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Created January 27, 2017 22:18
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User Alerts
module Shared.UserAlert exposing (UserAlert, Msg, show, startShowAlertAnimation, startHideAlertAnimation, default, update, view)
import Helpers exposing (classes)
import Shared.Animation as Animation
import Html exposing (Html, div, span, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)
import Task
type UserAlert
= NotShowing
| Showing State
type alias State =
{ showState : Animation.ShowHideAnimation
, text : String
type Msg
= AnimationTransition Animation.ShowHideAnimation
| Show { text : String }
default : UserAlert
default =
animationDelays : Animation.ShowHideStateAnimationDelays
animationDelays =
{ show = Animation.standardMediumDelays
, hide = Animation.standardMediumDelays
show : String -> Cmd Msg
show text =
Show { text = text }
|> Task.succeed
|> Task.perform identity
startShowAlertAnimation : Cmd Msg
startShowAlertAnimation =
Animation.startShowHideAnimation animationDelays Animation.hidden
|> AnimationTransition
startHideAlertAnimation : Cmd Msg
startHideAlertAnimation =
Animation.startShowHideAnimation { animationDelays | hide = { setup = 5000, animate = 300, done = 0 } } Animation.shown
|> AnimationTransition
update : Msg -> { mdl | userAlert : UserAlert } -> ( UserAlert, Cmd Msg )
update msg { userAlert } =
case userAlert of
NotShowing ->
case msg of
Show { text } ->
( Showing { text = text, showState = Animation.hidden }
, startShowAlertAnimation
_ ->
( userAlert, Cmd.none )
Showing state ->
case msg of
AnimationTransition animation ->
case animation of
Animation.Done (Animation.Show) ->
( userAlert
, startHideAlertAnimation
_ ->
Animation.transitionShowHideAnimationState animationDelays animation
|> AnimationTransition
|> (,) (Showing { state | showState = animation })
Show { text } ->
( Showing { text = text, showState = Animation.hidden }
, startShowAlertAnimation
view : { mdl | userAlert : UserAlert } -> Html msg
view { userAlert } =
case userAlert of
NotShowing ->
text ""
Showing state ->
case state.showState of
Animation.Done (Animation.Hide) ->
text ""
showState ->
div [ classes [ "alert", Animation.classesForShowHideStateAnimations showState ] ]
[ span [ class "alert-content" ]
[ span [ class "content-text" ]
[ text state.text ]
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