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Last active April 7, 2021 17:59
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import requests # alt+enter or hover over error to import
from pprint import pprint # optional use pprint to print the response
def get_random_activity():
url = ''
# get response and convert json response to python dictionary
response = requests.get(url).json()
# pprint(response) # make sure you import pprint at the top of the file
# extract the activity text
activity = response['activity'] # spelling must match dictionary keys
return activity
def main():
# Can you use a while loop to ask the user if they
# would like another suggestion?
# make another request if they do
# end program if not
while True: # how many times does this repeat? infinity times
activity = get_random_activity()
print(f'Your suggested activity is: {activity}')
another_activity = input('Another suggestion? Enter "Y" for another, anything else to quit')
if another_activity.lower() != 'y': # end loop if not Y or y for yes
print('Thanks for using the program, hope you found something fun to do!')
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