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Forked from MobCat/index.php
Created August 12, 2023 14:08
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"Simple" server info page to replace WoWs news page on login screen
// "Simple" server info page to replace WoWs news page on login screen
// (replace "Breaking News" Article on World of Warcraft login screen)
// By MobCat (2023)
// Preview
// Server side this has only been tested with trinity core for WoW 3.3.5 with sql 5.
// This will fubar on newer sql vers, sorry. But wont be to hard to convert mysql_query to $conn->query($sql) and so on
// Also https might brake it, idk.
// On the client side though, this has been tested and appears to work with both enUS and enGB and all vers of wow
// from og WoW all the way though to the new wow classic engine. So im converdent this should work for all
// vers of wow as long as you get the news redirect corect.
// made a bat script for that too
// The ingame leaderboard is formatted as
// character name - Race Class - Level (current xp) - X offline or O online.
// [How to setup]
// Client setup (windows)
// 1. goto "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and edit hosts file with notepad as admin
// 2. add the following lines (without the \\ ofc.) Change to your web server.
//# US WoW redirect (untested)
//# WoW EU EN redirect
// 3. Save and close the hosts file.
// Server setup
// 1. goto your htdocs folder on your server
// 2. for EU EN make a new folder folder structure like this
// htdocs\en\alert\index.php
// for US make
// htdocs\alert\index.php
// 3. Open our new php file with notepad and copy past in this whole file
// Or just download this php file and place it into your alert folder
// 4. If your sql and apache servers where not running, now would be a good time to launch them
// 5. Check the news page. In your browser, goto up
// or for US
// And you should now see some plain text info about your server
// If you didn't get and random sql errors then this should display fine at the login screen as well.
// Max of 32 chars per line of news? befor it overflows into the next line.
// Define your WoW databases and creds
$dbip = "";
$dbUser = "trinity";
$dbPass = "trinity";
$realmID = 1;
$auth = "auth";
$char = "characters";
$world = "world";
// Connect and check db.
// Create a database connection
$conn = mysql_connect($dbip, $dbUser, $dbPass);
// Check the connection
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysql_error());
// Server stats
// Select update based on epoch start from auth database
mysql_select_db($auth, $conn);
$uptimeQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uptime ORDER BY starttime DESC LIMIT 1");
$uptimeRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($uptimeQuery);
// Count accounts and check if they are online or not.
$accountCount = 0;
$accountOnline = 0;
$accountQuery = mysql_query("SELECT online FROM account");
// Loop over account rows
while ($accountRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($accountQuery)) {
$accountCount++; // Increment accountCount for each row
if ($accountRow['online'] == 1) {
$accountOnline++; // Increment accountOnline if online value is 1
// Get realm info
$dictIcon = array(
0 => 'Normal',
1 => 'PvP',
4 => 'Normal',
6 => 'RP',
8 => 'RP PvP'
$realmQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM realmlist WHERE id = ". $realmID);
$realmRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($realmQuery);
// Realm icon set
$realmIcon = isset($dictIcon[$realmRow['icon']]) ? $dictIcon[$realmRow['icon']] : '?';
// Func to format secs elapsed
function formatTime($secIn, $days = false) {
$hours = floor($secIn / 3600);
$remainder = $secIn % 3600;
$minutes = floor($remainder / 60);
$seconds = $remainder % 60;
if ($days) {
$days = floor($hours / 24);
$hours = $hours % 24;
return sprintf("%03dd %02d:%02d:%02d", $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
} else {
return sprintf("%03d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
// Format info into html
// Please note, there is a zero width space between the last <p> </p> to separate the server info from the leaderboard,
// as the client just strips unnecessary spaces. If this is missing and your news window doesn't have a gap like the demo pic
// because github or downloading this php brakes it, go to the last <p> </p> and in the gap in the middle of them type alt+0160
//(hold down alt, then type 0160 on your numpad, then let go of alt)
$stats = "<p>(". $realmIcon .") ". $realmRow['name'] .
"</p><p>IP: ". $realmRow['address'] .
"</p><p>Uptime: ". formatTime($uptimeRow['uptime'], true) .
"</p><p>Users Online: ". $accountOnline ."/". $accountCount ." (Max: ". $uptimeRow['maxplayers'] .
")</p><p> </p>";
// Leaderboard
// Dictionary for race lookup
$dictRace = array(
0 => '?',
1 => 'HU',
2 => 'OR',
3 => 'DW',
4 => 'NE',
5 => 'UD',
6 => 'TR',
7 => 'GN',
8 => 'RL',
9 => 'GB',
10 => 'BE',
11 => 'DR'
// Dictionary for class lookup
$dictClass = array(
0 => '?',
1 => 'WR',
2 => 'PL',
3 => 'HN',
4 => 'RO',
5 => 'PR',
6 => 'DK',
7 => 'SA',
8 => 'MA',
9 => 'WA',
10 => 'MK',
11 => 'DU'
// Select the char database
mysql_select_db($char, $conn);
// Select top 10 characters based on most xp
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters ORDER BY level DESC, xp DESC LIMIT 10");
// Generate the leaderboard for each characters found with the sql query
// If less then 10 characters are found then this *should* only display what it finds.
$leaderboard = '';
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// Perform lookup for $row['race'] and $row['class']
$race = isset($dictRace[$row['race']]) ? $dictRace[$row['race']] : '?';
$class = isset($dictClass[$row['class']]) ? $dictClass[$row['class']] : '?';
// format this leaderboard row into html
$leaderboard .= "<p>{$row['name']} - {$race} {$class} - lvl {$row['level']} ({$row['xp']}xp) - " . ($row['online'] == 0 ? 'X' : 'O') . "</p>";
} else {
// error catch for no characters at all found.
$leaderboard = "<p>No characters found.</p>";
// Close the database connection
// Now display the formatted html to the wow client. DO NOT EDIT THIS.
// The newlines at the start and end are important.
// When you download this script, make sure the blank newline at the end of this file is intact
// Without it the client will error out and won't display any news?>
SERVERALERT:<html><body><p>[Realm info]</p><?php echo $stats; ?><p>[Leaderboard]</p><?php echo $leaderboard; ?></body></html>
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