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Forked from bkyrlach/Expression.fs
Created June 15, 2012 02:26
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Language Compare F#, Ocaml, Scala, Clojure, Ruby and Haskell - Simple AST example
(use '[clojure.core.match :only [match]])
(defn evaluate [env [sym x y]]
(match [sym]
['Number] x
['Add] (+ (evaluate env x) (evaluate env y))
['Multiply] (* (evaluate env x) (evaluate env y))
['Variable] (env x)))
(def environment {"a" 3, "b" 4, "c" 5})
(def expression-tree '(Add (Variable "a") (Multiply (Number 2) (Variable "b"))))
(def result (evaluate environment expression-tree))
(defprotocol Expression
(evaluate [e env] ))
(deftype Number1 [x])
(deftype Add [x y] )
(deftype Multiply [x y])
(deftype Variable [x])
(extend-protocol Expression
Number1 (evaluate [e env] (.x e ) )
Add (evaluate [e env] (+ (evaluate (.x e) env) (evaluate (.y e) env)))
Multiply (evaluate [e env] (* (evaluate (.x e) env) (evaluate (.y e) env)))
Variable (evaluate [e env] (env (.x e))))
(def environment {"a" 3, "b" 4, "c" 5})
(def expression-tree (Add. (Variable. "a") (Multiply. (Number1. 2) (Variable. "b"))))
(def result (evaluate expression-tree environment))
//Here's some F# code...
type Expression =
| Number of int
| Add of Expression * Expression
| Multiply of Expression * Expression
| Variable of string
let rec Evaluate (env:Map<string,int>) exp =
match exp with
| Number n -> n
| Add (x, y) -> Evaluate env x + Evaluate env y
| Multiply (x, y) -> Evaluate env x * Evaluate env y
| Variable id -> env.[id]
let environment = Map.ofList [ "a", 1 ;
"b", 2 ;
"c", 3 ]
// Create an expression tree that represents
// the expression: a + 2 * b.
let expressionTree1 = Add(Variable "a", Multiply(Number 2, Variable "b"))
// Evaluate the expression a + 2 * b, given the
// table of values for the variables.
let result = Evaluate environment expressionTree1
import Data.Map
data Expression =
Number Int
| Add Expression Expression
| Multiply Expression Expression
| Variable String
evaluate :: Map String Int -> Expression -> Int
evaluate env exp =
case exp of
Number x -> x
Add x y -> evaluate env x + evaluate env y
Multiply x y -> evaluate env x * evaluate env y
Variable x -> findWithDefault 0 x env
environment = fromList([("a",3), ("b",4), ("c",7)])
expressionTree = Add (Variable "a") (Multiply (Number 2) (Variable "b"))
result = evaluate environment expressionTree
import Data.Map
data Expression =
Number Int
| Add Expression Expression
| Multiply Expression Expression
| Variable String
evaluate :: Map String Int -> Expression -> Int
evaluate env (Number x) = x
evaluate env (Add x y) = evaluate env x + evaluate env y
evaluate env (Multiply x y) = evaluate env x * evaluate env y
evaluate env (Variable x) = findWithDefault 0 x env
environment = fromList([("a",3), ("b",4), ("c",7)])
expressionTree = Add (Variable "a") (Multiply (Number 2) (Variable "b"))
result = evaluate environment expressionTree
type expression =
Number of int
| Add of expression * expression
| Multiply of expression * expression
| Variable of string
let rec evaluate (env: string->int) exp =
match exp with
Number n -> n
| Add (x, y) -> evaluate env x + evaluate env y
| Multiply (x, y) -> evaluate env x * evaluate env y
| Variable id -> env id
let environment (str: string) : 'a = match str with "a" -> 3 | "b" -> 4 | "c" -> 5
let expressiontree1 = Add(Variable "a", Multiply(Number 2, Variable "b"))
let result = evaluate environment expressiontree1
def evaluate(env, exp)
keyword, a, b = exp
case keyword
when :number; a
when :variable; env[a]
when :add; evaluate(env, a) + evaluate(env, b)
when :multiply; evaluate(env, a) * evaluate(env, b)
ExpressionTree = [:add, [:variable, :a], [:multiply, [:number, 2], [:variable, :b]]]
Env = { a: 3, b: 4, c: 5 }
puts evaluate(Env, ExpressionTree)
Number = lambda { |env, num| num }
Variable = lambda { |env, var| env[var] }
Add = lambda { |env, a, b| evaluate(env, a) + evaluate(env, b) }
Multiply = lambda { |env, a, b| evaluate(env, a) * evaluate(env, b) }
def evaluate(env, exp)
op, *args = exp
op.(env, *args)
ExpressionTree = [Add, [Variable, :a], [Multiply, [Number, 2], [Variable, :b]]]
Env = { a: 3, b: 4, c: 5 }
puts evaluate(Env, ExpressionTree)
abstract class Expression
case class Number(i: Int) extends Expression
case class Add(x: Expression, y: Expression) extends Expression
case class Multiply(x: Expression, y: Expression) extends Expression
case class Variable(id: Symbol) extends Expression
object Maths extends App {
val environment = Map('a -> 1,
'b -> 2,
'c -> 3)
def evaluate(env: Map[Symbol, Int], exp: Expression): Int = exp match {
case Number(n: Int) => n
case Add(x, y) => evaluate(env, x) + evaluate(env, y)
case Multiply(x, y) => evaluate(env, x) * evaluate(env, y)
case Variable(id: Symbol) => env(id)
val expressionTree1 = Add(Variable('a), Multiply(Number(2), Variable('b)))
println(evaluate(environment, expressionTree1))
import java.util.*;
public class Eval {
static int evaluate(Map env, Expression exp){
if(exp instanceof Variable){ return (Integer)env.get(((Variable)exp).x); }
else if(exp instanceof Number){ return ((Number)exp).x; }
else if(exp instanceof Multiply){ return evaluate(env, ((Multiply)exp).x)*evaluate(env, ((Multiply)exp).y); }
else if(exp instanceof Add){ return evaluate(env, ((Add)exp).x)+evaluate(env, ((Add)exp).y); }
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args){
Map env=new HashMap();
env.put("a", 3);
env.put("b", 4);
env.put("c", 5);
Expression expressionTree=new Add(new Variable("a"), new Multiply(new Number(2), new Variable("b")));
System.out.println(evaluate(env, expressionTree));
abstract class Expression {}
class Number extends Expression{
int x;
Number(int x){ this.x=x; }
class Add extends Expression{
Expression x; Expression y;
Add(Expression x, Expression y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; }
class Multiply extends Add{
Multiply(Expression x, Expression y){ super(x, y); }
class Variable extends Expression{
String x;
Variable(String x){ this.x=x; }
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royalstream commented May 4, 2016

