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Created March 14, 2024 16:08
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<label for="tech">Add a technology</label>
<input type="text" name="tech" id="tech">
<input type="submit" value="add">
const modernMarkupify = elm => {
document.querySelectorAll(elm).forEach((elm) => {
let cl = Array.from(
{length: Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1},
() => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)
let d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = elm.innerHTML;
d.dataset.type = elm.type;
d.className = cl.join(' '); = elm.nodeName.toLowerCase();
['form','label','input','ul','li','section'].forEach((elm) => {
<div class="5ucto 95y4h8 dg2ydp z7ha6 zgsm1d" data-is="section">
<div class="5buxdw kcd5s" data-is="ul">
<div class="9reytp ueh8ec k56f2h vwm98 a9qidm nij7d" data-is="li">HTML</div>
<div class="dt4xwu 3lo7q keq5bb dxj6i dxompd 4gohji" data-is="li">CSS</div>
<div class="pj4rh1" data-is="li">JavaScript</div>
<div class="tkc30k" data-is="form">
<div class="lwgsz tywcrh 1s89p rtjn4q xqw8rk tgk24r" data-is="label">Add a technology</div>
<div data-type="text" class="dd6bbn z33ygm" data-is="input"></div>
<div data-type="submit" class="hiwmj" data-is="input"></div>
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