.test(obj.html) === true) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1');
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
var regExp = /<p\b[^>]*?\bclass="catlinks"[^>]*>((.|\n)*?)<a\b[^>]*>[^<>]+<\/a>: ((.|\n)*?)<\/p>/g;
while(regExp.test(obj.html) === true) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1$3');
regExp.lastIndex = 0;
// convert MS-Word non-standard lists: *
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<p\b[^>]*>\s*<!--\[if !supportLists\]-->(.|\n)*?<!--\[endif\]-->\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*<\/p>\s*()/g, '* $2\n');
// collect MS-Word footnote texts
var footnotes = {};
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<div\b[^>]*\bid="ftn(\d+)"[^>]*>\s*<p class="MsoFootnoteText">\s*<a(.|\n)*?<\/a>((.|\n)*?)<\/p>\s*<\/div>/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
footnotes[p1] = p3.replace(/^(\s|<br\b[^>]*>)|(\s|<br\b[^>]*>)$/g, '');
return '';
// add footnotes as <ref> tags
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<a\b[^>]*\bname="_ftnref(\d+)"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<!--\[endif\]-->\s*<\/span>\s*<\/span>\s*<\/a>/g,
function(p, p1) {
var ref = '&lt;ref name="footnote_' + p1 + '"&gt;' + footnotes[p1] + '&lt;/ref&gt;';
return ref;
// remove MS-Word footnote separator
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--\[if !supportFootnotes\]-->(\s|<br\b[^>]*>)*<hr\b[^>]*>\s*<!--\[endif\]-->(\s|<br\b[^>]*>)*()/g, '');
// correct name for MS-Word images
// 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 5 5
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<v:imagedata\b[^>]*?\bsrc="[^">]*?[\\\/]clip_image\d+(\.\w+)"[^>]*? o:title="([^">]*)"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<img\b[^>]*? src="[^">]*?[\\\/])clip_image\d+\.\w+("[^>]*>)/g, '$1$3$2$5');
// convert <div class="poem">...</div> to <poem>...</poem>
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'div', /\bclass="poem"/, '<poem>', '</poem>');
// sanitize <br style="clear: both;"/>
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(br)\s+([^>]*?)\s*(\/)>/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
return '<' + p1 + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode) + p3 + '>';
// sanitize <span> <div> <p> <font>
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(span|div|p|font)\s+([^>]*?)\s*(\/?)>/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
return '<' + p1 + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode) + p3 + '>';
// remove <span> and <font> pairs withhout attributes
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'span|font');
// remove <p> ... </p> pairs withhout attributes
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'p', null, '\x00\x00', '\x00\x00');
// escape character entities
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&(?!(amp;|lt;|gt;))/g, '&amp;');
// remove comments
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--(.|\n)*?-->/g, '');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<\/(i|em|dfn|var|cite)\b[^>]*?>/gi, '\'\'');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<\/(b|strong)\b[^>]*?>/gi, '\'\'\'');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*(^|\n|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<h3\b[^>]*>((.|\n)*?)<\/h3>(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00\x00=== $4 ===\x00\x00');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(h[0-6])\b[^>]*>((.|\n)*?)<\/\1>/gi, '$2');
// convert html tables to wikicode
// remove <thead> <tbody> <tfoot>
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|\x00|<br\b[^>]*>)<\/?(thead|tbody|tfoot)\b[^>]*>(\s|\x00|<br\b[^>]*>)*()/gi, '$1');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<(col)\b[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/\2>(|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi, '');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<(colgroup)\b[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/\2>(|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi, '');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(td|th|caption)\b[^>]*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/\2>)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
p3 = p3.replace(/^(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00>)+/gi, '');
p3 = p3.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00>)+$/gi, '');
// preserve <br> in tags
p3 = p3.replace(/(<(\w+)[^>]*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/\2+>)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
p3 = p3.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>\s*()/gi, '\x04');
return p1 + p3 + p5;
p3 = p3.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>\s*()/gi, '&lt;br /&gt;');
p3 = p3.replace(/\x04/g, '<br>');
return p1 + p3 + p5;
// remove table closing tags
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<\/(tr|thead|tbody|tfoot)>(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi, '');
// <td> table cells
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<td>(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00| ');
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function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p3 = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode);
if (p3 === '') {
return '\x00| ';
else {
return '\x00|' + p3 + ' | ';
// <th> table cells
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<th>(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00! ');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<(th)\s+([^>]*)>(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p3 = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode);
if (p3 === '') {
return '\x00! ';
else {
return '\x00!' + p3 + ' | ';
// <tr> table rows
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function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
return '\x00|-' + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode) + '\x00';
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*<caption>(\s|<br\b[^>]*>|\x00)*()/gi, '\x00|+ ');
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function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p3 = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p2, p3, wikiCode);
if (p3 === '') {
return '\x00|+ ';
else {
return '\x00|+' + p3 + ' | ';
// remove closing tags
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\s*<\/(td|th|caption)>\s*()/gi, '');
// line breaks, also in table cells (continued)
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<br\s*\/?>[\n ]*()/gi, '\x00');
// <table>
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[\s\x00]*<table>[\s\x00]*(\|-(?=[\n\x00]))?/gi, '\x00\x00{|\x00');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[\s\x00]*<(table)\s+([^>]*)>[\s\x00]*(\|-(?=[\n\x00]))?/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
var table = '\x00\x00{|';
if (wikEd.config.wikifyTableParameters !== '') {
table += ' ' + wikEd.config.wikifyTableParameters;
else {
table += wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode);
return table + '\x00';
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[\s\x00]*<\/table>[\s\x00]*()/gi, '\x00|}\x00\x00');
// convert links
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<a(\b[^>]*)>((.|\n)*?)<\/a>/gi,
function(p, p1, p2) {
var linkParam = p1;
var linkText = p2;
var hrefUrlParam = null;
var hrefUrlArticle = null;
var imgWidth = '';
var hrefParamTitle = null;
var hrefParamISBN = null;
var hrefParamAction = null;
var hrefParamSpecial = false;
var linkArticleAnchor = '';
var linkArticle = '';
var linkTitle = '';
// get href value
var hrefValue;
var regExpMatchLink = linkParam.match(/\bhref="([^">]*)"/);
if (regExpMatchLink !== null) {
hrefValue = regExpMatchLink[1];
// get absolute path from ./index.php and ../../index.php
hrefValue = wikEd.RelativeToAbsolutePath(hrefValue);
// check for wiki article link and get parameters
// 1 2 article 2 3articl314 anchor 4 6 7 8 urlpar 87539 anchor 9
var regExpArticle = new RegExp(wikEd.server + '(' + wikEd.articlePath + '([^"\\?#]+)|' + wikEd.script + '\\?([^"#]*))(#[^"]*)?');
var regExpMatchArticle = regExpArticle.exec(hrefValue);
if (regExpMatchArticle !== null) {
// article name from url path <a href="../wiki/ hrefUrlArticle ">
hrefUrlArticle = regExpMatchArticle[2];
// article name from url parameters <a href="url? hrefUrlParam ">
hrefUrlParam = regExpMatchArticle[3];
// link anchor <a href="link #anchor">
linkArticleAnchor = regExpMatchArticle[4] || '';
if (linkArticleAnchor !== '') {
linkArticleAnchor = linkArticleAnchor.replace(/\.([0-9A-F]{2})/g, '%$1');
linkArticleAnchor = decodeURIComponent(linkArticleAnchor);
linkArticleAnchor = linkArticleAnchor.replace(/_\d+$/g, '');
// parse hrefUrlParam and check for special parameters
if (hrefUrlParam !== null) {
var regExpMatchHref;
var regExpHref = /(^|&amp;)(\w+)=([^"\&]+)/g;
while ( (regExpMatchHref = regExpHref.exec(hrefUrlParam)) !== null) {
var param = regExpMatchHref[2];
var value = regExpMatchHref[3];
switch (param) {
case 'title':
hrefParamTitle = value;
case 'isbn':
hrefParamISBN = value;
case 'redlink':
case 'action':
hrefParamAction = value;
hrefParamSpecial = true;
if (hrefParamAction !== null) {
// ISBN links
if (hrefParamAction === null) {
if ( (hrefParamISBN !== null) && (hrefParamSpecial !== true) ) {
var isbn = hrefParamISBN;
var regExpMatchISBN = /((\d\-?){13}|(\d\-?){10})/.exec(linkText);
if (regExpMatchISBN !== null) {
isbn = regExpMatchISBN[1];
return 'ISBN ' + isbn;
// get article from href parameters
else if ( (hrefParamTitle !== null) && (hrefParamSpecial !== true) ) {
linkArticle = hrefParamTitle;
linkArticle = linkArticle.replace(/_/g, ' ');
linkArticle = decodeURIComponent(linkArticle);
// get article name from url path
else if (hrefUrlArticle !== null) {
linkArticle = hrefUrlArticle;
linkArticle = linkArticle.replace(/_/g, ' ');
linkArticle = decodeURIComponent(linkArticle);
// get article name from <a title="">
else {
var regExpMatchTitle = /\btitle="([^">]+)"/.exec(linkParam);
if (regExpMatchTitle !== null) {
linkArticle = regExpMatchTitle[1];
// format wiki link
if (linkArticle !== '') {
// check for wiki image
var regExpMatchImage = /^<img\b[^>]*?\bwidth="(\d+)"[^>]*>$/.exec(linkText);
if (regExpMatchImage !== null) {
imgWidth = regExpMatchImage[1];
imgWidth = '|' + imgWidth + 'px';
if ( (linkTitle !== '') && (linkTitle != 'Enlarge') ) {
linkTitle = '|' + linkTitle;
return '[[' + linkArticle + imgWidth + linkTitle + ']]';
else {
return '[[' + linkArticle + imgWidth + ']]';
// category link
var regExpCat = new RegExp('^(Category|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + ')\\s*:(.*)', 'i');
var regExpMatchCat = regExpCat.exec(linkArticle);
if (regExpMatchCat !== null) {
return '[[' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + ':' + regExpMatchCat[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + linkText.substr(1) + ']]';
// wiki link
if (linkArticle == linkText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + linkText.substr(1)) {
return '[[' + linkText + linkArticleAnchor + ']]';
// date link (English only)
var regExpMatchDate = /^(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) (\d{1,2})$/.exec(linkArticle);
if (regExpMatchDate !== null) {
var month = regExpMatchDate[1];
var day = regExpMatchDate[2];
if (linkText == (day + ' ' + month) ) {
return '[[' + linkArticle + linkArticleAnchor + ']]';
// lowercase the article name if the first char of the link text can exist in lower/uppercase and is lowercase
if ( linkText.charAt(0).toLowerCase() != linkText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() ) {
if ( linkText.charAt(0) == linkText.charAt(0).toLowerCase() ) {
linkArticle = linkArticle.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + linkArticle.substr(1);
// suffix links
var regExpStrSuffix = new RegExp('^' + linkArticle.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1') + '([' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9]+)$');
var regExpMatchSuffix = regExpStrSuffix.exec(linkText);
if (regExpMatchSuffix !== null) {
return '[[' + linkArticle + linkArticleAnchor + ']]' + regExpMatchSuffix[1];
return '[[' + linkArticle + linkArticleAnchor + '|' + linkText + ']]';
// external link
if (hrefValue !== '') {
// PubMed link
var regExpMatchPubMed = /^(https?:)?\/\/www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/entrez\/query\.fcgi\?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=pubmed&amp;.*?&amp;list_uids=(\d+)/.exec(hrefValue);
if (regExpMatchPubMed !== null) {
return 'PMID ' + regExpMatchPubMed[2];
// DOI link
var regExpMatchDOI;
regExpMatchDOI = /^(https?:)?\/\/dx\.doi\.org\/(.*)/.exec(hrefValue);
if (regExpMatchDOI !== null) {
return '{{doi|' + regExpMatchDOI[2] + '}}';
// other external link
return '[' + hrefValue + ' ' + linkText + ']';
// return unchanged text
return p1;
// clean up MediaWiki category list
var regExp = new RegExp('<span\\b[^>]*>(\\[\\[(Category|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + ')\\s*:[^\\]]+\\]\\])<\\/span>[\\s\\x00\\|]*', 'gi');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(regExp, '$1\x00');
// clean up DOI
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\[\[Digital object identifier\|DOI\]\]:(\{\{doi\|[^\}\s]+\}\})/gi, '$1');
// convert images
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<img\b([^>]*)>/gi,
function(p, p1) {
// get and format parameters
var address = '';
var regExpMatch = /\bsrc\s*=\s*('|")([^'"]*)('|")/i.exec(p1);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
address = regExpMatch[2].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
var imgAlt = '';
regExpMatch = /\balt\s*=\s*('|")([^'"]*)('|")/i.exec(p1);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
imgAlt = regExpMatch[2].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/&amp;nbsp;|[\n\x00]/g, ' ');
imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
imgAlt = imgAlt.replace(/^\s|\s$/g, '');
if (imgAlt !== '') {
imgAlt = '|' + imgAlt;
var imgWidth = '';
regExpMatch = /\bwidth\s*=\s*('|")([^'"]*)('|")/i.exec(p1);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
imgWidth = '|' + regExpMatch[2].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') + 'px';
var imgLink = '';
regExpMatch = /([^\/]+)$/.exec(address);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
imgLink = regExpMatch[1];
if (imgLink !== '') {
return '[[' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + ':' + imgLink + imgWidth + imgAlt + ']]';
return '';
// convert lists: * # : ;
var listObj = {};
listObj.prefix = '';
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[\s\x00]*<(\/?(ol|ul|li|dl|dd|dt))\b[^>]*>[\s\x00]*()/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
switch (p1.toLowerCase()) {
case 'ol':
listObj.prefix += '#';
return '\x00';
case 'ul':
listObj.prefix += '*';
return '\x00';
case 'dl':
listObj.prefix += ':';
return '\x00';
case '/ol':
case '/ul':
case '/dl':
listObj.prefix = listObj.prefix.substr(0, listObj.prefix.length - 1);
return '\x00\x00';
case 'li':
case 'dd':
return '\x00' + listObj.prefix + ' ';
case 'dt':
return '\x00' + listObj.prefix.replace(/:$/, ';') + ' ';
case '/li':
case '/dt':
case '/dd':
return '';
return '';
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[\n|\x00]+[#*:;]+\s(?=[\n|\x00])/g, '');
// <> remove not allowed tags
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/?)(\/?)(\w+)([^>]*>)/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
// keep html elements with name, id, or class starting with wikEdKeep
if (wikEd.keepFormatting === true) {
if ( /^(div|span|ins|del)$/i.test(p3) === true) {
if ( /\b(name|id|class)="wikEdKeep/.test(p4) === true) {
p = p.replace(/</g, '\x01');
p = p.replace(/>/g, '\x02');
return p;
// keep allowed tags
if ( /^(abbr|big|blockquote|colgroup|center|code|del|div|br|font|ins|p|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|ref|charinsert|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references|syntaxhighlight|wbr)$/i.test(p3) === true) {
return p;
return '';
// sanitize attributes in opening html tags
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<(\w+)\s+([^>]*?)\s*(\/?)>/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
if (p3 !== '') {
p3 = ' ' + p3;
return '<' + p1 + wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(p1, p2, wikiCode) + p3 + '>';
// unformat underlined, italic or bold blanks
// corrupts existing text
// obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<u>('''|''|\s|\x00)*([\s\x00]+)('''|''|\s|\x00)*<\/u>/g, '$2');
// obj.html = obj.html.replace(/'''(''|\s|\x00)*([\s\x00]+)(''|\s|\x00)*'''/g, '$2');
// obj.html = obj.html.replace(/''([\s\x00]+)''/g, '$1');
// fix MS Word non-style heading formatting
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\x00(={1,6})\s*)(<u>|'''|'')+((.|\n)*?)(<\/u>|'''|'\')+( *\2\x00)/gi, '$1$4$7');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00(={1,6})\s+\1\x00/g, '\x00');
// remove space-only lines
if (wikiCode !== true) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/([\s\x00]*\x00[\s\x00]*)/g,
function(p, p1) {
return p1.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');
// remove trailing linebreaks from table cells
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00{2,}(\||!)/g, '\x00$1');
// remove leading and trailing spaces
if (wikiCode === true) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00[ \n]+</g, '\x00<');
else {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00\s+</g, '\x00<');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>\s+\x00/g, '>\x00');
// remove empty inline and block tag pairs
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveEmptyTags(obj.html, /( *)<(abbr|big|colgroup|code|del|font|ins|pre|s|small|span|strike|sub|sup|tt|u|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|ref|charinsert)\b[^>]*><\/\1> *()/gi, '$1');
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveEmptyTags(obj.html, /[\s\x00]*<(blockquote|center|div|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references)\b[^>]*><\/\1>[\s\x00]*()/gi, '\x00\x00');
// remove empty lines from block tags
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<(blockquote|center|div|p|pre|gallery|syntaxhighlight|source|poem|categorytree|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|timeline|references)\b[^>]*>[\s\x00])[\s\x00]+/gi, '$1');
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function(p, p1, p2, p3) {
p2 = p2.replace(/\x00/g, '<br>\n');
return p1 + p2 + p3;
// escape < >
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
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obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x02/g, '>');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x03/g, '\xa0');
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// remove empty lines from article start and end
if (obj.from == 'whole') {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/^(<br\b[^>]*>)+/gi, '');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<br\b[^>]*>)+$/gi, '');
// wikEd.RemoveEmptyTag: remove empty html tag pairs
wikEd.RemoveEmptyTags = function (html, tag, replace) {
var tagRegExp;
if (typeof tag == 'string') {
tagRegExp = new RegExp('<(' + tag + ')\\b[^>]*><\/\\1>', 'gi');
else {
tagRegExp = tag;
if (replace === undefined) {
replace = '';
while (tagRegExp.test(html) === true) {
html = html.replace(tagRegExp, replace);
tagRegExp.lastIndex = 0;
return html;
// wikEd.RemoveTag: recursively remove html tag pairs
wikEd.RemoveTag = function (html, tag, attribRegExp, replaceOpen, replaceClose) {
attribRegExp = attribRegExp || null;
replaceOpen = replaceOpen || '';
replaceClose = replaceClose || '';
var tagRegExp;
if (typeof tag == 'string') {
// 1 2 23 3 4 4 1
tagRegExp = new RegExp('(<(\\/?)(' + tag + ')\\b([^>]*)>)', 'g');
else {
tagRegExp = tag;
var isRemove = [];
html = html.replace(tagRegExp,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p2 = p2 || '';
p4 = p4 || '';
if (p2 === '') {
if (
( (attribRegExp === null) && (p4 === '') ) ||
( (attribRegExp !== null) && (attribRegExp.test(p4) === true) )
) {
return replaceOpen;
return p1;
if (isRemove.pop() === true) {
return replaceClose;
return p1;
return html;
// wikEd.RemoveEmbracingTags: recursively remove embracing html tag pairs
wikEd.RemoveEmbracingTags = function (obj) {
// quick test for no embracing tags
if (/^[^<]|[^>]$/.test(obj.html)) {
// dump fragments to code list
// use stack to identify tag pairs
// use pointer list to link pairs
var stack = [];
var code = [];
var pointer = [];
// 1 12 3 34 4 25 5
var regExp = /([^<]*)(<(\/?)(\w+)\b[^>]*>)([^<]*)/g;
var regExpMatch;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(obj.html)) !== null) {
var pre = regExpMatch[1];
var tag = regExpMatch[2];
var close = regExpMatch[3];
var name = regExpMatch[4];
var post = regExpMatch[5];
// pre
if (pre !== '') {
// ignore <tag />
if (/\/>$/.test(tag) === false) {
// opening tag
if (close != '/') {
stack.push([code.length, name]);
// closing tag
else {
var pop = stack.pop();
var openName = '';
// skip empty (void) opening elements on stack
while (pop !== undefined) {
openName = pop[1];
if (name == openName) {
else if (/^(area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|p|param|source|wbr)$/i.test(openName) === true) {
pop = stack.pop();
if (name == openName) {
var pos = pop[0];
pointer[code.length] = pos;
pointer[pos] = code.length;
// post
if (post !== '') {
// check for embracing pairs and remove them
var j = code.length;
for (var i = 0; i < j; i ++) {
j --;
if (pointer[i] === undefined) {
if (pointer[i] != j) {
code[i] = '';
code[j] = '';
// join fragments
obj.html = code.join('');
// wikEd.RelativeToAbsolutePath
wikEd.RelativeToAbsolutePath = function (relativePath, fullPath) {
var absolutePath = '';
// get current url
if (fullPath === undefined) {
fullPath = window.location.href;
fullPath = fullPath.replace(/#.*()/, '');
fullPath = fullPath.replace(/\?.*()/, '');
// ./index.php
if (/^\.\/()/.test(relativePath) === true) {
relativePath = relativePath.replace(/^\.\/()/, '');
fullPath = fullPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '');
absolutePath = fullPath + '/' + relativePath;
// ../../index.php
else if (/^\.\.\/()/.test(relativePath) === true) {
var regExp = /^\.\.\/()/;
while (regExp.test(relativePath) === true) {
relativePath = relativePath.replace(/^\.\.\/()/, '');
fullPath = fullPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '');
absolutePath = fullPath + '/' + relativePath;
// full path
else {
absolutePath = relativePath;
return absolutePath;
// wikEd.SanitizeAttributes: see Sanitizer.php
// wikiCode === true: allow extended set of attributes for existing wikicode
wikEd.SanitizeAttributes = function (tag, attributes, wikiCode, errors) {
attributes = attributes || '';
var common;
var tablealign;
var tablecell;
var table;
if (wikiCode === true) {
common = '|dir|style|class|lang|id|title|';
tablealign = '|align|char|charoff|valign|';
table = '|summary|width|border|frame|rules|cellspacing|cellpadding|align|bgcolor|';
tablecell = '|abbr|axis|headers|scope|rowspan|colspan|nowrap|width|height|bgcolor|';
else {
common = '|dir|';
table = '|border|cellspacing|cellpadding|align|bgcolor|';
tablealign = '|align|valign|';
tablecell = '|rowspan|colspan|nowrap|bgcolor|';
tag = tag.toLowerCase();
var sanitized = '';
var regExpMatch;
// 1 12 34 45 5 6 632
var regExp = /\s*(\w+)(\s*=\s*(('|")(.*?)\4|(\w+)))?\s*/g;
var junk = attributes.replace(regExp, '\x00');
junk = junk.replace(/^\x00+|\x00\x00+|\x00+$/g, '');
junk = junk.replace(/\x00/g, '/');
var error = '';
if (junk !== '') {
error += 'Not supported text in attribute. (' + junk + ')';
// error handling
if (error !== '') {
if (errors !== undefined) {
var attribClean = attributes;
attribClean = attribClean.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
attribClean = attribClean.replace(/^ | $/g, '');
if (attribClean !== '') {
attribClean = ' ' + attribClean;
errors.push(error + '(<' + tag + attribClean + '>)');
while ( (regExpMatch = regExp.exec(attributes)) !== null) {
var error = '';
var attrib = regExpMatch[1].toLowerCase();
var attribValue = regExpMatch[5] || regExpMatch[6] || '';
var valid = false;
var tagCheck = '|' + tag + '|';
var attribCheck = '|' + attrib + '|';
// empty or missing attributes as parameters for wiki markup
var flag = false;
// include non-html wiki markup and extended set of attributes for existing wikicode
if (wikiCode === true) {
if ('|center|em|strong|cite|code|var|sub|sup|dl|dd|dt|tt|b|i|big|small|strike|s|u|rb|rp|ruby|wbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|div|span|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|blockquote|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|cite|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|br|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ('|style|clear|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|pre|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|width|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|ins|del|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|cite|datetime|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('ul'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|type|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|ol|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|type|start|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|li|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|type|value|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|table|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + table).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|caption|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|thead|tfoot|tbody|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|colgroup|col|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|span|width|' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|tr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|bgcolor|' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + tablecell + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|font|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|size|color|face|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|abbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|hr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|noshade|size|width|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|rt|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|rbspan|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|dfn|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if (('|name|id|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
// wiki markup
else if ('|ref|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if (('|name|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|references|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
else if ('|syntaxhighlight|source|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|lang|enclose|highlight|line|start|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) {
valid = true;
if ( ('|line|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) && (attribValue === '') ) {
flag = true;
else if ('|poem|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|compact|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) {
valid = true;
if ( ('|compact|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) && (attribValue === '') ) {
flag = true;
else if ('|categorytree|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|mode|depth|onlyroot|hideroot|hideprefix|showcount|namespaces|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|gallery|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|perrow|widths|heights|caption|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|nowiki|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|inputbox|timeline|imagemap|hiero|charinsert|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
else if ('|math|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|alt|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|score|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|lang|midi|override_midi|override_ogg|raw vorbis|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
// strict, for html code to be wikified from external sources (websites, Word)
else {
if ('|center|em|strong|cite|code|var|sub|sup|dl|dd|dt|tt|b|i|big|small|strike|s|u|rb|rp|ruby|blockquote|pre|ins|del|wbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|div|span|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|br|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ('|clear|'.indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|ul|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|type|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|ol|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|type|start|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|li|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|type|value|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|table|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + table).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|caption|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|align|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|thead|tfoot|tbody|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|colgroup|col|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|span|' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|tr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|bgcolor' + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + tablecell + tablealign).indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|font|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|color|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|abbr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|title|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|hr|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|noshade|size|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|rt|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if ((common + '|rbspan|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
else if ('|dfn|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if (('|name|id|').indexOf(attribCheck) >= 0) { valid = true; }
// ignore empty attributes
if ( (flag !== true) && (attribValue === '') ) {
error += 'Empty attribute. ';
// ignore not supported attributes
if (valid === false) {
error += 'Not supported attribute ' + attrib + '. ';
// error handling
if (error !== '') {
if (errors !== undefined) {
var attribClean = attributes;
attribClean = attribClean.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
attribClean = attribClean.replace(/^ | $/g, '');
if (attribClean !== '') {
attribClean = ' ' + attribClean;
errors.push(error + '(<' + tag + attribClean + '>)');
// clean up defaults for align
if (attrib == 'align') {
if ('|tr|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if (attribValue == 'left') {
attribValue = '';
// clean up defaults for valign
else if (attrib == 'valign') {
if ('|tr|td|th|'.indexOf(tagCheck) >= 0) {
if (attribValue == 'top') {
attribValue = '';
// clean up style
else if (attrib == 'style') {
// remove non-standard Mozilla styles
attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(^|\s)(-moz-[\w\-]+):\s[\w\-]+;\s*()/g, '$1');
attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(^|\s)([\w\-]+):\s[^;]*(-moz-[\w\-]+|windowtext)[^;]*;\s*()/g, '$1');
// remove dimensions from null values
attribValue = attribValue.replace(/\b0(%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)\b/g, '0');
// remove empty definitions and spaces
attribValue = attribValue.replace(/[\w\-]+\s*\:\s*; *()/g, '');
attribValue = attribValue.replace(/\s*(;|:)\s*()/g, '$1 ');
attribValue = attribValue.replace(/(\s|;)+$/g, ';');
// clean up class
else if (attrib == 'class') {
// remove MS Word classes
attribValue = attribValue.replace(/^Ms.*$/g, '');
// add attribute
if (flag === true) {
sanitized += ' ' + attrib;
else if (attribValue !== '') {
sanitized += ' ' + attrib + '="' + attribValue + '"';
return sanitized;
// wikEd.RemoveHighlighting: remove syntax highlighting in obj.html; sets obj.htmlCode if text contains html code
// expects <br> instead of \n
wikEd.RemoveHighlighting = function (obj) {
// preserve tags, spaces and newlines in pre tag markup
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(&lt;(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)\b[^\/]*?&gt;)((.|\n)*?)(&lt;\/\2&gt;)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
p3 = p3.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
p3 = p3.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');
return p1 + p3 + p5;
// preserve spaces and content in pre, syntaxhighlight, source, and nowiki
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/(&lt;(syntaxhighlight|source|pre|nowiki)\b[^\/]*?&gt;)((.|\n)*?)(&lt;\/\2&gt;)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
p3 = p3.replace(/([\[\]{}=*#:;|&])/g, '\x00$1\x00');
if (/^(syntaxhighlight|source|pre)$/i.test(p2) === true) {
p3 = p3.replace(/ /g, '\x01');
p3 = p3.replace(/\n/g, '\x02');
return p1 + p3 + p5;
// remove highlighting error messages
if (wikEd.config.highlightError === true) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<span\b[^>]*?\bclass="wikEdHighlightError"[^>]*>(.|\n)*?<\/span><!--wikEdHighlightError-->/g, '');
// remove tablemode highlighting code
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTableModeHighlighting(obj.html);
// remove highlighting and atttribute-free span tags
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'span', /\bclass="wikEd[\w\/]+"/);
// remove highlighting div tags
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'div', /\bclass="wikEd[\w\/]+"/, '\x00', '\x00');
// comments
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEd[\w\/]+-->/g, '');
// remove span and font tags from WebKit
// filtering these tags does not help, they accumulate anyway
obj.html = wikEd.RemoveTag(obj.html, 'span|font', /\bclass="(Apple-style-span|Apple-.*?)"/, '\x00', '\x00');
// remove highlighting div tags from WebKit
var isRemove = [];
// 12 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(([\x00\x01]\s*)?<(\/?)div\b([^>]*)>(\s*[\x00\x01])?)/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) {
if (p3 === '') {
if ( (p2 !== '') || (p5 !== '') ) {
if (/\bstyle="/.test(p4) === true) {
if (/\bclass="/.test(p4) === false) {
return '';
return p1;
if (isRemove.pop() === true) {
return '';
return p1;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[\x00\x01]/g, '');
// preserve spaces and newlines in pre tag
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<pre\b[^>]*>)((.|\n)*?)(<\/pre>)/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
p2 = p2.replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
p2 = p2.replace(/\n/g, '\x00');
return p1 + p2 + p4;
// newlines
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/[\n ]+/g, ' ');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '\n');
// non-breaking spaces
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\xa0');
// check for pasted html content
if (/<(?!br\b)/.test(obj.html) === true) {
obj.htmlCode = true;
else {
obj.htmlCode = false;
// wikEd.HighlightSyntaxInit: initialize regExp for syntax highlighting and regExp-to-number array, called during start up
wikEd.HighlightSyntaxInit = function () {
wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag = [''];
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags = null;
// main regular expression search definitions
// [regular expression fragment, tag, tagClass, tagStart (regexp starts with newline)]
var tagArray = [
['(((\\bhttps?:|\\bftp:|\\birc:|\\bgopher:|)\\/\\/)|\\bnews:|\\bmailto:)[^\\x00-\\x20\\s"\\[\\]\\x7f]+', 'inlineURL', 'block'], // inline link
// not beneficial in current browsers
// ['[^{}\\[\\]\x00\x01_|!=*#:;"\'\\n\\~\\-]+', 'text', 'ignore'], // chew-up fragment to ignore plain text, triples regExp speed in ancient browsers only, check later if chewed into start of inlineLink; start-with-text tags (PMID,...) have to be tested for separately to benefit from his
['\x00(nowiki)\\b[^\x00\x01]*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/nowiki\\s*\x01', 'nowiki', 'block'], // <nowiki>...</nowiki>
['\x00(pre)\\b[^\x00\x01]*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/pre\\s*\x01', 'pre', 'block'], // <pre>...</pre>
['\x00(math)\\b[^\x00\x01]*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/math\\s*\x01', 'math', 'block'], // <math>...</math>
['\x00(score)\\b[^\x00\x01]*\x01(.|\\n)*?\x00/score\\s*\x01', 'score', 'block'], // <score>...</score>
['(^|\\n)([ \xa0]+)(\\S[^\\n]*)', 'preform', 'block'], // "preformatted" text line (leading space)
['(^|\\n)([*#:;]+)([^\\n]*)', 'list', 'block'], // list line
['\x00(br|wbr)\\b[^\x00\x01]*\x01', 'void', 'block'], // <br>, <wbr>
['\x00(\\w+)[^\x00\x01]*?\\/\x01', 'htmlEmpty', 'block'], // <html />
['\x00(\\w+)[^\x00\x01]*\x01', 'html', 'open'], // <html>
['\x00\\/(\\w+)[^\x00\x01]*\x01', 'html', 'close'], // </html>
['(^|\\n)(\\{\\|)', 'table', 'open'], // table start
['(^|\\n)(\\|\\}\\})', 'pipeTemplateEnd', 'multi'], // empty template parameter + template end
['(^|\\n)(\\|\\})', 'table', 'close'], // table end
['(^|\\n)(\\|\\+)', 'tableCaption', 'open'], // table caption
['(^|\\n)(\\|\\-)', 'row', 'open'], // table row
['(^|\\n)(\\|)', 'newlinePipe', 'block'], // table cell, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, empty template parameter
['\\|\\|', 'doublePipe', 'block'], // table cell separator, empty file parameter separator, empty template parameters
['\\|', 'pipe', 'block'], // table cell attribute separator, table caption parameter separator, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, redirect separator, template parameter parameter
['(^|\\n)(!)', 'header', 'open'], // table header cell
['!!', 'headerSep', 'open'], // table header cell separator
['\\{{2,}', 'paramTempl', 'open'], // template or parameter start
['\\}{2,}', 'paramTempl', 'close'], // template parameter end
['(^\\s*)#REDIRECT(?=\\s*\\[\\[)', 'redirect', 'block'], // redirect
['\\[\\[(?=(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Image'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Media'] + ')\\s*:\\s*)', 'file', 'open'], // file link start /// add translation
['\\[\\[', 'link', 'open'], // wikilink, category start with interlink detection
['\\]\\]', 'doubleCloseBracket', 'close'], // wikilink, category, file link, redirect end
['\\[((((https?:|ftp:|irc:|gopher:|)\\/\\/)|news:|mailto:)[^\\x00-\\x20\\s"\\[\\]\\x7f]+)(\\s*)', 'external', 'open'], // external link start; up?? [[url]] detected as ext link!
['\\]', 'external', 'close'], // external link end
['(^|\\n)={1,6}', 'heading', 'open'], // heading start - heading can contain multi-line templates and <tag>s, all single-line
['={1,6}[ \xa0\\t]*(?=(\\n|$))', 'heading', 'close'], // heading end
['\\\'{2,}', 'boldItalic', 'multi'], // bold, italic
['__(' + wikEd.magicWords + ')__', 'magic', 'block'], // magic words
['~{3,5}', 'signature', 'block'], // signature
['(^|\\n)\\-{4,}', 'hr', 'block'], // hr
['(\\n|$)', 'newline', 'block'] // breaks: heading, lists, external link, wikilink before
// parse tag array into regular expression string and parenthesized substring match-to-tag info array
var regExpStrings = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tagArray.length; i ++) {
var regExpSub = tagArray[i][0];
var tag = tagArray[i][1];
var tagClass = tagArray[i][2];
// add parenthesized sub regExp to regexp array
regExpStrings.push('(' + regExpSub + ')');
// detect if a fragment starts with (^|\\n) to handle the leading newlines
var tagStart = false;
if (/^\(\^\|\\n\)/.test(regExpSub) === true) {
tagStart = true;
// save tag information for matched parenthesis
wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag.push( [tag, tagClass, tagStart] );
// add empty entry for all sub parentheses, ignore (? and \(
var pos = 0;
while ( (pos = regExpSub.indexOf('(', pos) + 1) > 0) {
if (regExpSub.charAt(pos) != '?') {
if (regExpSub.charAt(pos - 2) != '\\') {
wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag.push( [] );
// create regExp from or-joined parenthesized sub regExps
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags = new RegExp(regExpStrings.join('|'), 'gi');
// wikEd.HighlightSyntax: highlight syntax in obj.html;
// existing highlighting must have been removed using wikEd.RemoveHighlighting
// expects < > &lt; &gt; &amp; \xa0 instead of &nbsp; \n instead of <br>
// known bugs:
// - templates inside elements
// - fragment highlighting misses surrounding html
// this is a real wikicode parser that works as follows:
// cycle through the text with a complex regexp search for wikicode and highlighting fragments
// build an array-based tree structure of text elements
// tag info: text pos, text length, tag type (open, close, block, error)
// connectivity info: parent, firstChild, nextSibling, paired opening/closing (all array indexes)
// add actual highlighting html code to parse tree elements
/* TO DO:
heading closes links
valid table markup: \n :{|
preformatted lines: space-only lines inside and as last allowed
wikEd.HighlightSyntax = function (obj, noTimeOut, keepComments, noBlocks) {
// start timer to cancel after wikEd.config.maxHighlightTime ms
var highlightStartDate = new Date();
// linkify raw watchlist
if (wikEd.editWatchlist === true) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(.*)/gm,
function(p, p1) {
var ns = '';
var article = p1;
var regExp = /^(.*?:)(.*)$/;
var regExpMatch = regExp.exec(article);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
ns = regExpMatch[1];
article = regExpMatch[2];
var html = '<span class="wikEdWatchlistLink" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify(ns, article) + '>' + p + '</span>';
return html;
// &lt; &gt; &amp; to \x00 \x01 &
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&lt;/g, '\x00');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&gt;/g, '\x01');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// trailing, leading, and multi spaces to nbsp
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/^ | $/gm, '\xa0');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\n|\xa0 | ) /g, '$1\xa0');
// define parse object
var parseObj = {
// tree object that holds nodes to be sorted and joined for final text:
// { 'tag': , 'parent': , 'firstChild': , 'nextSibling': , 'start': , 'tagLength': , 'type': , 'paired': , 'pairedPos': , 'left': , 'right': , 'index': , 'attrib': , 'newline': }
'tree': [],
// main regular expression for syntactic elements
'regExp': null,
// last match
'regExpMatch': null,
// highlight whole text or fragment
'whole': false,
// ignore leading closing tags for fragment highlighting
'addedOpenTag': false,
// quick references
'lastOpenTag': null,
'lastOpenNode': 0,
// filtered ignore p tags
'lastOpenNodeFiltered': null,
'lastOpenTagFiltered': null,
'secondlastOpenNodeFiltered': null,
'secondlastOpenTagFiltered': null,
// add root node
parseObj.tree[0] = { 'type': 'root' };
// clear array of link addresses and preview image ids
if (obj.whole === true) {
parseObj.whole = true;
wikEd.wikiLinks = [];
wikEd.referenceArray = [];
wikEd.templateArray = [];
wikEd.charEntityArray = [];
wikEd.HighlightNamedHideButtonsStylesheet = new wikEd.StyleSheet(wikEd.frameDocument);
wikEd.filePreviewNo = 0;
wikEd.filePreviewIds = [];
// take out comments and html formatting to be kept
var content = '';
var from = 0;
var commentsLength = 0;
var regExpMatch;
var regExpComments = /(\x00!--(.|\n)*?--\x01)|(<[^>]*>)/g;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpComments.exec(obj.html)) !== null) {
var tag;
var p1 = regExpMatch[1] || '';
var p2 = regExpMatch[2] || '';
if (p1 !== '') {
tag = 'comment';
else if (p2 !== '') {
tag = 'keep';
parseObj.tree.push( { 'tag': tag, 'start': regExpMatch.index - commentsLength, 'tagLength': 0, 'type': tag, 'left': regExpMatch[0] } );
content += obj.html.substring(from, regExpMatch.index);
commentsLength += regExpMatch[0].length;
from = regExpComments.lastIndex;
if (parseObj.tree.length > 0) {
content += obj.html.substring(from);
obj.html = content;
//// opening block tags and templates break link?
// show main parsing regExp:
// WED('regExp', wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.toString().replace(/\x00/g, '<').replace(/\x01/g, '>').replace(/\n/g, '\\n'));
// cycle through text and find tags with a regexp search
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = 0;
while ( (parseObj.regExpMatch = wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.exec(obj.html)) !== null) {
// cancel highlighting after wikEd.config.maxHighlightTime ms
if (noTimeOut !== true) {
var currentDate = new Date();
if ( (currentDate - highlightStartDate) > wikEd.config.maxHighlightTime) {
var tagMatch = parseObj.regExpMatch[0];
var tagFrom = parseObj.regExpMatch.index;
var tagLength = tagMatch.length;
var tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
var tagProperties = [];
var tagMatchParenth = 0;
// get regexp index number from first defined parenthesized submatch
var tag = '';
var tagClass = '';
var tagStart = '';
for (var i = 1; i < wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag.length; i ++) {
if (typeof parseObj.regExpMatch[i] != 'undefined') {
// get tag information
tag = wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag[i][0];
tagClass = wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag[i][1];
tagStart = wikEd.parseObj.matchToTag[i][2];
tagMatchParenth = i;
// handle chew-up regExp matches that massively speed up regexp search
if (tagClass == 'ignore') {
// move regExp pointer back if chew-up regExp fragment has eaten into the start of an inline link
if (obj.html.charAt(wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex) == ':') {
var regExpMatch = /(https?|ftp|irc|gopher)$/.exec(tagMatch);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex - regExpMatch[0].length;
// detect and remove newline from leading (^|\n) in sub-regexp: table, pipeTemplateEnd, tableCaption, row, newlinePipe, header
var leadingNewline = false;
if (tagStart === true) {
if (parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 1] == '\n') {
tagFrom ++;
tagLength --;
leadingNewline = true;
tagProperties.push(['newline', true]);
// newlines close or end certain tags
if (leadingNewline === true) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('newline', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
var openNode = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered];
// get attrib text
if ( (tagClass == 'open') && ( (tag == 'table') || (tag == 'row') ) ) {
var attribEnd = obj.html.indexOf('\n', tagTo);
if (attribEnd == -1) {
attribEnd = null;
var attribText = obj.html.substring(tagTo, attribEnd);
if (attribText !== '') {
attribText = attribText.replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');
tagProperties.push(['attrib', attribText]);
// no wikicode in link target, template, or parameter name
if ( (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'link') || (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'template') || (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameter') ) {
if ( (openNode !== undefined) && (openNode.firstChild === null) ) {
// allow templates and template parameters, template and link separators, and newline
if (
( (tagClass == 'open') && (tag != 'paramTempl') ) ||
( (tagClass == 'block') && (tag != 'newlinePipe') && (tag != 'doublePipe') && (tag != 'pipe') && (tag != 'headerSep') && (tag != 'newline') && (tag != 'preform') ) //// preform ok?
