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Created September 6, 2016 03:05
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Automatically extract diecut paths for an image.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import re
import sys
import attr
import cv2
import numpy
from PIL import Image
import scipy.interpolate
import ipdb
except ImportError:
pass # For debugging only.
class RunState(object):
args = attr.ib()
base = attr.ib()
key = attr.ib()
outline = attr.ib()
mask = attr.ib()
diecut = attr.ib()
def get_key_pixel(state, x, y):
key_x = x % state.key.width
key_y = y % state.key.height
return state.key.getpixel((key_x, key_y))
def outline_blend(base_pixel, key_pixel):
rgb_diff = sum(abs(b_c - k_c) for (b_c, k_c) in zip(base_pixel, key_pixel))
if rgb_diff < 30:
return (0,0,0,0)
return base_pixel
def generate_outline(state, x, y):
base_pixel = state.base.getpixel((x, y))
key_pixel = get_key_pixel(state, x, y)
outline_pixel = outline_blend(base_pixel, key_pixel)
state.outline.putpixel((x, y), outline_pixel)
def draw_mask(state):
# Buffer for the mask as we build, before convering to 1BPP.
buf = state.outline.copy()
for _ in range(state.args.radius):
cur_buf = buf.copy()
# Blit the image over itself in each of the 8 directions. This is equiv
# to a [1]*9 kernel.
directions = [(-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
if state.args.debug:
directions.append((0, 0))
for d in directions:
buf.paste(cur_buf, d, cur_buf)
if state.args.debug:
mask_path = re.sub(r'(^.*)\..+$', '\\1_mask_inner.png', state.args.base)
def show_cv_img(img):
cv2.imshow('image', img)
def find_contour(state):
# Convert our Pillow mask image to OpenCV's format.
img = numpy.array(state.mask.convert('L'))
# Extract the outer contour and then approximate it.
_, contour, _ = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contour_length = cv2.arcLength(contour[0], True)
epsilon = state.args.contour_factor * contour_length
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour[0], epsilon, True)
# Create a spline interpolation.
# Via
approx_x = approx[:,0,0]
approx_y = approx[:,0,1]
dist = numpy.sqrt((approx_x[:-1] - approx_x[1:])**2 + (approx_y[:-1] - approx_y[1:])**2)
dist_along = numpy.concatenate(([0], dist.cumsum()))
spline, u = scipy.interpolate.splprep([approx_x, approx_y], u=dist_along, s=0)
# Resample along the spline to generate a new polygon.
interp_d = numpy.linspace(dist_along[0], dist_along[-1], state.args.spline_factor * contour_length)
interp_x, interp_y = scipy.interpolate.splev(interp_d, spline)
# Convert back to a contour.
interp_contour = numpy.array([[[int(x),int(y)]] for (x, y) in zip(interp_x, interp_y)])
# Debugging output for the three contours.
if state.args.debug:
buf = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(state.base.convert('RGB')), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.drawContours(buf, contour, -1, (0, 0, 255), 1)
cv2.drawContours(buf, [approx], -1, (255, 0, 0), 1)
cv2.drawContours(buf, [interp_contour], -1, (0, 255, 0), 1)
contour_path = re.sub(r'(^.*)\..+$', '\\1_contour.png', state.args.base)
cv2.imwrite(contour_path, buf)
# Convert the interpolated contour to a bitmap.
interp_bitmap = numpy.zeros([state.base.width, state.base.height, 1], dtype=numpy.uint8)
cv2.drawContours(interp_bitmap, [interp_contour], -1, (255), -1)
interp_img = Image.fromarray(interp_bitmap[:,:,0], mode='L')
if state.args.debug:
contour_path = re.sub(r'(^.*)\..+$', '\\1_contour_bitmap.png', state.args.base)
# Create the final image.
state.diecut = state.base.copy()
def init(args):
base ='RGBA')
key ='RGBA')
return RunState(
key=key,'RGBA', base.size, None),'1', base.size, 0),'RGBA', base.size, None),
def transform(state):
for x in range(state.base.width):
for y in range(state.base.height):
generate_outline(state, x, y)
def write(state):
if state.args.debug:
outline_path = re.sub(r'(^.*)\..+$', '\\1_outline.png', state.args.base)
mask_path = re.sub(r'(^.*)\..+$', '\\1_mask.png', state.args.base)
diecut_path = state.args.out or re.sub(r'(^.*)\..+$', '\\1_diecut.png', state.args.base)
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('base', metavar='BASE', help='base image file')
parser.add_argument('key', metavar='KEY', help='key image file')
parser.add_argument('--out', '-o', metavar='FILE', help='output filename')
parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help='debug mode', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--radius', '-r', help='diecut blur radius', type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument('--contour-factor', '-c', help='contour approximation epsilon multiplier', type=float, default=0.002)
parser.add_argument('--spline-factor', '-s', help='spline interpolation spacing mulitplier', type=float, default=1.0)
args = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
state = init(args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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