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Last active September 18, 2019 09:07
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Movable, hierarchical boxes with MVU architecture using Elmish (triggered by this comment thread:
module Elmish.Boxes
open System
open Fable.React.Helpers
open Fable.React.Props
open Fable.React.Standard
module Domain =
type Point =
{ x: float
y: float }
static member (+) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x + p2.x; y = p1.y + p2.y }
static member (+) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x + scalar; y = p.y + scalar }
static member (-) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x - p2.x; y = p1.y - p2.y }
static member (-) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x - scalar; y = p.y - scalar }
static member (*) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x * scalar; y = p.y * scalar }
static member (*) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x * p2.x; y = p1.y * p2.y }
static member (/) (p1, p2) = { x = p1.x / p2.x; y = p1.y / p2.y }
static member (/) (p, scalar) = { x = p.x / scalar; y = p.y / scalar }
type BoxId = Guid
/// Anchor relative to box upper left
type BoxRelativeAnchor = Point
type Box =
{ id: BoxId
upperLeft: Point
size: float
color: string }
module Box =
let create (center: Point) size color =
{ id = Guid.NewGuid()
upperLeft = center - (size / 2.)
size = size
color = color }
let moveBy dPos box =
{ box with upperLeft = box.upperLeft + dPos }
let resizeBy factor (anchor: Point) box =
let relAnchor = (anchor - box.upperLeft) / box.size
let resizedBox = { box with size = box.size * factor }
let relAnchorResized = (anchor - box.upperLeft) / resizedBox.size
let dPos = (relAnchorResized - relAnchor) * resizedBox.size
{ resizedBox with upperLeft = box.upperLeft + dPos }
type BoxHierarchy =
{ boxes: Map<BoxId, Box>
childToParent: Map<BoxId, BoxId> }
module BoxHierarchy =
let childIdsOf parentId hierarchy =
|> Map.filter (fun _ pid -> pid = parentId)
|> Map.toList
|> fst
let childrenOf parentId hierarchy =
|> childIdsOf parentId
|> List.choose hierarchy.boxes.TryFind
let rec withDescendantIds hierarchy parentId =
:: ( hierarchy
|> childIdsOf parentId
|> List.collect (withDescendantIds hierarchy) )
let topLevelBoxes hierarchy =
|> Map.filter (fun boxId _ -> not <| hierarchy.childToParent.ContainsKey boxId)
|> Map.toList
|> snd
let addBox box hierarchy =
{ hierarchy with boxes = hierarchy.boxes.Add(, box) }
let removeWithDescendants boxId hierarchy =
let toRemove = boxId |> withDescendantIds hierarchy |> Set.ofList
{ hierarchy with
boxes =
|> Map.filter (fun bid _ -> not <| toRemove.Contains bid)
childToParent =
|> Map.filter (fun childId parentId ->
not <| toRemove.Contains childId
&& not <| toRemove.Contains parentId
let setTopLevel boxId hierarchy =
{ hierarchy with childToParent = hierarchy.childToParent |> Map.remove boxId }
let move boxId newPos relativeAnchor hierarchy =
match hierarchy.boxes.TryFind boxId with
| None -> hierarchy
| Some box ->
let idsToMove = |> withDescendantIds hierarchy |> Set.ofList
let dPos = newPos - box.upperLeft - relativeAnchor
let updatedBoxes =
|> (fun _ box ->
if idsToMove.Contains then
box |> Box.moveBy dPos
else box
{ hierarchy with boxes = updatedBoxes }
let setRelationship childId parentId hierarchy =
{ hierarchy with childToParent = hierarchy.childToParent.Add(childId, parentId) }
let resize boxId factor absoluteAnchor hierarchy =
let idsToResize = boxId |> withDescendantIds hierarchy |> Set.ofList
{ hierarchy with
boxes =
|> (fun _ box ->
if idsToResize.Contains then
box |> Box.resizeBy factor absoluteAnchor
else box
module MvuModel =
type Model =
{ hierarchy: BoxHierarchy
mousePos: Point
dragging: (BoxId * BoxRelativeAnchor) option
undo: Model list
redo: Model list }
let init () =
let id1 = Guid.NewGuid()
let id2 = Guid.NewGuid()
let id3 = Guid.NewGuid()
let id4 = Guid.NewGuid()
{ hierarchy =
{ boxes =
{id = id1; upperLeft = { x = 20.; y = 20. }; size = 200.; color = "red"}
{id = id2; upperLeft = { x = 100.; y = 100. }; size = 50.; color = "green"}
{id = id3; upperLeft = { x = 400.; y = 400. }; size = 200.; color = "blue"}
{id = id4; upperLeft = { x = 500.; y = 500. }; size = 80.; color = "yellow"}
|> (fun b ->, b)
|> Map.ofList
childToParent = Map.empty.Add(id2, id1).Add(id4, id3) }
mousePos = { x = 0.; y = 0. }
dragging = None
undo = []
redo = [] }
let isDragging boxId model =
|> (fun (bid, _) -> bid = boxId)
|> Option.defaultValue false
let drop childId parentId model =
{ model with
dragging = None
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.setRelationship childId parentId }
let rand = Random()
let addRandomBox center model =
let size = rand.Next(40, 200) |> float
let color = String.Format("#{0:X6}", rand.Next(0x1000000))
let box = Box.create center size color
{ model with hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.addBox box }
module MvuUpdate =
type Msg =
| PickUp of BoxId * BoxRelativeAnchor
| DropOnBox of BoxId
| DropOnEmpty
| CreateNew of Point
| Delete of BoxId
| Grow of BoxId
| Shrink of BoxId
| MouseMove of Point
| Undo
| Redo
let update msg model =
match msg with
| PickUp (boxId, relativeAnchor) ->
