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Created August 23, 2010 13:08
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World Info by Christian Heilmann
Copyright (c)2010 Christian Heilmann
Code licensed under the BSD License:
// define messages and "global variables"
var loading = 'Please wait, loading the world… '+
'(can take up to 20 seconds - only on the first start)',
contentloading = 'Loading content…',
// if localStorage is supported and the browser has the world
// data cached, use this instead of hammering YQL
if(localStorage && localStorage.getItem('thewholefrigginworld')){
} else {
// Otherwise display a loading message
$('#list').html('<p class="load">'+loading+'</p>');
// This YQL query loads all the children of the element with the
// Where on Earth ID 1 (which is earth) and sorts them by name
// for more info check the geoplanet API
var query = 'select centroid,woeid,name,boundingBox'+
' from geo.places.children(0)'+
' where parent_woeid=1 and placetype="country"'+
' | sort(field="name")';
var YQL = ''+
// load the information and store it if the browser supports it - then
// render the interface
// render the information
function render(data) {
// start a list
var aznav = '<ul>';
var out = '<div id="azlists">';
// loop over all the places in the data
cs =;
var old = '';
for(var i=0,j=cs.length;i<j;i++){
// if the first character of the current name is different
// than the last one add a new item and a nested list
// this generates the A-Z navigation and the items
var now = cs[i].name.substr(0,1);
if(now !== old){
aznav+= '<li><button value="'+i+'">'+now+'</button></li>';
out+='<ul id="list'+now+'">';
// add the name of the location and use a number as the value
out += '<li><button value="'+i+'">'+cs[i].name+'</button></li>';
if(i<j-1 && now !== cs[i+1].name.substr(0,1)){
old = now;
// add a container to host the map and content and show the results
aznav+out+'<div id="container"></div>').
// load the content for the first country and display it
showcountry($('#listA button:first'));
// add the class show to the first sub-menu to show it
current = $('#listA');
// Use event delegation (now that jQuery has caught up) on all
// links inside the #list element
// if the content of the button is a single character we are in the A-Z
// navigation and we shift the "show" class from the last shown
// sub-menu to the current one
current = $('#list'+$(this).html());
$('#list'+$(this).html()+' button:first').focus();
// otherwise we call the showcountry function
} else {
// load country information from Wikipedia and display a map
function showcountry(elm){
// fade the old container and show a loading message
'<p class="load">'+contentloading+'</p>'
// Get the name of the country the user clicked on and replace
// spaces with an underscore - this is the WikiPerdia convention
var name = elm.html().replace(/ /g,'_');
// get the information about the country from the data stored from
// geoplanet - this is why I used numbers as the href
var bb = cs[elm.attr('value')];
var width = $('#main').width()-$('#azlists ul:first').width()-50;
// Use the awesome static maps API for open street map at
// to show the map using
// the bounding box data from geoplanet
var image = ''+
// Add a heading and the image
var out = '<h2>''</h2><div class="img"><img src="'+image+
'" alt="''"></div>';
// Scrape country content from WikiPedia. Each country web site
// has a table with short info of the country - get the three following
// paragraphs
query = 'select * from html where url="'+
name+'" and xpath="//table/following-sibling::p" limit 3';
YQL = ''+
// Load the data and join the results. Then replace all the /wiki links
// with working links. If there was no data returned, delete what
// was coming back from the API (the JSON wrapper)
data = data.results.join('').replace(/"\/wiki/g,
} else {
data = '';
// hide the container, populate and show it
// remove all the <sup> elements (Wikipedia footnote links)
$('#container sup').remove();
// and I'm spent!
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