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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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AngularJs directive for
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ioBridgeDial
* @restrict E
* @description
* @element io-bridge-dial
* @param {expression} label The name of the device being monitored will be displayed on the dial.
* @param {expression} value Current dial value.
* @param {expression} min Minimum value of the band representing operating range.
* @param {expression} max Maximum value of the band representing operating range.
* @example
* <io-bridge-dial label="Auburn" value="72" min="70" max="73"></io-bridge-dial>
.directive('ioBridgeDial', function ($log) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
label: '=',
value: '=',
min: '=',
max: '='
template: '<canvas width="100%" height="100%""></canvas>',
link: function (scope, element, attributes, controller, transcludeFn) {
function toString() {
return 'ioBridgeDial(label=' + scope.label + ', value=' + scope.value + ', min=' + scope.min + ', max=' + scope.max + ')';
var options = {
value: Number(scope.value) || 0,
label: scope.label || '',
unitsLabel: 'F',
min: 20,
max: 80,
majorTicks: 4,
minorTicks: 3,
colorOfCenterCircleFill: 'rgba(154, 204, 83, 1)',
colorOfCenterCircleStroke: 'rgba(47, 67, 128, 1)',
colorOfText: 'rgba(47, 67, 128, 1)',
bands: [
// Leaf Green
{ color: '#55AE3A', from: Number(scope.min), to: Number(scope.max) }
var ioGauge = new Gauge(element.find('canvas')[0], options);
scope.$watch('value', function(newValue, oldValue) {
scope.$watchGroup(['min', 'max'], function(newValues, oldValues) {
// Leaf Green
options.bands = [{ color: '#55AE3A', from: Number(newValues[0]), to: Number(newValues[1]) }];
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