Question (regarding several implementations I just read):

I would have thought the AST had to be a data expression that can be traversed with different purposes (evaluating, printing, transforming, etc). I don't know if declaring functions/lambdas/etc called Add, Multiply, etc, still qualifies as an Abstract Syntax Tree. I mean, it obviously leads to very compact code (no kidding) but it's no longer a data structure and you can't do anything with it (except evaluating it).

Unrelated to the previous question, here's a slightly shorter F# version using function instead of match (à la OCaml)

type Expression = 
    | Number of int
    | Add of Expression * Expression
    | Multiply of Expression * Expression
    | Variable of string

let rec Evaluate (env:Map<string,int>) = function 
    | Number n -> n
    | Add (x, y) -> Evaluate env x + Evaluate env y
    | Multiply (x, y) -> Evaluate env x * Evaluate env y
    | Variable id    -> env.[id]

let environment = Map.ofList [ "a", 1 ; "b", 2 ; "c", 3 ]

let expressionTree1 = Add(Variable "a", Multiply(Number 2, Variable "b"))

let result = Evaluate environment expressionTree1  

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jdh30 commented Apr 4, 2017

As others have noted: you don't need any type annotations in either the OCaml or the F# and you don't even need a type definition in the OCaml because you can use polymorphic variants.

Reminds me of these OCaml examples I wrote about 12 years ago:

and this comparison we did a few years back:

and this:

Some of the responses have inverted the problem. To help stop that you can pose a problem for which more than one function over the expression type is required. For example, you might multiply out brackets or compute the symbolic derivative before evaluating.

You've also chosen a problem for which dispatch is trivial so pattern matching doesn't help. If you did, for example, symbolic simplification then a big gap would appear between languages without pattern matching and those with. I'd love to see a similar comparison with a fuller interpreter such as the one I linked to above.

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FSharp implementation is still the clearest one,
while 1st Ruby & JS implementation are my favorite !

Crystal anyone ?

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Funny nobody has mentioned this - but the extension should be fsharp.fs not ml. Gonna guess you did the OCaml one first?

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thetrung commented Nov 2, 2020

in my own fantasy language :

func Add ( a  b )
push ( a + b )
ret               -- return topmost node on stack

func Mul ( a b )
push ( a * b )

func Var ( env name val )
push [ name val ] -- push an array to stack
local _           -- make local variable

local expr = { [a b], Mul, [a 3], Var, [b 4], Var } 

func Eval ( expr )
load expr         -- load all elements in List to stack
Loop : 
  nil?            -- check if stack nil?
  jmp? Exit       -- jump if true     
  call _          -- call whatever on stack
  jmp Loop        -- jump to Loop
Exit : 
  call print      -- print whatever remaining on stack

push expr
call Eval

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//PHP - arrow functions version:


$number = fn(int $n) => fn(array $env) => $n;
$variable = fn(string $a) => fn(array $env) => $env[$a] ?? 0;
$add = fn($a, $b) => fn(array $env) => $a($env) + $b($env);
$mul = fn($a, $b) => fn(array $env) => $a($env) * $b($env);

$evaluate = fn(array $env, $tree) => $tree($env);

$environment = ["a" => 3, "b" => 4, "c" => 7];
$tree = $add($variable("a"), $mul($number(2), $variable("b")));

$result = $evaluate($environment, $tree);

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