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Last active June 2, 2022 11:54
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Resources for the talk "Increasing developer effectivity by merging browser tooling and editors" at CodeEurope 2022

Code Europe: Increasing developer effectivity by merging browser tooling and editors

Code Europe Breakout session deep dive

Demo code launch.json:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "pwa-msedge",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "webdebug",
            "url": "http://localhost:8080",
            "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "runtimeExecutable": "canary",
            "runtimeArgs": ["--headless"],
            "preLaunchTask": "start server",
            "postDebugTask": "stop server"

Demo code tasks.json:

  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": [
        "label": "start server",
        "type": "shell",
        "isBackground": true,
        "command": "http-server",
        "presentation": { "reveal": "silent" },
        "problemMatcher": [{
          "pattern": [{
            "regexp": ".",
            "file": 1,"line": 1,
            "column": 1,"message": 1
          "background": {
              "activeOnStart": true,
              "beginsPattern": { "regexp": "." },
              "endsPattern": { "regexp": "." }
        "label": "stop server",
        "command": "echo ${input:terminate}",
        "type": "shell"
  "inputs": [{
    "id": "terminate",
    "type": "command",
    "command": "workbench.action.tasks.terminate",
    "args": "terminateAll"
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