) {
// convert opening tag to error and continue
var errorText;
if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'link') {
errorText = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorCodeInLinkName;
else if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'template') {
errorText = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorCodeInTemplName;
else if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameter') {
errorText = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorCodeInParamName;
wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(errorText, parseObj);
// handle current tag by dispatching infos to stack manager that builds a hierarchical tree
switch (tag) {
// non-ambiguous tags
case 'nowiki':
case 'pre':
case 'math':
case 'score':
case 'void':
case 'file':
case 'heading':
case 'redirect':
case 'magic':
case 'signature':
case 'hr':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// bold and italic
case 'boldItalic':
switch (tagLength) {
case 2:
switch(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'italic':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'boldItalic':
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, 'italic', 3, 2, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered, 'bold', 0, 3, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 3:
switch(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'bold':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'boldItalic':
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, 'bold', 2, 3, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered, 'italic', 0, 2, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 5:
switch(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'bold':
if (parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered == 'italic') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, 3, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom + 3, 2, parseObj);
else {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom, 3, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'open', tagFrom + 3, 2, parseObj);
case 'italic':
if (parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered == 'bold') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom + 2, 3, parseObj);
else {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'open', tagFrom + 2, 3, parseObj);
case 'boldItalic':
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered, 'bold', 0, 3, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, 'italic', 3, 2, parseObj);
parseObj.lastOpenTag = 'italic';
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('italic', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('bold', 'close', tagFrom + 2, 3, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('boldItalic', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('boldItalic', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagFrom, 'tagLength': tagLength, 'type': 'error', 'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorBoldItalic } );
// templParam: template or template parameter
case 'paramTempl':
// template or parameter
var paramTemplTag = tag;
if (tagLength == 2) {
paramTemplTag = 'template';
else if (tagLength == 3) {
paramTemplTag = 'parameter';
// open paramTempl
if (tagClass == 'open') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// add spare elements for later disambiguation
if (paramTemplTag == 'paramTempl') {
for (var pos = 2; pos < tagLength - 1; pos = pos + 2) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// close paramTempl
else {
// no opening tag, delegate error handling
if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode === 0) || (parseObj.lastOpenNode === null) ) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
if (openNode === undefined) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// close template or parameter, open and close defined
if (
( (paramTemplTag == 'template') && (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'template') ) ||
( (paramTemplTag == 'parameter') && (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'parameter') ) ||
( (paramTemplTag == 'parameter') && (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'parameterPiped') )
) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// closing defines ambiguous opening
else if (
( (paramTemplTag == 'template') || (paramTemplTag == 'parameter') ) &&
(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'paramTempl') &&
(openNode.tagLength >= tagLength)
) {
// redefine ambiguous opening
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered, paramTemplTag, openNode.tagLength - tagLength, tagLength, parseObj);
// adjust all ambiguous parents
var redefinedTag;
var redefinedLength;
var nodeNo = openNode.parent;
while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== null) && (nodeNo !== undefined) ) {
var node = parseObj.tree[nodeNo];
if (node.tag != 'paramTempl') {
if (nodeNo == openNode.parent) {
redefinedTag = node.tag;
redefinedLength = node.tagLength - tagLength;
// ignore spare paramTempl opening tags like p tags
if (redefinedLength === 0) {
redefinedTag = 'spare';
// mark remaining single { as error
else if (redefinedLength == 1) {
parseObj.tree.push( {
'start': node.start,
'tagLength': node.tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParam
} );
redefinedTag = 'spare';
// this is a template
else if (redefinedLength == 2) {
node.tag = 'template';
// this is a parameter
else if (redefinedLength == 3) {
node.tag = 'parameter';
// redefine parent
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine(nodeNo, redefinedTag, null, redefinedLength, parseObj);
// all further opening paramTempl tags are spare
if (redefinedLength <= 3) {
redefinedTag = 'spare';
redefinedLength = 0;
// up one level
nodeNo = node.parent;
// and close innermost tag
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(paramTemplTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// opening defines ambiguous closing
else if ( (
(openNode.tag == 'template') ||
(openNode.tag == 'parameter') ||
(openNode.tag == 'parameterPiped') ) && (tagLength >= openNode.tagLength)
) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(openNode.tag, tagClass, tagFrom, openNode.tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex - tagLength + openNode.tagLength;
// both ambiguous
else if (
(paramTemplTag == 'paramTempl') &&
(openNode.tag == 'paramTempl') &&
( (openNode.tagLength > 3) && (tagLength > 3) )
) {
parseObj.tree.push( {
'start': openNode.start,
'tagLength': openNode.tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParamAmbig
} );
parseObj.tree.push( {
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParamAmbig
} );
// opening and closing do not match
else {
parseObj.tree.push( {
'start': openNode.start,
'tagLength': openNode.tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParam
} );
parseObj.tree.push( {
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplParam
} );
// wikilink
case 'link':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
// inline link block and external link
case 'inlineURL':
case 'external':
// trailing punctuation not part of inline links
if (tag == 'inlineURL') {
var regExpMatch;
if (/\(/.test(tagMatch) === true) {
regExpMatch = /^(.*?)([.,:;\\!?)]+)$/.exec(tagMatch);
else {
regExpMatch = /^(.*?)([.,:;\\!?]+)$/.exec(tagMatch);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagFrom + regExpMatch[1].length;
tagMatch = regExpMatch[1];
tagLength = tagMatch.length;
tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
// urls in templates or tables are interrupted by tag strings
if (tag == 'inlineURL') {
var node = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode];
while ( (node !== undefined) && (node !== null) ) {
// urls in templates are interrupted by }} and |
if ( (node.tag == 'template') || (node.tag == 'paramTempl') || (node.tag == 'parameter') || (node.tag == 'parameterPiped') ) {
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /^(.*?)(\}\}|\|)(.*?)$/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagFrom + regExpMatch[1].length;
tagMatch = regExpMatch[1];
tagLength = tagMatch.length;
tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
// urls in tables are interrupted by ||
else if (node.tag == 'table') {
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /^(.*?)(\}\}|\|)(.*?)$/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagFrom + regExpMatch[1].length;
tagMatch = regExpMatch[1];
tagLength = tagMatch.length;
tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
node = parseObj.tree[node.parent];
// dissect external [url text
if (tag == 'external') {
if (tagClass == 'open') {
var url = parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 1];
var spaces = parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 5];
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('externalURL', 'block', tagFrom + 1, url.length, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('externalText', tagClass, tagFrom + 1 + url.length + spaces.length, 0, parseObj);
// close ], ignore false positive non-tags that have no opening [
else {
var node = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode];
while ( (node !== null) && (node !== undefined) ) {
if (node.tag == tag) {
node = parseObj.tree[node.parent];
if ( (node !== null) && (node !== undefined) ) {
if (node.parent !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('externalText', tagClass, tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// <html>
case 'html':
var htmlTag = parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 1].toLowerCase();
if (/^(ref|references|sub|sup|u|s|p|wbr)$/i.test(htmlTag) === true) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(htmlTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
else if (/^(table|tr|td|th|col|thead|tfoot|tbody|colgroup|caption|abbr|big|blockquote|center|code|del|div|font|ins|small|span|strike|tt|rb|rp|rt|ruby|nowiki|math|score|noinclude|includeonly|onlyinclude|gallery|categorytree|charinsert|hiero|imagemap|inputbox|poem|syntaxhighlight|source|timeline)$/.test(htmlTag) === true) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(htmlTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
else {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('htmlUnknown', 'block', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// <html />
case 'htmlEmpty':
var htmlTag = parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 1].toLowerCase();
if (/^(references|ref|br|p|wbr)$/i.test(htmlTag) === true) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(htmlTag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
else {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// |}}: table end or empty template parameter + template end
case 'pipeTemplateEnd':
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'table':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
case 'tableAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
case 'tableCaption':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
case 'captionAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
case 'row':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
case 'rowAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj);
case 'header':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
case 'cell':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('table', 'close', tagFrom, 2, parseObj, tagProperties);
case 'template':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', 'block', tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('template', 'close', tagFrom + 1, 2, parseObj);
// {|, |}: table
case 'table':
if (tagClass == 'open') {
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'tableAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'tableCaption':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'captionAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'row':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'rowAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'header':
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cell':
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
// close close
else {
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'tableAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'tableCaption':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'captionAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'row':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'rowAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'header':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cell':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
// ]]: wikilink, file link, redirect
case 'doubleCloseBracket':
if (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'file') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
else {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('link', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// \n|: table cell, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, redirect separator, empty template parameter
case 'newlinePipe':
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'table':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'tableAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'tableCaption':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'captionAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'row':
case 'rowAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'header':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cell':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'link':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'file':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'template':
case 'paramTempl':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'table':
case 'tableAttrib':
case 'tableCaption':
case 'captionAttrib':
case 'row':
case 'rowAttrib':
case 'header':
case 'headerAttrib':
case 'cell':
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
// \n!: header
case 'header':
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'table':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'tableAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'tableCaption':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'captionAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'open', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
case 'row':
case 'rowAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'header':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cell':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
// ||: table cell separator, empty file parameter separator, empty template parameters
case 'doublePipe':
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'header':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
case 'cell':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
case 'link':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkParam', tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
case 'file':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom + 1, 1, parseObj);
case 'template':
case 'paramTempl':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom, 1, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom + 1, 1, parseObj);
// !!: table header separator
case 'headerSep':
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'header':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'open', tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
// |-, |+: table caption, table row
case 'tableCaption':
case 'row':
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'table':
case 'tableAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'tableCaption':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'captionAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('tableCaption', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'row':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'rowAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'header':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('header', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cell':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cell', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('row', 'close', tagFrom - 1, 0, parseObj);
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties);
if (tag == 'row') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('rowAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
else if (tag == 'tableCaption') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'open', tagTo, 0, parseObj);
// pipe |: table tableCaption, cell, or header attribute separator, wikilink separator, file parameter separator, template parameter, parameter default
case 'pipe':
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'captionAttrib':
case 'headerAttrib':
case 'cellAttrib':
// save attrib text to open tag: tableCaption, header, cell
if (openNode !== undefined) {
var attribText = obj.html.substring(openNode.start + openNode.tagLength, tagFrom);
var attribEnd = attribText.indexOf('\n');
if (attribEnd == -1) {
attribEnd = tagFrom;
else {
attribText = attribText.substr(0, attribEnd);
attribEnd = openNode.start + openNode.tagLength + attribEnd - 1;
if (attribText !== '') {
attribText = attribText.replace(/^ +| +$/g, '');
parseObj.tree[openNode.parent].attrib = attribText;
switch (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered) {
case 'captionAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('captionAttrib', 'close', attribEnd, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'headerAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('headerAttrib', 'close', attribEnd, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'cellAttrib':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('cellAttrib', 'close', attribEnd, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'link':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'file':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('fileParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'template':
case 'paramTempl': //// check later for parameterPiped
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParam', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
case 'parameter':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('parameterDefault', tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// list and preformatted (leading space) lines
case 'preform':
// ignore template parameters preceeded with newline-spaces
if (parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered == 'template') {
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagTo - parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 3].length;
// run through, no break
case 'list':
// highlight line
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj);
// highlight tag
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag + 'Tag', tagClass, tagFrom, parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 2].length, parseObj);
// move text pointer after tag
wikEd.parseObj.regExpTags.lastIndex = tagTo - parseObj.regExpMatch[tagMatchParenth + 3].length;
// newline, old
case 'newline':
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(tag, 'close', tagFrom, 0, parseObj);
// unrecognized tag
parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagFrom, 'tagLength': tagLength, 'type': 'error', 'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoHandler } );
// quit after reaching $ 'newline'
if (tagMatch === '') {
// do not tolerate trailing opening tags for whole text highlighting
if (parseObj.whole === true) {
// mark remaining unmatched opening tags
while ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== 0) && (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) ) {
wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoClose, parseObj);
// show parsing tree before
// WED('parseObj.tree', parseObj.tree);
// additional block highlighting (autolinking, colors, spaces, dashed, control chars, charents)
if (noBlocks !== true) {
// wiki autolinking (case sensitive, newlines are actually allowed!)
var regExpMatch;
var regExpAutoLink = /((PMID)[ \xa0\t]+(\d+))|((RFC)[ \xa0\t]+(\d+))|((RFC)[ \xa0\t]+(\d+))|((ISBN)[ \xa0\t]+((97(8|9)( |-)?)?(\d( |-)?){9}(\d|x)))/g;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpAutoLink.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree(regExpMatch[2] || regExpMatch[5] || regExpMatch[8] || regExpMatch[11], 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch[0].length, parseObj);
// named html colors in quotation marks
var regExpColorLight = /('|")(aliceblue|antiquewhite|aqua|aquamarine|azure|beige|bisque|blanchedalmond|burlywood|chartreuse|coral|cornsilk|cyan|darkgray|darkgrey|darkkhaki|darkorange|darksalmon|darkseagreen|floralwhite|fuchsia|gainsboro|ghostwhite|gold|goldenrod|greenyellow|honeydew|hotpink|ivory|khaki|lavender|lavenderblush|lawngreen|lemonchiffon|lightblue|lightcoral|lightcyan|lightgoldenrodyellow|lightgray|lightgreen|lightgrey|lightpink|lightsalmon|lightskyblue|lightsteelblue|lightyellow|lime|linen|magenta|mediumaquamarine|mediumspringgreen|mediumturquoise|mintcream|mistyrose|moccasin|navajowhite|oldlace|orange|palegoldenrod|palegreen|paleturquoise|papayawhip|peachpuff|peru|pink|plum|powderblue|salmon|sandybrown|seashell|silver|skyblue|snow|springgreen|tan|thistle|turquoise|violet|wheat|white|whitesmoke|yellow|yellowgreen)(\1)/gi;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColorLight.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorLight', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[2].length, parseObj);
var regExpColorDark = /('|")(black|blue|blueviolet|brown|cadetblue|chocolate|cornflowerblue|crimson|darkblue|darkcyan|darkgoldenrod|darkgreen|darkmagenta|darkolivegreen|darkorchid|darkred|darkslateblue|darkslategray|darkslategrey|darkturquoise|darkviolet|deeppink|deepskyblue|dimgray|dimgrey|dodgerblue|firebrick|forestgreen|gray|green|grey|indianred|indigo|lightseagreen|lightslategray|lightslategrey|limegreen|maroon|mediumblue|mediumorchid|mediumpurple|mediumseagreen|mediumslateblue|mediumvioletred|midnightblue|navy|olive|olivedrab|orangered|orchid|palevioletred|purple|red|rosybrown|royalblue|saddlebrown|seagreen|sienna|slateblue|slategray|slategrey|steelblue|teal|tomato)(\1)/g;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColorDark.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorDark', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[2].length, parseObj);
// RGB hex colors #ddc, exclude links and character entities starting with &
var regExpColor3 = /(^|[^\/\w&])(#[0-9a-f]{3})(?=([^\d\w]|$))/gi;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColor3.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorHex3', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[2].length, parseObj);
// RGB hex colors #d4d0cc, exclude links and character entities starting with &
var regExpColor6 = /(^|[^\/\w&])(#[0-9a-f]{6})(?=([^\d\w]|$))/gi;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColor6.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorHex6', 'block', regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[2].length, parseObj);
// RGB decimal colors rgb(128,64,265)
var regExpColorDec = /\brgb\(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}\s*,\s*\d{1,3}\s*\)/gi;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpColorDec.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('colorDec', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch[0].length, parseObj);
// single character highlighting: spaces, dashes
var regExpCharSpaceDash = new RegExp('[' + wikEd.charHighlightingStr + ']', 'g');
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpCharSpaceDash.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('char', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch[0].length, parseObj);
// control character highlighting
var regExpCharCtrl = new RegExp('[' + wikEd.controlCharHighlightingStr + ']', 'g');
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpCharCtrl.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
if (regExpMatch[0].charCodeAt(0) > 2) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('ctrl', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch[0].length, parseObj);
// character entities
var regExpCharEntities = /&(\w+);/g;
while ( (regExpMatch = regExpCharEntities.exec(obj.html) ) !== null) {
if (wikEd.charEntitiesByName[ regExpMatch[1] ] !== null) {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('charEntity', 'block', regExpMatch.index, regExpMatch[0].length, parseObj);
// merge wiki syntax in
wikEd.HighlightAddHtml(parseObj, obj);
// get file previews
if ( (wikEd.config.filePreview === true) && (wikEd.filePreviewRequest !== '') ) {
wikEd.AjaxPreview(wikEd.filePreviewRequest, wikEd.FilePreviewAjaxHandler);
wikEd.filePreviewRequest = '';
// merge html and plain text
wikEd.HighlightMergeHtml(parseObj, obj);
// free up array
parseObj.tree = [];
// \x00 and \x01 back to &lt; and &gt;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '&lt;');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\x01/g, '&gt;');
// remove linebreaks in tablemode tables
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n(<(caption|tr|th|td|br)\b[^>]*?\bclass="wikEdTable\w+"[^>]*?>)/g, '$1');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<\/table>(<!--wikEdTable\w+-->)?)\n/g, '$1');
// WED('obj.html', obj.html);
// WED('wikEd.TabifyHTML(obj.html)', wikEd.TabifyHTML(obj.html));
// remove comments
if ( (wikEd.config.removeHighlightComments === true) && (keepComments !== true) ) {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/<!--wikEd[\w\/]+-->/g, '');
// wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine: redefine opening tag, for bold / italic and template / parameter
wikEd.HighlightTreeRedefine = function (openNodeIndex, tag, tagFromDiff, tagLength, parseObj) {
if (typeof tag == 'string') {
parseObj.tree[openNodeIndex].tag = tag;
if (typeof tagFromDiff == 'string') {
parseObj.tree[openNodeIndex].start += tagFromDiff;
if (typeof tagLength == 'string') {
parseObj.tree[openNodeIndex].tagLength = tagLength;
// wikEd.HighlightBuildTree: build an array based tree structure of text elements
// tag info: text pos, text length, tag type (root, open, close, block, error)
// connectivity info: parent, firstChild, nextSibling, paired opening/closing (all array indexes)
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree = function (tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength, parseObj, tagProperties) {
// show parameters:
// WED('tag, tagClass, tagFrom, tagLength', tag + ' ,' + tagClass + ', ' + tagFrom + ', ' + tagLength);
// single-element tags (block)
var pushNode;
if (tagClass == 'block') {
var previousSibling = null;
if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== 0) && (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) ) {
var redefinedParentTag;
// change parent link to linkPiped, only one valid separator per link
if ( (tag == 'linkParam') && (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'link') ) {
redefinedParentTag = 'linkPiped';
// change parent link to parameterPiped, only one valid separator per link
else if ( (tag == 'parameterDefault') && (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameter') ) {
redefinedParentTag = 'parameterPiped';
// redefine parent tag
if (redefinedParentTag !== undefined) {
parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].tag = redefinedParentTag;
parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered = redefinedParentTag;
// chain blocks
var newNode = parseObj.tree.length;
// first node
if (parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].firstChild === null) {
parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].firstChild = newNode;
// chain to previous blocks
else {
previousSibling = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].lastChild;
var previousSiblingNode = parseObj.tree[previousSibling];
if (previousSiblingNode !== undefined) {
previousSiblingNode.nextSibling = newNode;
parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].lastChild = newNode;
// add new block to tree
pushNode = {
'tag': tag,
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'block',
'parent': parseObj.lastOpenNode,
'previousSibling': previousSibling
// opening tags
else if (tagClass == 'open') {
// push new open element onto tree
pushNode = {
'tag': tag,
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'open',
'parent': parseObj.lastOpenNode
parseObj.lastOpenNode = parseObj.tree.push(pushNode) - 1;
// get new top and second-to-top nodes, ignoring unpaired p tags
// closing tags
else if (tagClass == 'close') {
// try until we find the correct opening tag after fixing the tree
while (true) {
// no opening tag on stack
if (parseObj.lastOpenNode === 0) {
// ignore unmatched =
if (tag == 'heading') {
// ignore breaking newlines
if (tag != 'newline') {
// tolerate leading closing tags for fragment highlighting
if ( (parseObj.whole === false) && (parseObj.addedOpenTag === false) ) {
// add new closing element to tree
pushNode = {
'tag': tag,
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'close',
'pairedPos': parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].start + parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].tagLength,
// add no open tag error to tree
else {
pushNode = {
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoOpen
// ignore unpaired <p> and spare nodes and try again with parent
if ( (tag != 'p') && ( (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'p') || (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'spare') ) ) {
if (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) {
parseObj.lastOpenNode = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].parent;
parseObj.lastOpenTag = parseObj.lastOpenNode.tag;
// newline breaks heading or external link, remove corresponding opening tag from stack
if (tag == 'newline') {
// mark broken opening tags
var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
var node = null;
while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
node = parseObj.tree[nodeNo];
if (
(node.tag == 'heading') ||
(node.tag == 'link') ||
(node.tag == 'linkPiped') ||
(node.tag == 'externalText') ||
(node.tag == 'bold') ||
(node.tag == 'italic') ||
(node.tag == 'boldItalic')
) {
wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNewline, parseObj);
nodeNo = node.parent;
// correct piped link
switch (tag) {
case 'link':
if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'linkPiped') {
tag = 'linkPiped';
// correct piped parameter
case 'parameter':
if (parseObj.lastOpenTag == 'parameterPiped') {
tag = 'parameterPiped';
// wrong closing element
if (tag != parseObj.lastOpenTag) {
// ignore common unmatched false positive non-tags: = and ]
if ( (tag == 'heading') ) {
// check if there is an open tag for this close tag
var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
if (parseObj.tree[nodeNo].tag == tag) {
nodeNo = parseObj.tree[nodeNo].parent;
// treat open tags as wrong, close tag as correct
if ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) && (parseObj.tree[nodeNo].tag == tag) ) {
// mark remaining unmatched opening tags
var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
var node = parseObj.tree[nodeNo];
if (node.tag == tag) {
parseObj.lastOpenNode = nodeNo;
nodeNo = node.parent;
node.type = 'error';
node.left = wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoClose;
node.parent = null;
// treat open tags as correct, treat close tag as wrong
else {
// add wrong close tag error to tree
pushNode = {
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorNoOpen
// headings in templates are ignored but we do not want to hide that template
if (tag == 'heading') {
// check for heading in template or ref
var ignoreHeading = false;
var nodeNo = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].parent;
while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
var node = parseObj.tree[nodeNo];
if (node.tag == 'template') {
node.noHide = true;
ignoreHeading = true;
else if (node.tag == 'ref') {
node.noHide = true;
ignoreHeading = true;
nodeNo = node.parent;
// clean out opening heading
if (ignoreHeading === true) {
// add headings in template errors to tree
// convert opening tag to error
wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode(wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplHeading, parseObj);
pushNode = {
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorTemplHeading
// it is the correct closing element
// save element last text position to opening tag entry
var pairedPos;
var openNode = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode];
openNode.pairedPos = tagFrom;
pairedPos = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].start + parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].tagLength;
// add new closing element to tree
pushNode = {
'tag': tag,
'start': tagFrom,
'tagLength': tagLength,
'type': 'close',
'paired': parseObj.lastOpenNode,
'pairedPos': pairedPos,
'parent': openNode.parent
// up one level
if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== 0) && (parseObj.lastOpenNode !== null) ) {
parseObj.lastOpenNode = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].parent;
// get new top and second-to-top nodes, ignoring unpaired p tags
// add extra properties
if ( (pushNode !== undefined) && (tagProperties !== undefined) ) {
for (var i = 0; i < tagProperties.length; i ++) {
pushNode[tagProperties[i][0]] = tagProperties[i][1];
// wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode: redefine last open node as an error, ignore p and spare, handle pipe subnodes
wikEd.HighlightMarkLastOpenNode = function (errorText, parseObj) {
var lastOpenNode = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
var openNode = parseObj.tree[lastOpenNode];
parseObj.lastOpenNode = openNode.parent;
if ( (openNode.tag != 'p') && (openNode.tag != 'spare') ) {
// mark pipes
if ( (openNode.tag == 'linkPiped') || (openNode.tag == 'parameterPiped') || (openNode.tag == 'template') || (openNode.tag == 'paramTempl') ) {
var childNode = parseObj.tree[openNode.firstChild];
if (childNode !== undefined) {
parseObj.tree[openNode.firstChild] = {
'start': childNode.start,
'tagLength': childNode.tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': errorText
// mark child nodes of error nodes with lower priority (table elements)
wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors(lastOpenNode, errorText, parseObj);
// mark unmatched opening tags
parseObj.tree[lastOpenNode] = {
'start': openNode.start,
'tagLength': openNode.tagLength,
'type': 'error',
'left': errorText
// wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors: mark child nodes of error nodes with lower priority (table elements)
wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors = function (parent, errorText, parseObj) {
var tagNesting = {
'table': 'tableCaption|row|tableAttrib',
'tableCaption': 'captionAttrib',
'row': 'header|cell|rowAttrib',
'header': 'headerAttrib',
'cell': 'cellAttrib'
var regExp = null;
if (tagNesting.hasOwnProperty(parseObj.tree[parent].tag) === true) {
regExp = new RegExp('^(' + tagNesting[parseObj.tree[parent].tag ]+ ')$');
for (var i = 0; i < parseObj.tree.length; i ++) {
var node = parseObj.tree[i];
if ( (node.parent == parent) && (regExp !== null) && (regExp.test(node.tag) === true) ) {
wikEd.HighlightMarkNestedErrors(i, errorText, parseObj);
node.type = 'error';
node.left = errorText;
// wikEd.HighlightGetLevel: get current innermost (top) element name from parse stack, ignoring unpaired p tags
wikEd.HighlightGetLevel = function (parseObj) {
parseObj.lastOpenTag = null;
parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered = null;
parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered = null;
parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered = null;
parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered = null;
if ( (parseObj.lastOpenNode === 0) || (parseObj.lastOpenNode === null) ) {
parseObj.lastOpenTag = parseObj.tree[parseObj.lastOpenNode].tag;
var nodeNo = parseObj.lastOpenNode;
while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
var node = parseObj.tree[nodeNo];
if ( (node.tag != 'p') && (node.tag != 'spare') ) {
parseObj.lastOpenNodeFiltered = nodeNo;
parseObj.lastOpenTagFiltered = parseObj.tree[nodeNo].tag;
nodeNo = parseObj.tree[nodeNo].parent;
if ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
nodeNo = parseObj.tree[nodeNo].parent;
while ( (nodeNo !== 0) && (nodeNo !== undefined) && (nodeNo !== null) ) {
var node = parseObj.tree[nodeNo];
if ( (node.tag != 'p') && (node.tag != 'spare') ) {
parseObj.secondlastOpenNodeFiltered = nodeNo;
parseObj.secondlastOpenTagFiltered = parseObj.tree[nodeNo].tag;
nodeNo = parseObj.tree[nodeNo].parent;
// wikEd.HighlightAddCode: add actual highlighting html code to parse tree elements
wikEd.HighlightAddHtml = function (parseObj, obj) {
// cycle through currently existing parse array
var from = 0;
var i = 0;
var cellCount = 0;
while (i < parseObj.tree.length) {
var node = parseObj.tree[i];
var tag = node.tag;
var tagFrom = node.start;
var tagLength = node.tagLength;
var tagType = node.type;
var pairedPos = node.pairedPos;
var tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
var tagMatch = '';
if (tagLength > 0) {
tagMatch = obj.html.substr(tagFrom, tagLength);
var insertLeft = '';
var insertRight = '';
var pushRight = '';
var pushRight2 = '';
var pushRightPos2;
var pushLeft = '';
// get sanitized attributes
var attrib = '';
if ( (node.attrib !== undefined) && (node.attrib !== '') ) {
var htmlTag = '';
switch (tag) {
case 'table':
htmlTag = 'table';
case 'tableCaption':
htmlTag = 'tr';
case 'row':
htmlTag = 'tr';
case 'header':
htmlTag = 'th';
case 'cell':
htmlTag = 'td';
if (htmlTag !== '') {
attrib = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes(htmlTag, node.attrib, true);
if (attrib !== '') {
// adjust rowspan in headers and cells
if ( (htmlTag == 'th') || (htmlTag == 'td') ) {
attrib = attrib.replace(/\b(rowspan\s*=\s*('|"|)\s*\+?)(\d+)(\s*\2)/gi,
function (p, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
return p1 + (p3 * 2 - 1) + p4;
attrib = ' ' + attrib;
// get parent and paired
var parent = null;
if ( (node.parent !== undefined) && (node.parent !== null) && (node.parent > 0) ) {
parent = parseObj.tree[node.parent];
var paired = null;
if ( (node.paired !== undefined) && (node.paired > 0) ) {
paired = parseObj.tree[node.paired];
// get linebreaks before tag
var newlineClass = '';
var newlineHtml = '';
if (node.newline === true) {
// add actual linebreak after headers/cells instead for pasting of table to raw text (still adds tabs as cell separators)
if ( (cellCount > 0) && (tagType == 'open') && ( (tag == 'header') || (tag == 'cell') ) ) {
newlineHtml = '<div class="wikEdTableBR"><br class="wikEdTableBR"></div><!--wikEdTableBR-->';
else {
newlineClass = 'BR';
var parentNewlineClass = '';
if ( (parent !== null) && (parent.newline === true) ) {
parentNewlineClass = 'BR';
var pairedNewlineClass = '';
if ( (paired !== null) && (paired.newline === true) ) {
pairedNewlineClass = 'BR';
switch (tagType) {
// tag type: open
case 'open':
var innerPlain = '';
if (pairedPos !== undefined) {
innerPlain = obj.html.substring(tagTo, pairedPos);
switch (tag) {
case 'italic':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdItalic"><span class="wikEdWiki">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki-->';
case 'bold':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdBold"><span class="wikEdWiki">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki-->';
case 'link':
case 'linkPiped':
var linkClass = 'wikEdLink';
var follow = '';
var interClean = '';
var nsClean = '';
// detect interlink and namespace
// 1 123 inter: 3 2 45 : 5 6 namespace 64 7template 7 8 9param 98
var regExpLink = /^(\s*)(([\w\- ]+)\:\s*)?((\:\s*)?([^\:\|\[\]\{\}\n\t]*\s*\:\s*))?([^\|\n]+?)\s*(\|((.|\n)*))?\s*$/gi;
regExpLink.lastIndex = 0;
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = regExpLink.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {
// get interwiki, namespace, article, paramters
var pre = regExpMatch[1] || '';
var inter = regExpMatch[2] || '';
var ns = regExpMatch[4] || '';
var article = regExpMatch[7] || '';
var param = regExpMatch[9] || '';
if (inter !== '') {
interClean = inter;
interClean = interClean.replace(/\s/g, ' ');
interClean = interClean.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
interClean = interClean.replace(/: +:/, '');
interClean = interClean.replace(/^ $/, '');
var interStart = tagTo + regExpMatch.index + pre.length;
if (ns !== '') {
nsClean = ns;
nsClean = nsClean.replace(/\s/g, ' ');
nsClean = nsClean.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
nsClean = nsClean.replace(/: :/, '');
nsClean = nsClean.replace(/^ $/, '');
var nsStart = interStart + ns.length;
// change interwiki into more common namespace if ambiguous
if ( (interClean !== '') && (nsClean === '') ) {
ns = inter;
nsClean = interClean;
nsStart = interStart;
inter = '';
interClean = '';
// detect cross-namespace links
linkClass = 'wikEdLink';
if (wikEd.pageNamespace !== null) {
if (ns != wikEd.pageNamespace) {
linkClass = 'wikEdLinkCrossNs';
// highlight interwiki and namespace
if (article !== '') {
// highlight interwiki
if (inter !== '') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkInter', 'block', interStart, inter.length, parseObj);
// highlight namespace
if (ns !== '') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('linkNamespace', 'block', nsStart, ns.length, parseObj);
// linkify
var regExpCasing = new RegExp('(^|\\:)' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + '(\\:|$)', 'i');
nsClean = nsClean.replace(regExpCasing, '$1' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'] + '$2');
if (nsClean == ':') {
nsClean = '';
follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify(interClean + nsClean, article);
if (nsClean.toLowerCase() == wikEd.config.text['wikicode Category'].toLowerCase() + ':') {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdCat"' + follow + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdCatName">';
else if (tag == 'linkPiped') {
insertLeft = '<span class="' + linkClass + '"' + follow + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdLinkTarget">';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="' + linkClass + '"' + follow + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdLinkName">';
case 'file':
var previewCode = '';
var regExpFile = new RegExp('^\\s*(Image|File|Media|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Image'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode File'] + '|' + wikEd.config.text['wikicode Media'] + ')\\s*:\\s*([^\\|\\n]*)', 'i');
var regExpMatch = regExpFile.exec(innerPlain);
if (regExpMatch === null) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdFile"><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
// linkify and preview
else {
var fileTag = regExpMatch[1];
var fileName = regExpMatch[2];
// add file preview box
var filePlain = fileTag + ':' + fileName.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
filePlain = filePlain.replace(/ /g,'_');
if (wikEd.config.filePreview === true) {
// get image size
var filePreviewSize = wikEd.config.filePreviewSize;
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /\|(\d+)px(\||$)/.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {
var size = parseInt(regExpMatch[1]);
if ( (size > 0) && (size < wikEd.config.filePreviewSize) ) {
filePreviewSize = size;
// get image url and size from cache
var style = '';
var fileObj = wikEd.filePreviewCache['wikEd' + filePlain + filePreviewSize];
if (fileObj !== undefined) {
var filePreviewHeight = filePreviewSize;
if (fileObj.height !== null) {
filePreviewHeight = fileObj.height;
var filePreviewWidth = filePreviewSize;
if (fileObj.width !== null) {
filePreviewWidth = fileObj.width;
style = 'background-image: url(' + fileObj.url + '); height: ' + filePreviewHeight + 'px; width: ' + filePreviewWidth + 'px;';
// get image url and size through an ajax request
else {
style = 'display: none; height: ' + filePreviewSize + 'px; width: ' + filePreviewSize + 'px;';
var fileTagPreview = fileTag;
if ( (fileTag == 'Media') || (fileTag == wikEd.config.text['wikicode Media']) ) {
fileTagPreview = 'File';
wikEd.filePreviewRequest += '\n' + filePlain + ' ' + filePreviewSize + ' [[' + fileTagPreview + ':' + fileName + '|' + filePreviewSize + 'px|' + filePreviewSize + 'x' + filePreviewSize + 'px]]\n';
wikEd.filePreviewIds[wikEd.filePreviewNo] = filePlain + filePreviewSize;
previewCode = '<span class="wikEdFilePreview" id="wikEdFilePreview' + wikEd.filePreviewNo + '" style="' + style + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdFilePreview + ' (' + filePlain + ')"></span><!--wikEdFilePreview-->';
wikEd.filePreviewNo ++;
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdFile" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', filePlain) + '><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
insertRight = previewCode + '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdFileName">';
case 'external':
var url = '';
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /\w\S+/.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {
url = regExpMatch[0];
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURL" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', url) + '><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag-->';
case 'externalText':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURLText">';
case 'template':
var mod = '';
var inter = '';
var interClean = '';
var ns = '';
var nsClean = '';
var template = '';
var param = '';
var follow = '';
// 12 mod 2 : 1 34 : 4 5 namespace 53 6 template 6 7 89 param 98
var regExpTempl = new RegExp('^\\s*((' + wikEd.templModifier + ')\\:\\s*)?((\\:\\s*)?([^:|\\[\\]{}\\s\\x00\\x01]*\\s*\\:))?\\s*([^:\\n\\x00\\x01{}]+?)\\s*(\\|((.|\\n)*?))?\\s*$', 'gi');
// detect parser variables and functions, might slow main regexp down
var regExpMatch;
var isParserVar = false;
if ( (regExpMatch = regExpTempl.exec(innerPlain)) !== null) {
