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Created July 21, 2016 13:57
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Move Ubuntu to the new machine
Whenever is possible, try to do not install anything on your desktop.
Use virtualbox.
Better, use Docker.
Don't feel bad. I have lots of shit installed in my desktop too.
On source machine:
$ sudo apt-key exportall > /tmp/trustedkeys.txt
$ sudo tar zcvf /tmp/etc.tgz /etc
$ sudo dpkg --get-selections | sed "s/.*deinstall//" | sed "s/install$//g" > /tmp/pkglist.txt
$ sudo scp /tmp/trustedkeys.txt /tmp/etc.tgz /tmp/pkglist.txt remoteuser@destmachine:~
On dest machine:
sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server
sudo apt-key add trustedkeys.txt
# etc.tgz is only needed if you configured something locally instead on virtualbox or docker (nginx.conf, my.cnf or similar)
sudo apt-get install aptitude -y
sudo aptitude update && cat ~/pkglist.txt | xargs sudo aptitude install -y | tee ~/install.log
# Check the install log to see what was not installed (always there is some package poor package not installed, skype, for example)
# Install them
# Do this after everything is installed. That will overwrite the default configs ~/.whatever/cfg with your own right versions.
# The reverse would be a disaster, wouln't?
$ rsync -avz /home/ivan ivan@ # Care not forget with the trailing /
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