{ model with
dragging = Some (boxId, relativeAnchor)
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.setTopLevel boxId
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| DropOnBox parentId ->
|> (fun (childId, _) -> drop childId parentId model)
|> Option.defaultValue model
| DropOnEmpty -> { model with dragging = None }
| CreateNew center ->
{ model with
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
|> addRandomBox center
| Delete boxId ->
{ model with
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.removeWithDescendants boxId
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| Grow boxId ->
{ model with
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.resize boxId 1.1 model.mousePos
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| Shrink boxId ->
{ model with
hierarchy = model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.resize boxId (1./1.1) model.mousePos
undo = model :: model.undo
redo = [] }
| MouseMove newPos ->
{ model with
mousePos = newPos
hierarchy =
match model.dragging with
| None -> model.hierarchy
| Some (boxId, anchor) -> model.hierarchy |> BoxHierarchy.move boxId newPos anchor
| Undo ->
match model.undo with
| [] -> model
| head :: tail -> { head with undo = tail; redo = model :: model.redo }
| Redo ->
match model.redo with
| [] -> model
| head :: tail -> { head with redo = tail; undo = model :: model.undo }
module MvuView =
let rec boxWithChildren model dispatch origin box =
let dragging = isDragging model
div [
Key (string
Class "box"
OnMouseDown (fun ev ->
match ev.button with
| 0. -> (, model.mousePos - box.upperLeft) |> PickUp |> dispatch
| 1. -> Delete |> dispatch
| _ -> ())
OnMouseUp (fun ev ->
DropOnBox |> dispatch)
OnWheel (fun ev ->
if ev.deltaY < 0. then Grow |> dispatch
elif ev.deltaY > 0. then Shrink |> dispatch)
Style [
Width box.size
Height box.size
Top (box.upperLeft.y - origin.y)
Left (box.upperLeft.x - origin.x)
BackgroundColor box.color
ZIndex (if dragging then 2 else 1)
Opacity (if dragging then 0.7 else 1.)
// Never trigger pointer event (e.g. drop) on currently dragging box;
// let next layer trigger the event
PointerEvents (if dragging then "none" else "auto")
] [
|> BoxHierarchy.childrenOf
|> (boxWithChildren model dispatch box.upperLeft)
|> ofList
let view model dispatch =
div [
Class "main-container"
OnMouseDown (fun ev ->
match ev.button with
| 0. -> CreateNew { x = ev.pageX; y = ev.pageY } |> dispatch
| _ -> ())
OnMouseUp (fun ev -> ev.preventDefault(); dispatch DropOnEmpty)
OnMouseMove (fun ev ->
MouseMove { x = ev.pageX; y = ev.pageY } |> dispatch)
] [
div [
Class "instructions"
OnMouseMove (fun ev -> ev.stopPropagation())
OnMouseDown (fun ev -> ev.stopPropagation())
OnMouseUp (fun ev -> ev.stopPropagation())
] [
p [] [ str "Drag box to move" ]
p [] [ str "Drag box inside other box to set as child" ]
p [] [ str "Left-click empty area to create new box" ]
p [] [ str "Middle-click box to remove" ]
p [] [ str "Scroll box to resize" ]
button [
OnClick (fun _ -> dispatch Undo)
Disabled model.undo.IsEmpty
] [ str "Undo ("; ofInt model.undo.Length; str ")" ]
button [
OnClick (fun _ -> dispatch Redo)
Disabled model.redo.IsEmpty
] [ str "Redo ("; ofInt model.redo.Length; str ")" ]
|> BoxHierarchy.topLevelBoxes
|> (boxWithChildren model dispatch { x=0.; y=0. })
|> ofList
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
Program.mkSimple init update view
|> Program.withReactSynchronous "app"
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<body class="app-container">
<div id="app" class="app"></div>
html, body {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
#app {
height: 100%;
.main-container {
height: 100%;
background-color: black;
.box {
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
.box:hover {
outline: 1px white solid;
.instructions {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
background-color: white;
width: 200px;
font-size: 12px;
font-family: sans-serif;
padding: 5px;
.instructions button:first-of-type {
margin-right: 10px;
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panicz commented Sep 16, 2019

Unfortunately I don't know of any way of running Racket code in the browser (I've just asked on their mailing list and am waiting for the response).
Regarding your claim about the XY problem, you may be right. I'm still looking for the right means of expression, and my solution has been gravitating towards OOP, even though I did experiment with FP approach (I agree that I am probably biased by education). On the other hand, Fructure is implemented in purely functional Racket (using immutable hash tables to represent objects) and it seems to work, so there may have been something wrong with my approach.

Of course, if I manage to come up with a complete Lisp IDE, I will let you know ;]

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panicz commented Sep 18, 2019

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panicz commented Sep 18, 2019

Regarding running Racket in the browser, I was pointed to the following:

But I suppose I'd need to customize my app to make it happen

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