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Last active April 14, 2023 03:20
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Save compnski/a89a5e53eb308671bd6e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Builds a SQL statement to hash a table in any of postgres/mysql/redshift, with the same result across the 3.
package main
import (
const DB_REDSHIFT = "redshift"
const DB_POSTGRES = "postgres"
const DB_MYSQL = "mysql"
type Table struct {
Name string
Schema string
Columns []Column
type Column struct {
Name string
Type string
NotNull bool
Encoding string
var (
tableName string
schemaName string
idCol string
lowerBound string
upperBound string
colList string
dbType string
tablePath string
debug bool
func init() {
flag.StringVar(&tableName, "table", "", "Table name.")
flag.StringVar(&schemaName, "schema", "", "Schema name.")
flag.StringVar(&colList, "cols", "", "Comma separated list of column names/type pairs, E.g. (name 1, type1, name2, type2, ...).")
flag.StringVar(&idCol, "id", "id", "Id column")
flag.StringVar(&lowerBound, "lower", "0", "Lower value of id column, exclusive, to hash.")
flag.StringVar(&upperBound, "upper", "1000000", "Upper value of id column, inclusive, to hash.")
flag.StringVar(&dbType, "dbType", DB_POSTGRES, "Type of database, only postgres / redshift are supported")
flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", false, "debug")
func main() {
if colList == "" {
colList = strings.Join(flag.Args(), " ")
if tableName == "" || colList == "" {
table := makeTable(tableName, schemaName, strings.Split(colList, ",")...)
if schemaName != "" {
tablePath = fmt.Sprintf(`%s.%s`, schemaName, tableName)
} else {
tablePath = tableName
fmt.Println(hashAllCols(table, idCol, lowerBound, upperBound))
func makeTable(name, schema string, colPairs ...string) *Table {
cols := []Column{}
for i := 0; i < len(colPairs); i += 2 {
cols = append(cols, Column{Name: strings.TrimSpace(colPairs[i]), Type: strings.TrimSpace(colPairs[i+1])})
return &Table{Name: name, Schema: schema, Columns: cols}
func hashAllCols(table *Table, idCol, lowerBound, upperBound string) string {
var (
colSqls = make([]string, len(table.Columns))
rowSql string
switch dbType {
case DB_MYSQL:
for idx, col := range table.Columns {
colSqls[idx] = colAsString_mysql(&col)
rowSql = fmt.Sprintf("concat(%s)", strings.Join(colSqls, ", "))
if debug {
rowSql = fmt.Sprintf("concat_ws(',',%s)", strings.Join(colSqls, ","))
//colAsString = colAsString_mysql
for idx, col := range table.Columns {
colSqls[idx] = colAsString_pg(&col)
rowSql = strings.Join(colSqls, " || ")
if debug {
rowSql = strings.Join(colSqls, " || ',' || ")
if debug {
return fmt.Sprintf(`select md5(%s), %s from %s where %s > '%s' and %s <= '%s' order by %s desc`,
strings.Replace(rowSql, "md5", "", -1), strings.Replace(rowSql, "md5", "", -1), tablePath, idCol, lowerBound, idCol, upperBound, idCol)
innerQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`select md5(%s) as hash from %s where %s > '%s' and %s <= '%s'`,
rowSql, tablePath, idCol, lowerBound, idCol, upperBound)
outerQuery := fmt.Sprintf("select %s from (%s) a;", getSumOfHash("hash"), innerQuery)
return outerQuery
func colAsString_pg(col *Column) string {
colSql := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, col.Name)
if col.Type == "date" {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("(%s - '0001-01-01'::date)", colSql)
if strings.Contains(col.Type, "timestamp") {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("floor(extract(epoch from %s))", colSql)
if col.Type == "boolean" {
colSql = colSql + "::integer"
if strings.Contains(col.Type, "varchar") {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("md5(%s)", colSql)
} else {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("md5(%s::text)", colSql)
if !col.NotNull {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("coalesce(%s, ' ')", colSql)
return colSql
func colAsString_mysql(col *Column) string {
colSql := fmt.Sprintf("%s", col.Name)
if col.Type == "date" {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("(to_days(%s) - 366)", colSql) //366 to represent diff from Day 1, Year 1, not Year 0 which never existed.
if strings.Contains(col.Type, "timestamp") || col.Type == "datetime" {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("floor(unix_timestamp(%s - interval 7 hour))", colSql)
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("md5(%s)", colSql)
if !col.NotNull {
colSql = fmt.Sprintf("coalesce(%s, ' ')", colSql)
return colSql
func getSumOfHash(col string) string {
var queryPart string
switch dbType {
queryPart = `sum(('x'||substring(%s,%d,8))::bit(32)::bigint)`
queryPart = `sum(trunc(strtol(substring(%s,%d,8),16)))`
case DB_MYSQL:
queryPart = `sum(cast(conv(substring(%s,%d,8), 16, 10) as unsigned))`
queryParts := []string{fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 1), fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 9), fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 17), fmt.Sprintf(queryPart, col, 25)}
return strings.Join(queryParts, ", ")
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ghost commented Apr 19, 2017

Hi Jason, doesn't your code assume the databases are FROZEN in time? I would guess you'd have to put MySQL or Postgres in READONLY mode, and make sure redshift is also paused.

How do you guys use this in the real world?

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aadant commented Feb 14, 2019

queryPart = sum(trunc(strtol(substring(%s,%d,8),16))) is probably wrong


select cast(trunc(cast(9009946224037101 as bigint)) as bigint);

(1 row)

I would remove the trunc in Redshift

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sabitor commented Apr 14, 2022

Can't it be theoretical that when you sum the MD5 chunks you get identical results for two different tables?
Of course this might never happen or in very rare cases, but theoretically it could.
What is your opinion on that?

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A collision is certainly possible, but exceedingly unlikely, I'm not sure it'd ever come up.

This was my attempt at some rsync-like syncing. We never ended up using much of this matching. In the end, we mostly relied on lastModifiedAt / lastUpdatedAt timestamp to know when to pull more rows.

There also might be other (faster) hash functions implemented by now -- Redshift was quite lacking at the time, but has made good progress.

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