// get modifier, namespace, template, paramters
var p1 = regExpMatch[1] || '';
if (p1 !== '') {
mod = p1;
interClean = mod.replace(/\s+$/g, '');
interClean = inter.replace(/:$/g, '');
var p3 = regExpMatch[3] || '';
if (p3 !== '') {
ns = p3;
nsClean = ns.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
nsClean = nsClean.replace(/\s*\:\s*()/g, ':');
nsClean = nsClean.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
nsClean = nsClean.replace(/(.):$/g, '$1');
template = regExpMatch[6] || '';
param = regExpMatch[8] || '';
var parserVar = ns.substr(0, ns.length - 1);
if (isParserVar === false) {
if ( (template !== '') && (ns === '') && (param === '') ) {
var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserVariables + '|' + wikEd.parserVariablesR + ')$', '');
var regExpMatchParserVar;
if ( (regExpMatchParserVar = regExpParserVar.exec(template)) !== null) {
isParserVar = true;
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.length, parseObj);
if (isParserVar === false) {
if ( (ns !== '') && (template == 'R') ) {
var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserVariablesR + ')$', '');
var regExpMatchParserVar;
if ( (regExpMatchParserVar = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {
isParserVar = true;
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);
// {{FUNCTION:param|R}}
if (isParserVar === false) {
if ( (ns !== '') && ( (param === '') || (param == 'R') ) ) {
var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserFunctionsR + ')$', '');
if ( (regExpMatch = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {
isParserVar = true;
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);
// {{function:param|param}}
if (isParserVar === false) {
if (ns !== '') {
var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(' + wikEd.parserFunctions + ')$', 'i');
if ( (regExpMatch = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {
isParserVar = true;
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);
// {{#function:param|param}}
if (isParserVar === false) {
if (ns !== '') {
var regExpParserVar = new RegExp('^(#(' + wikEd.parserFunctionsHash + '))$', 'i');
if ( (regExpMatch = regExpParserVar.exec(parserVar)) !== null) {
// #property: linkify wikibase template (wikidata)
if (parserVar == '#property') {
// item id from parameter
var item = '';
var regExpMatchItem;
if ( (regExpMatchItem = /(^|\|)id=([^|]+)/.exec(param)) !== null) {
item = regExpMatchItem[2];
// item name from parameter
else if ( (regExpMatchItem = /(^|\|)of=([^|]+)/.exec(param)) !== null) {
item = wikEd.EncodeTitle(regExpMatchItem[2]);
item = 'Special:ItemByTitle/' + wikEd.wikibase.currentSite.globalSiteId + '/' + item;
// get item name from article name
else {
item = wikEd.EncodeTitle();
item = 'Special:ItemByTitle/' + wikEd.wikibase.currentSite.globalSiteId + '/' + item ;
// get wikibase repository url
follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', (wikEd.wikibase.repoUrl + wikEd.wikibase.repoArticlePath).replace(/\$1/, item));
// #invoke: template scripting (LUA)
if (parserVar == '#invoke') {
follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('Module:', template);
isParserVar = true;
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateParserFunct', 'block', tagFrom + 2, innerPlain.indexOf(':') + 1, parseObj);
// highlight template
if (isParserVar === false) {
// highlight modifier
if (mod !== '') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateModifier', 'block', tagFrom + 2, mod.length, parseObj);
// highlight namespace
if (ns !== '') {
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('templateNamespace', 'block', tagFrom + 2 + mod.length, ns.length, parseObj);
// add missing template namespace and linkify
if (ns == ':') {
ns = '';
else if (ns === '') {
// no Template: addition for subpage linking
if (template.indexOf('/')!== 0) {
ns = wikEd.config.text['wikicode Template'] + ':';
follow = ' ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify(ns, template);
var hideClass = 'wikEdTempl';
if ( (template !== '') && (isParserVar === false) ) {
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
// show first template immediately following a template or reference
var hideButtonClass = 'wikEdTemplButton';
var hideButtonStyle = '';
if (parent !== null) {
if ( (parent.tag == 'template') || (parent.tag == 'ref') ) {
if (/^\s*$/.test(obj.html.substring(parent.start + parent.tagLength, tagFrom)) === true) {
hideButtonClass = hideButtonClass.replace(/Button(Show)?/, 'ButtonShow');
hideClass = 'wikEdTemplShow';
hideButtonStyle = ' style="display: block"';
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTemplContainer"><button class="' + hideButtonClass + wikEd.templateArray.length + '" style="' + hideButtonStyle + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTemplButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTemplButton--></span><!--wikEdTemplContainer-->';
wikEd.templateArray.push( {'text': template, 'added': false} );
insertLeft += '<span class="' + hideClass + '"><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdTemplName"' + follow + '>';
case 'parameter':
case 'parameterPiped':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdParam"><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdParamName">';
case 'html':
case 'tr':
case 'td':
case 'th':
case 'col':
case 'thead':
case 'tfoot':
case 'tbody':
case 'colgroup':
case 'abbr':
case 'big':
case 'blockquote':
case 'center':
case 'code':
case 'del':
case 'div':
case 'font':
case 'ins':
case 'small':
case 'span':
case 'strike':
case 'tt':
case 'rb':
case 'rp':
case 'rt':
case 'ruby':
case 'nowiki':
case 'math':
case 'score':
case 'noinclude':
case 'includeonly':
case 'onlyinclude':
case 'gallery':
case 'categorytree':
case 'charinsert':
case 'hiero':
case 'imagemap':
case 'inputbox':
case 'poem':
case 'syntaxhighlight':
case 'source':
case 'timeline':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtml"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
case 'u':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--><span class="wikEdIns">';
case 's':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--><span class="wikEdDel">';
case 'sub':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSubscript"><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
case 'sup':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSuperscript"><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
case 'p':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlUnknown" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown + '">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlUnknown-->';
case 'spare':
case 'ref':
// ref no hide
if (node.noHide === true) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRef">';
// ref hide
else {
var refName = '';
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*('|"))([^\x01]+?)\2/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
refName = regExpMatch[3] || '';
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[3].length, parseObj);
else if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*)(\w+)/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
refName = regExpMatch[2];
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[2].length, parseObj);
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
if (refName !== '') {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton' + wikEd.referenceArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
wikEd.referenceArray.push( {'text': refName, 'added': false} );
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdRef"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag-->';
case 'references':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefList"><span class="wikEdReferencesTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdReferencesTag-->';
case 'heading':
var heading = innerPlain.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if ( (heading == wikEd.config.text['See also']) || (heading == wikEd.config.text.References) || (heading == wikEd.config.text['External links']) ) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHeadingWP">';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHeading">';
// table open
case 'table':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertLeft = '<table class="wikEdTableMode" border="1" cellspacing="0"' + attrib + '><tr class="wikEdTableTag"><td class="wikEdTableTag" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableTag">';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableStart, 'added': false} );
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableBlock"><span class="wikEdTableTag"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
if (node.attrib === undefined) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableTag-->';
case 'tableAttrib':
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableTagAttrib">';
case 'tableCaption':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableCaption"><td class="wikEdTableCaption" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableCaption' + newlineClass + '"' + attrib + '>';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableCaption, 'added': false} );
if (node.attrib === undefined) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCaption"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
case 'captionAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCaptionAttrib">';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCaptionAttrib">';
// pushRight because of dash highlighting
case 'row':
cellCount = 0;
if (tagLength > 0) {
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableRow"' + attrib + '><td class="wikEdTableRow" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableRow' + newlineClass + '">';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableRow, 'added': false} );
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableRow"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
// row without tag
else {
insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableMode">';
case 'rowAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableRowAttrib">';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableRowAttrib">';
case 'header':
cellCount ++;
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertLeft = '<td class="wikEdTableHeader"' + attrib + ' align="left" valign="top">' + newlineHtml + '<span class="wikEdTableHeader' + newlineClass + '">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableHeader, 'added': false} );
if (node.attrib === undefined) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableHeader"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
case 'headerAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableHeaderAttrib">';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableHeaderAttrib">';
case 'cell':
cellCount ++;
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertLeft = '<td class="wikEdTableCell"' + attrib + ' align="left" valign="top">' + newlineHtml + '<span class="wikEdTableCell' + newlineClass + '">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableCell, 'added': false} );
if (node.attrib === undefined) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCell"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
case 'cellAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCellAttrib">';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCellAttrib">';
// tag type: close
case 'close':
switch (tag) {
case 'italic':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdWiki">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki--></span><!--wikEdItalic-->';
case 'bold':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdWiki">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdWiki--></span><!--wikEdBold-->';
case 'link':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdLinkName/CatName--><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--></span><!--wikEdLink/Cat-->';
case 'linkPiped':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdLinkText--><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--></span><!--wikEdLink/Cat/LinkCross-->';
case 'file':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdFileName/Param/Caption--><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdFileTag--></span><!--wikEdFile-->';
case 'externalText':
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdURLText-->';
case 'external':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--></span><!--wikEdURL-->';
case 'template':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdTemplName/Param--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--></span><!--wikEdTempl-->';
case 'parameter':
case 'parameterPiped':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdParamName/Default--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--></span><!--wikEdParam-->';
case 'html':
case 'tr':
case 'td':
case 'th':
case 'col':
case 'thead':
case 'tfoot':
case 'tbody':
case 'colgroup':
case 'abbr':
case 'big':
case 'blockquote':
case 'center':
case 'code':
case 'del':
case 'div':
case 'font':
case 'ins':
case 'small':
case 'span':
case 'strike':
case 'tt':
case 'rb':
case 'rp':
case 'rt':
case 'ruby':
case 'nowiki':
case 'math':
case 'score':
case 'noinclude':
case 'includeonly':
case 'onlyinclude':
case 'gallery':
case 'categorytree':
case 'charinsert':
case 'hiero':
case 'imagemap':
case 'inputbox':
case 'poem':
case 'syntaxhighlight':
case 'source':
case 'timeline':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdHtml-->';
case 'u':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdIns--><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons-->';
case 's':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdDel--><span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons-->';
case 'sub':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons--></span><!--wikEdSubscript-->';
case 'sup':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTagButtons">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTagButtons--></span><!--wikEdSuperscript-->';
case 'p':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlUnknown" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown + '">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlUnknown-->';
case 'ref':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdRef-->';
case 'references':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdReferencesTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdReferencesTag--></span><!--wikEdRefList-->';
case 'heading':
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdHeading/WP-->';
// table close
case 'table':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertLeft = '<tr class="wikEdTableTag"><td class="wikEdTableTag" colspan="1000" align="left" valign="top"><span class="wikEdTableTag' + newlineClass + '">';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableContainer"><button class="wikEdTableButton' + wikEd.tableArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdTableButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdTableButton--></span><!--wikEdTableContainer--><span class="wikEdTable">';
wikEd.tableArray.push( {'text': wikEd.config.text.hideTableEnd, 'added': false} );
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableTag' + newlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableTag--></tr><!--wikEdTableTag--></table><!--wikEdTableMode-->';
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableTag"><span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableTag--></span><!--wikEdTableBlock-->';
case 'tableAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableTagAttrib-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableTag' + parentNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableTag--></tr><!--wikEdTableTag-->';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableTagAttrib--></span><!--wikEdTableTag-->';
case 'tableCaption':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCaption' + pairedNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableCaption--></tr><!--wikEdTableCaption-->';
else {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCaption-->';
case 'captionAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCaptionAttrib-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
else {
insertRight = '';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCaptionAttrib-->';
case 'row':
if ( (paired !== null) && (paired.tagLength > 0) ) {
insertRight = '</tr><!--wikEdTableRow-->';
else {
insertRight = '</tr><!--wikEdTableMode-->';
case 'rowAttrib':
var parentAttrib = parent.attrib || '';
if (parentAttrib !== '') {
parentAttrib = wikEd.SanitizeAttributes('tr', parentAttrib, true);
if (parentAttrib !== '') {
parentAttrib = ' ' + parentAttrib;
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableRowAttrib-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableRow' + parentNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableRow--></tr><!--wikEdTableRow--><tr class="wikEdTableRow"' + parentAttrib + '>';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableRowAttrib-->';
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTableRow-->';
case 'header':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableHeader' + pairedNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableHeader-->';
else {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableHeader-->';
case 'headerAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableHeaderAttrib-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableHeaderAttrib-->';
case 'cell':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCell' + pairedNewlineClass + '--></td><!--wikEdTableCell-->';
else {
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCell-->';
case 'cellAttrib':
if (wikEd.tableMode === true) {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCellAttrib-->';
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertRight += '</span><!--wikEdTable-->';
else {
if (parent.attrib !== undefined) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTableCode">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTableCode--></span><!--wikEdTableCellAttrib-->';
// tag type: block
case 'block':
switch (tag) {
case 'linkNamespace':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdLinkNs">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkNs-->';
case 'linkInter':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdLinkInter">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkInter-->';
case 'inlineURL':
var url = '';
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /\w\S+/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
url = regExpMatch[0];
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURLName" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', url) + '>';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdURLName-->';
case 'externalURL':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdURLTarget">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdURLTarget-->';
case 'templateModifier':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTemplMod">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplMod-->';
case 'templateNamespace':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdTemplNs">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplNs-->';
case 'templateParserFunct':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdParserFunct">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdParserFunct-->';
case 'PMID':
var idNumber = '';
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /\d+/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
idNumber = regExpMatch[0];
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdPMID" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', '//' + idNumber) + '>';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdPMID-->';
case 'ISBN':
var idNumber = '';
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /\d[\s\d\-]+x?/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
idNumber = regExpMatch[0].replace(/\D/g, '');
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdISBN" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', 'Special:BookSources/' + idNumber) + '>';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdISBN-->';
case 'RFC':
var idNumber = '';
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /\d[\s\d\-]+x?/.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
idNumber = regExpMatch[0].replace(/\D/g, '');
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdISBN" ' + wikEd.HighlightLinkify('', '', '//' + idNumber) + '>';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdISBN-->';
case 'magic':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdMagic">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdMagic-->';
case 'signature':
var title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdSignature' + tagLength];
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSignature" title="' + title + '">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdSignature-->';
case 'hr':
pushLeft = '<span class="wikEdHr">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHr-->';
case 'linkParam':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTarget/CatName--><span class="wikEdLinkTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdLinkTag--><span class="wikEdLinkText">';
case 'fileParam':
// make text parameters a caption
var params = '';
if (pairedPos !== undefined) {
params = obj.html.substring(tagFrom + 1, parent.pairedPos - 1);
if (/^\s*(thumb|thumbnail|frame|right|left|center|none|\d+px|\d+x\d+px|link\=.*?|upright|border)\s*(\||$)/.test(params) === true) {
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdFileName/Param--><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdFileTag--><span class="wikEdFileParam">';
else {
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdFileName/Param--><span class="wikEdFileTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdFileTag--><span class="wikEdFileCaption">';
case 'redirect':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRedir">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdRedir-->';
case 'templateParam':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdTemplateName/Param--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdTemplParam">';
case 'parameterDefault':
insertLeft = '</span><!--wikEdParamName--><span class="wikEdTemplTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdTemplTag--><span class="wikEdParamDefault">';
case 'void':
case 'html':
case 'htmlEmpty':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtml"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdHtml-->';
case 'htmlUnknown':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdHtmlUnknown" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdErrorHtmlUnknown + '">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlUnknown-->';
case 'ref':
var refName = '';
var regExpMatch;
if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*('|"))([^\x01]+?)\2/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
refName = regExpMatch[3];
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[3].length, parseObj);
else if ( (regExpMatch = /(\bname\s*=\s*)(\w+)/i.exec(tagMatch)) !== null) {
refName = regExpMatch[2];
wikEd.HighlightBuildTree('refName', 'block', tagFrom + regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[1].length, regExpMatch[2].length, parseObj);
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
if (refName !== '') {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton' + wikEd.referenceArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
wikEd.referenceArray.push( {'text': refName + ' ↑', 'added': false} );
else {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefContainer"><button class="wikEdRefButton" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdRefButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdRefButton--></span><!--wikEdRefContainer-->';
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdRef"><span class="wikEdHtmlTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdHtmlTag--></span><!--wikEdRef-->';
case 'references':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdReferences"><span class="wikEdReferencesTag">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdReferencesTag--></span><!--wikEdReferences-->';
case 'pre':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdPre">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdPre-->';
case 'math':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdMath">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdMath-->';
case 'score':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdScore">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdScore-->';
case 'nowiki':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdNowiki">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdNowiki-->';
case 'listTag':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdListTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdListTag-->';
case 'preformTag':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdSpaceTag">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdSpaceTag-->';
case 'refName':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdRefName">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdRefName-->';
case 'list':
pushLeft = '<span class="wikEdList">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdList-->';
case 'preform':
pushLeft = '<span class="wikEdSpace">';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdSpace-->';
case 'colorLight':
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
case 'colorDark':
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
case 'colorHex3':
var regExpMatch = /([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])/i.exec(tagMatch);
if ( (regExpMatch[1] > 255) || (regExpMatch[2] > 255) || (regExpMatch[3] > 255) ) {
var luminance = parseInt(regExpMatch[1], 16) * 16 * 0.299 + parseInt(regExpMatch[2], 16) * 16 * 0.587 + parseInt(regExpMatch[3], 16) * 16 * 0.114;
if (luminance > 128) {
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
else {
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
case 'colorHex6':
var regExpMatch = /([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})/i.exec(tagMatch);
if ( (regExpMatch[1] > 255) || (regExpMatch[2] > 255) || (regExpMatch[3] > 255) ) {
var luminance = parseInt(regExpMatch[1], 16) * 0.299 + parseInt(regExpMatch[2], 16) * 0.587 + parseInt(regExpMatch[3], 16) * 0.114;
if (luminance > 128) {
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
else {
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
case 'colorDec':
var regExpMatch = /(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)/i.exec(tagMatch);
if ( (regExpMatch[1] > 255) || (regExpMatch[2] > 255) || (regExpMatch[3] > 255) ) {
var luminance = regExpMatch[1] * 0.299 + regExpMatch[2] * 0.587 + regExpMatch[3] * 0.114;
if (luminance > 128) {
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsLight">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsLight-->';
else {
insertLeft = '<span style="background: ' + tagMatch + '" class="wikEdColorsDark">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdColorsDark-->';
case 'ctrl':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdCtrl" title="' + wikEd.controlCharHighlighting[tagMatch.charCodeAt(0).toString()] + '">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdCtrl-->';
case 'char':
var charName = wikEd.charHighlighting[tagMatch.charCodeAt(0).toString()];
var charClass = 'wikEd' + charName;
insertLeft = '<span class="' + charClass + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text[charName] + '">';
insertRight = '</span><!--' + charClass + '-->';
case 'charEntity':
var regExpMatch = /&(\w+);/i.exec(tagMatch);
var character = wikEd.charEntitiesByName[ regExpMatch[1] ];
if (character !== undefined) {
if (wikEd.refHide === true) {
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdCharEntityContainer"><button class="wikEdCharEntityButton' + wikEd.charEntityArray.length + '" title="' + wikEd.config.text.wikEdCharEntityButtonTooltip + '"></button><!--wikEdCharEntityButton--></span><!--wikEdCharEntityContainer-->';
wikEd.charEntityArray.push( {'text': character, 'added': false} );
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdCharEntity">';
insertRight = '</span><!--wikEdCharEntity-->';
// tag type: various
case 'comment':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdComment">' + node.left + '</span><!--wikEdComment-->';
case 'keep':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdKeep">' + node.left + '</span><!--wikEdKeep-->';
case 'error':
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdError" title="' + node.left + '">';
if (wikEd.config.highlightError === true) {
insertLeft += '<span class="wikEdHighlightError">' + node.left + '</span><!--wikEdHighlightError-->';
pushRight = '</span><!--wikEdError-->';
case 'note': // for debugging
insertLeft = '<span class="wikEdParsingNote">' + node.tagLength + '</span><!--wikEdParsingNote-->';
case 'root':
case undefined:
// add left html into existing entry
if (insertLeft !== '') {
node.left = insertLeft;
node.index = i;
// add left html as new array element to allow for overlapping highlighting as in hr
else if (pushLeft !== '') {
parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagFrom, 'tagLength': 0, 'left': pushLeft, 'index': i - 0.5 } );
// add right html into existing entry
if (insertRight !== '') {
node.right = insertRight;
node.index = i;
// add right html as new array element to allow for overlapping highlighting as in html-like tags and urls
else if (pushRight !== '') {
parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': tagTo, 'tagLength': 0, 'right': pushRight, 'index': i + 0.5 } );
if (pushRight2 !== '') {
parseObj.tree.push( { 'start': pushRightPos2, 'tagLength': 0, 'right': pushRight2, 'index': i + 0.5 } );
from = tagTo;
i ++;
// wikEd.HighlightMergeHtml: merge parse tree highlighting html code with article text
wikEd.HighlightMergeHtml = function (parseObj, obj) {
if (parseObj.tree.length <= 1) {
// sort parse array by position, length, and index
function(a, b) {
// by start position
if (a.start != b.start) {
return a.start - b.start;
// by length
if (a.tagLength != b.tagLength) {
return a.tagLength - b.tagLength;
// by index
return a.index - b.index;
// add comments and highlighting
var from = 0;
var htmlArray = [];
// cycle through parse array and assemble html array
for (var i = 0; i < parseObj.tree.length; i ++) {
var node = parseObj.tree[i];
var tagFrom = node.start;
var tagLength = node.tagLength;
var htmlLeft = node.left;
var htmlRight = node.right;
var tagTo = tagFrom + tagLength;
// drop overlapping highlighting //// |- in tables?!
if (tagFrom < from) {
// ignore root
if (tagFrom === undefined) {
// push leading plain text
htmlArray.push(obj.html.substring(from, tagFrom));
// push left html
if (htmlLeft !== undefined) {
// push right html
if (htmlRight !== undefined) {
htmlArray.push(obj.html.substring(tagFrom, tagTo));
from = tagTo;
else {
from = tagFrom;
// join html array
obj.html = htmlArray.join('');
// display highlighted html:
// WED(obj.html.replace(/\x00/g, '&lt;').replace(/\x01/g, '&gt;'));
// wikEd.HighlightLinkify: prepare the span tag parameters for ctrl-click opening of highlighted links, addding redirect info, and highlighting redlinks
wikEd.HighlightLinkify = function (linkPrefix, linkTitle, linkUrl) {
var linkName = '';
var subpage = false;
var link = '';
var info = '';
// generate url from interlanguage or namespace prefix and title
if (typeof linkUrl != 'string') {
// test for illegal characters
if (/[\{\|\}\[\]<>#]/.test(linkPrefix) === true) {
return '';
// clean prefix and title
linkPrefix = wikEd.CleanLink(linkPrefix);
linkTitle = wikEd.CleanLink(linkTitle);
linkName = linkPrefix + linkTitle;
link = linkName;
// character accentuation for Esperanto, see [[Help:Special_characters#Esperanto]]
if (wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgContentLanguage == 'eo') {
linkTitle = linkTitle.replace(/([cghjsu])(x+)/gi,
function(p, p1, p2) {
var accentChar = p1;
var xString = p2;
var xLength = xString.length;
var xCount = Math.floor(xLength / 2);
if ( (xLength / 2 - xCount) > 0) {
var pos = 'CGHJSUcghjsu'.indexOf(accentChar);
accentChar = 'ĈĜĤĴŜŬĉĝĥĵŝŭ'.substr(pos, 1);
xString = xString.replace(/^x|(x)x/gi, '$1');
else {
xString = xString.replace(/(x)x/gi, '$1');
return accentChar + xString;
// [[/subpage]] refers to a subpage of the current page, [[#section]] to a section of the current page
if ( (linkPrefix === '') && ( (linkTitle.indexOf('/')=== 0) || (linkTitle.indexOf('#')=== 0) ) ) {
subpage = true;
// Wiktionary differentiates between lower and uppercased titles, interwiki should not be uppercased
if (subpage === true) {
linkUrl = linkPrefix + wikEd.pageName + linkTitle;
else {
linkUrl = linkPrefix + linkTitle;
linkUrl = wikEd.EncodeTitle(linkUrl);
if (typeof wikEd.config.linkifyArticlePath == 'string') {
linkUrl = wikEd.config.linkifyArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, linkUrl);
else if (typeof wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath == 'string') {
linkUrl = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, linkUrl);
else {
linkUrl = '';
// detect redirect and redlink info
if ( (, link) === true) && (wikEd.linkInfo[link].updated === true) ) {
// redirect
if (wikEd.linkInfo[link].redirect === true) {
var target = wikEd.linkInfo[link].target;
if ( (target !== undefined) && (target !== null) ) {
info += wikEd.config.text.redirect + ' ' + target;
// redlinks
if (wikEd.linkInfo[link].missing === true) {
info += wikEd.config.text.redlink;
// collect new links
else {
wikEd.linkInfo[link] = {
update: true,
updated: false,
// url provided
else {
// test for illegal characters
if (/[<>]/.test(linkUrl) === true) {
return '';
// test for templates
if (/\{|\}/.test(linkUrl) === true) {
return '';
linkName = wikEd.EncodeTitle(linkUrl);
var linkPopup = linkName;
if (subpage === true) {
linkPopup = wikEd.pageName + linkPopup;
linkPopup = linkPopup.replace(/\t/g, ' ');
linkPopup = wikEd.EscapeHtml(linkPopup);
linkPopup = linkPopup.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
var linkParam = '';
if (linkUrl !== '') {
var titleClick;
if (wikEd.platform == 'mac') {
titleClick = wikEd.config.text.followLinkMac;
else {
titleClick = wikEd.config.text.followLink;
var id = 'wikEdWikiLink' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(wikEd.wikiLinks).length;
var linkify = linkPopup + ' ' + titleClick;
linkParam += 'id="' + id + '" title="' + linkify + info + '"';
// save link infos for linkification and redlinking
wikEd.wikiLinks[id] = { url: linkUrl, link: link, linkify: linkify, info: info };
return linkParam;
// wikEd.CleanLink: clean and normalize article title
wikEd.CleanLink = function (link) {
// remove highlighting code
link = link.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
// remove control chars
var regExp = new RegExp('[' + wikEd.controlCharHighlightingStr + '\t\n\r]', 'g');
link = link.replace(regExp, '');
// fix strange white spaces, leading colons
link = link.replace(/\s/g, ' ');
link = link.replace(/^ +/, '');
link = link.replace(/^:+ *()/, '');
link = link.replace(/ +/g, '_');
// quotes and ampersand
link = link.replace(/&amp;quot;/g, '"');
link = link.replace(/&amp;apos;/g, '\'');
link = link.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
return link;
// wikEd.EncodeTitle: encode article title for use in url (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.EncodeTitle = function (title) {
if (title === undefined) {
title = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle;
// characters not supported
title = title.replace(/[<>\[\]|{}]/g, '');
title = title.replace(/ /g, '_');
title = encodeURI(title);
title = title.replace(/%25(\d\d)/g, '%$1');
title = title.replace(/&/g, '%26');
title = title.replace(/#/g, '%23');
title = title.replace(/'/g, '%27');
title = title.replace(/\?/g, '%3F');
title = title.replace(/\+/g, '%2B');
return title;
// wikEd.EscapeHtml: escape html code, &<> to character entities
wikEd.EscapeHtml = function (html) {
html = html.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
html = html.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
html = html.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
return html;
// wikEd.UpdateTextarea: copy frame content or provided text to textarea
wikEd.UpdateTextarea = function (text) {
var obj = {};
if (text !== undefined) {
obj.html = text;
// get frame content, remove dynamically inserted nodes by other scripts
else {
obj.html = wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML;
// remove trailing blanks and newlines at end of text
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/((<br\b[^>]*>)|\s)+$/g, '');
// remove leading spaces in lines
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(<br\b[^>]*>)[\n\r]* *()/g, '$1');
// textify so that no html formatting is submitted
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&nbsp;|&#160;|\xa0/g, ' ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// convert all &nbsp; char entitities to actual characters (customization option only)
if (wikEd.config.nbspToChar === true) {
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\xa0');
// copy to textarea
wikEd.textarea.value = obj.plain;
// remember frame scroll position
wikEd.frameScrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;
// wikEd.UpdateFrame: copy textarea content or provided html to frame
wikEd.UpdateFrame = function (html) {
// get textarea content
var obj = {};
if (html !== undefined) {
obj.html = html;
else {
obj.html = wikEd.textarea.value;
obj.html = wikEd.EscapeHtml(obj.html);
// convert \xa (nbsp) to character entities so they do not get converted to blanks
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\xa0/g, '&amp;nbsp;');
// highlight the syntax
if (wikEd.highlightSyntax === true) {
obj.whole = true;
// at least display tabs
else {
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(\t)/g, '<span class="wikEdTabPlain">$1</span><!--wikEdTabPlain-->');
// multiple blanks to blank-&nbsp;
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/(^|\n) /g, '$1&nbsp;');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ (\n|$)/g, '&nbsp;$1');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/ {2}/g, '&nbsp; ');
// newlines to <br>
obj.html = obj.html.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
// insert content into empty frame
if ( (wikEd.readOnly === true) || (wikEd.frameBody.firstChild === null) || (/^<br[^>]*>\s*$/.test(wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML) === true) ) {
wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML = obj.html;
// insert content into frame, preserve history
else {
obj.sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
var range = wikEd.frameDocument.createRange();
// replace the frame content with the new text, do not scroll
var scrollOffset = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop;
if (obj.html !== '') {
wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, obj.html);
else {
window.scroll(0, scrollOffset);
// scroll to previous position
if (wikEd.frameScrollTop !== null) {
wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = wikEd.frameScrollTop;
wikEd.frameScrollTop = null;
// add event handlers and labels
if (wikEd.highlightSyntax === true) {
// name ref and template buttons
// add event handlers to unhide refs and templates
// add event handlers to make highlighted frame links ctrl-clickable
// get link infos from server (redirects, redlinks)
// wikEd.HtmlToPlain: convert html to plain text, called from wikEd.GetText
wikEd.HtmlToPlain = function (obj) {
obj.plain = obj.html.replace(/[\n ]{2,}/g, ' ');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
// wikEd.KeyHandler: event handler for keydown events in main document and frame
// detects emulated accesskey and traps enter in find/replace input elements
wikEd.KeyHandler = function (event) {
// trap enter in find/replace input elements
if ( (event.type == 'keydown') && (event.keyCode == 13) ) {
if ( == 'wikEdFindText') {
if (event.shiftKey === true) {
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFindPrev');
else if (event.ctrlKey === true) {
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFindAll');
else {
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdFindNext');
else if ( == 'wikEdReplaceText') {
if (event.shiftKey === true) {
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdReplacePrev');
else if (event.ctrlKey === true) {
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdReplaceAll');
else {
wikEd.EditButton(null, 'wikEdReplaceNext');
// detect emulated accesskeys
else if ( (event.shiftKey === true) && (event.ctrlKey === false) && (event.altKey === true) && (event.metaKey === false) ) {
// get wikEd button id from keycode
var buttonId = wikEd.buttonKeyCode[event.keyCode];
if (buttonId !== undefined) {
// execute the button click handler code, obj required for eval
var obj = document.getElementById(buttonId);
// wikEd.FindAhead: find-as-you-type, event handler for find field, supports insensitive and regexp settings
wikEd.FindAhead = function () {
if (wikEd.findAhead.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
// get the find text
var findText = wikEd.findText.value;
if (findText === '') {
// remember input field selection
var findTextSelectionStart = wikEd.findText.selectionStart;
var findTextSelectionEnd = wikEd.findText.selectionEnd;
// remember frame selection
var sel = wikEd.GetSelection();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange();
var rangeClone = range.cloneRange();
var scrollTop = wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop;
// collapse selection to the left
range = sel.addRange(range);
// create obj for regexp search
var obj = {};
// get insensitive and regexp button states
var regExpChecked = wikEd.regExp.getAttribute('checked');
var caseSensitiveChecked = wikEd.caseSensitive.getAttribute('checked');
// get case sensitive setting
var caseSensitive = false;
if (caseSensitiveChecked == 'true') {
caseSensitive = true;
// get regexp setting
var useRegExp = false;
if (regExpChecked == 'true') {
useRegExp = true;
// parameters: obj, findText, caseSensitive, backwards, wrap, useRegExp
var found = wikEd.Find(obj, findText, caseSensitive, false, true, useRegExp);
// restore original frame selection
if (found === false) {
wikEd.frameBody.scrollTop = scrollTop;
else {
// scroll to selection
// restore input field selection (needed for FF 3.6);
wikEd.findText.setSelectionRange(findTextSelectionStart, findTextSelectionEnd);
// wikEd.DebugInfo: click handler for ctrl-click of logo buttons, pastes debug info into edit field or popup; shift-ctrl-click: extended info with resource loader modules
wikEd.DebugInfo = function (event) {
// ctrl-click
if (event.ctrlKey !== true) {
// get debug infos
var debug = wikEd.GetDebugInfo(event.shiftKey);
debug = debug.replace(/(^|\n(?=.))/g, '$1* ');
debug = '=== wikEd bug report: ____ (Please add short title) === \n\n' + debug;
debug += '* Error console: ____ (Firefox: Tools → Web Developer → Browser console; push clear and reload the page. Chrome: Control button → Tools → JavaScript console. Copy and paste error messages related to wikEd.js)\n';
debug += '* Problem description: ____ (Please be as specific as possible about what is wrong, including when it happens, what happens, what is broken, and what still works)\n';
debug += '* Steps to reproduce: ____ (Please include what happens at each step. Your problems cannot be fixed without reproducing them first!)\n';
// print to iframe, textarea, debug area, or alert
if ( == wikEd.logo) {
else if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
debug = wikEd.EscapeHtml('\n' + debug).replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
wikEd.frameDocument.execCommand('inserthtml', false, debug);
else if (wikEd.textarea !== null) {
wikEd.textarea.value += '\n' + debug;
else {
wikEd.Debug(debug, undefined, true);
// wikEd.GetDebugInfo: compiles debug info into string
wikEd.GetDebugInfo = function (extended) {
var loader = '';
var mediawiki = '';
var gadgets = '';
var scripts = '';
// cycle through script urls
var pageScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i = 0; i < pageScripts.length; i ++) {
var src = pageScripts[i].src;
if (src !== '') {
// resource loader modules
var regExpMatch = /load.php\?(|.*?&)modules=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(src);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
loader += decodeURIComponent(regExpMatch[2]).replace(/\|/g, '; ') + '; ';
// mediawiki: scripts
else {
var regExpMatch = /index.php\?(|.*?&)title=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(src);
if (regExpMatch !== null) {
var script = regExpMatch[2];
if (/^MediaWiki:Gadget/.test(script) === true) {
gadgets += script.replace(/^MediaWiki:/, '') + ', ';
else if (/^MediaWiki:/.test(script) === true) {
mediawiki += script.replace(/^MediaWiki:/, '') + ', ';
else {
scripts += script + ', ';
// other scripts
else {
var regExpScript = new RegExp(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + '(' + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath + ')?');
scripts += src.replace(regExpScript, '').replace(/\?.*/, '') + ', ';
// get date
var date = new Date();
var time = (date.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getUTCDate() + ' ' + date.getUTCHours() + ':' + date.getUTCMinutes() + ':' + date.getUTCSeconds() + ' UTC').replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1');
// get user subpages
var protocol = document.location.href.replace(/\/\/.*/, '');
var subPages = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, 'Special:PrefixIndex/' + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgFormattedNamespaces[2] + ':' + wikEd.EncodeTitle(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgUserName) + '/');
if (/^\/\//.test(subPages) === true) {
subPages = protocol + subPages;
// get user js pages
