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Created January 15, 2014 21:08
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pass=$(security find-internet-password -w -a "$user" -s "")
curl -u "$user:$pass" --silent ""| perl -ne '
print "Subject: $1 " if /<title>(.+?)<\/title>/ && $title++;
print "(from $1)" if /<email>(.+?)<\/email>/;
' | terminal-notifier -title "Gmail" -sound default;
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ttscoff commented Jan 17, 2014

@clintonpaquin (I don't think these @ refs work in gist comments)

The time stamp is part of the subject in my case. I'm still confused where you want the line break… do you mean you want to cut off the subject and see the next one underneath it? You'd still only see two messages...

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in my case, I had 2 messages ... so yeah, you would only see 2. Let's say you had 5 ... then it would display as follows, each message on a new line (or line break between them so they don't string together)

Subject: Message from foo (from
Subject: Message from bar (from
Subject: Message from bat (from
Subject: Message from bazz (from
Subject: Message from buzz (from

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ttscoff commented Jan 17, 2014

Looks like it's a moot point, either terminal-notifier or Notification Center appears to strip out all line breaks no matter how you format it.

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I guess that's the answer I was looking for ... I tried a bunch of options and didn't have any luck. Thanks for the time, really appreciated. Congrats on going out on your own BTW, I'm a paid subscriber :)

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