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Last active December 23, 2015 00:49
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Possible PyCon 2014 talks

1: Application Deployment State of the Onion

An overview of the moving pieces in app deployment currently (ex. chef, puppet, salt, ansible, git, omnibus, compass, less, DB migrations, databases).


Deploying a moderately complex web application has become quite a challenge over the years. As best-practices have evolved, it has become progressively more time-consuming to keep up with what tools exist and how to use them effectively. This talk will provide an overview of the ecosystem and provide pointers for more information about individual components or problems.


People deploying web apps but not very familiar with server operations.


Provide signposts in the rats nest of crazy that is app deployment.


Modern web applications are immensely complex collections of multiple interacting systems. Many new web developers don't have the time to learn all the different pieces and tools, and often their application stability and agility suffer for it. This talk will cover a few of the major groups of tools involved in running an application including databases, web servers, and configuration managers.


  • Intro (2m)
  • Databases (5m)
    • MySQL fragmentation (Maria, etc)
    • Postgres w/ replication, new things
    • Whirlwind tour of NoSQL
    • DB migration strategies
  • Web servers (5m)
    • Apache/Nginx
      • No really, mod_wsgi is still awesome
    • Gunicorn
    • uwsgi
    • Twisted
    • Using a CDN for assets
    • PaaS
  • Server config (5m)
    • Chef
    • Puppet
    • Salt
    • Ansible
    • 12-factor
  • Deploy orchestration and artifacts (5m)
    • Fabric
    • MCollective
    • Git/Hg as deploy sources
    • Omnibus
    • Artifactory
  • Q/A

2: The Web App With A Thousand Faces

An exploration of the process of writing a web application through the lens of Campbell's Hero's Journey.


Building a new web application is complex and multi-facetted process. Learn how to navigate these stages


New web developers or people starting on a new project of any kind.


Break down the different stages of making and see what needs to be accomplished in each stage to move on to the next one. For bonus points and astute observers, see how long-term and pan-cultural trends affect even the most modern of pursuits.


Joseph Campbell's book The Hero With A Thousand Faces describes a recurring pattern in stories from around the world. This talk will examine the stages of developing an application from the conception of the idea to launch day and beyond, showing what each stage demands and what comes next. For anyone unsure how to progress with their current project or looking to start something and unsure where to begin, come see how 5000 years of literary history can help you!


  • Intro (2m)
  • Departure (10m)
    • The Call to Adventure: The genesis of a new idea
    • Refusal of the Call: "I'll get to it eventually", braincrack
    • Supernatural Aid: Discovering Python, and then your first web framework, and then the whole framework ecosystem
    • The Crossing of the First Threshold: Completing your first tutorial and realizing this is really a thing you can do
    • Belly of The Whale: Free time becomes a fading memory, you can't stop until you are done
  • Initiation (10m)
    • The Road of Trials: "This code worked last night", "Where is the option for this?", "How does this not compile?"
    • The Meeting With the Goddess: Finding a mentor or support community
    • Woman as Temptress: Your next new idea, so tempting to jump the tracks
    • Atonement with the Father: Filing your first bug report against a framework or other large project
    • Apotheosis: Everyone knows you as "The person working on X", your project's Twitter account has more followers than you
    • The Ultimate Boon: Launch day
  • Return (5m)
    • Refusal of the Return: Just one more new feature
    • The Magic Flight: Competition arrises
    • Somewhat less relevant:
      • Rescue from Without
      • The Crossing of the Return Threshold
    • Master of Two Worlds: Releasing open source project of your own
    • Freedom to Live: Transitioning to community stewardship

3: How we run Python


The Python Software Foundation runs a number of services for the Python community. Come learn how we do it, and how you can help.


People interested in the operations/sysadmin world or in PSF services in particular.


Improve transparency of the PSF infrastructure team and process.


To further its mission of supporting the global Python ecosystem, the Python Software Foundation runs many services for the community. This talk will examine what is offered by the PSF as well as how we run our systems.


  • Intro (2m)
  • What services do we run? (10m)
    • PyPI
    • hg and svn
    • Wiki
    • Buildbot
    • Mail services
    • EVote
  • Tools used (10m)
    • Hangouts
    • IRC
    • Mailing lists
    • Chef
    • Ganeti (for now)
    • Postgres
    • Collectd, graphite, reimann
  • Services and sponsors (2m)
  • How to contribute (2m)
  • Q/A

4: What is coming in Python packaging


In the last 18 months the Python packaging world has seen an explosion of activity. Learn what improvements are available now and what is on the horizon.


Package authors and users.


Provide an overview of the recent past and near-term future of the packaging world so people know what tools to use and how to use them.


In the last 18 months the Python packaging world has seen an explosion of activity. Some improvements like SSL certificate verification and pyvenv are already available, while others are just over the horizon. In this talk you will learn what the packaging community has been hard at work on and how you can take advantage of the latest tools and techniques in your Python environments.


  • Intro (2m)
  • Things you might not have heard of (10m)
    • SSL Verification
    • Caching CDN
    • Deprecation of the public mirror network
    • External link handling
    • pyvenv
  • Coming soon (10m)
    • Dependency-less pip
    • getpip module
    • wheel package format
    • New package metadata
  • Where next? (5m)
    • Warehouse and new upload API
    • requirements.lock
    • Contributing (mailing list, etc)
  • Q/A


Some topics may get shuffled between headings if they actually happen between now and April.

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