var userPage = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/, wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgFormattedNamespaces[2] + ':' + wikEd.EncodeTitle(wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgUserName));
if (/^\/\//.test(userPage) === true) {
userPage = protocol + userPage;
var skinJs = userPage + '/' + + '.js';
var commonJs = userPage + '/common.js';
// remove trailing separators
loader = loader.replace(/; $/, '');
mediawiki = mediawiki.replace(/, $/, '');
gadgets = gadgets.replace(/, $/, '');
scripts = scripts.replace(/, $/, '');
var debug = '';
debug += 'Date: ' + time + '\n';
debug += 'wikEd version: ' + wikEd.programVersion + wikEd.installationType + ' (' + wikEd.programDate + ')\n';
debug += 'Browser: ' + window.navigator.userAgent + ' (' + window.navigator.platform + ')\n';
debug += 'Skin: ' + + ' (detected: ' + + ')\n';
debug += 'MediaWiki: ' + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgVersion + '\n';
debug += 'Gadgets: ' + gadgets + '\n';
debug += 'MediaWiki scripts: ' + mediawiki + '\n';
debug += 'Scripts: ' + scripts + '\n';
if (extended === true) {
debug += 'Loader: ' + loader + '\n';
debug += 'URL: ' + window.location.href + '\n';
debug += 'User subpages: ' + subPages + '\n';
debug += 'User/skin.js: ' + skinJs + '\n';
debug += 'User/common.js: ' + commonJs + '\n';
return debug;
// wikEd.MainSwitch: click handler for program logo
wikEd.MainSwitch = function (event) {
// ctrl-click for debug info
if (event.ctrlKey === true) {
// disable function if browser is incompatible
if (wikEd.browserNotSupported === true) {
// enable wikEd
if (wikEd.disabled === true) {
// check for active code editor
// do not turn on when code editor is active
if (wikEd.useCodeEditor === true) {
wikEd.disabled = true;
wikEd.SetLogo('incompatible', 'Code Editor');
wikEd.disabled = false;
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdDisabled', '0', 0, '/');
// turn rich text frame on
if (wikEd.turnedOn === false) {
// setup wikEd
else {
var useWikEd = false;
if (document.getElementById('wikEdUseWikEd').getAttribute('checked') == 'true') {
useWikEd = true;
wikEd.useWikEd = useWikEd;
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
} = 'block'; = 'block';
if (wikEd.buttonBarJump !== null) { = 'block';
// run scheduled custom functions
// disable wikEd
else {
wikEd.SetPersistent('wikEdDisabled', '1', 0, '/');
if (wikEd.turnedOn === false) {
wikEd.useWikEd = false;
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
wikEd.disabled = true;
else {
// interrupt fullscreen mode
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
// turn classic textarea on
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
// reset textarea dimensions = (wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial - wikEd.frameBorderHeight) + 'px'; = '100%';
wikEd.frameHeight = (wikEd.textareaOffsetHeightInitial - wikEd.frameBorderHeight) + 'px';
wikEd.frameWidth = (wikEd.editorWrapper.clientWidth - wikEd.frameBorderWidth) + 'px'; = wikEd.frameHeight; = wikEd.frameWidth; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'auto';
if (wikEd.buttonBarJump !== null) { = 'none';
wikEd.useWikEd = false;
window.wikEdUseWikEd = wikEd.useWikEd;
wikEd.disabled = true;
// run scheduled custom functions
// wikEd.FullScreen: change to fullscreen edit area or back to normal view
wikEd.FullScreen = function (fullscreen, updateButton) {
// resize only
if (fullscreen === undefined) {
fullscreen = wikEd.fullscreen;
// no fullscreen for special edit pages
if (wikEd.editArticle === false) {
fullscreen = false;
updateButton = false;
// no fullscreen for textarea view
if (wikEd.useWikEd === false) {
fullscreen = false;
updateButton = false;
// skip for repeat calls
if (fullscreen != wikEd.fullscreen) {
// disable frame resizing
if ( (wikEd.fullscreen === false) && (wikEd.frameDocument !== null) ) {
// setup fullscreen
if (fullscreen === true) {
// inactivate scroll-to buttons
document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToPreview').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToEdit').className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
// back to normal
else {
// activate scroll-to buttons
document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToPreview').className = 'wikEdButton';
document.getElementById('wikEdScrollToEdit').className = 'wikEdButton';
var switched = (fullscreen != wikEd.fullscreen);
if (switched === true) {
wikEd.fullscreen = fullscreen;
// set the fullscreen button state
if (updateButton === true) {
wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdFullScreen'), 'wikEdFullScreen', null, fullscreen);
wikEd.fullScreenMode = fullscreen;
// resize and scroll to edit-frame
if ( (switched === true) && (fullscreen === false) ) {
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.inputWrapper) - 2);
// grey out fullscreen button
var button = document.getElementById('wikEdFullScreen');
if ( (wikEd.editArticle === false) || (wikEd.useWikEd === false) ) {
button.className = 'wikEdButtonInactive';
else if (wikEd.fullScreenMode === true) {
button.className = 'wikEdButtonChecked';
else {
button.className = 'wikEdButtonUnchecked';
// wikEd.ResizeSummary: recalculate the summary width after resizing the window
wikEd.ResizeSummary = function () {
// check if combo field exists
if (wikEd.summarySelect === null) {
} = ''; = '';
wikEd.summaryTextWidth = wikEd.summaryWrapper.clientWidth - ( wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(wikEd.summaryText) - wikEd.GetOffsetLeft(wikEd.summaryWrapper) );
if (wikEd.summaryTextWidth < 150) {
wikEd.summaryTextWidth = 150;
} = wikEd.summaryTextWidth + 'px';
// wikEd.ResizeComboInput: set the size of input and select fields so that only the select button is visible behind the input field
wikEd.ResizeComboInput = function (field) {
// check if combo field exists
if (wikEd.selectElement[field] === undefined) {
// short names
var input = wikEd.inputElement[field];
var select = wikEd.selectElement[field];
// save select options and empty select
var selectInnerHTML = select.innerHTML;
select.innerHTML = '';
// set measuring styles = 'sans-serif'; = '0'; = '0'; = 'auto';
// get button width from small empty select box
var inputWidth = input.offsetWidth;
var selectWidth = select.offsetWidth;
var selectBorder = parseInt(wikEd.GetStyle(select, 'borderTopWidth'), 10);
var buttonWidth = selectWidth - selectBorder - 8;
// delete measuring styles = null; = null; = null;
// for long fields shorten input width
if (inputWidth + buttonWidth > 150) { = (inputWidth - buttonWidth) + 'px'; = inputWidth + 'px';
// otherwise increase select width
else { = (inputWidth + buttonWidth) + 'px';
// restore select options
select.innerHTML = selectInnerHTML;
// wikEd.ChangeComboInput: sets the input value to selected option; onchange event handler for select boxes
wikEd.ChangeComboInput = function (field) {
// get selection index (-1 for unselected)
var selected = wikEd.selectElement[field].selectedIndex;
if (selected >= 0) {
wikEd.selectElement[field].selectedIndex = -1;
// get selected option
var option = wikEd.selectElement[field].options[selected];
if (option.text !== '') {
// jump to heading
if ( (field == 'find') && (/^=.*?=$/.test(option.value) === true) ) {
var obj = {};
var findText = option.value.replace(/([\\^$*+?.()\[\]{}:=!|,\-])/g, '\\$1');
findText = '^' + findText + '$';
// find and select heading text
wikEd.Find(obj, findText, true, false, true, true);
// and scroll it into the viewport
// update input field
else {
// add a tag to the summary box
if (field == 'summary') {
wikEd.inputElement[field].value = wikEd.AppendToSummary(wikEd.inputElement[field].value, option.text);
// add case and regexp checkboxes to find / replace fields
else if (option.value == 'setcheck') {
wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdCaseSensitive'), 'wikEdCaseSensitive', null, (option.text.charAt(0) == wikEd.checkMarker[true]) );
wikEd.Button(document.getElementById('wikEdRegExp'), 'wikEdRegExp', null, (option.text.charAt(1) == wikEd.checkMarker[true]) );
wikEd.inputElement[field].value = option.text.substr(3);
// add option text
else {
wikEd.inputElement[field].value = option.text;
// find the new text
if ( (field == 'find') && (wikEd.findAhead.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') ) {
// wikEd.AppendToSummary: append a phrase to the summary text
wikEd.AppendToSummary = function (summary, append) {
summary = summary.replace(/^[, ]+/, '');
summary = summary.replace(/[, ]+$/, '');
if (summary !== '') {
if (/ \*\/$/.test(summary) === true) {
summary += ' ';
else if (/[.;:]$/.test(summary) === true) {
summary += ' ';
else {
var regExp = new RegExp('^[' + wikEd.letters + '_0-9()"\'+\\-]', '');
if (regExp.test(summary) === false) {
summary += ' ';
else {
summary += ', ';
summary += append;
return summary;
// wikEd.AddToHistory: add an input value to the saved history
wikEd.AddToHistory = function (field) {
if (wikEd.inputElement[field].value !== '') {
// load history from saved settings
// add current value to history
// add case and regexp checkboxes to find / replace value
if ( (field == 'find') || (field == 'replace') ) {
wikEd.fieldHist[field][0] =
wikEd.checkMarker[ (wikEd.caseSensitive.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') ] +
wikEd.checkMarker[ (wikEd.regExp.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') ] +
' ' + wikEd.fieldHist[field][0];
// remove paragraph names from summary
if (field == 'summary') {
wikEd.fieldHist[field][0] = wikEd.fieldHist[field][0].replace(/^\/\* .*? \*\/ *()/, '');
// remove multiple old copies from history
var i = 1;
while (i < wikEd.fieldHist[field].length) {
if (wikEd.fieldHist[field][i] == wikEd.fieldHist[field][0]) {
wikEd.fieldHist[field].splice(i, 1);
else {
i ++;
// remove new value if it is a preset value
if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field] !== undefined) {
var i = 0;
while (i < wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field].length) {
if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field][i] == wikEd.fieldHist[field][0]) {
else {
i ++;
// cut history number to maximal history length
wikEd.fieldHist[field] = wikEd.fieldHist[field].slice(0, wikEd.config.historyLength[field]);
// save history to settings
if (wikEd.fieldHist[field][0] !== '') {
// wikEd.SetComboOptions: generate the select options from saved history; onfocus handler for select box
wikEd.SetComboOptions = function (field) {
// load history from saved settings
var option = {};
var selectedOption = null;
// delete options
var options = wikEd.selectElement[field].options;
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i ++) {
// delete optgroup
option = document.getElementById(field + 'Optgroup');
if (option !== null) {
// workaround for onchange not firing when selecting first option from unselected dropdown
option = document.createElement('option'); = 'none';
var j = 0;
wikEd.selectElement[field].options[j++] = option;
// add history entries
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.fieldHist[field].length; i ++) {
if (wikEd.fieldHist[field][i] !== undefined) {
if (wikEd.fieldHist[field][i] == wikEd.inputElement[field].value) {
selectedOption = j;
option = document.createElement('option');
// replace spaces with nbsp to allow for multiple, leading, and trailing spaces
option.text = wikEd.fieldHist[field][i].replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
if ( (field == 'find') || (field == 'replace') ) {
option.value = 'setcheck';
wikEd.selectElement[field].options[j++] = option;
// add preset entries
var startPreset = 0;
if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field] !== undefined) {
startPreset = j;
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field].length; i ++) {
if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field][i] !== undefined) {
// replace spaces with nbsp to allow for multiple, leading, and trailing spaces
wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field][i] = wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field][i].replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
// select a dropdown value
if (wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field][i] == wikEd.inputElement[field].value) {
selectedOption = j;
option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = wikEd.config.comboPresetOptions[field][i].replace(/ /g, '\xa0');
if (field == 'summary') {
option.text = option.text.replace(/\{wikEdUsing\}/g, wikEd.config.summaryUsing);
wikEd.selectElement[field].options[j++] = option;
// set the selection
wikEd.selectElement[field].selectedIndex = selectedOption;
// add a blank preset separator
if ( (startPreset > 1) && (startPreset < j) ) {
option = document.createElement('optgroup');
option.label = '\xa0'; = field + 'Optgroup';
wikEd.selectElement[field].insertBefore(option, wikEd.selectElement[field].options[startPreset]);
// add the TOC jumper to the find field
var startTOC = 0;
if (field == 'find') {
startTOC = j;
// get the whole plain text
var plain = wikEd.frameBody.innerHTML;
plain = plain.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/g, '\n');
plain = plain.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
plain = plain.replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\xa0');
plain = plain.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
plain = plain.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
plain = plain.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
// cycle through the headings
var regExpMatchHeading = plain.match(/(^|\n)=+.+?=+[^\n=]*[ =\t]*(?=(\n|$))/g);
if (regExpMatchHeading !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < regExpMatchHeading.length; i ++) {
var headingMatch = regExpMatchHeading[i].match(/\n?((=+) *(.+?)( *\2))/);
var headingIndent = headingMatch[2];
headingIndent = headingIndent.replace(/^=/g, '');
headingIndent = headingIndent.replace(/\=/g, '\xa0');
// add headings to the select element
option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = '\u21d2' + headingIndent + headingMatch[3];
option.value = headingMatch[1];
wikEd.selectElement[field].options[j++] = option;
// add a blank TOC separator
if ( (startTOC > 1) && (startTOC < j) ) {
option = document.createElement('optgroup');
option.label = '\xa0'; = field + 'Optgroup';
wikEd.selectElement[field].insertBefore(option, wikEd.selectElement[field].options[startTOC]);
// wikEd.ClearHistory: clear the history of combo input fields
wikEd.ClearHistory = function (field) {
wikEd.SetPersistent(wikEd.savedName[field], '', 0, '/');
// wikEd.LoadHistoryFromSettings: get the input box history from the respective saved settings
wikEd.LoadHistoryFromSettings = function (field) {
var setting = wikEd.GetPersistent(wikEd.savedName[field]);
if ( (setting !== null) && (setting !== '') ) {
setting = decodeURIComponent(setting);
wikEd.fieldHist[field] = setting.split('\n');
else {
wikEd.fieldHist[field] = [];
// wikEd.SaveHistoryToSetting: save the input box history to the respective saved settings
wikEd.SaveHistoryToSetting = function (field) {
var setting = '';
setting = wikEd.fieldHist[field].join('\n');
setting = setting.replace(/\n$/, '');
setting = encodeURIComponent(setting);
wikEd.SetPersistent(wikEd.savedName[field], setting, 0, '/');
// wikEd.GetSelection: get the current iframe selection
wikEd.GetSelection = function () {
var sel = wikEd.frameWindow.getSelection();
// make sure there is at least an empty range
if ( (sel !== null) && (sel.rangeCount === 0) ) {
sel.collapse(wikEd.frameBody, 0);
return sel;
// wikEd.SetRange: set a range, control for non-text nodes
wikEd.SetRange = function (range, startNode, startOffset, endNode, endOffset) {
wikEd.SetRangeStart(range, startNode, startOffset);
wikEd.SetRangeEnd(range, endNode, endOffset);
// wikEd.SetRangeStart: set range start
wikEd.SetRangeStart = function (range, startNode, startOffset) {
if ( (startNode.childNodes.length > 0) && (startOffset < startNode.childNodes.length) ) {
startNode = startNode.childNodes.item(startOffset);
startOffset = 0;
if (startNode.nodeName == '#text') {
range.setStart(startNode, startOffset);
else if (startNode.childNodes.length === 0) {
range.setStart(startNode, 0);
else {
// wikEd.SetRangeEnd: set range end
wikEd.SetRangeEnd = function (range, endNode, endOffset) {
if ( (endNode.childNodes.length > 0) && (endOffset < endNode.childNodes.length) ) {
endNode = endNode.childNodes.item(endOffset);
endOffset = 0;
if (endNode.nodeName == '#text') {
range.setEnd(endNode, endOffset);
else if (endNode.childNodes.length === 0) {
else {
// wikEd.GetSavedSetting: get a wikEd setting, returns boolean
wikEd.GetSavedSetting = function (settingName, preset) {
var setting = wikEd.GetPersistent(settingName);
if (setting == '1') {
setting = true;
else {
if ( (setting === null) || (setting === '') ) {
setting = preset;
if (typeof setting !== 'boolean') {
setting = false;
return setting;
// wikEd.GetPersistent: get a cookie or a Greasemonkey persistent value (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.GetPersistent = function ( name ) {
var getStr;
// check for web storage
// get a value from web storage
if ( wikEd.webStorage === true ) {
try {
getStr = window.localStorage.getItem( name );
catch ( exception ) {
wikEd.webStorage = false;
if ( wikEd.webStorage === false ) {
// else get a Greasemonkey persistent value
if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === true ) {
getStr = GM_getValue( name, '' );
// else get a cookie value
else {
getStr = wikEd.GetCookie( name );
// return string
if ( typeof getStr != 'string' ) {
getStr = '';
return getStr;
// wikEd.SetPersistent: set a cookie or a Greasemonkey persistent value, deletes the value for expire = -1
wikEd.SetPersistent = function ( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure ) {
// check for web storage
// set a value in web storage
if ( wikEd.webStorage === true ) {
if ( expires == -1 ) {
value = '';
try {
window.localStorage.setItem( name, value );
catch ( exception ) {
wikEd.webStorage = false;
if ( wikEd.webStorage === false ) {
// else set a Greasemonkey persistent value
if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === true ) {
if ( expires == -1 ) {
value = '';
// see
window.setTimeout( function() {
GM_setValue( name, value );
}, 0 );
// else set a cookie value
else {
wikEd.SetCookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure );
// wikEd.DetectWebStorage: detect if local storage is available (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.DetectWebStorage = function () {
if (wikEd.webStorage === null) {
wikEd.webStorage = false;
try {
if (typeof window.localStorage == 'object') {
// web storage does not persist between local html page loads in firefox
if (/^file:\/\//.test(wikEd.pageOrigin) === false) {
wikEd.webStorage = true;
catch (exception) {
// wikEd.GetCookie: get a cookie (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.GetCookie = function (cookieName) {
var cookie = ' ' + document.cookie;
var search = ' ' + cookieName + '=';
var cookieValue = '';
var offset = 0;
var end = 0;
offset = cookie.indexOf(search);
if (offset != -1) {
offset += search.length;
end = cookie.indexOf(';', offset);
if (end == -1) {
end = cookie.length;
cookieValue = cookie.substring(offset, end);
cookieValue = cookieValue.replace(/\\+/g, ' ');
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookieValue);
return cookieValue;
// wikEd.SetCookie: set a cookie, deletes a cookie for expire = -1 (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.SetCookie = function (name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {
var cookie = name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
if ( (expires !== undefined) && (expires !== null) ) {
// generate a date 1 hour ago to delete the cookie
if (expires == -1) {
var cookieExpire = new Date();
expires = cookieExpire.setTime(cookieExpire.getTime() - 60 * 60 * 1000);
expires = cookieExpire.toUTCString();
// get date from expiration preset
else if (expires === 0) {
var cookieExpire = new Date();
expires = cookieExpire.setTime(cookieExpire.getTime() + wikEd.config.cookieExpireSec * 1000);
expires = cookieExpire.toUTCString();
cookie += '; expires=' + expires;
if (typeof path == 'string') {
cookie += '; path=' + path;
if (typeof domain == 'string') {
cookie += '; domain=' + domain;
if (secure === true) {
cookie += '; secure';
document.cookie = cookie;
// wikEd.GetOffsetTop: get element offset relative to window top (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.GetOffsetTop = function (element) {
var offset = 0;
do {
offset += element.offsetTop;
} while ( (element = element.offsetParent) !== null );
return offset;
// wikEd.GetOffsetLeft: get element offset relative to left window border
wikEd.GetOffsetLeft = function (element) {
var offset = 0;
do {
offset += element.offsetLeft;
} while ( (element = element.offsetParent) !== null );
return offset;
// wikEd.AppendScript: append script to head
wikEd.AppendScript = function (scriptUrl, onLoadFunction) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('src', scriptUrl);
if (onLoadFunction !== undefined) {
script.addEventListener('load', onLoadFunction, false);
return script;
// wikEd.CleanNodes: remove DOM elements dynamically inserted by other scripts
wikEd.CleanNodes = function (node) {
if (wikEd.cleanNodes === false) {
// remove Web of Trust (WOT) tags
var divs = node.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i ++) {
var div = divs[i];
// test for WOT class names
var divClass = div.className;
if (/^wot-/.test(divClass) === true) {
var divParent = div.parentNode;
if (divParent !== null) {
// test for WOT attributes
var divAttrs = div.attributes;
for (var j = 0; j < divAttrs.length; ++ j) {
var attr = divAttrs.item(j);
if ( (attr.nodeName == 'wottarget') || (/^link[0-9a-f]{30,}/.test(attr.nodeName) === true) ) {
var divParent = div.parentNode;
if (divParent !== null) {
// wikEd.ParseDOM: parses a DOM subtree into a linear array of plain text fragments
wikEd.ParseDOM = function (obj, topNode) {
obj.plainLength = 0;
obj.plainArray = [];
obj.plainNode = [];
obj.plainStart = [];
obj.plainPos = [];
var anchorNode = obj.sel.anchorNode;
var focusNode = obj.sel.focusNode;
var anchorOffset = obj.sel.anchorOffset;
var focusOffset = obj.sel.focusOffset;
wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive(obj, topNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset);
obj.plain = obj.plainArray.join('');
obj.plain = obj.plain.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
// wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive: parses a DOM subtree into a linear array of plain text fragments
wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive = function (obj, currentNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset) {
// cycle through the child nodes of currentNode
var childNodes = currentNode.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++) {
var childNode = childNodes.item(i);
// check for selection, non-text nodes
if ( (currentNode == anchorNode) && (i == anchorOffset) ) {
obj.plainAnchor = obj.plainLength;
if ( (currentNode == focusNode) && (i == focusOffset) ) {
obj.plainFocus = obj.plainLength;
// check for selection, text nodes
if (childNode == obj.sel.anchorNode) {
obj.plainAnchor = obj.plainLength + obj.sel.anchorOffset;
if (childNode == obj.sel.focusNode) {
obj.plainFocus = obj.plainLength + obj.sel.focusOffset;
// get text of child node
var value = null;
switch (childNode.nodeType) {
case childNode.ELEMENT_NODE:
// skip hidden elements
if (wikEd.GetStyle(childNode, 'display') == 'none') {
if ( (childNode.childNodes.length === 0) && (wikEd.leafElements[childNode.nodeName] === true) ) {
if (childNode.nodeName == 'BR') {
value = '\n';
else {
wikEd.ParseDOMRecursive(obj, childNode, anchorNode, anchorOffset, focusNode, focusOffset);
case childNode.TEXT_NODE:
value = childNode.nodeValue;
value = value.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
value = '&' + childNode.nodeName + ';';
// add text to text object
if (value !== null) {
// array of text fragments
// array of text fragment node references
// array of text fragment text positions
// node references containing text positions
obj.plainPos[childNode] = obj.plainLength;
// current text length
obj.plainLength += value.length;
// wikEd.GetInnerHTML: get the innerHTML of a document fragment
wikEd.GetInnerHTML = function (obj, currentNode) {
// initialize string
if (obj.html === undefined) {
obj.html = '';
if (obj.plain === undefined) {
obj.plain = '';
if (obj.plainArray === undefined) {
obj.plainArray = [];
obj.plainNode = [];
obj.plainStart = [];
var childNodes = currentNode.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++) {
var childNode = childNodes.item(i);
switch (childNode.nodeType) {
case childNode.ELEMENT_NODE:
obj.html += '<' + childNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
for (var j = 0; j < childNode.attributes.length; j ++) {
if (childNode.attributes.item(j).value !== null) {
obj.html += ' ' + childNode.attributes.item(j).nodeName + '="' + childNode.attributes.item(j).value.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;') + '"';
if ( (childNode.childNodes.length === 0) && (wikEd.leafElements[childNode.nodeName] === true) ) {
obj.html += '>';
if (childNode.nodeName == 'BR') {
obj.plain += '\n';
else {
obj.html += '>';
wikEd.GetInnerHTML(obj, childNode);
obj.html += '</' + childNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() + '>';
case childNode.TEXT_NODE:
var value = childNode.nodeValue;
// newline handling important for pasted page content
if (currentNode.nodeName != 'PRE') {
value = value.replace(/[ \r]*\n[ \r\n]*/g, ' ');
// plain array contains & < > instead of &amp; &lt; &gt;
value = wikEd.EscapeHtml(value);
if (currentNode.nodeName == 'PRE') {
obj.html += value.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
else {
obj.html += value;
obj.plain += value;
case childNode.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
obj.html += '<![CDATA[' + childNode.nodeValue + ']]>';
var value = '&' + childNode.nodeName + ';';
value = value.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
obj.html += value;
obj.plain += value;
case childNode.COMMENT_NODE:
obj.html += '<!--' + childNode.nodeValue + '-->';
// wikEd.GetNextNode: recurse through DOM to next text-like node for anti-highlight bleeding
wikEd.GetNextTextNode = function (obj, currentNode, currentLevel) {
// ascend until there is a sibling
while (currentNode != wikEd.frameBody) {
// check for sibling
var nextNode = null;
if ( (obj.backwards === true) && (currentNode.previousSibling !== null) ) {
nextNode = currentNode.previousSibling;
else if ( (obj.backwards !== true) && (currentNode.nextSibling !== null) ) {
nextNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
// found sibling
if (nextNode !== null) {
currentNode = nextNode;
// skip hidden nodes
if (
( (wikEd.refHide === true) && (/^((wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table))|(wikEdTableBR))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true) ) ||
(/^(wikEdScroll(Before|After))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true)
) {
// found text-like node
if (
(currentNode.nodeName == '#text') ||
(currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) ||
(wikEd.leafElements[currentNode.nodeName] === true)
) {
obj.foundNode = currentNode;
obj.foundLevel = currentLevel;
// recurse into child nodes
if (currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds(obj, currentNode, currentLevel - 1);
if (obj.foundNode !== undefined) {
// no sibling, ascend to parent
else {
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
currentLevel ++;
// wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds: recurse through child nodes to next text-like node for anti-highlight bleeding
wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds = function (obj, currentNode, currentLevel) {
// set direction
var childNodes = currentNode.childNodes;
if (childNodes.length === 0) {
var start = 0;
var add = 1;
if (obj.backwards === true) {
start = childNodes.length - 1;
add = -1;
// cycle through child nodes (left or right)
for (var i = start; ( (obj.backwards === true) && (i >= 0) ) || ( (obj.backwards !== true) && (i < childNodes.length) ); i = i + add) {
var currentNode = childNodes.item(i);
// skip hidden nodes
if (
( (wikEd.refHide === true) && (/^((wikEd(Ref|Templ|CharEntity|Table))|(wikEdTableBR))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true) ) ||
(/^(wikEdScroll(Before|After))$/.test(currentNode.className) === true)
) {
// found text-like node
if (
(currentNode.nodeName == '#text') ||
(currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) ||
(wikEd.leafElements[currentNode.nodeName] === true)
) {
obj.foundNode = currentNode;
obj.foundLevel = currentLevel;
// recurse into child nodes
if (currentNode.nodeType == currentNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
wikEd.GetNextTextNodeChilds(obj, currentNode, currentLevel - 1);
if (obj.foundNode !== undefined) {
// wikEd.ApplyCSS: Attach css rules to document
wikEd.ApplyCSS = function (cssDocument, cssRules) {
var stylesheet = new wikEd.StyleSheet(cssDocument);
var rules = '';
for (var ruleName in cssRules) {
if (, ruleName) === true) {
var ruleStyle = cssRules[ruleName];
// replace {wikedImage:image} in css rules with image path
ruleStyle = ruleStyle.replace(/\{wikEdImage:(\w+)\}/g,
function(p, p1) {
return wikEd.config.image[p1];
// replace {wikedText:text} in css rules with translation
ruleStyle = ruleStyle.replace(/\{wikEdText:(\w+)\}/g,
function(p, p1) {
return wikEd.config.text[p1];
rules += ruleName + ' {' + ruleStyle + '}\n';
// wikEd.StyleSheet: create a new style sheet object
wikEd.StyleSheet = function (contextObj) {
if (contextObj === undefined) {
contextObj = document;
this.styleElement = null;
this.styleElement = contextObj.createElement('style');
this.styleElement.from = 'text/css';
var insert = contextObj.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (insert !== undefined) {
// wikEd.StyleSheet.AddCSSRules: add or replace all rules at once
this.AddCSSRules = function (rules) {
// wikEd.GetStyle: get computed style properties for non-inline css definitions
wikEd.GetStyle = function (element, styleProperty) {
var styleDocument = element.ownerDocument;
var style;
if (element !== null) {
style = styleDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element)[styleProperty];
return style;
// wikEd.AjaxPreview: get rendered page text using an Ajax non-API POST call
wikEd.AjaxPreview = function (textValue, ResponseHandler, livePreview) {
// API request
if ( ( wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgEnableAPI === true || wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgEnableAPI === 'true' ) && livePreview === true ) {
var postFields = {
'format': 'xml',
'action': 'parse',
'title': wikEd.pageName,
'text': textValue
var requestUrl = wikEd.scriptURL + 'api.php';
// AJAX API request
wikEd.AjaxRequest( 'POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', ResponseHandler );
// legacy support: non-API request, use Live preview if possible
else {
// prepare the url
var requestUrl;
if ( wikEd.editForm !== null && wikEd.editUpload !== true && wikEd.editWatchlist !== true && wikEd.viewDeleted !== true ) {
requestUrl = wikEd.editForm.action.replace( /\?.*()/, '' );
if ( /:\/\/()/.test(requestUrl) === false ) {
requestUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + + requestUrl;
else if ( wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath !== undefined ) {
requestUrl = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath + '/index.php';
else {
requestUrl = window.location.href;
requestUrl = requestUrl.replace( /\?.*()/, '' );
requestUrl = requestUrl.replace( /\/[\w\.]*$/, '/index.php' );
// prepare the form fields
var postFields = {};
if ( wikEd.pageName !== null && wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgCanonicalNamespace != 'Special' ) {
postFields['title'] = wikEd.pageName;
else {
postFields['title'] = 'wikEd_preview';
postFields['action'] = 'submit';
postFields['wpTextbox1'] = textValue;
if ( wikEd.starttime !== null ) {
postFields['wpStarttime'] = wikEd.starttime;
if ( wikEd.edittime !== null ) {
postFields['wpEdittime'] = wikEd.edittime;
if ( wikEd.editToken !== null ) {
postFields['wpEditToken'] = wikEd.editToken;
if ( wikEd.autoSummary !== null ) {
postFields['wpAutoSummary'] = wikEd.autoSummary;
postFields['wpPreview'] = 'true';
if (livePreview !== false) {
postFields['live'] = 'true';
// AJAX non-API request
wikEd.AjaxRequest( 'POST', requestUrl, postFields, 'text/plain', ResponseHandler );
// wikEd.AjaxRequest: wrapper for Ajax requests
wikEd.AjaxRequest = function (requestMethod, requestUrl, postFields, overrideMimeType, ResponseHandler, origin) {
var request;
var headers = {};
var formData;
// prepare POST request
if (requestMethod == 'POST') {
// assemble string body
if (typeof FormData != 'function') {
// create boundary
var boundary = wikEd.CreateRandomString(12);
// POST header, charset: WebKit workaround
headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8; boundary=' + boundary;
// assemble body data
formData = '';
for (var fieldName in postFields) {
if (, fieldName) === true) {
formData += '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
formData += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + fieldName + '"\r\n\r\n' + postFields[fieldName] + '\r\n';
formData += '--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
// use FormData object
else {
formData = new window.FormData();
for (var fieldName in postFields) {
if (, fieldName) === true) {
formData.append(fieldName, postFields[fieldName]);
// send the request using Greasemonkey GM_xmlhttpRequest
if (wikEd.greasemonkey === true) {
headers['User-Agent'] = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (origin === true) {
headers['Origin'] = window.location.origin;
// workaround for Error: Greasemonkey access violation: unsafeWindow cannot call GM_xmlhttpRequest.
// see
window.setTimeout(function() {
new GM_xmlhttpRequest({
'method': requestMethod,
'url': requestUrl,
'overrideMimeType': overrideMimeType,
'headers': headers,
'data': formData,
function(ajax) {
if (ajax.readyState != 4) {
}, 0);
// use standard XMLHttpRequest
else {
// create new XMLHttpRequest object
request = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
// open the request, requestUrl, true);
// set the headers
for (var headerName in headers) {
if (, headerName) === true) {
request.setRequestHeader(headerName, headers[headerName]);
// set the mime type
if ( (request.overrideMimeType !== undefined) && (typeof overrideMimeType == 'string') ) {
// send the request, catch security violations Opera 0.9.51
try {
catch (exception) {
// wait for the data
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (request.readyState != 4) {
// wikEd.GetGlobals: parse global context variables (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
// uses postMessage, head script, and JSON encoding for Greasemonkey global to GM context access
wikEd.GetGlobals = function (names, gotGlobalsHook) {
if (gotGlobalsHook !== undefined) {
// code already running in global context
if (wikEd.greasemonkey !== true) {
var globalScopeCode = '';
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i ++) {
globalScopeCode += '' +
'if (typeof ' + names[i] + ' != \'undefined\') {' +
' wikEd.wikiGlobals.' + names[i] + ' = ' + names[i] + ';' +
if (gotGlobalsHook !== undefined) {
globalScopeCode += 'wikEd.ExecuteHook(wikEd.gotGlobalsHook[' + (wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.length - 1) + '], true);';
// prepare code to be executed in global context for Greasemonkey
if ( (window.postMessage === undefined) || (typeof JSON != 'object') ) {
var globalScopeCode = 'var globalObj = {};';
if (gotGlobalsHook !== undefined) {
globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.hookNumber = ' + (wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.length - 1) + ';';
globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.scriptId = \'wikEdGetGlobalScript' + wikEd.getGlobalsCounter + '\';';
globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals = {};';
// add global scope variables
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i ++) {
globalScopeCode += '' +
'if (typeof ' + names[i] + ' != \'undefined\') {' +
' globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals[\'' + names[i] + '\'] = ' + names[i] + ';' +
globalScopeCode += 'var globalObjStr = \'wikEd:\' + JSON.stringify(globalObj);';
var origin = wikEd.pageOrigin;
if (origin == 'file://') {
origin = '*';
globalScopeCode += 'window.postMessage(globalObjStr, \'' + origin + '\');';
// create head script to execute the code
var script = document.createElement('script'); = 'wikEdGetGlobalScript' + wikEd.getGlobalsCounter;
wikEd.getGlobalsCounter ++;
if (script.innerText !== undefined) {
script.innerText = globalScopeCode;
else {
script.textContent = globalScopeCode;
// wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver: event handler for wikEd.GetGlobals postMessage (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver = function (event) {
if (event.source != window) {
if ( (event.origin != 'null') && (event.origin != wikEd.pageOrigin) ) {
if ( !== '') {
// test if sent by wikEd
if (/^wikEd:/.test( === false) {
var data =, '');
var globalObj = JSON.parse(data);
var globals = globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals;
if (globals !== null) {
for (var key in globals) {
if (, key) === true) {
wikEd.wikiGlobals[key] = globals[key];
// get MediaWiki file paths from wikiGlobals
// run scheduled functions only once
if ( (globalObj.hookNumber !== undefined) && (wikEd.gotGlobalsHook[globalObj.hookNumber] !== undefined) ) {
wikEd.ExecuteHook(wikEd.gotGlobalsHook[globalObj.hookNumber], true);
// clean up head script
var script = document.getElementById(globalObj.scriptId);
if (script !== null) {
// wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode: getPreviousSibling, ignore non-element nodes such as comments
wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode = function (node) {
while (node !== null) {
node = node.previousSibling;
if ( (node === null) || (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
return node;
// wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode: getNextSibling, ignore non-element nodes such as comments
wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode = function (node) {
while (node !== null) {
node = node.nextSibling;
if ( (node === null) || (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
return node;
// wikEd.GetFirstChildNode: getFirstChild, ignore non-element nodes such as comments
wikEd.GetFirstChildNode = function (node) {
if (node !== null) {
node = node.firstChild;
if ( (node !== null) && (node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
node = wikEd.GetNextSiblingNode(node);
return node;
// wikEd.GetLastChildNode: getLastChild, ignore non-element nodes such as comments
wikEd.GetLastChildNode = function (node) {
if (node !== null) {
node = node.lastChild;
if ( (node !== null) && (node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE) ) {
node = wikEd.GetPreviousSiblingNode(node);
return node;
// wikEd.CreateRandomString: create random string of specified length and character set (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.CreateRandomString = function (strLength, charSet) {
if (charSet === undefined) {
charSet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789';
var str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < strLength; i ++) {
str += charSet.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charSet.length));
return str;
// wikEd.TabifyHTML: indent html for debugging
wikEd.TabifyHTML = function (html) {
var indent = '';
var html = html.replace(/((<(\/)?(\w+)[^>]*>)(<!--(.|\n)*?-->)?)([^<]*)/g,
function(p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) {
var html = '';
var code = p1;
var slash = p3;
var tag = p4;
var text = p7;
if ( (slash == '/') && (indent === '') ) {
html += '\n### Missing opening tag ###';
if ( (slash == '/') && (indent.length > 0) ) {
indent = indent.substr(0, indent.length - 1);
if ( (slash === '') && (tag.toLowerCase() == 'tr') ) {
html += '\n';
html += '\n' + indent + code;
if ( (slash === '') && (tag.toLowerCase() != 'br') ) {
indent += '\t';
if (text !== '') {
text = text.replace(/\n(?!($))/g, '\n' + indent);
html += '\n' + indent + text;
return html;
return html;
// wikEd.Debug: print the value of variables
// use either a single value or a description followed by a value
// popup = true: use alert popup if debug textarea is not yet setup
wikEd.Debug = function (objectName, object, usePopup) {
// string
var value = '';
if (typeof object == 'string') {
value = ': ' + '"' + object + '"';
// objects
else if (typeof object == 'object') {
// null
if (object === null) {
value = ': [null]';
// whole highlighting parse tree array
// { 'tag': , 'parent': , 'firstChild': , 'nextSibling': , 'start': , 'tagLength': , 'type': , 'paired': , 'pairedPos': , 'left': , 'right': , 'index': , 'attrib': , 'newline': }
else if ( (typeof object[0] == 'object') && (typeof object[0].type == 'string') ) {
value = ': Parse tree full:\n';
for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i ++) {
value += i + ': ';
var node = object[i];
if (node === null) {
value += '(null)\n';
else {
if (node.type == 'root') {
value += '[type: "' + node.type + '"]\n';
else {
value += '[type: "' + node.type + '", tag: "' + node.tag + '", start: ' + node.start + ', tagLength: ' + node.tagLength + ', parent: ' + node.parent;
if (typeof node.left == 'string') {
value += ', left: "' + node.left + '", right: "' + node.right + '"';
value += '],\n';
// whole highlighting parse tree up
else if ( (typeof object.tree == 'object') && (typeof object.lastOpenNode == 'number') ) {
value = ': Parse tree upwards:\n';
var parseTreeIndex = object.lastOpenNode;
var node = object.tree[parseTreeIndex];
while (node !== undefined) {
if (node.type == 'root') {
value += parseTreeIndex + ': [type: "' + node.type + '"]\n';
else {
value += parseTreeIndex + ': [type: "' + node.type + '", tag: "' + node.tag + '", start: ' + node.start + ', tagLength: ' + node.tagLength + ', parent: ' + node.parent;
if (typeof node.left == 'string') {
value += ', left: "' + node.left + '", right: "' + node.right + '"';
value += '],\n';
if (node.parent == parseTreeIndex) {
value += '(circular reference, break)';
parseTreeIndex = node.parent;
node = object.tree[node.parent];
// highlighting parse tree node
// { 'tag': , 'parent': , 'firstChild': , 'nextSibling': , 'start': , 'tagLength': , 'type': , 'paired': , 'pairedPos': , 'left': , 'right': , 'index': }
else if (typeof object.tag == 'string') {
var node = object;
if (node.type == 'root') {
value = ': [type: "' + node.type + '"]';
else {
value = ': [tag: "' + node.tag + '", type: "' + node.type + '", start: ' + node.start + ', tagLength: ' + node.tagLength + ', parent: ' + node.parent + ']';
// DOM nodes
else if (typeof object.nodeName == 'string') {
value = ': [node; nodeName: ' + object.nodeName;
if (typeof == 'string') {
if ( !== '') {
value += ', id: "' + + '"';
if (typeof object.className == 'string') {
if (object.className !== '') {
value += ', class: "' + object.className + '"';
if (typeof object.nodeValue == 'string') {
value += ', nodeValue: "' + object.nodeValue + '"';
if ( (typeof object.innerHTML == 'string') && (object.innerHTML !== '') ) {
var html = object.innerHTML;
if (html.length > wikEd.config.debugInnerHtmlLength) {
html = html.substr(0, wikEd.config.debugInnerHtmlLength - 3) + '...';
value += ', innerHTML: "' + html + '"';
value += ']';
// default
else {
value = ': [' + object + ']';
// undefined
else if (object === undefined) {
value = '';
// default
else {
value = ': ' + object;
// use debug textarea
var useDebug = false;
if (wikEd.debug !== null) {
useDebug = true;
if (useDebug === true) {
if (wikEd.debugOpen === false) { = 'block';
// resize fullscreen frame
if (wikEd.fullscreen === true) {
else {
window.scroll(0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop(wikEd.debug));
wikEd.debugOpen = true;
// cut text if having reached maximum length
value = objectName + value + '\n';
if (wikEd.debug.value.length > wikEd.config.debugMaxLength) {
wikEd.debug.value = value + wikEd.debug.value.substr(0, wikEd.config.debugMaxLength * 2 / 3);
else {
wikEd.debug.value = value + wikEd.debug.value;
// use popup alert
else if (usePopup === true) {
if (object === null) {
else {
window.alert(objectName + ': ' + value);
// use error console
else {
var msg;
if (object === null) {
msg = objectName;
else {
msg = objectName + ' ' + value;
// wikEd.ConsoleLog: log message to console
// mw.log no longer works
wikEd.ConsoleLog = function (msg) {
if ( (typeof console == 'object') && (typeof console.error == 'function') ) {
console.error('[wikEd debug]', msg);
else {
msg = msg.replace(/\n/g, '\\n');
msg = msg.replace(/([\'\"\\])/g, '\\$1');
window.setTimeout('throw new Error(\'[wikEd debug] ' + msg + '\')', 0);
// wikEd.DebugTimer: show all measured timepoints
// add a new time measurement: wikEd.debugTimer.push([1234, new Date]);
wikEd.DebugTimer = function () {
var times = '';
var start = wikEd.debugTimer[0][1].getTime();
var prev = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < wikEd.debugTimer.length; i ++) {
var curr = wikEd.debugTimer[i][1].getTime() - start;
var diff = curr - prev;
prev = curr;
times += wikEd.debugTimer[i][0] + ': ' + curr + ' ms (+ ' + diff + ' ms)\n';
wikEd.debugTimer = [];
// wikEd.InsertTags: overrides the insertTags function in wikibits.js used by the standard button toolbar and the editpage special chars
wikEd.InsertTags = function (openTag, closeTag, sampleText) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
wikEd.EditButton(document.getElementById('wikEdInsertTags'), 'wikEdInsertTags', [openTag, closeTag, sampleText]);
else if (wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal !== null) {
wikEd.InsertTagsOriginal(openTag, closeTag, sampleText);
// wikEd.InsertAtCursor: overrides the insertAtCursor function in MediaWiki:Functions.js
wikEd.InsertAtCursor = function (myField, myValue) {
if (wikEd.useWikEd === true) {
if (myField == wikEd.textarea) {
