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Last active April 9, 2020 20:23
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A utility for flattening CISCO 'show system internal l2fm l2dbg macdb' command output
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import regex as re
from sys import argv, exit
macdb_regexpr = r"""
# Some examples matched by this regexp :
# VLAN: 2324 MAC: d867.d972.0fc3
# Time If/swid Db Op Src Slot FE Count
# Mon Apr 6 20:37:34 2020 0x160003e6 0 INSERT 3 5 7
# Mon Apr 6 20:37:59 2020 0x160003e6 0 NON_PI_MOD 3 2 15 6
# Mon Apr 6 21:33:03 2020 0x160003e6 0 FLUSH 2 0 15
# VLAN: 1982 MAC: d4d2.52ca.931a FE ID: 4
# Time If/swid Db Op Src Slot FE Count
# Tue Apr 7 12:54:21 2020 0x16000024 0 AGE 3 5 4
# Tue Apr 7 16:38:00 2020 0x16000024 0 AGE 3 6 4
# VLAN: 197 MAC: 0000.0c9f.f0c5
# Time If Db Op Src Slot FE Local Remote
# Tue Apr 7 22:20:01 2020 0x090300c5 1 MAC_SMLIST 2 0 15 0 0
# Tue Apr 7 22:20:01 2020 0x090300c5 1 GWMAC_SKIP_NO_CHG 2 0 15 0 0
# Test this regexp here
(?P<vlan_descriptor> # A VLAN descriptor is an header with either a local or a remote descriptor
(?P<local_or_remote_vlan> # A VLAN can be either local or remote
(?P<local_vlan> # Local VLAN has local column header "Time If/swid Db Op Src Slot FE Count" and local columns
(?&local_vlan_event)+ # and several local style events
(?P<remote_vlan> # Remote VLAN has remote column header "Time If Db Op Src Slot FE Local Remote" and local columns
(?&remote_vlan_event)+ # and several remote style events
# VLAN header has VLAN id and MAC address and possibly an FE ID
(?P<vlan_header>\s*VLAN:\s*(?&vlan_id)\s*MAC:\s*(?&mac_address)\s*(FE\ ID:\s*(?&feid))?)
# Match all kind of VLAN descriptors (see above)
if len(argv) < 2:
print(f"""Usage :\n\t{__file__} [macdb file]""")
# Open parameter on command line
buffer = open(argv[1]).read()
expression = re.compile(macdb_regexpr, re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE)
# Extract all the matches in the specified file
matches = expression.finditer(buffer)
for match in matches:
# Returns a dict where each column contents is in a list
match_dict = match.capturesdict()
# VLAN type Local or Remote (don't know if useful)
local_or_remote = "L" if match_dict["local_vlan"] else "R"
for counter, event in enumerate(match_dict["full_date"], start=0):
# Output format is VLAN_ID;MAC_ADDR;L or R;Date and time;If/Swid;Op
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