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Last active February 26, 2018 00:15
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Save coderofsalvation/4563309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
savihostbash - a shellscriptwrapper to easily run windows vsts in linux without the usual dependancies like vstserver,dssi-vsthost etc..this only requires wine + savihost.exe. It enables you to easily run your plugins from the commandline, or integrate it into your desktop using icons/menu/filebrowser.
cat - | sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' -e "s/'//g"
file="$(echo "$1" | trim)"
set -- "$file" # strip single quotes (PCFMAN)
path="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$1")" )"
exepath=~/bin # /tmp
if [[ ! -f ~/bin/savihost.exe ]]; then
echo "[x] downloading savihost @"
wget "" -O /tmp/
cd /tmp; unzip
cp savihost.exe "$exepath"
[[ ! -f "$1" ]] && ( echo "$1 is not a valid vstfile" && exit 1);
file="$(readlink -f "$1")"
savihostexe="$( echo "$file" | sed "s/dll/exe/g" )"
ln -fs "$exepath/savihost.exe" "$savihostexe"
cd "$path"
savihostexe="$( basename "$( echo "$1" | sed "s/dll/exe/g")" )"
out="$( wine "$savihostexe" 2>&1 )"
rm "$savihostexe"
[[ ! -n "$1" ]] && echo "Usage: savihost <yourplugin.dll>" && exit 1
checkexe && copy "$1" && run "$1"
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Please forgive the question, but what do I need to type on the command line to run a VST through SAVIHost using this script? For instance, I want to use Dexed through SAVIHost.

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