wikEd.EditButton(document.getElementById('wikEdInsertTags'), 'wikEdInsertTags', [ myValue ]);
else if (wikEd.InsertAtCursorOriginal !== null) {
wikEd.InsertAtCursorOriginal(myField, myValue);
// wikEd.ExecuteHook: executes scheduled custom functions from functionsHook array (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
wikEd.ExecuteHook = function (functionsHook, onlyOnce) {
if (functionsHook === null) {
for (var i = 0; i < functionsHook.length; i ++) {
if (typeof functionsHook[i] == 'function') {
if (onlyOnce === true) {
functionsHook = [];
// wikEd.InitUnicode: define character tables used in wikEd.FixUnicode()
// see
wikEd.InitUnicode = function () {
// define only once
if (wikEd.supportedChars !== null) {
// supported chars in Mozilla and IE
wikEd.supportedChars = [
[ 'a1', 'iexcl'], // ¡
[ 'a2', 'cent'], // ¢
[ 'a3', 'pound'], // £
[ 'a4', 'curren'], // ¤
[ 'a5', 'yen'], // ¥
[ 'a6', 'brvbar'], // ¦
[ 'a7', 'sect'], // §
[ 'a8', 'uml'], // ¨
[ 'a9', 'copy'], // ©
[ 'aa', 'ordf'], // ª
[ 'ab', 'laquo'], // «
[ 'ac', 'not'], // ¬
[ 'ae', 'reg'], // ®
[ 'af', 'macr'], // ¯
[ 'b0', 'deg'], // °
[ 'b1', 'plusmn'], // ±
[ 'b2', 'sup2'], // ²
[ 'b3', 'sup3'], // ³
[ 'b4', 'acute'], // ´
[ 'b5', 'micro'], // µ
[ 'b6', 'para'], // ¶
[ 'b7', 'middot'], // ·
[ 'b8', 'cedil'], // ¸
[ 'b9', 'sup1'], // ¹
[ 'ba', 'ordm'], // º
[ 'bb', 'raquo'], // »
[ 'bc', 'frac14'], // ¼
[ 'bd', 'frac12'], // ½
[ 'be', 'frac34'], // ¾
[ 'bf', 'iquest'], // ¿
[ 'c0', 'Agrave'], // À
[ 'c1', 'Aacute'], // Á
[ 'c2', 'Acirc'], // Â
[ 'c3', 'Atilde'], // Ã
[ 'c4', 'Auml'], // Ä
[ 'c5', 'Aring'], // Å
[ 'c6', 'AElig'], // Æ
[ 'c7', 'Ccedil'], // Ç
[ 'c8', 'Egrave'], // È
[ 'c9', 'Eacute'], // É
[ 'ca', 'Ecirc'], // Ê
[ 'cb', 'Euml'], // Ë
[ 'cc', 'Igrave'], // Ì
[ 'cd', 'Iacute'], // Í
[ 'ce', 'Icirc'], // Î
[ 'cf', 'Iuml'], // Ï
[ 'd0', 'ETH'], // Ð
[ 'd1', 'Ntilde'], // Ñ
[ 'd2', 'Ograve'], // Ò
[ 'd3', 'Oacute'], // Ó
[ 'd4', 'Ocirc'], // Ô
[ 'd5', 'Otilde'], // Õ
[ 'd6', 'Ouml'], // Ö
[ 'd7', 'times'], // ×
[ 'd8', 'Oslash'], // Ø
[ 'd9', 'Ugrave'], // Ù
[ 'da', 'Uacute'], // Ú
[ 'db', 'Ucirc'], // Û
[ 'dc', 'Uuml'], // Ü
[ 'dd', 'Yacute'], // Ý
[ 'de', 'THORN'], // Þ
[ 'df', 'szlig'], // ß
[ 'e0', 'agrave'], // à
[ 'e1', 'aacute'], // á
[ 'e2', 'acirc'], // â
[ 'e3', 'atilde'], // ã
[ 'e4', 'auml'], // ä
[ 'e5', 'aring'], // å
[ 'e6', 'aelig'], // æ
[ 'e7', 'ccedil'], // ç
[ 'e8', 'egrave'], // è
[ 'e9', 'eacute'], // é
[ 'ea', 'ecirc'], // ê
[ 'eb', 'euml'], // ë
[ 'ec', 'igrave'], // ì
[ 'ed', 'iacute'], // í
[ 'ee', 'icirc'], // î
[ 'ef', 'iuml'], // ï
[ 'f0', 'eth'], // ð
[ 'f1', 'ntilde'], // ñ
[ 'f2', 'ograve'], // ò
[ 'f3', 'oacute'], // ó
[ 'f4', 'ocirc'], // ô
[ 'f5', 'otilde'], // õ
[ 'f6', 'ouml'], // ö
[ 'f7', 'divide'], // ÷
[ 'f8', 'oslash'], // ø
[ 'f9', 'ugrave'], // ù
[ 'fa', 'uacute'], // ú
[ 'fb', 'ucirc'], // û
[ 'fc', 'uuml'], // ü
[ 'fd', 'yacute'], // ý
[ 'fe', 'thorn'], // þ
[ 'ff', 'yuml'], // ÿ
[ '27', 'apos'], // '
[ '22', 'quot'], // "
[ '152', 'OElig'], // Œ
[ '153', 'oelig'], // œ
[ '160', 'Scaron'], // Š
[ '161', 'scaron'], // š
[ '178', 'Yuml'], // Ÿ
[ '2c6', 'circ'], // ˆ
[ '2dc', 'tilde'], // ˜
['2013', 'ndash'], // –
['2014', 'mdash'], // —
['2018', 'lsquo'], // ‘
['2019', 'rsquo'], // ’
['201a', 'sbquo'], // ‚
['201c', 'ldquo'], // “
['201d', 'rdquo'], // ”
['201e', 'bdquo'], // „
['2020', 'dagger'], // †
['2021', 'Dagger'], // ‡
['2030', 'permil'], // ‰
['2039', 'lsaquo'], // ‹
['203a', 'rsaquo'], // ›
['20ac', 'euro'], // €
[ '192', 'fnof'], // ƒ
[ '391', 'Alpha'], // Α
[ '392', 'Beta'], // Β
[ '393', 'Gamma'], // Γ
[ '394', 'Delta'], // Δ
[ '395', 'Epsilon'],// Ε
[ '396', 'Zeta'], // Ζ
[ '397', 'Eta'], // Η
[ '398', 'Theta'], // Θ
[ '399', 'Iota'], // Ι
[ '39a', 'Kappa'], // Κ
[ '39b', 'Lambda'], // Λ
[ '39c', 'Mu'], // Μ
[ '39d', 'Nu'], // Ν
[ '39e', 'Xi'], // Ξ
[ '39f', 'Omicron'],// Ο
[ '3a0', 'Pi'], // Π
[ '3a1', 'Rho'], // Ρ
[ '3a3', 'Sigma'], // Σ
[ '3a4', 'Tau'], // Τ
[ '3a5', 'Upsilon'],// Υ
[ '3a6', 'Phi'], // Φ
[ '3a7', 'Chi'], // Χ
[ '3a8', 'Psi'], // Ψ
[ '3a9', 'Omega'], // Ω
[ '3b1', 'alpha'], // α
[ '3b2', 'beta'], // β
[ '3b3', 'gamma'], // γ
[ '3b4', 'delta'], // δ
[ '3b5', 'epsilon'],// ε
[ '3b6', 'zeta'], // ζ
[ '3b7', 'eta'], // η
[ '3b8', 'theta'], // θ
[ '3b9', 'iota'], // ι
[ '3ba', 'kappa'], // κ
[ '3bb', 'lambda'], // λ
[ '3bc', 'mu'], // μ
[ '3bd', 'nu'], // ν
[ '3be', 'xi'], // ξ
[ '3bf', 'omicron'],// ο
[ '3c0', 'pi'], // π
[ '3c1', 'rho'], // ρ
[ '3c2', 'sigmaf'], // ς
[ '3c3', 'sigma'], // σ
[ '3c4', 'tau'], // τ
[ '3c5', 'upsilon'],// υ
[ '3c6', 'phi'], // φ
[ '3c7', 'chi'], // χ
[ '3c8', 'psi'], // ψ
[ '3c9', 'omega'], // ω
['2022', 'bull'], // •
['2026', 'hellip'], // …
['2032', 'prime'], // ′
['2033', 'Prime'], // ″
['203e', 'oline'], // ‾
['2044', 'frasl'], // ⁄
['2122', 'trade'], // ™
['2190', 'larr'], // ←
['2191', 'uarr'], // ↑
['2192', 'rarr'], // →
['2193', 'darr'], // ↓
['2194', 'harr'], // ↔
['21d2', 'rArr'], // ⇒
['21d4', 'hArr'], // ⇔
['2200', 'forall'], // ∀
['2202', 'part'], // ∂
['2203', 'exist'], // ∃
['2207', 'nabla'], // ∇
['2208', 'isin'], // ∈
['220b', 'ni'], // ∋
['220f', 'prod'], // ∏
['2211', 'sum'], // ∑
['2212', 'minus'], // −
['221a', 'radic'], // √
['221d', 'prop'], // ∝
['221e', 'infin'], // ∞
['2220', 'ang'], // ∠
['2227', 'and'], // ∧
['2228', 'or'], // ∨
['2229', 'cap'], // ∩
['222a', 'cup'], // ∪
['222b', 'int'], // ∫
['2234', 'there4'], // ∴
['223c', 'sim'], // ∼
['2248', 'asymp'], // ≈
['2260', 'ne'], // ≠
['2261', 'equiv'], // ≡
['2264', 'le'], // ≤
['2265', 'ge'], // ≥
['2282', 'sub'], // ⊂
['2283', 'sup'], // ⊃
['2286', 'sube'], // ⊆
['2287', 'supe'], // ⊇
['2295', 'oplus'], // ⊕
['25ca', 'loz'], // ◊
['2660', 'spades'], // ♠
['2663', 'clubs'], // ♣
['2665', 'hearts'], // ♥
['2666', 'diams'] // ♦
// reserved for internal wikEd use
wikEd.reservedChars = [
[ '26', 'amp'], // &
[ '3c', 'lt'], // <
[ '3e', 'gt'], // >
[ 'a0', 'nbsp'] //
// special chars (spaces and invisible characters)
wikEd.specialChars = [
['2002', 'ensp'], //   en space
[ 'ad', 'shy'], // ­ soft hyphen
['2003', 'emsp'], //   em space
['2009', 'thinsp'], //   thin space
['200c', 'zwnj'], // ‌ zero width non-joiner
['200d', 'zwj'], // ‍ zero width joiner
['200e', 'lrm'], // ‎ left-to-right mark
['200f', 'rlm'] // ‏ right-to-left mark
// unsupported chars in IE6
wikEd.problemChars = [
[ '3d1', 'thetasym'], // ϑ
[ '3d2', 'upsih'], // ϒ
[ '3d6', 'piv'], // ϖ
['2118', 'weierp'], // ℘
['2111', 'image'], // ℑ
['211c', 'real'], // ℜ
['2135', 'alefsym'], // ℵ
['21b5', 'crarr'], // ↵
['21d0', 'lArr'], // ⇐
['21d1', 'uArr'], // ⇑
['21d3', 'dArr'], // ⇓
['2205', 'empty'], // ∅
['2209', 'notin'], // ∉
['2217', 'lowast'], // ∗
['2245', 'cong'], // ≅
['2284', 'nsub'], // ⊄
['22a5', 'perp'], // ⊥
['2297', 'otimes'], // ⊗
['22c5', 'sdot'], // ⋅
['2308', 'lceil'], // ⌈
['2309', 'rceil'], // ⌉
['230a', 'lfloor'], // ⌊
['230b', 'rfloor'], // ⌋
['2329', 'lang'], // 〈
['232a', 'rang'] // 〉
// index to all existing 253 HTML/XHTML character entities
var allCharEntities = wikEd.supportedChars.concat(wikEd.reservedChars, wikEd.specialChars, wikEd.problemChars);
for (var i = 0; i < allCharEntities.length; i ++) {
wikEd.charEntitiesByName[ allCharEntities[i][1] ] = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(allCharEntities[i][0], 16));
// syntax highlighting of ASCII control characters and invisibles (decimal value, title)
wikEd.controlCharHighlighting = {
'0': 'null',
'1': 'start of heading',
'2': 'start of text',
'3': 'end of text',
'4': 'end of transmission',
'5': 'enquiry',
'6': 'acknowledge',
'7': 'bell',
'8': 'backspace',
'11': 'vertical tab',
'12': 'form feed, new page',
'14': 'shift out',
'15': 'shift in',
'16': 'data link escape',
'17': 'device control 1',
'18': 'device control 2',
'19': 'device control 3',
'20': 'device control 4',
'21': 'negative acknowledge',
'22': 'synchronous idle',
'23': 'end of trans. block',
'24': 'cancel',
'25': 'end of medium',
'26': 'substitute',
'27': 'escape',
'28': 'file separator',
'29': 'group separator',
'30': 'record separator',
'31': 'unit separator',
'8204': 'zero width non-joiner', // \u200c
'8205': 'zero width joiner', // \u200d
'8206': 'left-to-right mark', // \u200e
'8207': 'right-to-left mark', // \u200f
'8232': 'line separator', // \u2028
'8233': 'paragraph separator' // \u2028
for (var decimalValue in wikEd.controlCharHighlighting) {
if (, decimalValue) === true) {
wikEd.controlCharHighlightingStr += '\\' + String.fromCharCode(decimalValue);
// character syntax highlighting: strange spaces, hyphens, and dashes (decimal value, class = title)
wikEd.charHighlighting = {
'9': 'tab', // \u0009 ' '
'8194': 'enSpace', // \u2002 ' '
'8195': 'emSpace', // \u2003 ' '
'8201': 'thinSpace', // \u2009 ' '
'12288': 'ideographicSpace', // \u3000 ' '
'45': 'hyphenDash', // \u00a0 '-'
'173': 'softHyphen', // \u00ad '­'
'8210': 'figureDash', // \u2012 '‒'
'8211': 'enDash', // \u2013 '–'
'8212': 'emDash', // \u2014 '—'
'8213': 'barDash', // \u2015 '―'
'8722': 'minusDash' // \u2212 '−'
for (var decimalValue in wikEd.charHighlighting) {
if (, decimalValue) === true) {
wikEd.charHighlightingStr += '\\' + String.fromCharCode(decimalValue);
// UniCode support for regexps, without _0-9, from v1.0.0
wikEd.letters = '0041-005A0061-007A00AA00B500BA00C0-00D600D8-00F600F8-02C102C6-02D102E0-02E402EC02EE0370-037403760377037A-037D03860388-038A038C038E-03A103A3-03F503F7-0481048A-05270531-055605590561-058705D0-05EA05F0-05F20620-064A066E066F0671-06D306D506E506E606EE06EF06FA-06FC06FF07100712-072F074D-07A507B107CA-07EA07F407F507FA0800-0815081A082408280840-085808A008A2-08AC0904-0939093D09500958-09610971-09770979-097F0985-098C098F09900993-09A809AA-09B009B209B6-09B909BD09CE09DC09DD09DF-09E109F009F10A05-0A0A0A0F0A100A13-0A280A2A-0A300A320A330A350A360A380A390A59-0A5C0A5E0A72-0A740A85-0A8D0A8F-0A910A93-0AA80AAA-0AB00AB20AB30AB5-0AB90ABD0AD00AE00AE10B05-0B0C0B0F0B100B13-0B280B2A-0B300B320B330B35-0B390B3D0B5C0B5D0B5F-0B610B710B830B85-0B8A0B8E-0B900B92-0B950B990B9A0B9C0B9E0B9F0BA30BA40BA8-0BAA0BAE-0BB90BD00C05-0C0C0C0E-0C100C12-0C280C2A-0C330C35-0C390C3D0C580C590C600C610C85-0C8C0C8E-0C900C92-0CA80CAA-0CB30CB5-0CB90CBD0CDE0CE00CE10CF10CF20D05-0D0C0D0E-0D100D12-0D3A0D3D0D4E0D600D610D7A-0D7F0D85-0D960D9A-0DB10DB3-0DBB0DBD0DC0-0DC60E01-0E300E320E330E40-0E460E810E820E840E870E880E8A0E8D0E94-0E970E99-0E9F0EA1-0EA30EA50EA70EAA0EAB0EAD-0EB00EB20EB30EBD0EC0-0EC40EC60EDC-0EDF0F000F40-0F470F49-0F6C0F88-0F8C1000-102A103F1050-1055105A-105D106110651066106E-10701075-1081108E10A0-10C510C710CD10D0-10FA10FC-1248124A-124D1250-12561258125A-125D1260-1288128A-128D1290-12B012B2-12B512B8-12BE12C012C2-12C512C8-12D612D8-13101312-13151318-135A1380-138F13A0-13F41401-166C166F-167F1681-169A16A0-16EA1700-170C170E-17111720-17311740-17511760-176C176E-17701780-17B317D717DC1820-18771880-18A818AA18B0-18F51900-191C1950-196D1970-19741980-19AB19C1-19C71A00-1A161A20-1A541AA71B05-1B331B45-1B4B1B83-1BA01BAE1BAF1BBA-1BE51C00-1C231C4D-1C4F1C5A-1C7D1CE9-1CEC1CEE-1CF11CF51CF61D00-1DBF1E00-1F151F18-1F1D1F20-1F451F48-1F4D1F50-1F571F591F5B1F5D1F5F-1F7D1F80-1FB41FB6-1FBC1FBE1FC2-1FC41FC6-1FCC1FD0-1FD31FD6-1FDB1FE0-1FEC1FF2-1FF41FF6-1FFC2071207F2090-209C21022107210A-211321152119-211D212421262128212A-212D212F-2139213C-213F2145-2149214E218321842C00-2C2E2C30-2C5E2C60-2CE42CEB-2CEE2CF22CF32D00-2D252D272D2D2D30-2D672D6F2D80-2D962DA0-2DA62DA8-2DAE2DB0-2DB62DB8-2DBE2DC0-2DC62DC8-2DCE2DD0-2DD62DD8-2DDE2E2F300530063031-3035303B303C3041-3096309D-309F30A1-30FA30FC-30FF3105-312D3131-318E31A0-31BA31F0-31FF3400-4DB54E00-9FCCA000-A48CA4D0-A4FDA500-A60CA610-A61FA62AA62BA640-A66EA67F-A697A6A0-A6E5A717-A71FA722-A788A78B-A78EA790-A793A7A0-A7AAA7F8-A801A803-A805A807-A80AA80C-A822A840-A873A882-A8B3A8F2-A8F7A8FBA90A-A925A930-A946A960-A97CA984-A9B2A9CFAA00-AA28AA40-AA42AA44-AA4BAA60-AA76AA7AAA80-AAAFAAB1AAB5AAB6AAB9-AABDAAC0AAC2AADB-AADDAAE0-AAEAAAF2-AAF4AB01-AB06AB09-AB0EAB11-AB16AB20-AB26AB28-AB2EABC0-ABE2AC00-D7A3D7B0-D7C6D7CB-D7FBF900-FA6DFA70-FAD9FB00-FB06FB13-FB17FB1DFB1F-FB28FB2A-FB36FB38-FB3CFB3EFB40FB41FB43FB44FB46-FBB1FBD3-FD3DFD50-FD8FFD92-FDC7FDF0-FDFBFE70-FE74FE76-FEFCFF21-FF3AFF41-FF5AFF66-FFBEFFC2-FFC7FFCA-FFCFFFD2-FFD7FFDA-FFDC'.replace(/(\w{4})/g, '\\u$1');
// call startup
// </syntaxhighlight>
// <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// ==UserScript==
// @name wikEdDiff
// @version 0.9.39
// @date October 21, 2014
// @description improved diff with block move detection for comparing article versions
// @homepage
// @source
// @author Cacycle (
// @license released into the public domain
// @include /\b(action=submit|diff=)\b/
// @require
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
* Additions, deletions, and block moves are highlighted by color in the same text
* Block moves and character differences are detected
* Unchanged regions are omitted from the output
* Highly optimized for MediaWiki source texts
wikEdDiff uses the diff.js library ( and has been integrated
into wikEd, a full-featured JavaScript in-browser editor (
For installation details, please see
// JSHint options
/* jshint -W004, -W100, newcap: false, browser: true, jquery: true, sub: true, bitwise: true, curly: false, evil: true, forin: true, freeze: true, globalstrict: true, immed: true, latedef: true, loopfunc: true, quotmark: single, strict: true, undef: true */
/* global GM_getValue, GM_xmlhttpRequest, console */
// turn on ECMAScript 5 strict mode
'use strict';
// define global objects
var wikEd; if ( wikEd === undefined ) { wikEd = {}; }
if ( wikEd.config === undefined ) { wikEd.config = {}; }
var WikEdDiff;
var wikEdConfig;
// wikEd.DiffInit: initialize variables
wikEd.DiffInit = function () {
// user configurable variables
// wikEd code home base URL, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl === undefined ) { wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl = '//'; }
// diff library URL, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.diffScriptSrc === undefined ) { wikEd.config.diffScriptSrc = wikEd.config.homeBaseUrl + 'w/index.php?title=User:Cacycle/diff.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'; }
// wikEdDiff css rules
if ( wikEd.config.diffCSS === undefined ) { wikEd.config.diffCSS = {}; }
wikEd.InitObject( wikEd.config.diffCSS, {
'.wikEdDiffWrapper': 'padding: 0.33em 0.5em;',
'.wikEdDiffButtonWrapper': 'text-align: center;',
'padding: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em; background: #c8c4c0; border: 1px solid; ' +
'border-color: #555 #e8e8e8 #e8e8e8 #555; border-radius: 0.25em; cursor: pointer;',
'padding: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em; background: #d8d4d0; border: 1px solid; ' +
'border-color: #f0f0f0 #666 #666 #f0f0f0; border-radius: 0.25em; cursor: pointer;',
'padding: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em; background: #c8c4c0; border: 1px solid; ' +
'border-color: #666 #f0f0f0 #f0f0f0 #666; border-radius: 0.25em; cursor: wait;',
'.wikEdDiffDiv': 'margin-top: 0.5em;',
'background: #fcfcfc; border: 1px #bbb solid; border-radius: 0.5em; line-height: 1.6; ' +
'box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #ddd; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; text-align: center;'
} );
// use local copies of images for testing (set to true in local copy of edit page), also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.localImages === undefined ) { wikEd.config.localImages = false; }
// path to local wikEd images for testing, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.imagePathLocal === undefined ) { wikEd.config.imagePathLocal = 'file:///D:/wikEd/images/'; }
// path to wikEd images, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.imagePath === undefined ) { wikEd.config.imagePath = '//'; }
// wikEd image filenames, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.image === undefined ) { wikEd.config.image = {}; }
wikEd.InitImage( wikEd.config.image, {
'wikEdDiff': 'c/c6/WikEdDiff.png'
} );
// user readable texts, copy changes to, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.text === undefined ) { wikEd.config.text = {}; }
wikEd.InitObject( wikEd.config.text, {
'wikEdDiffButtonImg alt': 'wikEdDiff',
'wikEdDiffButton title': 'Show improved diff view',
'wikEdDiffLoading': '...'
} );
// expiration time span for permanent cookies in seconds, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.config.cookieExpireSec === undefined ) { wikEd.config.cookieExpireSec = 1 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; }
// end of user configurable variables
// global dom elements
wikEd.diffDiv = null;
wikEd.diffWrapper = null;
wikEd.diffButtonWrapper = null;
wikEd.diffButton = null;
wikEd.diffGetGlobalNode = null;
// hash of loaded scripts, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.externalScripts === undefined ) { wikEd.externalScripts = null; }
if ( wikEd.diffPreset === undefined ) { wikEd.diffPreset = false; }
// variables needed during startup
wikEd.diffTable = null;
wikEd.diffTableTitle = null;
wikEd.diffColSpan = null;
// diff table element
// customization, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded === undefined ) { wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded = false; }
// detect web storage capability and Greasemonkey related, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.webStorage === undefined ) { wikEd.webStorage = null; }
if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === undefined ) { wikEd.greasemonkey = false; }
if ( wikEd.gotGlobalsHook === undefined ) { wikEd.gotGlobalsHook = []; }
if ( wikEd.getGlobalsCounter === undefined ) { wikEd.getGlobalsCounter = 0; }
if ( wikEd.pageOrigin === undefined ) { wikEd.pageOrigin = ''; }
if ( wikEd.head === undefined ) { wikEd.head = null; }
if ( wikEd.diffTableLinkified === undefined ) { wikEd.diffTableLinkified = false; }
// get global MediaWiki settings, also defined in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.wikiGlobals === undefined ) { wikEd.wikiGlobals = {}; }
if ( wikEd.pageName === undefined ) { wikEd.pageName = null; }
// wikEd.DiffStartup: call the setup routine
wikEd.DiffStartup = function () {
// MediaWiki pages always have their title set, filter out Greasemonkey running on created iframes
if ( document.title === '' ) {
// check if wikEdDiff has already started up
if ( document.getElementsByName( 'wikEdDiffStartupFlag')[0] !== undefined ) {
// define current window head
wikEd.head = document.getElementsByTagName( 'head')[0] || null;
// set startup flag
var flag = document.createElement( 'meta' );
flag.setAttribute( 'name', 'wikEdDiffStartupFlag' );
wikEd.head.appendChild( flag );
// get site of origin (window.location.href is about:blank if Firefox during page load)
var origin = wikEd.head.baseURI;
if ( origin === undefined ) {
origin = window.location.toString();
wikEd.pageOrigin = origin.replace( /^((https?|file):\/\/[^\/?#]*)?.*$/, '$1' );
// check if this runs under Greasemonkey
if ( typeof GM_info === 'object' ) {
wikEd.greasemonkey = true;
// parse global-context (MediaWiki) variables into hash (for Greasemonkey)
var globalNames = ['wgServer', 'wgArticlePath', 'wgScriptPath', 'wgCurRevisionId', 'wikEdTypeofLocalStorage', 'wgPageName'];
if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === true ) {
globalNames.push( 'wikEdConfig' );
// copy custom config settings after values have arrived
var gotGlobalsHook = [
function () {
if ( typeof wikEd.wikiGlobals.wikEdConfig === 'object' && wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded === false ) {
wikEd.AddToObject( wikEd.config, wikEd.wikiGlobals.wikEdConfig );
wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded = true;
// get missing wg variables from footer link (code copied to wikEdDiff.js)
if ( wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath === undefined ) {
var printfooter = document.body.getElementsByClassName( 'printfooter' )[0];
if ( printfooter !== undefined ) {
var articleLink = printfooter.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0];
if ( articleLink !== undefined ) {
var regExpMatch = /^(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)(\/([^\/]*\/)*)([^\/]*)$/.exec( articleLink.href );
if ( regExpMatch !== null ) {
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer = regExpMatch[1];
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath = regExpMatch[1] + regExpMatch[2] + '$1';
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageName = regExpMatch[4] || '';
wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle = decodeURIComponent( regExpMatch[4].replace( /_/g, ' ' ) );
// get current page name
wikEd.pageName = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageName;
// linkify standard diff
gotGlobalsHook.push( wikEd.DiffLinkifyStandard );
// set listener for GetGlobals messaging
wikEd.DiffAddEventListener( window, 'message', wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver, false );
// parse globals (asynchronous)
wikEd.GetGlobals( globalNames, gotGlobalsHook );
// run the setup routine if page has loaded or if loaded dynamically from wikEd
if ( document.readyState === 'complete' || document.getElementsByName( 'wikEdSetupFlag' )[0] !== undefined ) {
// schedule the setup routine
else {
wikEd.DiffAddEventListener( window, 'load', wikEd.DiffSetup, false );
// wikEd.DiffSetup: create wikEdDiff elements
wikEd.DiffSetup = function () {
// check if wikEdDiff has already set up
if ( document.getElementsByName( 'wikEdDiffSetupFlag' )[0] !== undefined ) {
// set setup flag
var flag = document.createElement( 'meta' );
flag.setAttribute( 'name', 'wikEdDiffSetupFlag' );
wikEd.head.appendChild( flag );
// import customization
if ( wikEdConfig !== undefined && wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded === false ) {
wikEd.AddToObject( wikEd.config, wikEdConfig );
wikEd.wikEdConfigAdded = true;
// initialize variables
// get diff table title row
var tdOld = null;
var tdNew = null;
var tdArray = document.getElementsByTagName( 'td' );
for ( var i = 0; i < tdArray.length; i ++ ) {
// get old title cell
if ( tdArray[i].className === 'diff-otitle' ) {
tdOld = tdArray[i];
// get new title cell
else if ( tdArray[i].className === 'diff-ntitle' ) {
tdNew = tdArray[i];
if ( tdOld !== null && tdNew !== null ) {
// get table
if ( tdOld !== null ) {
wikEd.diffTableTitle = tdOld.parentNode;
var node = wikEd.diffTableTitle.parentNode;
while ( node !== null ) {
if ( node.nodeName === 'TABLE' ) {
wikEd.diffTable = node;
node = node.parentNode;
// get number of diff table columns
if ( tdOld !== null && tdNew !== null ) {
wikEd.diffColSpan = tdOld.colSpan + tdNew.colSpan;
if ( isNaN( wikEd.diffColSpan ) === true ) {
wikEd.diffColSpan = 4;
// check if this is a diff page
if ( wikEd.diffTable === null ) {
// add stylesheet definitions ( slow method for IE compatibility )
var diffStyle = new wikEd.DiffStyleSheet();
for ( var ruleName in wikEd.config.diffCSS ) {
if ( wikEd.config.diffCSS, ruleName ) === true ) {
var ruleStyle = wikEd.config.diffCSS[ruleName];
diffStyle.AddCSSRule( ruleName, ruleStyle );
// get saved wikEdDiff setting
var setting = wikEd.GetCookie( 'wikEdDiff' );
if ( setting === '' && typeof wikEd.config.diffPreset === 'boolean' ) {
wikEd.diff = wikEd.config.diffPreset;
else if ( setting === '1' ) {
wikEd.diff = true;
// create wikEdDiff wrapper row
var diffRow = document.createElement( 'tr' );
// create wikEdDiff wrapper (td)
wikEd.diffWrapper = document.createElement( 'td' ); = 'wikEdDiffWrapper';
wikEd.diffWrapper.className = 'wikEdDiffWrapper';
wikEd.diffWrapper.setAttribute( 'colspan', wikEd.diffColSpan );
diffRow.appendChild( wikEd.diffWrapper );
// create wikEdDiff button wrapper
wikEd.diffButtonWrapper = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'wikEdDiffButtonWrapper';
wikEd.diffButtonWrapper.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonWrapper';
wikEd.diffWrapper.appendChild( wikEd.diffButtonWrapper );
// create wikEdDiff button
wikEd.diffButton = document.createElement( 'button' ); = 'wikEdDiffButton';
wikEd.diffButton.title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdDiffButton title'];
if ( wikEd.diff === true ) {
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonChecked';
else {
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonUnchecked';
wikEd.diffButtonWrapper.appendChild( wikEd.diffButton );
// add button image
var diffImg = document.createElement( 'img' ); = 'wikEdDiffButtonImg';
diffImg.src = wikEd.config.image['wikEdDiff'];
diffImg.title = wikEd.config.text['wikEdDiffButton title'];
diffImg.alt = wikEd.config.text['wikEdDiffButtonImg alt'];
wikEd.diffButton.appendChild( diffImg );
wikEd.diffDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'wikEdDiffDiv';
wikEd.diffDiv.className = 'wikEdDiffDiv'; = 'none';
// insert wrapper row after title row
if ( document.getElementsByName( 'wpTextbox2' )[0] === undefined ) {
tdOld.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore( diffRow, tdOld.parentNode.nextSibling );
// insert wrapper row before title row for edit conflict page
else {
tdOld.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore( diffRow, tdOld.parentNode );
wikEd.diffWrapper.appendChild( wikEd.diffDiv );
// add event listener to button
wikEd.DiffAddEventListener( wikEd.diffButton, 'click', wikEd.DiffButtonHandler );
// add event listener to button
wikEd.DiffAddEventListener( wikEd.diffTable, 'dblclick', wikEd.DiffWrapperHandler );
// detect already loaded external scripts, also in wikEd.js
if ( wikEd.externalScripts === null ) {
wikEd.externalScripts = [];
var pageScripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
for ( var i = 0; i < pageScripts.length; i ++ ) {
var scriptSrc = pageScripts[i].src;
var nameMatch = scriptSrc.match( /\btitle=([^&]*)/ );
if ( nameMatch === null ) {
nameMatch = scriptSrc.match( /\/([^\/]*?)($|\?)/ );
if ( nameMatch !== null ) {
var scriptName = nameMatch[1];
if ( scriptName !== '' ) {
// ignore other diff.js scripts
if ( scriptName === 'diff.js' && scriptSrc !== wikEd.config.diffScriptSrc ) {
wikEd.externalScripts[scriptName] = pageScripts[i];
// load the external diff script
if ( wikEd.externalScripts['diff.js'] === undefined ) {
if ( WikEdDiff === undefined ) {
var script = document.createElement( 'script' );
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = wikEd.config.diffScriptSrc;
wikEd.head.appendChild( script );
wikEd.externalScripts['diff.js'] = script;
// call or schedule wikEd.Diff if enabled
if ( wikEd.diff === true ) {
if ( WikEdDiff !== undefined ) {
else {
var script = wikEd.externalScripts['diff.js'];
// MS IE 8
if ( script.onreadystatechange !== undefined ) {
script.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ( this.readyState === 'loaded' ) {
// Standards
else {
wikEd.DiffAddEventListener( script, 'load', wikEd.Diff, false );
// linkify standard diff
// register links for Lupin's Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation_popups
if ( typeof window.setupTooltips === 'function' ) {
window.setupTooltips( wikEd.diffTable );
// wikEd.DiffButtonHandler: event handler for diff button: toggle wikEdDiff button and box and set cookie
wikEd.DiffButtonHandler = function ( event ) {
if ( event.preventDefault !== undefined ) {
else {
event.returnValue = false;
// turn wikEdDiff off
if ( wikEd.diff === true ) {
wikEd.diff = false;
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonUnchecked';
wikEd.SetCookie( 'wikEdDiff', '0', 0, '/' );
if ( typeof wikEd.diffDiv === 'object' ) {
if ( wikEd.diffDiv !== null ) { = 'none';
// turn wikEdDiff on
else {
wikEd.diff = true;
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonChecked';
wikEd.SetCookie( 'wikEdDiff', '1', 0, '/' );
if ( typeof wikEd.diffDiv === 'object' && wikEd.diffDiv !== null ) { = 'block';
// wikEd.DiffLinkifyStandard: linkify wikilinks in standard diff text
wikEd.DiffLinkifyStandard = function () {
if ( wikEd.diffTable === null || wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer === null || wikEd.diffTableLinkified === true ) {
wikEd.diffTableLinkified = true;
var cells = wikEd.diffTable.getElementsByTagName( 'td' );
for ( var i = 0; i < cells.length; i ++ ) {
var cell = cells.item( i );
if ( /\b(diff-context|diff-deletedline|diff-addedline)\b/.test( cell.className ) === true ) {
cell.innerHTML = wikEd.DiffLinkify( cell.innerHTML );
// wikEd.Diff: fetch the old versions using ajax to display a diff
wikEd.Diff = function () {
// check if set tup
if ( wikEd.diffDiv === null ) {
// check if diff.js is loaded
if ( WikEdDiff === undefined ) {
// display diff = 'block';
// fetch only once
if ( wikEd.diffDiv.innerHTML.length > 0 ) {
// check if this is a diff page
if ( wikEd.diffTable === null ) {
// set pushed button style
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonPressed';
// display div
wikEd.diffDiv.innerHTML =
'<div class="wikEdDiffWorking">' + wikEd.config.text['wikEdDiffLoading'] + '</div>';
// get diff table and version link cells
var tdArray = wikEd.diffTable.getElementsByTagName( 'td' );
var tdOld;
var tdNew;
for ( var i = 0; i < tdArray.length; i ++ ) {
if ( tdArray[i].className === 'diff-otitle' ) {
tdOld = tdArray[i];
else if ( tdArray[i].className === 'diff-ntitle' ) {
tdNew = tdArray[i];
if ( tdOld === null || tdNew === null ) {
var oldVersion = null;
var newVersion = null;
var oldUrl;
var newUrl;
// preview pages use textarea and latest article version or second textarea
if (
/(\?|&)action=submit\b/.test( ) === true ||
/(\?|&)undoafter=/.test( ) === true
) {
// get new version from textarea
var textarea = document.getElementsByName( 'wpTextbox1' )[0];
if ( textarea === undefined ) {
newVersion = textarea.value;
newVersion = newVersion.replace( /\s+$/g, '' );
// get old version from second textarea ( edit conflict )
var textarea2 = document.getElementsByName( 'wpTextbox2' )[0];
if ( textarea2 !== undefined ) {
oldVersion = textarea2.value;
oldVersion = oldVersion.replace( /\s+$/g, '' );
// calculate diff
wikEd.diffDiv.innerHTML = wikEd.DiffResponse( oldVersion, newVersion ); = 'block';
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonChecked';
// generate url from MediaWiki variables or from location url
var url;
var server = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer;
var scriptPath = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgScriptPath;
scriptPath = scriptPath.replace( server, '' );
if ( server !== '' && scriptPath !== '' ) {
url = server + scriptPath.replace( /\$1/, '' ) + '/index.php';
else {
url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + '/' + window.location.pathname;
var article;
var pageName = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgPageName;
if ( pageName !== '' ) {
article = pageName;
else {
var articleMatch = /(\?|&)title=([^&#]+)/ );
if ( articleMatch !== null ) {
article = articleMatch[2];
url += '?title=' + encodeURIComponent( article ) + '&action=raw&maxage=0';
var curRevisionId = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgCurRevisionId;
if ( curRevisionId !== undefined && curRevisionId !== '' ) {
oldUrl = url + '&oldid=' + curRevisionId;
else {
oldUrl = url;
// get section for section editing
var section = document.getElementsByName( 'wpSection' );
if ( section !== null ) {
if ( section.length > 0 ) {
if ( section[0].value !== '' ) {
oldUrl += '&section=' + section[0].value;
// diff pages use two different old versions
else {
// get revision id numbers from title links in table cells
var versionMatchOld = tdOld.innerHTML.match( /\bhref="([^#"<>]+?(&(amp;)?|\?)oldid=\d+[^#"<>]*?)"/ );
var versionMatchNew = tdNew.innerHTML.match( /\bhref="([^#"<>]+?(&(amp;)?|\?)oldid=\d+[^#"<>]*?)"/ );
if ( versionMatchOld === null || versionMatchNew === null ) {
oldUrl = versionMatchOld[1];
newUrl = versionMatchNew[1];
oldUrl = oldUrl.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );
newUrl = newUrl.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' );
oldUrl += '&action=raw&maxage=0';
newUrl += '&action=raw&maxage=0';
// get the old version using ajax
var requestMethod = 'GET';
var requestUrl = oldUrl;
var postFields = null;
var overrideMimeType = null;
wikEd.DiffAjaxRequest( requestMethod, requestUrl, postFields, overrideMimeType, function ( ajax ) {
oldVersion = ajax.responseText;
// calculate diff
if ( newVersion !== null ) {
wikEd.diffDiv.innerHTML = wikEd.DiffResponse( oldVersion, newVersion ); = 'block';
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonChecked';
} );
// get the new version using ajax and linkify
if ( newUrl !== undefined ) {
var requestMethod = 'GET';
var requestUrl = newUrl;
var postFields = null;
var overrideMimeType = null;
wikEd.DiffAjaxRequest( requestMethod, requestUrl, postFields, overrideMimeType, function ( ajax ) {
newVersion = ajax.responseText;
// calculate diff
if ( oldVersion !== null ) {
wikEd.diffDiv.innerHTML = wikEd.DiffResponse( oldVersion, newVersion ); = 'block';
wikEd.diffButton.className = 'wikEdDiffButtonChecked';
} );
// wikEd.DiffResponse: calculate and linkify the diff between two versions ( code copied from wikEd.js )
if ( wikEd.DiffResponse === undefined )
wikEd.DiffResponse = function ( oldVersion, newVersion ) {
// add trailing newline
if ( oldVersion.substr( oldVersion.length - 1, 1 ) !== '\n' ) {
oldVersion += '\n';
if ( newVersion.substr( newVersion.length - 1, 1 ) !== '\n' ) {
newVersion += '\n';
// call external diff program
var wikEdDiff = new WikEdDiff();
var diffText = wikEdDiff.diff( oldVersion, newVersion );
// linkify blockwise with breaks at delete and block move tags
var diffTextLinkified = '';
var regExp = /<span\b[^>]+?\bclass="wikEdDiff(Delete|Block)"[^>]*>/g;
var regExpMatch;
var pos = 0;
while ( ( regExpMatch = regExp.exec( diffText ) ) !== null ) {
diffTextLinkified += wikEd.DiffLinkify( diffText.substring( pos, regExpMatch.index ) ) + regExpMatch[0];
pos = regExp.lastIndex;
diffTextLinkified += wikEd.DiffLinkify( diffText.substr( pos ) );
return diffTextLinkified;
// wikEd.DiffLinkify: linkify external links and wikilinks in diffed text as <a> anchor elements (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.DiffLinkify === undefined )
wikEd.DiffLinkify = function ( html ) {
// &lt; &gt; to \x00 \x01
html = html.replace( /&lt;/g, '\x00' );
html = html.replace( /&gt;/g, '\x01' );
// split into valid html tags and plain text fragments
var linkified = '';
var regExp = /(<[^<>]*>)|([^<>]+|<|>)/g;
var regExpMatch;
while ( ( regExpMatch = regExp.exec( html) ) !== null ) {
var tag = regExpMatch[1] || '';
var plain = regExpMatch[2] || '';
// process tags
if ( tag !== '' ) {
linkified += tag;
// process plain tags
else {
// escape bogus < or >
plain = plain.replace( />/g, '&gt;' );
plain = plain.replace( /</g, '&lt;' );
// external links 123 3 2 14 4 5 6 65
plain = plain.replace(/(((\bhttps?:|\bftp:|\birc:|\bgopher:|)\/\/)|\bnews:|\bmailto:)([^\x00-\x20\s"\[\]\x7f\|\{\}<>]|<[^>]*>)+?(?=([!"().,:;‘-•]*\s|[\x00-\x20\s"\[\]\x7f|{}]|$))/gi,
function ( p ) {
var whole = p;
// remove tags and comments
var url = whole;
url = url.replace( /\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '' );
url = url.replace( /.*--\x01|\x00!--.*()/g, '' );
url = url.replace( /<.*?>/g, '' );
url = url.replace( /^.*>|<.*$/g, '' );
url = url.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' );
// make title as readable as possible
var title = url;
title = title.replace( /\+/g, ' ' );
// decodeURI breaks for invalid UTF-8 escapes
title = title.replace( /(%[0-9a-f]{2})+/gi,
function ( p, p1 ) {
try {
return decodeURI( p );
catch ( exception ) {
return p;
title = title.replace( /</g, '&lt;' );
title = title.replace( />/g, '&gt;' );
title = title.replace( /"/g, '&quot;' );
// linkify all url text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style="text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color);" title="' + title + '">';
var anchorClose = '</a>';
whole = whole.replace( /(<[^>]*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen );
return anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose;
// linkify links and templates
if ( wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer !== null && wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath !== null ) {
// 1 [[ 2title 23 | text 3 ]]1 4 {{ 5title 56 6 4
plain = plain.replace( /(\[\[([^|\[\]{}\n]+)(\|[^\[\]{}<>]*)?\]\])|(\{\{([^|\[\]{}\n]*)([^\[\]{}<>]*\}\})?)/g,
function ( p, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 ) {
var articleName = p2 || '';
var templateName = p5 || '';
var whole = p;
// extract title
var title = articleName;
if ( title === '' ) {
title = templateName;
title = title.replace( /\x00!--.*?--\x01/g, '' );
title = title.replace( /.*--\x01|\x00!--.*()/g, '' );
title = title.replace( /<.*?>/g, '' );
title = title.replace( /^.*>|<.*$/g, '' );
title = title.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' );
// [[/subpage]] refers to a subpage of the current page, [[#section]] to a section of the current page
if ( title.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 || title.indexOf( '#' ) === 0 ) {
title = wikEd.pageName + title;
// create url
var url = wikEd.EncodeTitle( title );
var articleTitle = title.replace( /"/g, '&quot;' );
if ( templateName !== '' ) {
if ( /:/.test( title ) === false ) {
url = 'Template:' + url;
articleTitle = 'Template:' + articleTitle;
url = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgServer + wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgArticlePath.replace( /\$1/, url );
// linkify all text fragments between highlighting <span>s seperately
var anchorOpen = '<a href = "' + url + '" style = "text-decoration: none; color: inherit; color: expression(parentElement.currentStyle.color)" title="' + articleTitle + '">';
var anchorClose = '</a>';
whole = whole.replace( /(<[^>]*>)/g, anchorClose + '$1' + anchorOpen );
return anchorOpen + whole + anchorClose;
linkified += plain;
// \x00 and \x01 back to &lt; and &gt;
linkified = linkified.replace( /\x00/g, '&lt;' );
linkified = linkified.replace( /\x01/g, '&gt;' );
return linkified;
// wikEd.EncodeTitle: encode article title for use in url (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.EncodeTitle === undefined )
wikEd.EncodeTitle = function ( title ) {
if ( title === undefined ) {
title = wikEd.wikiGlobals.wgTitle;
// characters not supported
title = title.replace( /[<>\[\]|{}]/g, '' );
title = title.replace( / /g, '_' );
title = encodeURI( title );
title = title.replace( /%25(\d\d)/g, '%$1' );
title = title.replace( /&/g, '%26' );
title = title.replace( /#/g, '%23' );
title = title.replace( /'/g, '%27' );
title = title.replace( /\?/g, '%3F' );
title = title.replace( /\+/g, '%2B' );
return title;
// wikEd.InitObject: initialize object, keep pre-defined values ( code copied from wikEd.js )
if ( wikEd.InitObject === undefined )
wikEd.InitObject = function ( target, source, showMissing ) {
if ( typeof target === 'object' ) {
for ( var key in source ) {
if ( target[key] === undefined ) {
target[key] = source[key];
// show missing array entries
if ( showMissing === true ) {
if ( typeof target[key] === 'string' ) {
wikEd.config.debugStartUp += '\t\t\t\'' + key + '\': \'' + target[key].replace( /\n/g, '\\n' ) + '\',\n';
// wikEd.AddToObject: add or replace properties, replace existing values (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.AddToObject === undefined )
wikEd.AddToObject = function ( target, source, priority ) {
if ( priority === undefined ) {
priority = {};
if ( typeof target === 'object' ) {
for ( var key in source ) {
if ( priority[key] !== undefined ) {
target[key] = priority[key];
else {
target[key] = source[key];
// wikEd.InitImage: initialize images, keep pre-defined values (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.InitImage === undefined )
wikEd.InitImage = function ( target, source ) {
var server = window.location.href.replace( /^(\w+:\/\/.*?)\/.*/, '$1' );
var protocol = server.replace( /^(\w+:)\/\/.*/, '$1' );
for ( var key in source ) {
if ( target[key] === undefined ) {
// remove MediaWiki path prefixes and add local path
if ( wikEd.config.useLocalImages === true ) {
target[key] = wikEd.config.imagePathLocal + source[key].replace( /^[0-9a-f]+\/[0-9a-f]+\/()/, '' );
// add path
else {
target[key] = wikEd.config.imagePath + source[key];
// Chrome 33.0.1750.146 m bug, not displaying frame html background image without complete URL
if ( /^\/\//.test( target[key] ) === true ) {
target[key] = protocol + target[key];
else if ( /^\//.test( target[key] ) === true ) {
target[key] = server + target[key];
// wikEd.DiffStyleSheet: create a new style sheet object
wikEd.DiffStyleSheet = function ( contextObj ) {
if ( contextObj === undefined ) {
contextObj = document;
this.styleElement = null;
// MS IE compatibility
if ( contextObj.createStyleSheet ) {
this.styleElement = contextObj.createStyleSheet();
// standards compliant browsers
else {
this.styleElement = contextObj.createElement( 'style' );
this.styleElement.from = 'text/css';
var insert = contextObj.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0];
if ( insert !== undefined ) {
this.styleElement.appendChild( contextObj.createTextNode( '' ) ); // Safari 3 fix
insert.appendChild( this.styleElement );
// wikEd.DiffStyleSheet.AddCSSRule: add one rule at the time using DOM method, very slow
this.AddCSSRule = function ( selector, declaration ) {
// MS IE compatibility
if ( this.styleElement.addRule !== undefined ) {
if ( declaration.length > 0 ) {
this.styleElement.addRule( selector, declaration );
// standards compliant browsers
else {
if ( this.styleElement.sheet !== undefined ) {
if ( this.styleElement.sheet.insertRule !== undefined ) {
this.styleElement.sheet.insertRule( selector + ' { ' + declaration + ' } ', 0 );
// wikEd.DiffStyleSheet.AddCSSRules: add or replace all rules at once, much faster
this.AddCSSRules = function ( rules ) {
// MS IE compatibility
if ( this.styleElement.innerHTML === null ) {
this.styleElement.cssText = rules;
// Safari, Chrome, WebKit
else if ( wikEd.safari === true || === true || wikEd.webkit === true ) {
if ( this.styleElement.firstChild !== null ) {
this.styleElement.removeChild( this.styleElement.firstChild );
this.styleElement.appendChild( contextObj.createTextNode( rules ) );
// via innerHTML
else {
this.styleElement.innerHTML = rules;
// wikEd.GetPersistent: get a cookie or a Greasemonkey persistent value (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.GetPersistent === undefined )
wikEd.GetPersistent = function ( name ) {
var getStr;
// check for web storage
// get a value from web storage
if ( wikEd.webStorage === true ) {
getStr = window.localStorage.getItem( name );
// get a Greasemonkey persistent value
else if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === true ) {
getStr = GM_getValue( name, '' );
// get a cookie value
else {
getStr = wikEd.GetCookie( name );
// return string
if ( typeof getStr !== 'string' ) {
getStr = '';
return getStr;
// wikEd.DetectWebStorage: detect if local storage is available (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.DetectWebStorage === undefined )
wikEd.DetectWebStorage = function () {
if ( wikEd.webStorage === null ) {
wikEd.webStorage = false;
try {
if ( typeof window.localStorage === 'object' ) {
// web storage does not persist between local html page loads in firefox
if ( /^file:\/\//.test( wikEd.pageOrigin ) === false ) {
wikEd.webStorage = true;
catch ( exception ) {
// wikEd.GetCookie: get a cookie (code copied from wikEd.diff.js)
if ( wikEd.GetCookie === undefined )
wikEd.GetCookie = function ( cookieName ) {
var cookie = ' ' + document.cookie;
var search = ' ' + cookieName + '=';
var cookieValue = '';
var offset = 0;
var end = 0;
offset = cookie.indexOf( search );
if ( offset !== -1 ) {
offset += search.length;
end = cookie.indexOf( ';', offset );
if ( end === -1 ) {
end = cookie.length;
cookieValue = cookie.substring( offset, end );
cookieValue = cookieValue.replace( /\\+/g, ' ' );
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent( cookieValue );
return cookieValue;
// wikEd.SetCookie: set a cookie, deletes a cookie for expire = -1 (code copied from wikEdDiff.js)
if ( wikEd.SetCookie === undefined )
wikEd.SetCookie = function ( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure ) {
var cookie = name + '=' + encodeURIComponent( value );
if ( expires !== undefined && expires !== null ) {
// generate a date 1 hour ago to delete the cookie
if ( expires === -1 ) {
var cookieExpire = new Date();
expires = cookieExpire.setTime( cookieExpire.getTime() - 60 * 60 * 1000 );
expires = cookieExpire.toUTCString();
// get date from expiration preset
else if ( expires === 0 ) {
var cookieExpire = new Date();
expires = cookieExpire.setTime( cookieExpire.getTime() + wikEd.config.cookieExpireSec * 1000 );
expires = cookieExpire.toUTCString();
cookie += '; expires=' + expires;
if ( typeof path === 'string' ) {
cookie += '; path=' + path;
if ( typeof domain === 'string' ) {
cookie += '; domain=' + domain;
if ( secure === true ) {
cookie += '; secure';
document.cookie = cookie;
// wikEd.DiffAjaxRequest: cross browser wrapper for Ajax requests
wikEd.DiffAjaxRequest = function ( requestMethod, requestUrl, postFields, overrideMimeType, ResponseHandler ) {
var request;
var headers = {};
var formData;
// prepare POST request
if ( requestMethod === 'POST' ) {
// assemble string body
if ( typeof FormData !== 'function' ) {
// create boundary
var boundary = wikEd.CreateRandomString( 12 );
// POST header, charset: WebKit workaround
headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8; boundary=' + boundary;
// assemble body data
formData = '';
for ( var fieldName in postFields ) {
if ( postFields, fieldName ) === true ) {
formData += '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
formData += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + fieldName + '"\r\n\r\n' + postFields[fieldName] + '\r\n';
formData += '--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
// use FormData object
else {
formData = new window.FormData();
for ( var fieldName in postFields ) {
if ( postFields, fieldName ) === true ) {
formData.append( fieldName, postFields[fieldName] );
// send the request using Greasemonkey GM_xmlhttpRequest
if ( wikEd.greasemonkey === true ) {
headers['User-Agent'] = window.navigator.userAgent;
// workaround for Error: Greasemonkey access violation: unsafeWindow cannot call GM_xmlhttpRequest.
