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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Import Data from City of Oakland Financial Disclosures
MATCH (f:Candidate)
WITH f, sum(n.amount) AS received WHERE received > 0
MATCH (f)-[n:PAYED]->()
WITH f, received, sum(n.amount) AS spent
RETURN AS candidate, spent, received
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///Users/cleishm/Downloads/A-Contributions.csv" AS line
WITH line,
CASE line.Entity_Cd
WHEN "IND" THEN line.Tran_NamF + " " + line.Tran_NamL
ELSE line.Tran_NamL END AS contributorName
MERGE (f:Candidate {id: line.Filer_ID})
ON CREATE SET = line.Filer_NamL,
f.committeeType = line.Committee_Type
MERGE (c:Contributor {name: contributorName})
ON CREATE SET = substring(line.Tran_Zip4, 0, 5),
c.occupation = line.Tran_Occ
MERGE (c)-[:CONTRIBUTED_TO {amount: toInt(round(coalesce(toFloat(line.Tran_Amt1), 0.0))), date: line.Tran_Date, desc: line.Tran_Dscr}]->(f)
FOREACH(n IN (CASE line.Tran_Emp WHEN "" THEN [] else [line.Tran_Emp] END) |
MERGE (e:Employer {name: n})
FOREACH(n IN (CASE line.Tran_City WHEN "" THEN [] else [line.Tran_City] END) |
MERGE (p:City {name: n, state: line.Tran_State})
MERGE (c)-[:LOCATION]->(p)
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///Users/cleishm/Downloads/E-Expenditure.csv" AS line
WITH line,
CASE line.Entity_Cd
WHEN "IND" THEN line.Payee_NamF + " " + line.Payee_NamL
ELSE line.Payee_NamL END AS vendorName
MERGE (f:Candidate {id: line.Filer_ID})
ON CREATE SET = line.Filer_NamL,
f.committeeType = line.Committee_Type
MERGE (v:Vendor {name: vendorName})
MERGE (f)-[:PAYED {amount: toInt(round(coalesce(toFloat(line.Amount), 0.0))), date: line.Expn_Date, desc: line.Expn_Dscr}]->(v)
FOREACH(n IN (CASE line.Payee_City WHEN "" THEN [] else [line.Payee_City] END) |
MERGE (p:City {name: n, state: line.Payee_State})
MERGE (v)-[:LOCATION]->(p)
MATCH (f:Candidate)
WHERE (c)-[:LOCATION]->({name:'Oakland', state:'CA'})
WITH f, sum(n.amount) AS oakContributions
WITH f, oakContributions, sum(n.amount) as total
RETURN AS candidate, round((toFloat(oakContributions) / total) * 100) AS percentage
MATCH (f:Candidate)<-[n:CONTRIBUTED_TO]-(c)
WITH f, c, sum(n.amount) AS amount ORDER BY amount DESC
RETURN AS candidate, collect({name:, amount: amount})[0..10] AS contributors
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