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Created April 10, 2012 03:43
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Grunt config for Rails
// This is the main application configuration file. It is a Grunt
// configuration file, which you can learn more about here:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// The clean task ensures all files are removed from the dist/ directory so
// that no files linger from previous builds.
clean: ["../public/assets/js/debug", "../public/assets/js/release"],
// The lint task will run the build configuration and the application
// JavaScript through JSHint and report any errors. You can change the
// options for this task, by reading this:
lint: {
files: [
"build/config.js", "app/**/*.js"
// The jshint option for scripturl is set to lax, because the anchor
// override inside main.js needs to test for them so as to not accidentally
// route.
jshint: {
options: {
scripturl: true
// The jst task compiles all application templates into JavaScript
// functions with the underscore.js template function from 1.2.4. You can
// change the namespace and the template options, by reading this:
// The concat task depends on this file to exist, so if you decide to
// remove this, ensure concat is updated accordingly.
jst: {
"../public/assets/js/debug/templates.js": [
// The concatenate task is used here to merge the almond require/define
// shim and the templates into the application code. It's named
// dist/debug/require.js, because we want to only load one script file in
// index.html.
concat: {
"../public/assets/js/debug/require.js": [
// This task uses the MinCSS Node.js project to take all your CSS files in
// order and concatenate them into a single CSS file named index.css. It
// also minifies all the CSS as well. This is named index.css, because we
// only want to load one stylesheet in index.html.
mincss: {
"../public/assets/css/release/index.css": [
// Takes the built require.js file and minifies it for filesize benefits.
min: {
"../public/assets/js/release/require.js": [
// Running the server without specifying an action will run the defaults,
// port: 8080 and host: If you would like to change these
// defaults, simply add in the properties `port` and `host` respectively.
// Changing the defaults might look something like this:
// server: {
// host: "", port: 9001
// debug: { ... can set host and port here too ...
// }
// To learn more about using the server task, please refer to the code
// until documentation has been written.
server: {
debug: {
folders: {
"app": "../public/assets/js/debug",
"app/templates": "app/templates",
"assets/js/libs": "../public/assets/js/debug"
release: {
folders: {
"app": "../public/assets/js/release",
"app/templates": "app/templates",
"assets/js/libs": "../public/assets/js/release",
"assets/css": "../public/assets/js/release"
// This task uses James Burke's excellent r.js AMD build tool. In the
// future other builders may be contributed as drop-in alternatives.
requirejs: {
// Include the main configuration file
mainConfigFile: "app/config.js",
// Output file
out: "../public/assets/js/debug/require.js",
// Root application module
name: "config",
// Do not wrap everything in an IIFE
wrap: false
// The default task will remove all contents inside the dist/ folder, lint
// all your code, precompile all the underscore templates into
// dist/debug/templates.js, compile all the application code into
// dist/debug/require.js, and then concatenate the require/define shim
// almond.js and dist/debug/templates.js into the require.js file.
grunt.registerTask("default", "clean lint jst requirejs concat");
// The debug task is simply an alias to default to remain consistent with
// debug/release.
grunt.registerTask("debug", "default");
// The release task will run the debug tasks and then minify the
// dist/debug/require.js file and CSS files.
grunt.registerTask("release", "default min mincss");
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ryrych commented Apr 16, 2013

I’m new to Grunt. Could you describe the flow, please? What commands should I issue, what steps should I take to integrate Grunt with an existing Rails app? Thanks in advance!

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Luiz-N commented Jul 4, 2013

I'm not finding some of these tasks such as "lint", "min, and "server" on the grunt site to install... Am i missing something?

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No, some of the links are indeed broken or outdated.

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