// see
window.setTimeout( function () {
new GM_xmlhttpRequest( {
'method': requestMethod,
'url': requestUrl,
'overrideMimeType': overrideMimeType,
'headers': headers,
'data': formData,
function ( ajax ) {
if ( ajax.readyState !== 4 ) {
ResponseHandler( ajax );
} );
}, 0);
// use standard XMLHttpRequest
else {
// allow ajax request from local copy for testing no longer working, see
// create new XMLHttpRequest object
if ( typeof window.XMLHttpRequest === 'function' || typeof window.XMLHttpRequest === 'object' ) {
request = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
// IE
else if ( typeof window.ActiveXObject === 'object' ) {
// IE 6
try {
request = new window.ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' );
// IE 5.5
catch ( exception ) {
try {
request = new window.ActiveXObject( 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP' );
catch ( exceptionInner ) {
if ( request === undefined ) {
// open the request requestMethod, requestUrl, true );
// set the headers
for ( var headerName in headers ) {
if ( headers, headerName ) === true ) {
request.setRequestHeader( headerName, headers[headerName] );
// set the mime type
if ( request.overrideMimeType !== undefined && overrideMimeType !== null ) {
request.overrideMimeType( overrideMimeType );
// send the request, catch security violations Opera 0.9.51
try {
request.send( formData );
catch ( exception ) {
// wait for the data
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ( request.readyState !== 4 ) {
ResponseHandler( request );
// wikEd.CreateRandomString: create random string of specified length and character set (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.CreateRandomString === undefined )
wikEd.CreateRandomString = function ( strLength, charSet ) {
if ( charSet === undefined ) {
charSet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789';
var str = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < strLength; i ++ ) {
str += charSet.charAt( Math.floor( Math.random() * charSet.length ) );
return str;
// wikEd.GetOffsetTop: get element offset relative to window top (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.GetOffsetTop === undefined )
wikEd.GetOffsetTop = function ( element ) {
var offset = 0;
do {
offset += element.offsetTop;
} while ( ( element = element.offsetParent ) !== null );
return offset;
// wikEd.GetGlobals: parse global context variables (code copied from wikEd.js)
// uses postMessage, head script, and JSON encoding for Greasemonkey global to GM context access
if ( wikEd.GetGlobals === undefined )
wikEd.GetGlobals = function ( names, gotGlobalsHook ) {
if ( gotGlobalsHook !== undefined ) {
wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.push( gotGlobalsHook );
// code already running in global context
if ( wikEd.greasemonkey !== true ) {
var globalScopeCode = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i ++ ) {
globalScopeCode += '' +
'if ( typeof ' + names[i] + ' !== \'undefined\' ) {' +
' wikEd.wikiGlobals.' + names[i] + ' = ' + names[i] + ';' +
if ( gotGlobalsHook !== undefined ) {
globalScopeCode += 'wikEd.ExecuteHook( wikEd.gotGlobalsHook[' + ( wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.length - 1 ) + '], true );';
eval( globalScopeCode );
// prepare code to be executed in global context for Greasemonkey
if ( window.postMessage === undefined || typeof JSON !== 'object' ) {
var globalScopeCode = 'var globalObj = {};';
if ( gotGlobalsHook !== undefined ) {
wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.push( gotGlobalsHook );
globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.hookNumber = ' + ( wikEd.gotGlobalsHook.length - 1 ) + ';';
globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.scriptId = \'wikEdGetGlobalScript' + wikEd.getGlobalsCounter + '\';';
globalScopeCode += 'globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals = {};';
// add global scope variables
for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i ++ ) {
globalScopeCode += '' +
'if ( typeof ' + names[i] + ' !== \'undefined\' ) {' +
' globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals[\'' + names[i] + '\'] = ' + names[i] + ';' +
globalScopeCode += 'var globalObjStr = \'wikEd:\' + JSON.stringify( globalObj );';
var origin = wikEd.pageOrigin;
if ( origin === 'file://' ) {
origin = '*';
globalScopeCode += 'window.postMessage( globalObjStr, \'' + origin + '\' );';
// create head script to execute the code
var script = document.createElement( 'script' ); = 'wikEdGetGlobalScript' + wikEd.getGlobalsCounter;
wikEd.getGlobalsCounter ++;
if ( typeof script.innerText !== 'undefined' ) {
script.innerText = globalScopeCode;
else {
script.textContent = globalScopeCode;
wikEd.head.appendChild( script );
// wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver: event handler for wikEd.GetGlobals postMessage (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver === undefined )
wikEd.GetGlobalsReceiver = function ( event ) {
if ( event.source !== window ) {
if ( event.origin !== 'null' && event.origin !== wikEd.pageOrigin ) {
if ( !== '' ) {
// test if sent by wikEd
if ( /^wikEd:/.test( ) === false ) {
var data = /wikEd:/, '' );
var globalObj = JSON.parse( data );
var globals = globalObj.wikEdGetGlobals;
if ( globals !== null ) {
for ( var key in globals ) {
if ( globals, key ) === true ) {
wikEd.wikiGlobals[key] = globals[key];
// run scheduled functions only once
if ( globalObj.hookNumber !== undefined && wikEd.gotGlobalsHook[globalObj.hookNumber] !== undefined ) {
wikEd.ExecuteHook( wikEd.gotGlobalsHook[globalObj.hookNumber], true );
// clean up head script
var script = document.getElementById( globalObj.scriptId );
if ( script !== null ) {
wikEd.head.removeChild( script );
// wikEd.DiffAddEventListener: wrapper for addEventListener (
wikEd.DiffAddEventListener = function ( domElement, eventType, eventHandler, useCapture ) {
if ( domElement === undefined ) {
if ( typeof domElement.addEventListener === 'function' ) {
domElement.addEventListener( eventType, eventHandler, useCapture );
else {
domElement['wikEd' + eventType + eventHandler] = eventHandler;
domElement[eventType + eventHandler] = function () {
var eventRootElement = document;
if ( document.addEventListener === undefined ) {
eventRootElement = window;
domElement['wikEd' + eventType + eventHandler]( eventRootElement.event );
domElement.attachEvent( 'on' + eventType, domElement[eventType + eventHandler] );
// wikEd.ExecuteHook: executes scheduled custom functions from functionsHook array (code copied from wikEd.js)
if ( wikEd.ExecuteHook === undefined )
wikEd.ExecuteHook = function ( functionsHook, onlyOnce ) {
if ( functionsHook === undefined ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < functionsHook.length; i ++ ) {
if ( typeof functionsHook[i] === 'function' ) {
if ( onlyOnce === true ) {
functionsHook = [];
// wikEd.DiffWrapperHandler: event handler for diff table: scroll to edit field (double click) or close (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)
wikEd.DiffWrapperHandler = function ( event ) {
// toggle (shift/ctrl/alt-double click)
if ( event.shiftKey === true || event.ctrlKey === true || event.altKey === true || event.metaKey === true ) {
// scroll to edit field (double click)
else {
// filter out selecting double clicks on text
if ( window.getSelection !== undefined ) {
var sel = window.getSelection();
// explicitOriginalTarget (Firefox)
var textTarget = event.explicitOriginalTarget;
if ( textTarget !== undefined ) {
if ( textTarget.nodeName === '#text' ) {
// ignore for non-blank selection
else if ( sel !== null && /^\s*$/.test( sel.toString() ) === false ) {
// scroll to edit area
var scrollTo;
if ( wikEd.inputWrapper !== null ) {
scrollTo = wikEd.inputWrapper;
// or article preview
if ( scrollTo === undefined && window.getElementsByClassName !== undefined ) {
scrollTo = document.getElementsByClassName( 'diff-currentversion-title' )[0];
// or divider between diff and preview
if ( scrollTo === undefined && window.getElementsByClassName !== undefined ) {
scrollTo = document.getElementsByClassName( 'diff-hr' )[0];
// or diff table title
if ( scrollTo === undefined ) {
if ( wikEd.diffTableTitle !== null ) {
scrollTo = wikEd.diffTableTitle;
// scroll
if ( scrollTo !== undefined ) {
window.scroll( 0, wikEd.GetOffsetTop( scrollTo ) );
// call startup
// </syntaxhighlight>
// <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
// ==UserScript==
// @name wikEd diff
// @version 1.2.4
// @date October 23, 2014
// @description improved word-based diff library with block move detection
// @homepage
// @source
// @author Cacycle (
// @license released into the public domain
// ==/UserScript==
* wikEd diff: inline-style difference engine with block move support
* Improved JavaScript diff library that returns html/css-formatted new text version with
* highlighted deletions, insertions, and block moves. It is compatible with all browsers and is
* not dependent on external libraries.
* WikEdDiff.php and the JavaScript library wikEd diff are synced one-to-one ports. Changes and
* fixes are to be applied to both versions.
* JavaScript library (mirror):
* JavaScript online tool:
* MediaWiki extension:
* This difference engine applies a word-based algorithm that uses unique words as anchor points
* to identify matching text and moved blocks (Paul Heckel: A technique for isolating differences
* between files. Communications of the ACM 21(4):264 (1978)).
* Additional features:
* - Visual inline style, changes are shown in a single output text
* - Block move detection and highlighting
* - Resolution down to characters level
* - Unicode and multilingual support
* - Stepwise split (paragraphs, lines, sentences, words, characters)
* - Recursive diff
* - Optimized code for resolving unmatched sequences
* - Minimization of length of moved blocks
* - Alignment of ambiguous unmatched sequences to next line break or word border
* - Clipping of unchanged irrelevant parts from the output (optional)
* - Fully customizable
* - Text split optimized for MediaWiki source texts
* - Well commented and documented code
* Datastructures (abbreviations from publication):
* class WikEdDiffText: diff text object (new or old version)
* .text text of version
* .words[] word count table
* .first index of first token in tokens list
* .last index of last token in tokens list
* .tokens[]: token list for new or old string (doubly-linked list) (N and O)
* .prev previous list item
* .next next list item
* .token token string
* .link index of corresponding token in new or old text (OA and NA)
* .number list enumeration number
* .unique token is unique word in text
* class WikEdDiff: diff object
* .config[]: configuration settings, see top of code for customization options
* .regExp[]: all regular expressions
* .split regular expressions used for splitting text into tokens
* .htmlCode HTML code fragments used for creating the output
* .msg output messages
* .newText new text
* .oldText old text
* .maxWords word count of longest linked block
* .html diff html
* .error flag: result has not passed unit tests
* .bordersDown[] linked region borders downwards, [new index, old index]
* .bordersUp[] linked region borders upwards, [new index, old index]
* .symbols: symbols table for whole text at all refinement levels
* .token[] hash table of parsed tokens for passes 1 - 3, points to symbol[i]
* .symbol[]: array of objects that hold token counters and pointers:
* .newCount new text token counter (NC)
* .oldCount old text token counter (OC)
* .newToken token index in text.newText.tokens
* .oldToken token index in text.oldText.tokens
* .linked flag: at least one unique token pair has been linked
* .blocks[]: array, block data (consecutive text tokens) in new text order
* .oldBlock number of block in old text order
* .newBlock number of block in new text order
* .oldNumber old text token number of first token
* .newNumber new text token number of first token
* .oldStart old text token index of first token
* .count number of tokens
* .unique contains unique linked token
* .words word count
* .chars char length
* .type '=', '-', '+', '|' (same, deletion, insertion, mark)
* .section section number
* .group group number of block
* .fixed belongs to a fixed (not moved) group
* .moved moved block group number corresponding with mark block
* .text text of block tokens
* .sections[]: array, block sections with no block move crosses outside a section
* .blockStart first block in section
* .blockEnd last block in section
* .groups[]: array, section blocks that are consecutive in old text order
* .oldNumber first block oldNumber
* .blockStart first block index
* .blockEnd last block index
* .unique contains unique linked token
* .maxWords word count of longest linked block
* .words word count
* .chars char count
* .fixed not moved from original position
* .movedFrom group position this group has been moved from
* .color color number of moved group
* .fragments[]: diff fragment list ready for markup, abstraction layer for customization
* .text block or mark text
* .color moved block or mark color number
* .type '=', '-', '+' same, deletion, insertion
* '<', '>' mark left, mark right
* '(<', '(>', ')' block start and end
* '~', ' ~', '~ ' omission indicators
* '[', ']', ',' fragment start and end, fragment separator
* '{', '}' container start and end
// JSHint options
/* jshint -W004, -W100, newcap: true, browser: true, jquery: true, sub: true, bitwise: true,
curly: true, evil: true, forin: true, freeze: true, globalstrict: true, immed: true,
latedef: true, loopfunc: true, quotmark: single, strict: true, undef: true */
/* global console */
// Turn on ECMAScript 5 strict mode
'use strict';
/** Define global objects. */
var wikEdDiffConfig;
var WED;
* wikEd diff main class.
* @class WikEdDiff
var WikEdDiff = function () {
/** @var array config Configuration and customization settings. */
this.config = {
/** Core diff settings (with default values). */
* @var bool config.fullDiff
* Show complete un-clipped diff text (false)
'fullDiff': false,
* @var bool config.showBlockMoves
* Enable block move layout with highlighted blocks and marks at the original positions (true)
'showBlockMoves': true,
* @var bool config.charDiff
* Enable character-refined diff (true)
'charDiff': true,
* @var bool config.repeatedDiff
* Enable repeated diff to resolve problematic sequences (true)
'repeatedDiff': true,
* @var bool config.recursiveDiff
* Enable recursive diff to resolve problematic sequences (true)
'recursiveDiff': true,
* @var int config.recursionMax
* Maximum recursion depth (10)
'recursionMax': 10,
* @var bool config.unlinkBlocks
* Reject blocks if they are too short and their words are not unique,
* prevents fragmentated diffs for very different versions (true)
'unlinkBlocks': true,
* @var int config.unlinkMax
* Maximum number of rejection cycles (5)
'unlinkMax': 5,
* @var int config.blockMinLength
* Reject blocks if shorter than this number of real words (3)
'blockMinLength': 3,
* @var bool config.coloredBlocks
* Display blocks in differing colors (rainbow color scheme) (false)
'coloredBlocks': false,
* @var bool config.coloredBlocks
* Do not use UniCode block move marks (legacy browsers) (false)
'noUnicodeSymbols': false,
* @var bool config.stripTrailingNewline
* Strip trailing newline off of texts (true in .js, false in .php)
'stripTrailingNewline': true,
* @var bool config.debug
* Show debug infos and stats (block, group, and fragment data) in debug console (false)
'debug': false,
* @var bool config.timer
* Show timing results in debug console (false)
'timer': false,
* @var bool config.unitTesting
* Run unit tests to prove correct working, display results in debug console (false)
'unitTesting': false,
/** RegExp character classes. */
// UniCode letter support for regexps
// From v1.0.0
'a-zA-Z0-9' + (
'00AA00B500BA00C0-00D600D8-00F600F8-02C102C6-02D102E0-02E402EC02EE0370-037403760377037A-' +
'037D03860388-038A038C038E-03A103A3-03F503F7-0481048A-05270531-055605590561-058705D0-05EA' +
'05F0-05F20620-064A066E066F0671-06D306D506E506E606EE06EF06FA-06FC06FF07100712-072F074D-' +
'07A507B107CA-07EA07F407F507FA0800-0815081A082408280840-085808A008A2-08AC0904-0939093D' +
'09500958-09610971-09770979-097F0985-098C098F09900993-09A809AA-09B009B209B6-09B909BD09CE' +
'09DC09DD09DF-09E109F009F10A05-0A0A0A0F0A100A13-0A280A2A-0A300A320A330A350A360A380A39' +
'0A59-0A5C0A5E0A72-0A740A85-0A8D0A8F-0A910A93-0AA80AAA-0AB00AB20AB30AB5-0AB90ABD0AD00AE0' +
'0AE10B05-0B0C0B0F0B100B13-0B280B2A-0B300B320B330B35-0B390B3D0B5C0B5D0B5F-0B610B710B83' +
'0B85-0B8A0B8E-0B900B92-0B950B990B9A0B9C0B9E0B9F0BA30BA40BA8-0BAA0BAE-0BB90BD00C05-0C0C' +
'0C0E-0C100C12-0C280C2A-0C330C35-0C390C3D0C580C590C600C610C85-0C8C0C8E-0C900C92-0CA80CAA-' +
'0CB30CB5-0CB90CBD0CDE0CE00CE10CF10CF20D05-0D0C0D0E-0D100D12-0D3A0D3D0D4E0D600D610D7A-' +
'0D7F0D85-0D960D9A-0DB10DB3-0DBB0DBD0DC0-0DC60E01-0E300E320E330E40-0E460E810E820E840E87' +
'0E880E8A0E8D0E94-0E970E99-0E9F0EA1-0EA30EA50EA70EAA0EAB0EAD-0EB00EB20EB30EBD0EC0-0EC4' +
'0EC60EDC-0EDF0F000F40-0F470F49-0F6C0F88-0F8C1000-102A103F1050-1055105A-105D106110651066' +
'106E-10701075-1081108E10A0-10C510C710CD10D0-10FA10FC-1248124A-124D1250-12561258125A-125D' +
'1260-1288128A-128D1290-12B012B2-12B512B8-12BE12C012C2-12C512C8-12D612D8-13101312-1315' +
'1318-135A1380-138F13A0-13F41401-166C166F-167F1681-169A16A0-16EA1700-170C170E-17111720-' +
'17311740-17511760-176C176E-17701780-17B317D717DC1820-18771880-18A818AA18B0-18F51900-191C' +
'1950-196D1970-19741980-19AB19C1-19C71A00-1A161A20-1A541AA71B05-1B331B45-1B4B1B83-1BA0' +
'1BAE1BAF1BBA-1BE51C00-1C231C4D-1C4F1C5A-1C7D1CE9-1CEC1CEE-1CF11CF51CF61D00-1DBF1E00-1F15' +
'1F18-1F1D1F20-1F451F48-1F4D1F50-1F571F591F5B1F5D1F5F-1F7D1F80-1FB41FB6-1FBC1FBE1FC2-1FC4' +
'1FC6-1FCC1FD0-1FD31FD6-1FDB1FE0-1FEC1FF2-1FF41FF6-1FFC2071207F2090-209C21022107210A-2113' +
'21152119-211D212421262128212A-212D212F-2139213C-213F2145-2149214E218321842C00-2C2E2C30-' +
'2C5E2C60-2CE42CEB-2CEE2CF22CF32D00-2D252D272D2D2D30-2D672D6F2D80-2D962DA0-2DA62DA8-2DAE' +
'2DB0-2DB62DB8-2DBE2DC0-2DC62DC8-2DCE2DD0-2DD62DD8-2DDE2E2F300530063031-3035303B303C3041-' +
'3096309D-309F30A1-30FA30FC-30FF3105-312D3131-318E31A0-31BA31F0-31FF3400-4DB54E00-9FCC' +
'A000-A48CA4D0-A4FDA500-A60CA610-A61FA62AA62BA640-A66EA67F-A697A6A0-A6E5A717-A71FA722-' +
'A788A78B-A78EA790-A793A7A0-A7AAA7F8-A801A803-A805A807-A80AA80C-A822A840-A873A882-A8B3' +
'A8F2-A8F7A8FBA90A-A925A930-A946A960-A97CA984-A9B2A9CFAA00-AA28AA40-AA42AA44-AA4BAA60-' +
).replace( /(\w{4})/g, '\\u$1' ),
// New line characters without and with \n and \r
'regExpNewLines': '\\u0085\\u2028',
'regExpNewLinesAll': '\\n\\r\\u0085\\u2028',
// Breaking white space characters without \n, \r, and \f
'regExpBlanks': ' \\t\\x0b\\u2000-\\u200b\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000',
// Full stops without '.'
'\\u0589\\u06D4\\u0701\\u0702\\u0964\\u0DF4\\u1362\\u166E\\u1803\\u1809' +
// New paragraph characters without \n and \r
'regExpNewParagraph': '\\f\\u2029',
// Exclamation marks without '!'
'\\u01C3\\u01C3\\u01C3\\u055C\\u055C\\u07F9\\u1944\\u1944' +
// Question marks without '?'
'\\u037E\\u055E\\u061F\\u1367\\u1945\\u2047\\u2049' +
/** Clip settings. */
// Find clip position: characters from right
'clipHeadingLeft': 1500,
'clipParagraphLeftMax': 1500,
'clipParagraphLeftMin': 500,
'clipLineLeftMax': 1000,
'clipLineLeftMin': 500,
'clipBlankLeftMax': 1000,
'clipBlankLeftMin': 500,
'clipCharsLeft': 500,
// Find clip position: characters from right
'clipHeadingRight': 1500,
'clipParagraphRightMax': 1500,
'clipParagraphRightMin': 500,
'clipLineRightMax': 1000,
'clipLineRightMin': 500,
'clipBlankRightMax': 1000,
'clipBlankRightMin': 500,
'clipCharsRight': 500,
// Maximum number of lines to search for clip position
'clipLinesRightMax': 10,
'clipLinesLeftMax': 10,
// Skip clipping if ranges are too close
'clipSkipLines': 5,
'clipSkipChars': 1000,
// Css stylesheet
'cssMarkLeft': '◀',
'cssMarkRight': '▶',
// Insert
'.wikEdDiffInsert {' +
'font-weight: bold; background-color: #bbddff; ' +
'color: #222; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.2em 1px; ' +
'} ' +
'.wikEdDiffInsertBlank { background-color: #66bbff; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffFragment:hover .wikEdDiffInsertBlank { background-color: #bbddff; } ' +
// Delete
'.wikEdDiffDelete {' +
'font-weight: bold; background-color: #ffe49c; ' +
'color: #222; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.2em 1px; ' +
'} ' +
'.wikEdDiffDeleteBlank { background-color: #ffd064; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffFragment:hover .wikEdDiffDeleteBlank { background-color: #ffe49c; } ' +
// Block
'.wikEdDiffBlock {' +
'font-weight: bold; background-color: #e8e8e8; ' +
'border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.2em 1px; margin: 0 1px; ' +
'} ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock { } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock0 { background-color: #ffff80; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock1 { background-color: #d0ff80; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock2 { background-color: #ffd8f0; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock3 { background-color: #c0ffff; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock4 { background-color: #fff888; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock5 { background-color: #bbccff; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock6 { background-color: #e8c8ff; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock7 { background-color: #ffbbbb; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock8 { background-color: #a0e8a0; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight {' +
'background-color: #777; color: #fff; ' +
'border: solid #777; border-width: 1px 0; ' +
'} ' +
// Mark
'.wikEdDiffMarkLeft, .wikEdDiffMarkRight {' +
'font-weight: bold; background-color: #ffe49c; ' +
'color: #666; border-radius: 0.25em; padding: 0.2em; margin: 0 1px; ' +
'} ' +
'.wikEdDiffMarkLeft:before { content: "{cssMarkLeft}"; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMarkRight:before { content: "{cssMarkRight}"; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMarkLeft.wikEdDiffNoUnicode:before { content: "<"; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMarkRight.wikEdDiffNoUnicode:before { content: ">"; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark { background-color: #e8e8e8; color: #666; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark0 { background-color: #ffff60; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark1 { background-color: #c8f880; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark2 { background-color: #ffd0f0; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark3 { background-color: #a0ffff; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark4 { background-color: #fff860; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark5 { background-color: #b0c0ff; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark6 { background-color: #e0c0ff; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark7 { background-color: #ffa8a8; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMark8 { background-color: #98e898; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffMarkHighlight { background-color: #777; color: #fff; } ' +
// Wrappers
'.wikEdDiffContainer { } ' +
'.wikEdDiffFragment {' +
'white-space: pre-wrap; background: #fff; border: #bbb solid; ' +
'border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0.5em; border-radius: 0.5em; font-family: sans-serif; ' +
'font-size: 88%; line-height: 1.6; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #ddd; padding: 1em; margin: 0; ' +
'} ' +
'.wikEdDiffNoChange { background: #f0f0f0; border: 1px #bbb solid; border-radius: 0.5em; ' +
'line-height: 1.6; box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #ddd; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em 0; ' +
'text-align: center; ' +
'} ' +
'.wikEdDiffSeparator { margin-bottom: 1em; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffOmittedChars { } ' +
// Newline
'.wikEdDiffNewline:before { content: "¶"; color: transparent; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock:hover .wikEdDiffNewline:before { color: #aaa; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight .wikEdDiffNewline:before { color: transparent; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight:hover .wikEdDiffNewline:before { color: #ccc; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight:hover .wikEdDiffInsert .wikEdDiffNewline:before, ' +
'.wikEdDiffInsert:hover .wikEdDiffNewline:before' +
'{ color: #999; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight:hover .wikEdDiffDelete .wikEdDiffNewline:before, ' +
'.wikEdDiffDelete:hover .wikEdDiffNewline:before' +
'{ color: #aaa; } ' +
// Tab
'.wikEdDiffTab { position: relative; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffTabSymbol { position: absolute; top: -0.2em; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffTabSymbol:before { content: "→"; font-size: smaller; color: #ccc; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock .wikEdDiffTabSymbol:before { color: #aaa; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight .wikEdDiffTabSymbol:before { color: #aaa; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffInsert .wikEdDiffTabSymbol:before { color: #aaa; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffDelete .wikEdDiffTabSymbol:before { color: #bbb; } ' +
// Space
'.wikEdDiffSpace { position: relative; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol { position: absolute; top: -0.2em; left: -0.05em; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before { content: "·"; color: transparent; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlock:hover .wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before { color: #999; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight .wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before { color: transparent; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight:hover .wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before { color: #ddd; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight:hover .wikEdDiffInsert .wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before,' +
'.wikEdDiffInsert:hover .wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before ' +
'{ color: #888; } ' +
'.wikEdDiffBlockHighlight:hover .wikEdDiffDelete .wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before,' +
'.wikEdDiffDelete:hover .wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol:before ' +
'{ color: #999; } ' +
// Error
'.wikEdDiffError .wikEdDiffFragment,' +
'.wikEdDiffError .wikEdDiffNoChange' +
'{ background: #faa; }'
/** Add regular expressions to configuration settings. */
this.config.regExp = {
// RegExps for splitting text
'split': {
// Split into paragraphs, after double newlines
'paragraph': new RegExp(
'(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r){2,}|[' +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
// Split into lines
'line': new RegExp(
'\\r\\n|\\n|\\r|[' +
this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
// Split into sentences /[^ ].*?[.!?:;]+(?= |$)/
'sentence': new RegExp(
'[^' +
this.config.regExpBlanks +
'].*?[.!?:;' +
this.config.regExpFullStops +
this.config.regExpExclamationMarks +
this.config.regExpQuestionMarks +
']+(?=[' +
this.config.regExpBlanks +
// Split into inline chunks
'chunk': new RegExp(
'\\[\\[[^\\[\\]\\n]+\\]\\]|' + // [[wiki link]]
'\\{\\{[^\\{\\}\\n]+\\}\\}|' + // {{template}}
'\\[[^\\[\\]\\n]+\\]|' + // [ext. link]
'<\\/?[^<>\\[\\]\\{\\}\\n]+>|' + // <html>
'\\[\\[[^\\[\\]\\|\\n]+\\]\\]\\||' + // [[wiki link|
'\\{\\{[^\\{\\}\\|\\n]+\\||' + // {{template|
'\\b((https?:|)\\/\\/)[^\\x00-\\x20\\s"\\[\\]\\x7f]+', // link
// Split into words, multi-char markup, and chars
// regExpLetters speed-up: \\w+
'word': new RegExp(
'(\\w+|[_' +
this.config.regExpLetters +
'])+([\'’][_' +
this.config.regExpLetters +
// Split into chars
'character': /./g
// RegExp to detect blank tokens
'blankOnlyToken': new RegExp(
'[^' +
this.config.regExpBlanks +
this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
// RegExps for sliding gaps: newlines and space/word breaks
'slideStop': new RegExp(
'[' +
this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
'slideBorder': new RegExp(
'[' +
this.config.regExpBlanks +
// RegExps for counting words
'countWords': new RegExp(
'(\\w+|[_' +
this.config.regExpLetters +
'])+([\'’][_' +
this.config.regExpLetters +
'countChunks': new RegExp(
'\\[\\[[^\\[\\]\\n]+\\]\\]|' + // [[wiki link]]
'\\{\\{[^\\{\\}\\n]+\\}\\}|' + // {{template}}
'\\[[^\\[\\]\\n]+\\]|' + // [ext. link]
'<\\/?[^<>\\[\\]\\{\\}\\n]+>|' + // <html>
'\\[\\[[^\\[\\]\\|\\n]+\\]\\]\\||' + // [[wiki link|
'\\{\\{[^\\{\\}\\|\\n]+\\||' + // {{template|
'\\b((https?:|)\\/\\/)[^\\x00-\\x20\\s"\\[\\]\\x7f]+', // link
// RegExp detecting blank-only and single-char blocks
'blankBlock': /^([^\t\S]+|[^\t])$/,
// RegExps for clipping
'clipLine': new RegExp(
'[' + this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
'clipHeading': new RegExp(
'( ^|\\n)(==+.+?==+|\\{\\||\\|\\}).*?(?=\\n|$)', 'g' ),
'clipParagraph': new RegExp(
'( (\\r\\n|\\n|\\r){2,}|[' +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
'clipBlank': new RegExp(
'[' +
this.config.regExpBlanks + ']+',
'clipTrimNewLinesLeft': new RegExp(
'[' +
this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
'clipTrimNewLinesRight': new RegExp(
'^[' +
this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
'clipTrimBlanksLeft': new RegExp(
'[' +
this.config.regExpBlanks +
this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
'clipTrimBlanksRight': new RegExp(
'^[' +
this.config.regExpBlanks +
this.config.regExpNewLinesAll +
this.config.regExpNewParagraph +
/** Add messages to configuration settings. */
this.config.msg = {
'wiked-diff-empty': '(No difference)',
'wiked-diff-same': '=',
'wiked-diff-ins': '+',
'wiked-diff-del': '-',
'wiked-diff-block-left': '◀',
'wiked-diff-block-right': '▶',
'wiked-diff-block-left-nounicode': '<',
'wiked-diff-block-right-nounicode': '>',
'wiked-diff-error': 'Error: diff not consistent with versions!'
* Add output html fragments to configuration settings.
* Dynamic replacements:
* {number}: class/color/block/mark/id number
* {title}: title attribute (popup)
* {nounicode}: noUnicodeSymbols fallback
this.config.htmlCode = {
'<div class="wikEdDiffNoChange" title="' +
this.config.msg['wiked-diff-same'] +
'noChangeEnd': '</div>',
'containerStart': '<div class="wikEdDiffContainer" id="wikEdDiffContainer">',
'containerEnd': '</div>',
'fragmentStart': '<pre class="wikEdDiffFragment" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">',
'fragmentEnd': '</pre>',
'separator': '<div class="wikEdDiffSeparator"></div>',
'<span class="wikEdDiffInsert" title="' +
this.config.msg['wiked-diff-ins'] +
'<span class="wikEdDiffInsert wikEdDiffInsertBlank" title="' +
this.config.msg['wiked-diff-ins'] +
'insertEnd': '</span>',
'<span class="wikEdDiffDelete" title="' +
this.config.msg['wiked-diff-del'] +
'<span class="wikEdDiffDelete wikEdDiffDeleteBlank" title="' +
this.config.msg['wiked-diff-del'] +
'deleteEnd': '</span>',
'<span class="wikEdDiffBlock"' +
'title="{title}" id="wikEdDiffBlock{number}"' +
'onmouseover="wikEdDiffBlockHandler(undefined, this, \'mouseover\');">',
'<span class="wikEdDiffBlock wikEdDiffBlock wikEdDiffBlock{number}"' +
'title="{title}" id="wikEdDiffBlock{number}"' +
'onmouseover="wikEdDiffBlockHandler(undefined, this, \'mouseover\');">',
'blockEnd': '</span>',
'<span class="wikEdDiffMarkLeft{nounicode}"' +
'title="{title}" id="wikEdDiffMark{number}"' +
'onmouseover="wikEdDiffBlockHandler(undefined, this, \'mouseover\');"></span>',
'<span class="wikEdDiffMarkLeft{nounicode} wikEdDiffMark wikEdDiffMark{number}"' +
'title="{title}" id="wikEdDiffMark{number}"' +
'onmouseover="wikEdDiffBlockHandler(undefined, this, \'mouseover\');"></span>',
'<span class="wikEdDiffMarkRight{nounicode}"' +
'title="{title}" id="wikEdDiffMark{number}"' +
'onmouseover="wikEdDiffBlockHandler(undefined, this, \'mouseover\');"></span>',
'<span class="wikEdDiffMarkRight{nounicode} wikEdDiffMark wikEdDiffMark{number}"' +
'title="{title}" id="wikEdDiffMark{number}"' +
'onmouseover="wikEdDiffBlockHandler(undefined, this, \'mouseover\');"></span>',
'newline': '<span class="wikEdDiffNewline">\n</span>',
'tab': '<span class="wikEdDiffTab"><span class="wikEdDiffTabSymbol"></span>\t</span>',
'space': '<span class="wikEdDiffSpace"><span class="wikEdDiffSpaceSymbol"></span> </span>',
'omittedChars': '<span class="wikEdDiffOmittedChars">…</span>',
'errorStart': '<div class="wikEdDiffError" title="Error: diff not consistent with versions!">',
'errorEnd': '</div>'
* Add JavaScript event handler function to configuration settings
* Highlights corresponding block and mark elements on hover and jumps between them on click
* Code for use in non-jQuery environments and legacy browsers (at least IE 8 compatible)
* @option Event|undefined event Browser event if available
* @option element Node DOM node
* @option type string Event type
this.config.blockHandler = function ( event, element, type ) {
// IE compatibility
if ( event === undefined && window.event !== undefined ) {
event = window.event;
// Get mark/block elements
var number = /\D/g, '' );
var block = document.getElementById( 'wikEdDiffBlock' + number );
var mark = document.getElementById( 'wikEdDiffMark' + number );
if ( block === null || mark === null ) {
// Highlight corresponding mark/block pairs
if ( type === 'mouseover' ) {
element.onmouseover = null;
element.onmouseout = function ( event ) {
window.wikEdDiffBlockHandler( event, element, 'mouseout' );
element.onclick = function ( event ) {
window.wikEdDiffBlockHandler( event, element, 'click' );
block.className += ' wikEdDiffBlockHighlight';
mark.className += ' wikEdDiffMarkHighlight';
// Remove mark/block highlighting
if ( type === 'mouseout' || type === 'click' ) {
element.onmouseout = null;
element.onmouseover = function ( event ) {
window.wikEdDiffBlockHandler( event, element, 'mouseover' );
// Reset, allow outside container (e.g. legend)
if ( type !== 'click' ) {
block.className = block.className.replace( / wikEdDiffBlockHighlight/g, '' );
mark.className = mark.className.replace( / wikEdDiffMarkHighlight/g, '' );
// GetElementsByClassName
var container = document.getElementById( 'wikEdDiffContainer' );
if ( container !== null ) {
var spans = container.getElementsByTagName( 'span' );
var spansLength = spans.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < spansLength; i ++ ) {
if ( spans[i] !== block && spans[i] !== mark ) {
if ( spans[i].className.indexOf( ' wikEdDiffBlockHighlight' ) !== -1 ) {
spans[i].className = spans[i].className.replace( / wikEdDiffBlockHighlight/g, '' );
else if ( spans[i].className.indexOf( ' wikEdDiffMarkHighlight') !== -1 ) {
spans[i].className = spans[i].className.replace( / wikEdDiffMarkHighlight/g, '' );
// Scroll to corresponding mark/block element
if ( type === 'click' ) {
// Get corresponding element
var corrElement;
if ( element === block ) {
corrElement = mark;
else {
corrElement = block;
// Get element height (getOffsetTop)
var corrElementPos = 0;
var node = corrElement;
do {
corrElementPos += node.offsetTop;
} while ( ( node = node.offsetParent ) !== null );
// Get scroll height
var top;
if ( window.pageYOffset !== undefined ) {
top = window.pageYOffset;
else {
top = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
// Get cursor pos
var cursor;
if ( event.pageY !== undefined ) {
cursor = event.pageY;
else if ( event.clientY !== undefined ) {
cursor = event.clientY + top;
// Get line height
var line = 12;
if ( window.getComputedStyle !== undefined ) {
line = parseInt( window.getComputedStyle( corrElement ).getPropertyValue( 'line-height' ) );
// Scroll element under mouse cursor
window.scroll( 0, corrElementPos + top - cursor + line / 2 );
/** Internal data structures. */
/** @var WikEdDiffText newText New text version object with text and token list */
this.newText = null;
/** @var WikEdDiffText oldText Old text version object with text and token list */
this.oldText = null;
/** @var object symbols Symbols table for whole text at all refinement levels */
this.symbols = {
token: [],
hashTable: {},
linked: false
/** @var array bordersDown Matched region borders downwards */
this.bordersDown = [];
/** @var array bordersUp Matched region borders upwards */
this.bordersUp = [];
/** @var array blocks Block data (consecutive text tokens) in new text order */
this.blocks = [];
/** @var int maxWords Maximal detected word count of all linked blocks */
this.maxWords = 0;
/** @var array groups Section blocks that are consecutive in old text order */
this.groups = [];
/** @var array sections Block sections with no block move crosses outside a section */
this.sections = [];
/** @var object timer Debug timer array: string 'label' => float milliseconds. */
this.timer = {};
/** @var array recursionTimer Count time spent in recursion level in milliseconds. */
this.recursionTimer = [];
/** Output data. */
/** @var bool error Unit tests have detected a diff error */
this.error = false;
/** @var array fragments Diff fragment list for markup, abstraction layer for customization */
this.fragments = [];
/** @var string html Html code of diff */
this.html = '';
* Constructor, initialize settings, load js and css.
