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HTML is used to structure to a page, setting up the presentation of information that will be displayed on various types of devices. A tag is used to denote the beginning and end of an element. The element is the sum of the opening tag, closing tag, and the content within. Attributes are used in HTML elements to give additional information about the content of an element. The purpose of the head is the heading that appears as a title to a page displayed in tabs or the top of a browser. The title will appear on the actual page as information about the page where as the actual body element is the main information displayed on the page.

ckoga /
Created March 24, 2019 16:32 — forked from rwarbelow/
Turing School Module 0 Technical Setup Instructions

Mod 0 Tech Setup

Complete the following steps before Mod 0 in order to get the tools you'll need on your machine. In this setup, we'll go over the following topics:

  1. New to Mac?
  2. Installing a Text Editor
  3. Installing Xcode
  4. Installing Homebrew
  5. Installing Git
  6. Configuring Git
ckoga /
Last active March 27, 2019 00:35 — forked from rwarbelow/
Mod 0 Session 4 Practice Tasks

Session 4 Practice Tasks

The assignments listed here should take you between 1.5 and 2 total hours.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

Gear up

I am very confused as to how Pairin came to some of the conclusions it did, however I can also say that it was accurate about other aspects of my personality. I think what Pairin is trying to tell me about my strengths, which I have always been curious about and constantly seeking more information to make myself better. More informed decisions/responses, is a strength that I can rely on but to not be discouraged by everything I don't know. If I am to succeed in professional and daily ventures knowing my strengths and weaknesses are of pivotal importance. Knowing that I have a strong and inquisitive mind set is good but also understanding that getting lost in interesting but unimportant information can be detrimental to my success in software development. I think it is interesting that Pairin says my strongest driver is reliant. I understand that I work best if I know I have someone I can rely on to ask questions or confide in but this an area of my life where I have been working to be more in

ckoga /
Last active September 5, 2019 03:44
Professional development storytelling

My Story

I would describe my life as a winding lazy river I played sports in school, I've been abroad a few times, I went to college, I worked in sales, I picked up a few hobbies along the way, I did what everybody does when their young, but I always avoided making the big life decision. What do I want to do for a living? I mentioned college and sales, I went to college because that is what you do after highschool. I worked in sales cause I was tired of struggling in college. It worked well, life was simple and everything was taken care of as it should be. That all changed when my father passed away in 2015, then the quiet fleeting thoughts about the future became blaring sirens ever other minute.

I continued my job in sales for another year before I couldn't stand it anymore, 5 yrs and only one promotion I decided I needed a new path. For a year I struggled with the same old problem deciding on a direction. A few conversations with some successful people and a little googling I found Turin

Raspberry pi

I have wanted to experiment with a Raspberry Pi since I found out about them in mod 2. I have plans to start a few projects that use a Raspberry Pi, one is a soundboard where I would have to set up buttons to use inconjuntion with a Raspberry Pi, and the other would be an audio-visualizer that would listen to sound and trigger a light display. These big plans bore no fruit as I have run into issues with installing the basic software neccessary to use a Raspberry Pi. With all challenges and pit falls comes some great learning opprotunities.

First and foremost I think it is amazing that you can set up a Raspberry Pi to act as an credit card sized computer, it may not have all the functions you expect out a full fledged computer but you can still do some pretty amazing things. I have learned that by installing 'images' onto your Raspberry pi you can experiment with various operating systems like Unbuntu and Linux. Other great projects involve robotics, music, and even ultrasonic sens