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Created July 4, 2016 18:36
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// by commy2
params ["_group", "_position"];
private _index = currentWaypoint _group;
_group enableAttack false;
private _units = units _group;
private _staticWeapons = _position nearObjects ["StaticWeapon", 50] select {_x emptyPositions "gunner" > 0};
private _buildings = (_position nearObjects ["Building", 50]) apply {_x buildingPos -1} select {count _x > 0};
if (count _staticWeapons > 0 && {random 1 < 0.31}) then {
_x assignAsGunner (_staticWeapons deleteAt 0);
[_x] orderGetIn true;
} else {
if (count _buildings > 0 && {random 1 < 0.93}) then {
private _building = selectRandom _buildings;
private _position = _building deleteAt (floor random count _building);
// If building positions are all taken, remove from possible buildings
if (_building isEqualTo []) then {
_buildings = _buildings select {count _x > 0};
_x setUnitPos "UP";
// doMoveAndStay
[_x, _position] spawn {
params ["_unit", "_position"];
_unit doMove _position;
waitUntil {unitReady _unit};
doStop _unit;
} else {
_x doMove _position;
} forEach _units;
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