* @param[in] object wikEdDiffConfig Custom customization settings
* @param[out] object config Settings
this.init = function () {
// Import customizations from wikEdDiffConfig{}
if ( typeof wikEdDiffConfig === 'object' ) {
this.deepCopy( wikEdDiffConfig, this.config );
// Add CSS stylescheet
this.addStyleSheet( this.config.stylesheet );
// Load block handler script
if ( this.config.showBlockMoves === true ) {
// Add block handler to head if running under Greasemonkey
if ( typeof GM_info === 'object' ) {
var script = 'var wikEdDiffBlockHandler = ' + this.config.blockHandler.toString() + ';';
this.addScript( script );
else {
window.wikEdDiffBlockHandler = this.config.blockHandler;
* Main diff method.
* @param string oldString Old text version
* @param string newString New text version
* @param[out] array fragment
* Diff fragment list ready for markup, abstraction layer for customized diffs
* @param[out] string html Html code of diff
* @return string Html code of diff
this.diff = function ( oldString, newString ) {
// Start total timer
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'total' );
// Start diff timer
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'diff' );
// Reset error flag
this.error = false;
// Strip trailing newline (.js only)
if ( this.config.stripTrailingNewline === true ) {
if ( newString.substr( -1 ) === '\n' && oldString.substr( -1 === '\n' ) ) {
newString = newString.substr( 0, newString.length - 1 );
oldString = oldString.substr( 0, oldString.length - 1 );
// Load version strings into WikEdDiffText objects
this.newText = new WikEdDiff.WikEdDiffText( newString, this );
this.oldText = new WikEdDiff.WikEdDiffText( oldString, this );
// Trap trivial changes: no change
if ( this.newText.text === this.oldText.text ) {
this.html =
this.config.htmlCode.containerStart +
this.config.htmlCode.noChangeStart +
this.htmlEscape( this.config.msg['wiked-diff-empty'] ) +
this.config.htmlCode.noChangeEnd +
return this.html;
// Trap trivial changes: old text deleted
if (
this.oldText.text === '' || (
this.oldText.text === '\n' &&
( this.newText.text.charAt( this.newText.text.length - 1 ) === '\n' )
) {
this.html =
this.config.htmlCode.containerStart +
this.config.htmlCode.fragmentStart +
this.config.htmlCode.insertStart +
this.htmlEscape( this.newText.text ) +
this.config.htmlCode.insertEnd +
this.config.htmlCode.fragmentEnd +
return this.html;
// Trap trivial changes: new text deleted
if (
this.newText.text === '' || (
this.newText.text === '\n' &&
( this.oldText.text.charAt( this.oldText.text.length - 1 ) === '\n' )
) {
this.html =
this.config.htmlCode.containerStart +
this.config.htmlCode.fragmentStart +
this.config.htmlCode.deleteStart +
this.htmlEscape( this.oldText.text ) +
this.config.htmlCode.deleteEnd +
this.config.htmlCode.fragmentEnd +
return this.html;
// Split new and old text into paragraps
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'paragraph split' );
this.newText.splitText( 'paragraph' );
this.oldText.splitText( 'paragraph' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'paragraph split' );
// Calculate diff
this.calculateDiff( 'line' );
// Refine different paragraphs into lines
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'line split' );
this.newText.splitRefine( 'line' );
this.oldText.splitRefine( 'line' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'line split' );
// Calculate refined diff
this.calculateDiff( 'line' );
// Refine different lines into sentences
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'sentence split' );
this.newText.splitRefine( 'sentence' );
this.oldText.splitRefine( 'sentence' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'sentence split' );
// Calculate refined diff
this.calculateDiff( 'sentence' );
// Refine different sentences into chunks
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'chunk split' );
this.newText.splitRefine( 'chunk' );
this.oldText.splitRefine( 'chunk' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'chunk split' );
// Calculate refined diff
this.calculateDiff( 'chunk' );
// Refine different chunks into words
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'word split' );
this.newText.splitRefine( 'word' );
this.oldText.splitRefine( 'word' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'word split' );
// Calculate refined diff information with recursion for unresolved gaps
this.calculateDiff( 'word', true );
// Slide gaps
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'word slide' );
this.slideGaps( this.newText, this.oldText );
this.slideGaps( this.oldText, this.newText );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'word slide' );
// Split tokens into chars
if ( this.config.charDiff === true ) {
// Split tokens into chars in selected unresolved gaps
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'character split' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'character split' );
// Calculate refined diff information with recursion for unresolved gaps
this.calculateDiff( 'character', true );
// Slide gaps
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'character slide' );
this.slideGaps( this.newText, this.oldText );
this.slideGaps( this.oldText, this.newText );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'character slide' );
// Free memory
this.symbols = undefined;
this.bordersDown = undefined;
this.bordersUp = undefined;
this.newText.words = undefined;
this.oldText.words = undefined;
// Enumerate token lists
// Detect moved blocks
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'blocks' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'blocks' );
// Free memory
this.newText.tokens = undefined;
this.oldText.tokens = undefined;
// Assemble blocks into fragment table
// Free memory
this.blocks = undefined;
this.groups = undefined;
this.sections = undefined;
// Stop diff timer
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'diff' );
// Unit tests
if ( this.config.unitTesting === true ) {
// Test diff to test consistency between input and output
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'unit tests' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'unit tests' );
// Clipping
if ( this.config.fullDiff === false ) {
// Clipping unchanged sections from unmoved block text
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'clip' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'clip' );
// Create html formatted diff code from diff fragments
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'html' );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'html' );
// No change
if ( this.html === '' ) {
this.html =
this.config.htmlCode.containerStart +
this.config.htmlCode.noChangeStart +
this.htmlEscape( this.config.msg['wiked-diff-empty'] ) +
this.config.htmlCode.noChangeEnd +
// Add error indicator
if ( this.error === true ) {
this.html = this.config.htmlCode.errorStart + this.html + this.config.htmlCode.errorEnd;
// Stop total timer
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'total' );
return this.html;
* Split tokens into chars in the following unresolved regions (gaps):
* - One token became connected or separated by space or dash (or any token)
* - Same number of tokens in gap and strong similarity of all tokens:
* - Addition or deletion of flanking strings in tokens
* - Addition or deletion of internal string in tokens
* - Same length and at least 50 % identity
* - Same start or end, same text longer than different text
* Identical tokens including space separators will be linked,
* resulting in word-wise char-level diffs
* @param[in/out] WikEdDiffText newText, oldText Text object tokens list
this.splitRefineChars = function () {
/** Find corresponding gaps. */
// Cycle through new text tokens list
var gaps = [];
var gap = null;
var i = this.newText.first;
var j = this.oldText.first;
while ( i !== null ) {
// Get token links
var newLink = this.newText.tokens[i].link;
var oldLink = null;
if ( j !== null ) {
oldLink = this.oldText.tokens[j].link;
// Start of gap in new and old
if ( gap === null && newLink === null && oldLink === null ) {
gap = gaps.length;
gaps.push( {
newFirst: i,
newLast: i,
newTokens: 1,
oldFirst: j,
oldLast: j,
oldTokens: null,
charSplit: null
} );
// Count chars and tokens in gap
else if ( gap !== null && newLink === null ) {
gaps[gap].newLast = i;
gaps[gap].newTokens ++;
// Gap ended
else if ( gap !== null && newLink !== null ) {
gap = null;
// Next list elements
if ( newLink !== null ) {
j = this.oldText.tokens[newLink].next;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
// Cycle through gaps and add old text gap data
var gapsLength = gaps.length;
for ( var gap = 0; gap < gapsLength; gap ++ ) {
// Cycle through old text tokens list
var j = gaps[gap].oldFirst;
while (
j !== null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j] !== null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null
) {
// Count old chars and tokens in gap
gaps[gap].oldLast = j;
gaps[gap].oldTokens ++;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
/** Select gaps of identical token number and strong similarity of all tokens. */
var gapsLength = gaps.length;
for ( var gap = 0; gap < gapsLength; gap ++ ) {
var charSplit = true;
// Not same gap length
if ( gaps[gap].newTokens !== gaps[gap].oldTokens ) {
// One word became separated by space, dash, or any string
if ( gaps[gap].newTokens === 1 && gaps[gap].oldTokens === 3 ) {
var token = this.newText.tokens[ gaps[gap].newFirst ].token;
var tokenFirst = this.oldText.tokens[ gaps[gap].oldFirst ].token;
var tokenLast = this.oldText.tokens[ gaps[gap].oldLast ].token;
if (
token.indexOf( tokenFirst ) !== 0 ||
token.indexOf( tokenLast ) !== token.length - tokenLast.length
) {
else if ( gaps[gap].oldTokens === 1 && gaps[gap].newTokens === 3 ) {
var token = this.oldText.tokens[ gaps[gap].oldFirst ].token;
var tokenFirst = this.newText.tokens[ gaps[gap].newFirst ].token;
var tokenLast = this.newText.tokens[ gaps[gap].newLast ].token;
if (
token.indexOf( tokenFirst ) !== 0 ||
token.indexOf( tokenLast ) !== token.length - tokenLast.length
) {
else {
gaps[gap].charSplit = true;
// Cycle through new text tokens list and set charSplit
else {
var i = gaps[gap].newFirst;
var j = gaps[gap].oldFirst;
while ( i !== null ) {
var newToken = this.newText.tokens[i].token;
var oldToken = this.oldText.tokens[j].token;
// Get shorter and longer token
var shorterToken;
var longerToken;
if ( newToken.length < oldToken.length ) {
shorterToken = newToken;
longerToken = oldToken;
else {
shorterToken = oldToken;
longerToken = newToken;
// Not same token length
if ( newToken.length !== oldToken.length ) {
// Test for addition or deletion of internal string in tokens
// Find number of identical chars from left
var left = 0;
while ( left < shorterToken.length ) {
if ( newToken.charAt( left ) !== oldToken.charAt( left ) ) {
left ++;
// Find number of identical chars from right
var right = 0;
while ( right < shorterToken.length ) {
if (
newToken.charAt( newToken.length - 1 - right ) !==
oldToken.charAt( oldToken.length - 1 - right )
) {
right ++;
// No simple insertion or deletion of internal string
if ( left + right !== shorterToken.length ) {
// Not addition or deletion of flanking strings in tokens
// Smaller token not part of larger token
if ( longerToken.indexOf( shorterToken ) === -1 ) {
// Same text at start or end shorter than different text
if ( left < shorterToken.length / 2 && (right < shorterToken.length / 2) ) {
// Do not split into chars in this gap
charSplit = false;
// Same token length
else if ( newToken !== oldToken ) {
// Tokens less than 50 % identical
var ident = 0;
var tokenLength = shorterToken.length;
for ( var pos = 0; pos < tokenLength; pos ++ ) {
if ( shorterToken.charAt( pos ) === longerToken.charAt( pos ) ) {
ident ++;
if ( ident / shorterToken.length < 0.49 ) {
// Do not split into chars this gap
charSplit = false;
// Next list elements
if ( i === gaps[gap].newLast ) {
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
gaps[gap].charSplit = charSplit;
/** Refine words into chars in selected gaps. */
var gapsLength = gaps.length;
for ( var gap = 0; gap < gapsLength; gap ++ ) {
if ( gaps[gap].charSplit === true ) {
// Cycle through new text tokens list, link spaces, and split into chars
var i = gaps[gap].newFirst;
var j = gaps[gap].oldFirst;
var newGapLength = i - gaps[gap].newLast;
var oldGapLength = j - gaps[gap].oldLast;
while ( i !== null || j !== null ) {
// Link identical tokens (spaces) to keep char refinement to words
if (
newGapLength === oldGapLength &&
this.newText.tokens[i].token === this.oldText.tokens[j].token
) {
this.newText.tokens[i].link = j;
this.oldText.tokens[j].link = i;
// Refine words into chars
else {
if ( i !== null ) {
this.newText.splitText( 'character', i );
if ( j !== null ) {
this.oldText.splitText( 'character', j );
// Next list elements
if ( i === gaps[gap].newLast ) {
i = null;
if ( j === gaps[gap].oldLast ) {
j = null;
if ( i !== null ) {
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
if ( j !== null ) {
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
* Move gaps with ambiguous identical fronts to last newline border or otherwise last word border.
* @param[in/out] wikEdDiffText text, textLinked These two are newText and oldText
this.slideGaps = function ( text, textLinked ) {
var regExpSlideBorder = this.config.regExp.slideBorder;
var regExpSlideStop = this.config.regExp.slideStop;
// Cycle through tokens list
var i = text.first;
var gapStart = null;
while ( i !== null ) {
// Remember gap start
if ( gapStart === null && text.tokens[i].link === null ) {
gapStart = i;
// Find gap end
else if ( gapStart !== null && text.tokens[i].link !== null ) {
var gapFront = gapStart;
var gapBack = text.tokens[i].prev;
// Slide down as deep as possible
var front = gapFront;
var back = text.tokens[gapBack].next;
if (
front !== null &&
back !== null &&
text.tokens[front].link === null &&
text.tokens[back].link !== null &&
text.tokens[front].token === text.tokens[back].token
) {
text.tokens[front].link = text.tokens[back].link;
textLinked.tokens[ text.tokens[front].link ].link = front;
text.tokens[back].link = null;
gapFront = text.tokens[gapFront].next;
gapBack = text.tokens[gapBack].next;
front = text.tokens[front].next;
back = text.tokens[back].next;
// Test slide up, remember last line break or word border
var front = text.tokens[gapFront].prev;
var back = gapBack;
var gapFrontBlankTest = regExpSlideBorder.test( text.tokens[gapFront].token );
var frontStop = front;
if ( text.tokens[back].link === null ) {
while (
front !== null &&
back !== null &&
text.tokens[front].link !== null &&
text.tokens[front].token === text.tokens[back].token
) {
if ( front !== null ) {
// Stop at line break
if ( regExpSlideStop.test( text.tokens[front].token ) === true ) {
frontStop = front;
// Stop at first word border (blank/word or word/blank)
if (
regExpSlideBorder.test( text.tokens[front].token ) !== gapFrontBlankTest ) {
frontStop = front;
front = text.tokens[front].prev;
back = text.tokens[back].prev;
// Actually slide up to stop
var front = text.tokens[gapFront].prev;
var back = gapBack;
while (
front !== null &&
back !== null &&
front !== frontStop &&
text.tokens[front].link !== null &&
text.tokens[back].link === null &&
text.tokens[front].token === text.tokens[back].token
) {
text.tokens[back].link = text.tokens[front].link;
textLinked.tokens[ text.tokens[back].link ].link = back;
text.tokens[front].link = null;
front = text.tokens[front].prev;
back = text.tokens[back].prev;
gapStart = null;
i = text.tokens[i].next;
* Calculate diff information, can be called repeatedly during refining.
* Links corresponding tokens from old and new text.
* Steps:
* Pass 1: parse new text into symbol table
* Pass 2: parse old text into symbol table
* Pass 3: connect unique matching tokens
* Pass 4: connect adjacent identical tokens downwards
* Pass 5: connect adjacent identical tokens upwards
* Repeat with empty symbol table (against crossed-over gaps)
* Recursively diff still unresolved regions downwards with empty symbol table
* Recursively diff still unresolved regions upwards with empty symbol table
* @param array symbols Symbol table object
* @param string level Split level: 'paragraph', 'line', 'sentence', 'chunk', 'word', 'character'
* Optionally for recursive or repeated calls:
* @param bool repeating Currently repeating with empty symbol table
* @param bool recurse Enable recursion
* @param int newStart, newEnd, oldStart, oldEnd Text object tokens indices
* @param int recursionLevel Recursion level
* @param[in/out] WikEdDiffText newText, oldText Text object, tokens list link property
this.calculateDiff = function (
) {
// Set defaults
if ( repeating === undefined ) { repeating = false; }
if ( recurse === undefined ) { recurse = false; }
if ( newStart === undefined ) { newStart = this.newText.first; }
if ( oldStart === undefined ) { oldStart = this.oldText.first; }
if ( up === undefined ) { up = false; }
if ( recursionLevel === undefined ) { recursionLevel = 0; }
// Start timers
if ( this.config.timer === true && repeating === false && recursionLevel === 0 ) {
this.time( level );
if ( this.config.timer === true && repeating === false ) {
this.time( level + recursionLevel );
// Get object symbols table and linked region borders
var symbols;
var bordersDown;
var bordersUp;
if ( recursionLevel === 0 && repeating === false ) {
symbols = this.symbols;
bordersDown = this.bordersDown;
bordersUp = this.bordersUp;
// Create empty local symbols table and linked region borders arrays
else {
symbols = {
token: [],
hashTable: {},
linked: false
bordersDown = [];
bordersUp = [];
// Updated versions of linked region borders
var bordersUpNext = [];
var bordersDownNext = [];
* Pass 1: parse new text into symbol table.
// Cycle through new text tokens list
var i = newStart;
while ( i !== null ) {
if ( this.newText.tokens[i].link === null ) {
// Add new entry to symbol table
var token = this.newText.tokens[i].token;
if ( symbols.hashTable, token ) === false ) {
symbols.hashTable[token] = symbols.token.length;
symbols.token.push( {
newCount: 1,
oldCount: 0,
newToken: i,
oldToken: null
} );
// Or update existing entry
else {
// Increment token counter for new text
var hashToArray = symbols.hashTable[token];
symbols.token[hashToArray].newCount ++;
// Stop after gap if recursing
else if ( recursionLevel > 0 ) {
// Get next token
if ( up === false ) {
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
else {
i = this.newText.tokens[i].prev;
* Pass 2: parse old text into symbol table.
// Cycle through old text tokens list
var j = oldStart;
while ( j !== null ) {
if ( this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null ) {
// Add new entry to symbol table
var token = this.oldText.tokens[j].token;
if ( symbols.hashTable, token ) === false ) {
symbols.hashTable[token] = symbols.token.length;
symbols.token.push( {
newCount: 0,
oldCount: 1,
newToken: null,
oldToken: j
} );
// Or update existing entry
else {
// Increment token counter for old text
var hashToArray = symbols.hashTable[token];
symbols.token[hashToArray].oldCount ++;
// Add token number for old text
symbols.token[hashToArray].oldToken = j;
// Stop after gap if recursing
else if ( recursionLevel > 0 ) {
// Get next token
if ( up === false ) {
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
else {
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].prev;
* Pass 3: connect unique tokens.
// Cycle through symbol array
var symbolsLength = symbols.token.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < symbolsLength; i ++ ) {
// Find tokens in the symbol table that occur only once in both versions
if ( symbols.token[i].newCount === 1 && symbols.token[i].oldCount === 1 ) {
var newToken = symbols.token[i].newToken;
var oldToken = symbols.token[i].oldToken;
var newTokenObj = this.newText.tokens[newToken];
var oldTokenObj = this.oldText.tokens[oldToken];
// Connect from new to old and from old to new
if ( === null ) {
// Do not use spaces as unique markers
if (
this.config.regExp.blankOnlyToken.test( newTokenObj.token ) === true
) {
// Link new and old tokens = oldToken; = newToken;
symbols.linked = true;
// Save linked region borders
bordersDown.push( [newToken, oldToken] );
bordersUp.push( [newToken, oldToken] );
// Check if token contains unique word
if ( recursionLevel === 0 ) {
var unique = false;
if ( level === 'character' ) {
unique = true;
else {
var token = newTokenObj.token;
var words =
( token.match( this.config.regExp.countWords ) || [] ).concat(
( token.match( this.config.regExp.countChunks ) || [] )
// Unique if longer than min block length
var wordsLength = words.length;
if ( wordsLength >= this.config.blockMinLength ) {
unique = true;
// Unique if it contains at least one unique word
else {
for ( var i = 0;i < wordsLength; i ++ ) {
var word = words[i];
if (
this.oldText.words[word] === 1 &&
this.newText.words[word] === 1 && this.oldText.words, word ) === true && this.newText.words, word ) === true
) {
unique = true;
// Set unique
if ( unique === true ) {
newTokenObj.unique = true;
oldTokenObj.unique = true;
// Continue passes only if unique tokens have been linked previously
if ( symbols.linked === true ) {
* Pass 4: connect adjacent identical tokens downwards.
// Cycle through list of linked new text tokens
var bordersLength = bordersDown.length;
for ( var match = 0; match < bordersLength; match ++ ) {
var i = bordersDown[match][0];
var j = bordersDown[match][1];
// Next down
var iMatch = i;
var jMatch = j;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
// Cycle through new text list gap region downwards
while (
i !== null &&
j !== null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].link === null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null
) {
// Connect if same token
if ( this.newText.tokens[i].token === this.oldText.tokens[j].token ) {
this.newText.tokens[i].link = j;
this.oldText.tokens[j].link = i;
// Not a match yet, maybe in next refinement level
else {
bordersDownNext.push( [iMatch, jMatch] );
// Next token down
iMatch = i;
jMatch = j;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
* Pass 5: connect adjacent identical tokens upwards.
// Cycle through list of connected new text tokens
var bordersLength = bordersUp.length;
for ( var match = 0; match < bordersLength; match ++ ) {
var i = bordersUp[match][0];
var j = bordersUp[match][1];
// Next up
var iMatch = i;
var jMatch = j;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].prev;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].prev;
// Cycle through new text gap region upwards
while (
i !== null &&
j !== null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].link === null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null
) {
// Connect if same token
if ( this.newText.tokens[i].token === this.oldText.tokens[j].token ) {
this.newText.tokens[i].link = j;
this.oldText.tokens[j].link = i;
// Not a match yet, maybe in next refinement level
else {
bordersUpNext.push( [iMatch, jMatch] );
// Next token up
iMatch = i;
jMatch = j;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].prev;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].prev;
* Connect adjacent identical tokens downwards from text start.
* Treat boundary as connected, stop after first connected token.
// Only for full text diff
if ( recursionLevel === 0 && repeating === false ) {
// From start
var i = this.newText.first;
var j = this.oldText.first;
var iMatch = null;
var jMatch = null;
// Cycle through old text tokens down
// Connect identical tokens, stop after first connected token
while (
i !== null &&
j !== null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].link === null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].token === this.oldText.tokens[j].token
) {
this.newText.tokens[i].link = j;
this.oldText.tokens[j].link = i;
iMatch = i;
jMatch = j;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
if ( iMatch !== null ) {
bordersDownNext.push( [iMatch, jMatch] );
// From end
i = this.newText.last;
j = this.oldText.last;
iMatch = null;
jMatch = null;
// Cycle through old text tokens up
// Connect identical tokens, stop after first connected token
while (
i !== null &&
j !== null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].link === null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].token === this.oldText.tokens[j].token
) {
this.newText.tokens[i].link = j;
this.oldText.tokens[j].link = i;
iMatch = i;
jMatch = j;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].prev;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].prev;
if ( iMatch !== null ) {
bordersUpNext.push( [iMatch, jMatch] );
// Save updated linked region borders to object
if ( recursionLevel === 0 && repeating === false ) {
this.bordersDown = bordersDownNext;
this.bordersUp = bordersUpNext;
// Merge local updated linked region borders into object
else {
this.bordersDown = this.bordersDown.concat( bordersDownNext );
this.bordersUp = this.bordersUp.concat( bordersUpNext );
* Repeat once with empty symbol table to link hidden unresolved common tokens in cross-overs.
* ("and" in "and this a and b that" -> "and this a and b that")
if ( repeating === false && this.config.repeatedDiff === true ) {
var repeat = true;
this.calculateDiff( level, recurse, repeat, newStart, oldStart, up, recursionLevel );
* Refine by recursively diffing not linked regions with new symbol table.
* At word and character level only.
* Helps against gaps caused by addition of common tokens around sequences of common tokens.
if (
recurse === true &&
this.config['recursiveDiff'] === true &&
recursionLevel < this.config.recursionMax
) {
* Recursively diff gap downwards.
// Cycle through list of linked region borders
var bordersLength = bordersDownNext.length;
for ( match = 0; match < bordersLength; match ++ ) {
var i = bordersDownNext[match][0];
var j = bordersDownNext[match][1];
// Next token down
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
// Start recursion at first gap token pair
if (
i !== null &&
j !== null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].link === null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null
) {
var repeat = false;
var dirUp = false;
this.calculateDiff( level, recurse, repeat, i, j, dirUp, recursionLevel + 1 );
* Recursively diff gap upwards.
// Cycle through list of linked region borders
var bordersLength = bordersUpNext.length;
for ( match = 0; match < bordersLength; match ++ ) {
var i = bordersUpNext[match][0];
var j = bordersUpNext[match][1];
// Next token up
i = this.newText.tokens[i].prev;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].prev;
// Start recursion at first gap token pair
if (
i !== null &&
j !== null &&
this.newText.tokens[i].link === null &&
this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null
) {
var repeat = false;
var dirUp = true;
this.calculateDiff( level, recurse, repeat, i, j, dirUp, recursionLevel + 1 );
// Stop timers
if ( this.config.timer === true && repeating === false ) {
if ( this.recursionTimer[recursionLevel] === undefined ) {
this.recursionTimer[recursionLevel] = 0;
this.recursionTimer[recursionLevel] += this.timeEnd( level + recursionLevel, true );
if ( this.config.timer === true && repeating === false && recursionLevel === 0 ) {
this.timeRecursionEnd( level );
this.timeEnd( level );
* Main method for processing raw diff data, extracting deleted, inserted, and moved blocks.
* Scheme of blocks, sections, and groups (old block numbers):
* Old: 1 2 3D4 5E6 7 8 9 10 11
* | ‾/-/_ X | >|< |
* New: 1 I 3D4 2 E6 5 N 7 10 9 8 11
* Section: 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2
* Group: 0 10 111 2 33 4 11 5 6 7 8 9
* Fixed: . +++ - ++ - . . - - +
* Type: = . =-= = -= = . = = = = =
* @param[out] array groups Groups table object
* @param[out] array blocks Blocks table object
* @param[in/out] WikEdDiffText newText, oldText Text object tokens list
this.detectBlocks = function () {
// Debug log
if ( this.config.debug === true ) {
this.oldText.debugText( 'Old text' );
this.newText.debugText( 'New text' );
// Collect identical corresponding ('=') blocks from old text and sort by new text
// Collect independent block sections with no block move crosses outside a section
// Find groups of continuous old text blocks
// Set longest sequence of increasing groups in sections as fixed (not moved)
// Convert groups to insertions/deletions if maximum block length is too short
// Only for more complex texts that actually have blocks of minimum block length
var unlinkCount = 0;
if (
this.config.unlinkBlocks === true &&
this.config.blockMinLength > 0 &&
this.maxWords >= this.config.blockMinLength
) {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'total unlinking' );
// Repeat as long as unlinking is possible
var unlinked = true;
while ( unlinked === true && unlinkCount < this.config.unlinkMax ) {
// Convert '=' to '+'/'-' pairs
unlinked = this.unlinkBlocks();
// Start over after conversion
if ( unlinked === true ) {
unlinkCount ++;
this.slideGaps( this.newText, this.oldText );
this.slideGaps( this.oldText, this.newText );
// Repeat block detection from start
this.maxWords = 0;
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'total unlinking' );
// Collect deletion ('-') blocks from old text
// Position '-' blocks into new text order
// Collect insertion ('+') blocks from new text
// Set group numbers of '+' blocks
// Mark original positions of moved groups
// Debug log
if ( this.config.timer === true || this.config.debug === true ) {
console.log( 'Unlink count: ', unlinkCount );
if ( this.config.debug === true ) {
this.debugGroups( 'Groups' );
this.debugBlocks( 'Blocks' );
* Collect identical corresponding matching ('=') blocks from old text and sort by new text.
* @param[in] WikEdDiffText newText, oldText Text objects
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table object
this.getSameBlocks = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'getSameBlocks' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
// Clear blocks array
blocks.splice( 0 );
// Cycle through old text to find connected (linked, matched) blocks
var j = this.oldText.first;
var i = null;
while ( j !== null ) {
// Skip '-' blocks
while ( j !== null && this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null ) {
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
// Get '=' block
if ( j !== null ) {
i = this.oldText.tokens[j].link;
var iStart = i;
var jStart = j;
// Detect matching blocks ('=')
var count = 0;
var unique = false;
var text = '';
while ( i !== null && j !== null && this.oldText.tokens[j].link === i ) {
text += this.oldText.tokens[j].token;
count ++;
if ( this.newText.tokens[i].unique === true ) {
unique = true;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
// Save old text '=' block
blocks.push( {
oldBlock: blocks.length,
newBlock: null,
oldNumber: this.oldText.tokens[jStart].number,
newNumber: this.newText.tokens[iStart].number,
oldStart: jStart,
count: count,
unique: unique,
words: this.wordCount( text ),
chars: text.length,
type: '=',
section: null,
group: null,
fixed: null,
moved: null,
text: text
} );
// Sort blocks by new text token number
blocks.sort( function( a, b ) {
return a.newNumber - b.newNumber;
} );
// Number blocks in new text order
var blocksLength = blocks.length;
for ( var block = 0; block < blocksLength; block ++ ) {
blocks[block].newBlock = block;
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'getSameBlocks' );
* Collect independent block sections with no block move crosses
* outside a section for per-section determination of non-moving fixed groups.
* @param[out] array sections Sections table object
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table object, section property
this.getSections = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'getSections' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
var sections = this.sections;
// Clear sections array
sections.splice( 0 );
// Cycle through blocks
var blocksLength = blocks.length;
for ( var block = 0; block < blocksLength; block ++ ) {
var sectionStart = block;
var sectionEnd = block;
var oldMax = blocks[sectionStart].oldNumber;
var sectionOldMax = oldMax;
// Check right
for ( var j = sectionStart + 1; j < blocksLength; j ++ ) {
// Check for crossing over to the left
if ( blocks[j].oldNumber > oldMax ) {
oldMax = blocks[j].oldNumber;
else if ( blocks[j].oldNumber < sectionOldMax ) {
sectionEnd = j;
sectionOldMax = oldMax;
// Save crossing sections
if ( sectionEnd > sectionStart ) {
// Save section to block
for ( var i = sectionStart; i <= sectionEnd; i ++ ) {
blocks[i].section = sections.length;
// Save section
sections.push( {
blockStart: sectionStart,
blockEnd: sectionEnd
} );
block = sectionEnd;
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'getSections' );
* Find groups of continuous old text blocks.
* @param[out] array groups Groups table object
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table object, group property
this.getGroups = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'getGroups' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
// Clear groups array
groups.splice( 0 );
// Cycle through blocks
var blocksLength = blocks.length;
for ( var block = 0; block < blocksLength; block ++ ) {
var groupStart = block;
var groupEnd = block;
var oldBlock = blocks[groupStart].oldBlock;
// Get word and char count of block
var words = this.wordCount( blocks[block].text );
var maxWords = words;
var unique = blocks[block].unique;
var chars = blocks[block].chars;
// Check right
for ( var i = groupEnd + 1; i < blocksLength; i ++ ) {
// Check for crossing over to the left
if ( blocks[i].oldBlock !== oldBlock + 1 ) {
oldBlock = blocks[i].oldBlock;
// Get word and char count of block
if ( blocks[i].words > maxWords ) {
maxWords = blocks[i].words;
if ( blocks[i].unique === true ) {
unique = true;
words += blocks[i].words;
chars += blocks[i].chars;
groupEnd = i;
// Save crossing group
if ( groupEnd >= groupStart ) {
// Set groups outside sections as fixed
var fixed = false;
if ( blocks[groupStart].section === null ) {
fixed = true;
// Save group to block
for ( var i = groupStart; i <= groupEnd; i ++ ) {
blocks[i].group = groups.length;
blocks[i].fixed = fixed;
// Save group
groups.push( {
oldNumber: blocks[groupStart].oldNumber,
blockStart: groupStart,
blockEnd: groupEnd,
unique: unique,
maxWords: maxWords,
words: words,
chars: chars,
fixed: fixed,
movedFrom: null,
color: null
} );
block = groupEnd;
// Set global word count of longest linked block
if ( maxWords > this.maxWords ) {
this.maxWords = maxWords;
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'getGroups' );
* Set longest sequence of increasing groups in sections as fixed (not moved).
* @param[in] array sections Sections table object
* @param[in/out] array groups Groups table object, fixed property
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table object, fixed property
this.setFixed = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'setFixed' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
var sections = this.sections;
// Cycle through sections
var sectionsLength = sections.length;
for ( var section = 0; section < sectionsLength; section ++ ) {
var blockStart = sections[section].blockStart;
var blockEnd = sections[section].blockEnd;
var groupStart = blocks[blockStart].group;
var groupEnd = blocks[blockEnd].group;
// Recusively find path of groups in increasing old group order with longest char length
var cache = [];
var maxChars = 0;
var maxPath = null;
// Start at each group of section
for ( var i = groupStart; i <= groupEnd; i ++ ) {
var pathObj = this.findMaxPath( i, groupEnd, cache );
if ( pathObj.chars > maxChars ) {
maxPath = pathObj.path;
maxChars = pathObj.chars;
// Mark fixed groups
var maxPathLength = maxPath.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < maxPathLength; i ++ ) {
var group = maxPath[i];
groups[group].fixed = true;
// Mark fixed blocks
for ( var block = groups[group].blockStart; block <= groups[group].blockEnd; block ++ ) {
blocks[block].fixed = true;
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'setFixed' );
* Recusively find path of groups in increasing old group order with longest char length.
* @param int start Path start group
* @param int groupEnd Path last group
* @param array cache Cache object, contains returnObj for start
* @return array returnObj Contains path and char length
this.findMaxPath = function ( start, groupEnd, cache ) {
var groups = this.groups;
// Find longest sub-path
var maxChars = 0;
var oldNumber = groups[start].oldNumber;
var returnObj = { path: [], chars: 0};
for ( var i = start + 1; i <= groupEnd; i ++ ) {
// Only in increasing old group order
if ( groups[i].oldNumber < oldNumber ) {
// Get longest sub-path from cache (deep copy)
var pathObj;
if ( cache[i] !== undefined ) {
pathObj = { path: cache[i].path.slice(), chars: cache[i].chars };
// Get longest sub-path by recursion
else {
pathObj = this.findMaxPath( i, groupEnd, cache );
// Select longest sub-path
if ( pathObj.chars > maxChars ) {
maxChars = pathObj.chars;
returnObj = pathObj;
// Add current start to path
returnObj.path.unshift( start );
returnObj.chars += groups[start].chars;
// Save path to cache (deep copy)
if ( cache[start] === undefined ) {
cache[start] = { path: returnObj.path.slice(), chars: returnObj.chars };
return returnObj;
* Convert matching '=' blocks in groups into insertion/deletion ('+'/'-') pairs
* if too short and too common.
* Prevents fragmentated diffs for very different versions.
* @param[in] array blocks Blocks table object
* @param[in/out] WikEdDiffText newText, oldText Text object, linked property
* @param[in/out] array groups Groups table object
* @return bool True if text tokens were unlinked
this.unlinkBlocks = function () {
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
// Cycle through groups
var unlinked = false;
var groupsLength = groups.length;
for ( var group = 0; group < groupsLength; group ++ ) {
var blockStart = groups[group].blockStart;
var blockEnd = groups[group].blockEnd;
// Unlink whole group if no block is at least blockMinLength words long and unique
if ( groups[group].maxWords < this.config.blockMinLength && groups[group].unique === false ) {
for ( var block = blockStart; block <= blockEnd; block ++ ) {
if ( blocks[block].type === '=' ) {
this.unlinkSingleBlock( blocks[block] );
unlinked = true;
// Otherwise unlink block flanks
else {
// Unlink blocks from start
for ( var block = blockStart; block <= blockEnd; block ++ ) {
if ( blocks[block].type === '=' ) {
// Stop unlinking if more than one word or a unique word
if ( blocks[block].words > 1 || blocks[block].unique === true ) {
this.unlinkSingleBlock( blocks[block] );
unlinked = true;
blockStart = block;
// Unlink blocks from end
for ( var block = blockEnd; block > blockStart; block -- ) {
if ( blocks[block].type === '=' ) {
// Stop unlinking if more than one word or a unique word
if (
blocks[block].words > 1 ||
( blocks[block].words === 1 && blocks[block].unique === true )
) {
this.unlinkSingleBlock( blocks[block] );
unlinked = true;
return unlinked;
* Unlink text tokens of single block, convert them into into insertion/deletion ('+'/'-') pairs.
* @param[in] array blocks Blocks table object
* @param[out] WikEdDiffText newText, oldText Text objects, link property
this.unlinkSingleBlock = function ( block ) {
// Cycle through old text
var j = block.oldStart;
for ( var count = 0; count < block.count; count ++ ) {
// Unlink tokens
this.newText.tokens[ this.oldText.tokens[j].link ].link = null;
this.oldText.tokens[j].link = null;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
* Collect deletion ('-') blocks from old text.
* @param[in] WikEdDiffText oldText Old Text object
* @param[out] array blocks Blocks table object
this.getDelBlocks = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'getDelBlocks' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
// Cycle through old text to find connected (linked, matched) blocks
var j = this.oldText.first;
var i = null;
while ( j !== null ) {
// Collect '-' blocks
var oldStart = j;
var count = 0;
var text = '';
while ( j !== null && this.oldText.tokens[j].link === null ) {
count ++;
text += this.oldText.tokens[j].token;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
// Save old text '-' block
if ( count !== 0 ) {
blocks.push( {
oldBlock: null,
newBlock: null,
oldNumber: this.oldText.tokens[oldStart].number,
newNumber: null,
oldStart: oldStart,
count: count,
unique: false,
words: null,
chars: text.length,
type: '-',
section: null,
group: null,
fixed: null,
moved: null,
text: text
} );
// Skip '=' blocks
if ( j !== null ) {
i = this.oldText.tokens[j].link;
while ( i !== null && j !== null && this.oldText.tokens[j].link === i ) {
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
j = this.oldText.tokens[j].next;
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'getDelBlocks' );
* Position deletion '-' blocks into new text order.
* Deletion blocks move with fixed reference:
* Old: 1 D 2 1 D 2
* / \ / \ \
* New: 1 D 2 1 D 2
* Fixed: * *
* newNumber: 1 1 2 2
* Marks '|' and deletions '-' get newNumber of reference block
* and are sorted around it by old text number.
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table, newNumber, section, group, and fixed properties
this.positionDelBlocks = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'positionDelBlocks' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
// Sort shallow copy of blocks by oldNumber
var blocksOld = blocks.slice();
blocksOld.sort( function( a, b ) {
return a.oldNumber - b.oldNumber;
} );
// Cycle through blocks in old text order
var blocksOldLength = blocksOld.length;
for ( var block = 0; block < blocksOldLength; block ++ ) {
var delBlock = blocksOld[block];
// '-' block only
if ( delBlock.type !== '-' ) {
// Find fixed '=' reference block from original block position to position '-' block
// Similar to position marks '|' code
// Get old text prev block
var prevBlockNumber = null;
var prevBlock = null;
if ( block > 0 ) {
prevBlockNumber = blocksOld[block - 1].newBlock;
prevBlock = blocks[prevBlockNumber];
// Get old text next block
var nextBlockNumber = null;
var nextBlock = null;
if ( block < blocksOld.length - 1 ) {
nextBlockNumber = blocksOld[block + 1].newBlock;
nextBlock = blocks[nextBlockNumber];
// Move after prev block if fixed
var refBlock = null;
if ( prevBlock !== null && prevBlock.type === '=' && prevBlock.fixed === true ) {
refBlock = prevBlock;
// Move before next block if fixed
else if ( nextBlock !== null && nextBlock.type === '=' && nextBlock.fixed === true ) {
refBlock = nextBlock;
// Move after prev block if not start of group
else if (
prevBlock !== null &&
prevBlock.type === '=' &&
prevBlockNumber !== groups[ ].blockEnd
) {
refBlock = prevBlock;
// Move before next block if not start of group
else if (
nextBlock !== null &&
nextBlock.type === '=' &&
nextBlockNumber !== groups[ ].blockStart
) {
refBlock = nextBlock;
// Move after closest previous fixed block
else {
for ( var fixed = block; fixed >= 0; fixed -- ) {
if ( blocksOld[fixed].type === '=' && blocksOld[fixed].fixed === true ) {
refBlock = blocksOld[fixed];
// Move before first block
if ( refBlock === null ) {
delBlock.newNumber = -1;
// Update '-' block data
else {
delBlock.newNumber = refBlock.newNumber;
delBlock.section = refBlock.section; =;
delBlock.fixed = refBlock.fixed;
// Sort '-' blocks in and update groups
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'positionDelBlocks' );
* Collect insertion ('+') blocks from new text.
* @param[in] WikEdDiffText newText New Text object
* @param[out] array blocks Blocks table object
this.getInsBlocks = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'getInsBlocks' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
// Cycle through new text to find insertion blocks
var i = this.newText.first;
while ( i !== null ) {
// Jump over linked (matched) block
while ( i !== null && this.newText.tokens[i].link !== null ) {
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
// Detect insertion blocks ('+')
if ( i !== null ) {
var iStart = i;
var count = 0;
var text = '';
while ( i !== null && this.newText.tokens[i].link === null ) {
count ++;
text += this.newText.tokens[i].token;
i = this.newText.tokens[i].next;
// Save new text '+' block
blocks.push( {
oldBlock: null,
newBlock: null,
oldNumber: null,
newNumber: this.newText.tokens[iStart].number,
oldStart: null,
count: count,
unique: false,
words: null,
chars: text.length,
type: '+',
section: null,
group: null,
fixed: null,
moved: null,
text: text
} );
// Sort '+' blocks in and update groups
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'getInsBlocks' );
* Sort blocks by new text token number and update groups.
* @param[in/out] array groups Groups table object
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table object
this.sortBlocks = function () {
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
// Sort by newNumber, then by old number
blocks.sort( function( a, b ) {
var comp = a.newNumber - b.newNumber;
if ( comp === 0 ) {
comp = a.oldNumber - b.oldNumber;
return comp;
} );
// Cycle through blocks and update groups with new block numbers
var group = null;
var blocksLength = blocks.length;
for ( var block = 0; block < blocksLength; block ++ ) {
var blockGroup = blocks[block].group;
if ( blockGroup !== null ) {
if ( blockGroup !== group ) {
group = blocks[block].group;
groups[group].blockStart = block;
groups[group].oldNumber = blocks[block].oldNumber;
groups[blockGroup].blockEnd = block;
* Set group numbers of insertion '+' blocks.
* @param[in/out] array groups Groups table object
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table object, fixed and group properties
this.setInsGroups = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'setInsGroups' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
// Set group numbers of '+' blocks inside existing groups
var groupsLength = groups.length;
for ( var group = 0; group < groupsLength; group ++ ) {
var fixed = groups[group].fixed;
for ( var block = groups[group].blockStart; block <= groups[group].blockEnd; block ++ ) {
if ( blocks[block].group === null ) {
blocks[block].group = group;
blocks[block].fixed = fixed;
// Add remaining '+' blocks to new groups
// Cycle through blocks
var blocksLength = blocks.length;
for ( var block = 0; block < blocksLength; block ++ ) {
// Skip existing groups
if ( blocks[block].group === null ) {
blocks[block].group = groups.length;
// Save new single-block group
groups.push( {
oldNumber: blocks[block].oldNumber,
blockStart: block,
blockEnd: block,
unique: blocks[block].unique,
maxWords: blocks[block].words,
words: blocks[block].words,
chars: blocks[block].chars,
fixed: blocks[block].fixed,
movedFrom: null,
color: null
} );
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'setInsGroups' );
* Mark original positions of moved groups.
* Scheme: moved block marks at original positions relative to fixed groups:
* Groups: 3 7
* 1 <| | (no next smaller fixed)
* 5 |< |
* |> 5 |
* | 5 <|
* | >| 5
* | |> 9 (no next larger fixed)
* Fixed: * *
* Mark direction: groups.movedGroup.blockStart <
* Group side: groups.movedGroup.oldNumber <
* Marks '|' and deletions '-' get newNumber of reference block
* and are sorted around it by old text number.
* @param[in/out] array groups Groups table object, movedFrom property
* @param[in/out] array blocks Blocks table object
this.insertMarks = function () {
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.time( 'insertMarks' );
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
var moved = [];
var color = 1;
// Make shallow copy of blocks
var blocksOld = blocks.slice();
// Enumerate copy
var blocksOldLength = blocksOld.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < blocksOldLength; i ++ ) {
blocksOld[i].number = i;
// Sort copy by oldNumber
blocksOld.sort( function( a, b ) {
var comp = a.oldNumber - b.oldNumber;
if ( comp === 0 ) {
comp = a.newNumber - b.newNumber;
return comp;
} );
// Create lookup table: original to sorted
var lookupSorted = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < blocksOldLength; i ++ ) {
lookupSorted[ blocksOld[i].number ] = i;
// Cycle through groups (moved group)
var groupsLength = groups.length;
for ( var moved = 0; moved < groupsLength; moved ++ ) {
var movedGroup = groups[moved];
if ( movedGroup.fixed !== false ) {
var movedOldNumber = movedGroup.oldNumber;
// Find fixed '=' reference block from original block position to position '|' block
// Similar to position deletions '-' code
// Get old text prev block
var prevBlock = null;
var block = lookupSorted[ movedGroup.blockStart ];
if ( block > 0 ) {
prevBlock = blocksOld[block - 1];
// Get old text next block
var nextBlock = null;
var block = lookupSorted[ movedGroup.blockEnd ];
if ( block < blocksOld.length - 1 ) {
nextBlock = blocksOld[block + 1];
// Move after prev block if fixed
var refBlock = null;
if ( prevBlock !== null && prevBlock.type === '=' && prevBlock.fixed === true ) {
refBlock = prevBlock;
// Move before next block if fixed
else if ( nextBlock !== null && nextBlock.type === '=' && nextBlock.fixed === true ) {
refBlock = nextBlock;
// Find closest fixed block to the left
else {
for ( var fixed = lookupSorted[ movedGroup.blockStart ] - 1; fixed >= 0; fixed -- ) {
if ( blocksOld[fixed].type === '=' && blocksOld[fixed].fixed === true ) {
refBlock = blocksOld[fixed];
// Get position of new mark block
var newNumber;
var markGroup;
// No smaller fixed block, moved right from before first block
if ( refBlock === null ) {
newNumber = -1;
markGroup = groups.length;
// Save new single-mark-block group
groups.push( {
oldNumber: 0,
blockStart: blocks.length,
blockEnd: blocks.length,
unique: false,
maxWords: null,
words: null,
chars: 0,
fixed: null,
movedFrom: null,
color: null
} );
else {
newNumber = refBlock.newNumber;
markGroup =;
// Insert '|' block
blocks.push( {
oldBlock: null,
newBlock: null,
oldNumber: movedOldNumber,
newNumber: newNumber,
oldStart: null,
count: null,
unique: null,
words: null,
chars: 0,
type: '|',
section: null,
group: markGroup,
fixed: true,
moved: moved,
text: ''
} );
// Set group color
movedGroup.color = color;
movedGroup.movedFrom = markGroup;
color ++;
// Sort '|' blocks in and update groups
if ( this.config.timer === true ) {
this.timeEnd( 'insertMarks' );
* Collect diff fragment list for markup, create abstraction layer for customized diffs.
* Adds the following fagment types:
* '=', '-', '+' same, deletion, insertion
* '<', '>' mark left, mark right
* '(<', '(>', ')' block start and end
* '[', ']' fragment start and end
* '{', '}' container start and end
* @param[in] array groups Groups table object
* @param[in] array blocks Blocks table object
* @param[out] array fragments Fragments array, abstraction layer for diff code
this.getDiffFragments = function () {
var blocks = this.blocks;
var groups = this.groups;
var fragments = this.fragments;
// Make shallow copy of groups and sort by blockStart
var groupsSort = groups.slice();
groupsSort.sort( function( a, b ) {
return a.blockStart - b.blockStart;
} );
// Cycle through groups
var groupsSortLength = groupsSort.length;
for ( var group = 0; group < groupsSortLength; group ++ ) {
var blockStart = groupsSort[group].blockStart;
var blockEnd = groupsSort[group].blockEnd;
// Add moved block start
var color = groupsSort[group].color;
if ( color !== null ) {
var type;
if ( groupsSort[group].movedFrom < blocks[ blockStart ].group ) {
type = '(<';
else {
type = '(>';
fragments.push( {
text: '',
type: type,
color: color
} );
// Cycle through blocks
for ( var block = blockStart; block <= blockEnd; block ++ ) {
var type = blocks[block].type;
// Add '=' unchanged text and moved block
if ( type === '=' || type === '-' || type === '+' ) {
fragments.push( {
text: blocks[block].text,
type: type,
color: color
} );
// Add '<' and '>' marks
else if ( type === '|' ) {
var movedGroup = groups[ blocks[block].moved ];
// Get mark text
var markText = '';
for (
var movedBlock = movedGroup.blockStart;
movedBlock <= movedGroup.blockEnd;
movedBlock ++
) {
if ( blocks[movedBlock].type === '=' || blocks[movedBlock].type === '-' ) {
markText += blocks[movedBlock].text;
// Get mark direction
var markType;
if ( movedGroup.blockStart < blockStart ) {
markType = '<';
else {
markType = '>';
// Add mark
fragments.push( {
text: markText,
type: markType,
color: movedGroup.color
} );
// Add moved block end
if ( color !== null ) {
fragments.push( {
text: '',
type: ' )',
color: color
} );
// Cycle through fragments, join consecutive fragments of same type (i.e. '-' blocks)
var fragmentsLength = fragments.length;
for ( var fragment = 1; fragment < fragmentsLength; fragment ++ ) {
// Check if joinable
if (
fragments[fragment].type === fragments[fragment - 1].type &&
fragments[fragment].color === fragments[fragment - 1].color &&
fragments[fragment].text !== '' && fragments[fragment - 1].text !== ''
) {
// Join and splice
fragments[fragment - 1].text += fragments[fragment].text;
fragments.splice( fragment, 1 );
fragment --;
// Enclose in containers
fragments.unshift( { text: '', type: '{', color: null }, { text: '', type: '[', color: null } );
fragments.push( { text: '', type: ']', color: null }, { text: '', type: '}', color: null } );
* Clip unchanged sections from unmoved block text.
* Adds the following fagment types:
* '~', ' ~', '~ ' omission indicators
* '[', ']', ',' fragment start and end, fragment separator
* @param[in/out] array fragments Fragments array, abstraction layer for diff code
this.clipDiffFragments = function () {
var fragments = this.fragments;
// Skip if only one fragment in containers, no change
if ( fragments.length === 5 ) {
// Min length for clipping right
var minRight = this.config.clipHeadingRight;
if ( this.config.clipParagraphRightMin < minRight ) {
minRight = this.config.clipParagraphRightMin;
if ( this.config.clipLineRightMin < minRight ) {
minRight = this.config.clipLineRightMin;
if ( this.config.clipBlankRightMin < minRight ) {
minRight = this.config.clipBlankRightMin;
if ( this.config.clipCharsRight < minRight ) {
minRight = this.config.clipCharsRight;
// Min length for clipping left
var minLeft = this.config.clipHeadingLeft;
if ( this.config.clipParagraphLeftMin < minLeft ) {
minLeft = this.config.clipParagraphLeftMin;
if ( this.config.clipLineLeftMin < minLeft ) {
minLeft = this.config.clipLineLeftMin;
if ( this.config.clipBlankLeftMin < minLeft ) {
minLeft = this.config.clipBlankLeftMin;
if ( this.config.clipCharsLeft < minLeft ) {
minLeft = this.config.clipCharsLeft;
// Cycle through fragments
var fragmentsLength = fragments.length;
for ( var fragment = 0; fragment < fragmentsLength; fragment ++ ) {
// Skip if not an unmoved and unchanged block
var type = fragments[fragment].type;
var color = fragments[fragment].color;
if ( type !== '=' || color !== null ) {
// Skip if too short for clipping
var text = fragments[fragment].text;
var textLength = text.length;
if ( textLength < minRight && textLength < minLeft ) {
// Get line positions including start and end
var lines = [];
var lastIndex = null;
var regExpMatch;
while ( ( regExpMatch = this.config.regExp.clipLine.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
lines.push( regExpMatch.index );
lastIndex = this.config.regExp.clipLine.lastIndex;
if ( lines[0] !== 0 ) {
lines.unshift( 0 );
if ( lastIndex !== textLength ) {
lines.push( textLength );
// Get heading positions
var headings = [];
var headingsEnd = [];
while ( ( regExpMatch = this.config.regExp.clipHeading.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
headings.push( regExpMatch.index );
headingsEnd.push( regExpMatch.index + regExpMatch[0].length );
// Get paragraph positions including start and end
var paragraphs = [];
var lastIndex = null;
while ( ( regExpMatch = this.config.regExp.clipParagraph.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
paragraphs.push( regExpMatch.index );
lastIndex = this.config.regExp.clipParagraph.lastIndex;
if ( paragraphs[0] !== 0 ) {
paragraphs.unshift( 0 );
if ( lastIndex !== textLength ) {
paragraphs.push( textLength );
// Determine ranges to keep on left and right side
var rangeRight = null;
var rangeLeft = null;
var rangeRightType = '';
var rangeLeftType = '';
// Find clip pos from left, skip for first non-container block
if ( fragment !== 2 ) {
// Maximum lines to search from left
var rangeLeftMax = textLength;
if ( this.config.clipLinesLeftMax < lines.length ) {
rangeLeftMax = lines[this.config.clipLinesLeftMax];
// Find first heading from left
if ( rangeLeft === null ) {
var headingsLength = headingsEnd.length;
for ( var j = 0; j < headingsLength; j ++ ) {
if ( headingsEnd[j] > this.config.clipHeadingLeft || headingsEnd[j] > rangeLeftMax ) {
rangeLeft = headingsEnd[j];
rangeLeftType = 'heading';
// Find first paragraph from left
if ( rangeLeft === null ) {
var paragraphsLength = paragraphs.length;
for ( var j = 0; j < paragraphsLength; j ++ ) {
if (
paragraphs[j] > this.config.clipParagraphLeftMax ||
paragraphs[j] > rangeLeftMax
) {
if ( paragraphs[j] > this.config.clipParagraphLeftMin ) {
rangeLeft = paragraphs[j];
rangeLeftType = 'paragraph';
// Find first line break from left
if ( rangeLeft === null ) {
var linesLength = lines.length;
for ( var j = 0; j < linesLength; j ++ ) {
if ( lines[j] > this.config.clipLineLeftMax || lines[j] > rangeLeftMax ) {
if ( lines[j] > this.config.clipLineLeftMin ) {
rangeLeft = lines[j];
rangeLeftType = 'line';
// Find first blank from left
if ( rangeLeft === null ) {
this.config.regExp.clipBlank.lastIndex = this.config.clipBlankLeftMin;
if ( ( regExpMatch = this.config.regExp.clipBlank.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
if (
regExpMatch.index < this.config.clipBlankLeftMax &&
regExpMatch.index < rangeLeftMax
) {
rangeLeft = regExpMatch.index;
rangeLeftType = 'blank';
// Fixed number of chars from left
if ( rangeLeft === null ) {
if ( this.config.clipCharsLeft < rangeLeftMax ) {
rangeLeft = this.config.clipCharsLeft;
rangeLeftType = 'chars';
// Fixed number of lines from left
if ( rangeLeft === null ) {
rangeLeft = rangeLeftMax;
rangeLeftType = 'fixed';
// Find clip pos from right, skip for last non-container block
if ( fragment !== fragments.length - 3 ) {
// Maximum lines to search from right
var rangeRightMin = 0;
if ( lines.length >= this.config.clipLinesRightMax ) {
rangeRightMin = lines[lines.length - this.config.clipLinesRightMax];
// Find last heading from right
if ( rangeRight === null ) {
for ( var j = headings.length - 1; j >= 0; j -- ) {
if (
headings[j] < textLength - this.config.clipHeadingRight ||
headings[j] < rangeRightMin
) {
rangeRight = headings[j];
rangeRightType = 'heading';
// Find last paragraph from right
if ( rangeRight === null ) {
for ( var j = paragraphs.length - 1; j >= 0 ; j -- ) {
if (
paragraphs[j] < textLength - this.config.clipParagraphRightMax ||
paragraphs[j] < rangeRightMin
) {
if ( paragraphs[j] < textLength - this.config.clipParagraphRightMin ) {
rangeRight = paragraphs[j];
rangeRightType = 'paragraph';
// Find last line break from right
if ( rangeRight === null ) {
for ( var j = lines.length - 1; j >= 0; j -- ) {
if (
lines[j] < textLength - this.config.clipLineRightMax ||
lines[j] < rangeRightMin
) {
if ( lines[j] < textLength - this.config.clipLineRightMin ) {
rangeRight = lines[j];
rangeRightType = 'line';
// Find last blank from right
if ( rangeRight === null ) {
var startPos = textLength - this.config.clipBlankRightMax;
if ( startPos < rangeRightMin ) {
startPos = rangeRightMin;
this.config.regExp.clipBlank.lastIndex = startPos;
var lastPos = null;
while ( ( regExpMatch = this.config.regExp.clipBlank.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
if ( regExpMatch.index > textLength - this.config.clipBlankRightMin ) {
if ( lastPos !== null ) {
rangeRight = lastPos;
rangeRightType = 'blank';
lastPos = regExpMatch.index;
// Fixed number of chars from right
if ( rangeRight === null ) {
if ( textLength - this.config.clipCharsRight > rangeRightMin ) {
rangeRight = textLength - this.config.clipCharsRight;
rangeRightType = 'chars';
// Fixed number of lines from right
if ( rangeRight === null ) {
rangeRight = rangeRightMin;
rangeRightType = 'fixed';
// Check if we skip clipping if ranges are close together
if ( rangeLeft !== null && rangeRight !== null ) {
// Skip if overlapping ranges
if ( rangeLeft > rangeRight ) {
// Skip if chars too close
var skipChars = rangeRight - rangeLeft;
if ( skipChars < this.config.clipSkipChars ) {
// Skip if lines too close
var skipLines = 0;
var linesLength = lines.length;
for ( var j = 0; j < linesLength; j ++ ) {
if ( lines[j] > rangeRight || skipLines > this.config.clipSkipLines ) {
if ( lines[j] > rangeLeft ) {
skipLines ++;
if ( skipLines < this.config.clipSkipLines ) {
// Skip if nothing to clip
if ( rangeLeft === null && rangeRight === null ) {
// Split left text
var textLeft = null;
var omittedLeft = null;
if ( rangeLeft !== null ) {
textLeft = text.slice( 0, rangeLeft );
// Remove trailing empty lines
textLeft = textLeft.replace( this.config.regExp.clipTrimNewLinesLeft, '' );
// Get omission indicators, remove trailing blanks
if ( rangeLeftType === 'chars' ) {
omittedLeft = '~';
textLeft = textLeft.replace( this.config.regExp.clipTrimBlanksLeft, '' );
else if ( rangeLeftType === 'blank' ) {
omittedLeft = ' ~';
textLeft = textLeft.replace( this.config.regExp.clipTrimBlanksLeft, '' );
// Split right text
var textRight = null;
var omittedRight = null;
if ( rangeRight !== null ) {
textRight = text.slice( rangeRight );
// Remove leading empty lines
textRight = textRight.replace( this.config.regExp.clipTrimNewLinesRight, '' );
// Get omission indicators, remove leading blanks
if ( rangeRightType === 'chars' ) {
omittedRight = '~';
textRight = textRight.replace( this.config.regExp.clipTrimBlanksRight, '' );
else if ( rangeRightType === 'blank' ) {
omittedRight = '~ ';
textRight = textRight.replace( this.config.regExp.clipTrimBlanksRight, '' );
// Remove split element
fragments.splice( fragment, 1 );
fragmentsLength --;
// Add left text to fragments list
if ( rangeLeft !== null ) {
fragments.splice( fragment ++, 0, { text: textLeft, type: '=', color: null } );
fragmentsLength ++;
if ( omittedLeft !== null ) {
fragments.splice( fragment ++, 0, { text: '', type: omittedLeft, color: null } );
fragmentsLength ++;
// Add fragment container and separator to list
if ( rangeLeft !== null && rangeRight !== null ) {
fragments.splice( fragment ++, 0, { text: '', type: ']', color: null } );
fragments.splice( fragment ++, 0, { text: '', type: ',', color: null } );
fragments.splice( fragment ++, 0, { text: '', type: '[', color: null } );
fragmentsLength += 3;
// Add right text to fragments list
if ( rangeRight !== null ) {
if ( omittedRight !== null ) {
fragments.splice( fragment ++, 0, { text: '', type: omittedRight, color: null } );
fragmentsLength ++;
fragments.splice( fragment ++, 0, { text: textRight, type: '=', color: null } );
fragmentsLength ++;
// Debug log
if ( this.config.debug === true ) {
this.debugFragments( 'Fragments' );
* Create html formatted diff code from diff fragments.
* @param[in] array fragments Fragments array, abstraction layer for diff code
* @param string|undefined version
* Output version: 'new' or 'old': only text from new or old version, used for unit tests
* @param[out] string html Html code of diff
this.getDiffHtml = function ( version ) {
var fragments = this.fragments;
// No change, only one unchanged block in containers
if ( fragments.length === 5 && fragments[2].type === '=' ) {
this.html = '';
// Cycle through fragments
var htmlFragments = [];
var fragmentsLength = fragments.length;
for ( var fragment = 0; fragment < fragmentsLength; fragment ++ ) {
var text = fragments[fragment].text;
var type = fragments[fragment].type;
var color = fragments[fragment].color;
var html = '';
// Test if text is blanks-only or a single character
var blank = false;
if ( text !== '' ) {
blank = this.config.regExp.blankBlock.test( text );
// Add container start markup
if ( type === '{' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.containerStart;
// Add container end markup
else if ( type === '}' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.containerEnd;
// Add fragment start markup
if ( type === '[' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.fragmentStart;
// Add fragment end markup
else if ( type === ']' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.fragmentEnd;
// Add fragment separator markup
else if ( type === ',' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.separator;
// Add omission markup
if ( type === '~' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.omittedChars;
// Add omission markup
if ( type === ' ~' ) {
html = ' ' + this.config.htmlCode.omittedChars;
// Add omission markup
if ( type === '~ ' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.omittedChars + ' ';
// Add colored left-pointing block start markup
else if ( type === '(<' ) {
if ( version !== 'old' ) {
// Get title
var title;
if ( this.config.noUnicodeSymbols === true ) {
title = this.config.msg['wiked-diff-block-left-nounicode'];
else {
title = this.config.msg['wiked-diff-block-left'];
// Get html
if ( this.config.coloredBlocks === true ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.blockColoredStart;
else {
html = this.config.htmlCode.blockStart;
html = this.htmlCustomize( html, color, title );
// Add colored right-pointing block start markup
else if ( type === '(>' ) {
if ( version !== 'old' ) {
// Get title
var title;
if ( this.config.noUnicodeSymbols === true ) {
title = this.config.msg['wiked-diff-block-right-nounicode'];
else {
title = this.config.msg['wiked-diff-block-right'];
// Get html
if ( this.config.coloredBlocks === true ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.blockColoredStart;
else {
html = this.config.htmlCode.blockStart;
html = this.htmlCustomize( html, color, title );
// Add colored block end markup
else if ( type === ' )' ) {
if ( version !== 'old' ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.blockEnd;
// Add '=' (unchanged) text and moved block
if ( type === '=' ) {
text = this.htmlEscape( text );
if ( color !== null ) {
if ( version !== 'old' ) {
html = this.markupBlanks( text, true );
else {
html = this.markupBlanks( text );
// Add '-' text
else if ( type === '-' ) {
if ( version !== 'new' ) {
// For old version skip '-' inside moved group
if ( version !== 'old' || color === null ) {
text = this.htmlEscape( text );
text = this.markupBlanks( text, true );
if ( blank === true ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.deleteStartBlank;
else {
html = this.config.htmlCode.deleteStart;
html += text + this.config.htmlCode.deleteEnd;
// Add '+' text
else if ( type === '+' ) {
if ( version !== 'old' ) {
text = this.htmlEscape( text );
text = this.markupBlanks( text, true );
if ( blank === true ) {
html = this.config.htmlCode.insertStartBlank;
else {
html = this.config.htmlCode.insertStart;
html += text + this.config.htmlCode.insertEnd;
// Add '<' and '>' code
else if ( type === '<' || type === '>' ) {
if ( version !== 'new' ) {
// Display as deletion at original position
if ( this.config.showBlockMoves === false || version === 'old' ) {
text = this.htmlEscape( text );
text = this.markupBlanks( text, true );
if ( version === 'old' ) {
if ( this.config.coloredBlocks === true ) {
html =
this.htmlCustomize( this.config.htmlCode.blockColoredStart, color ) +
text +
else {
html =
this.htmlCustomize( this.config.htmlCode.blockStart, color ) +
text +
else {
if ( blank === true ) {
html =
this.config.htmlCode.deleteStartBlank +
text +
else {
html = this.config.htmlCode.deleteStart + text + this.config.htmlCode.deleteEnd;
// Display as mark
else {
if ( type === '<' ) {
if ( this.config.coloredBlocks === true ) {
html = this.htmlCustomize( this.config.htmlCode.markLeftColored, color, text );
else {
html = this.htmlCustomize( this.config.htmlCode.markLeft, color, text );
else {
if ( this.config.coloredBlocks === true ) {
html = this.htmlCustomize( this.config.htmlCode.markRightColored, color, text );
else {
html = this.htmlCustomize( this.config.htmlCode.markRight, color, text );
htmlFragments.push( html );
// Join fragments
this.html = htmlFragments.join( '' );
* Customize html code fragments.
* Replaces:
* {number}: class/color/block/mark/id number
* {title}: title attribute (popup)
* {nounicode}: noUnicodeSymbols fallback
* input: html, number: block number, title: title attribute (popup) text
* @param string html Html code to be customized
* @return string Customized html code
this.htmlCustomize = function ( html, number, title ) {
// Replace {number} with class/color/block/mark/id number
html = html.replace( /\{number\}/g, number);
// Replace {nounicode} with wikEdDiffNoUnicode class name
if ( this.config.noUnicodeSymbols === true ) {
html = html.replace( /\{nounicode\}/g, ' wikEdDiffNoUnicode');
else {
html = html.replace( /\{nounicode\}/g, '');
// Shorten title text, replace {title}
if ( title !== undefined ) {
var max = 512;
var end = 128;
var gapMark = ' [...] ';
if ( title.length > max ) {
title =
title.substr( 0, max - gapMark.length - end ) +
gapMark +
title.substr( title.length - end );
title = this.htmlEscape( title );
title = title.replace( /\t/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
title = title.replace( / /g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;');
html = html.replace( /\{title\}/, title);
return html;
* Replace html-sensitive characters in output text with character entities.
* @param string html Html code to be escaped
* @return string Escaped html code
this.htmlEscape = function ( html ) {
html = html.replace( /&/g, '&amp;');
html = html.replace( /</g, '&lt;');
html = html.replace( />/g, '&gt;');
html = html.replace( /"/g, '&quot;');
return html;
* Markup tabs, newlines, and spaces in diff fragment text.
* @param bool highlight Highlight newlines and spaces in addition to tabs
* @param string html Text code to be marked-up
* @return string Marked-up text
this.markupBlanks = function ( html, highlight ) {
if ( highlight === true ) {
html = html.replace( / /g,;
html = html.replace( /\n/g, this.config.htmlCode.newline);
html = html.replace( /\t/g,;
return html;
* Count real words in text.
* @param string text Text for word counting
* @return int Number of words in text
this.wordCount = function ( text ) {
return ( text.match( this.config.regExp.countWords ) || [] ).length;
* Test diff code for consistency with input versions.
* Prints results to debug console.
* @param[in] WikEdDiffText newText, oldText Text objects
this.unitTests = function () {
// Check if output is consistent with new text
this.getDiffHtml( 'new' );
var diff = this.html.replace( /<[^>]*>/g, '');
var text = this.htmlEscape( this.newText.text );
if ( diff !== text ) {
'Error: wikEdDiff unit test failure: diff not consistent with new text version!'
this.error = true;
console.log( 'new text:\n', text );
console.log( 'new diff:\n', diff );
else {
console.log( 'OK: wikEdDiff unit test passed: diff consistent with new text.' );
// Check if output is consistent with old text
this.getDiffHtml( 'old' );
var diff = this.html.replace( /<[^>]*>/g, '');
var text = this.htmlEscape( this.oldText.text );
if ( diff !== text ) {
'Error: wikEdDiff unit test failure: diff not consistent with old text version!'
this.error = true;
console.log( 'old text:\n', text );
console.log( 'old diff:\n', diff );
else {
console.log( 'OK: wikEdDiff unit test passed: diff consistent with old text.' );
* Dump blocks object to browser console.
* @param string name Block name
* @param[in] array blocks Blocks table object
this.debugBlocks = function ( name, blocks ) {
if ( blocks === undefined ) {
blocks = this.blocks;
var dump =
'\ni \toldBl \tnewBl \toldNm \tnewNm \toldSt \tcount \tuniq' +
'\twords \tchars \ttype \tsect \tgroup \tfixed \tmoved \ttext\n';
var blocksLength = blocks.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < blocksLength; i ++ ) {
dump +=
i + ' \t' + blocks[i].oldBlock + ' \t' + blocks[i].newBlock + ' \t' +
blocks[i].oldNumber + ' \t' + blocks[i].newNumber + ' \t' + blocks[i].oldStart + ' \t' +
blocks[i].count + ' \t' + blocks[i].unique + ' \t' + blocks[i].words + ' \t' +
blocks[i].chars + ' \t' + blocks[i].type + ' \t' + blocks[i].section + ' \t' +
blocks[i].group + ' \t' + blocks[i].fixed + ' \t' + blocks[i].moved + ' \t' +
this.debugShortenText( blocks[i].text ) + '\n';
console.log( name + ':\n' + dump );
* Dump groups object to browser console.
* @param string name Group name
* @param[in] array groups Groups table object
this.debugGroups = function ( name, groups ) {
if ( groups === undefined ) {
groups = this.groups;
var dump =
'\ni \toldNm \tblSta \tblEnd \tuniq \tmaxWo' +
'\twords \tchars \tfixed \toldNm \tmFrom \tcolor\n';
var groupsLength = groupsLength;
for ( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i ++ ) {
dump +=
i + ' \t' + groups[i].oldNumber + ' \t' + groups[i].blockStart + ' \t' +
groups[i].blockEnd + ' \t' + groups[i].unique + ' \t' + groups[i].maxWords + ' \t' +
groups[i].words + ' \t' + groups[i].chars + ' \t' + groups[i].fixed + ' \t' +
groups[i].oldNumber + ' \t' + groups[i].movedFrom + ' \t' + groups[i].color + '\n';
console.log( name + ':\n' + dump );
* Dump fragments array to browser console.
* @param string name Fragments name
* @param[in] array fragments Fragments array
this.debugFragments = function ( name ) {
var fragments = this.fragments;
var dump = '\ni \ttype \tcolor \ttext\n';
var fragmentsLength = fragments.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < fragmentsLength; i ++ ) {
dump +=
i + ' \t"' + fragments[i].type + '" \t' + fragments[i].color + ' \t' +
this.debugShortenText( fragments[i].text, 120, 40 ) + '\n';
console.log( name + ':\n' + dump );
* Dump borders array to browser console.
* @param string name Arrays name
* @param[in] array border Match border array
this.debugBorders = function ( name, borders ) {
var dump = '\ni \t[ new \told ]\n';
var bordersLength = borders.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < bordersLength; i ++ ) {
dump += i + ' \t[ ' + borders[i][0] + ' \t' + borders[i][1] + ' ]\n';
console.log( name, dump );
* Shorten text for dumping.
* @param string text Text to be shortened
* @param int max Max length of (shortened) text
* @param int end Length of trailing fragment of shortened text
* @return string Shortened text
this.debugShortenText = function ( text, max, end ) {
if ( typeof text !== 'string' ) {
text = text.toString();
text = text.replace( /\n/g, '\\n');
text = text.replace( /\t/g, ' ');
if ( max === undefined ) {
max = 50;
if ( end === undefined ) {
end = 15;
if ( text.length > max ) {
text = text.substr( 0, max - 1 - end ) + '…' + text.substr( text.length - end );
return '"' + text + '"';
* Start timer 'label', analogous to JavaScript console timer.
* Usage: this.time( 'label' );
* @param string label Timer label
* @param[out] array timer Current time in milliseconds (float)
this.time = function ( label ) {
this.timer[label] = new Date().getTime();
* Stop timer 'label', analogous to JavaScript console timer.
* Logs time in milliseconds since start to browser console.
* Usage: this.timeEnd( 'label' );
* @param string label Timer label
* @param bool noLog Do not log result
* @return float Time in milliseconds
this.timeEnd = function ( label, noLog ) {
var diff = 0;
if ( this.timer[label] !== undefined ) {
var start = this.timer[label];
var stop = new Date().getTime();
diff = stop - start;
this.timer[label] = undefined;
if ( noLog !== true ) {
console.log( label + ': ' + diff.toFixed( 2 ) + ' ms' );
return diff;
* Log recursion timer results to browser console.
* Usage: this.timeRecursionEnd();
* @param string text Text label for output
* @param[in] array recursionTimer Accumulated recursion times
this.timeRecursionEnd = function ( text ) {
if ( this.recursionTimer.length > 1 ) {
// Subtract times spent in deeper recursions
var timerEnd = this.recursionTimer.length - 1;
for ( var i = 0; i < timerEnd; i ++ ) {
this.recursionTimer[i] -= this.recursionTimer[i + 1];
// Log recursion times
var timerLength = this.recursionTimer.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < timerLength; i ++ ) {
console.log( text + ' recursion ' + i + ': ' + this.recursionTimer[i].toFixed( 2 ) + ' ms' );
this.recursionTimer = [];
* Log variable values to debug console.
* Usage: this.debug( 'var', var );
* @param string name Object identifier
* @param mixed|undefined name Object to be logged
this.debug = function ( name, object ) {
if ( object === undefined ) {
console.log( name );
else {
console.log( name + ': ' + object );
* Add script to document head.
* @param string code JavaScript code
this.addScript = function ( code ) {
if ( document.getElementById( 'wikEdDiffBlockHandler' ) === null ) {
var script = document.createElement( 'script' ); = 'wikEdDiffBlockHandler';
if ( script.innerText !== undefined ) {
script.innerText = code;
else {
script.textContent = code;
document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( script );
* Add stylesheet to document head, cross-browser >= IE6.
* @param string css CSS code
this.addStyleSheet = function ( css ) {
if ( document.getElementById( 'wikEdDiffStyles' ) === null ) {
// Replace mark symbols
css = css.replace( /\{cssMarkLeft\}/g, this.config.cssMarkLeft);
css = css.replace( /\{cssMarkRight\}/g, this.config.cssMarkRight);
var style = document.createElement( 'style' ); = 'wikEdDiffStyles';
style.type = 'text/css';
if ( style.styleSheet !== undefined ) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
else {
style.appendChild( document.createTextNode( css ) );
document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( style );
* Recursive deep copy from target over source for customization import.
* @param object source Source object
* @param object target Target object
this.deepCopy = function ( source, target ) {
for ( var key in source ) {
if ( source, key ) === true ) {
if ( typeof source[key] === 'object' ) {
this.deepCopy( source[key], target[key] );
else {
target[key] = source[key];
// Initialze WikEdDiff object
* Data and methods for single text version (old or new one).
* @class WikEdDiffText
WikEdDiff.WikEdDiffText = function ( text, parent ) {
/** @var WikEdDiff parent Parent object for configuration settings and debugging methods */
this.parent = parent;
/** @var string text Text of this version */
this.text = null;
/** @var array tokens Tokens list */
this.tokens = [];
/** @var int first, last First and last index of tokens list */
this.first = null;
this.last = null;
/** @var array words Word counts for version text */
this.words = {};
* Constructor, initialize text object.
* @param string text Text of version
* @param WikEdDiff parent Parent, for configuration settings and debugging methods
this.init = function () {
if ( typeof text !== 'string' ) {
text = text.toString();
// IE / Mac fix
this.text = text.replace( /\r\n?/g, '\n');
// Parse and count words and chunks for identification of unique real words
if ( this.parent.config.timer === true ) {
this.parent.time( 'wordParse' );
this.wordParse( this.parent.config.regExp.countWords );
this.wordParse( this.parent.config.regExp.countChunks );
if ( this.parent.config.timer === true ) {
this.parent.timeEnd( 'wordParse' );
* Parse and count words and chunks for identification of unique words.
* @param string regExp Regular expression for counting words
* @param[in] string text Text of version
* @param[out] array words Number of word occurrences
this.wordParse = function ( regExp ) {
var regExpMatch = this.text.match( regExp );
if ( regExpMatch !== null ) {
var matchLength = regExpMatch.length;
for (var i = 0; i < matchLength; i ++) {
var word = regExpMatch[i];
if ( this.words, word ) === false ) {
this.words[word] = 1;
else {
this.words[word] ++;
* Split text into paragraph, line, sentence, chunk, word, or character tokens.
* @param string level Level of splitting: paragraph, line, sentence, chunk, word, or character
* @param int|null token Index of token to be split, otherwise uses full text
* @param[in] string text Full text to be split
* @param[out] array tokens Tokens list
* @param[out] int first, last First and last index of tokens list
this.splitText = function ( level, token ) {
var prev = null;
var next = null;
var current = this.tokens.length;
var first = current;
var text = '';
// Split full text or specified token
if ( token === undefined ) {
text = this.text;
else {
prev = this.tokens[token].prev;
next = this.tokens[token].next;
text = this.tokens[token].token;
// Split text into tokens, regExp match as separator
var number = 0;
var split = [];
var regExpMatch;
var lastIndex = 0;
var regExp = this.parent.config.regExp.split[level];
while ( ( regExpMatch = regExp.exec( text ) ) !== null ) {
if ( regExpMatch.index > lastIndex ) {
split.push( text.substring( lastIndex, regExpMatch.index ) );
split.push( regExpMatch[0] );
lastIndex = regExp.lastIndex;
if ( lastIndex < text.length ) {
split.push( text.substring( lastIndex ) );
// Cycle through new tokens
var splitLength = split.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < splitLength; i ++ ) {
// Insert current item, link to previous
this.tokens.push( {
token: split[i],
prev: prev,
next: null,
link: null,
number: null,
unique: false
} );
number ++;
// Link previous item to current
if ( prev !== null ) {
this.tokens[prev].next = current;
prev = current;
current ++;
// Connect last new item and existing next item
if ( number > 0 && token !== undefined ) {
if ( prev !== null ) {
this.tokens[prev].next = next;
if ( next !== null ) {
this.tokens[next].prev = prev;
// Set text first and last token index
if ( number > 0 ) {
// Initial text split
if ( token === undefined ) {
this.first = 0;
this.last = prev;
// First or last token has been split
else {
if ( token === this.first ) {
this.first = first;
if ( token === this.last ) {
this.last = prev;
* Split unique unmatched tokens into smaller tokens.
* @param string level Level of splitting: line, sentence, chunk, or word
* @param[in] array tokens Tokens list
this.splitRefine = function ( regExp ) {
// Cycle through tokens list
var i = this.first;
while ( i !== null ) {
// Refine unique unmatched tokens into smaller tokens
if ( this.tokens[i].link === null ) {
this.splitText( regExp, i );
i = this.tokens[i].next;
* Enumerate text token list before detecting blocks.
* @param[out] array tokens Tokens list
this.enumerateTokens = function () {
// Enumerate tokens list
var number = 0;
var i = this.first;
while ( i !== null ) {
this.tokens[i].number = number;
number ++;
i = this.tokens[i].next;
* Dump tokens object to browser console.
* @param string name Text name
* @param[in] int first, last First and last index of tokens list
* @param[in] array tokens Tokens list
this.debugText = function ( name ) {
var tokens = this.tokens;
var dump = 'first: ' + this.first + '\tlast: ' + this.last + '\n';
dump += '\ni \tlink \t(prev \tnext) \tuniq \t#num \t"token"\n';
var i = this.first;
while ( i !== null ) {
dump +=
i + ' \t' + tokens[i].link + ' \t(' + tokens[i].prev + ' \t' + tokens[i].next + ') \t' +
tokens[i].unique + ' \t#' + tokens[i].number + ' \t' +
parent.debugShortenText( tokens[i].token ) + '\n';
i = tokens[i].next;
console.log( name + ':\n' + dump );
// Initialize WikEdDiffText object
// </syntaxhighlight>
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