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Last active April 11, 2023 10:54
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Handle a stream of clicks by canceling the latest one
* Implements an operation to fetch the data as described in
* The "winner" is unambiguous. It is the request corresponding to the latest click, guaranteed.
* Other important things to note:
* 1. The HTTP request is cancelled every time along with its containing task
* 2. click listener is removed automatically at the end of the `clickToLoad` operation
* 3. The cancellation logic is explicit here to demonstrate the concept, but it can easily be abstracted into a separate
*. function. See the `click-to-load-HOF` example below
import { on, fetch, spawn } from 'effection';
function* clickToLoad() {
let current;
yield on(button, 'click').forEach(function*() {
if (current) {
yield current.halt();
current = yield spawn(function*() {
const resp = yield fetch('/sometimes/veryfast/sometimes/');
if (resp.ok) {
updateView(yield resp.json());
* Using a higher order `cancelPrior` function, we can make the Effection example look almost exactly like the
* example in the original
* The "meat" of the operation is plain: load the data and update the view, and the "async correctness" aspect is explicit,
* but also secondary as it should be.
function* clickToLoad() {
yield on(button, 'click').forEach(cancelPrior(function*() {
const resp = yield fetch('/sometimes/veryfast/sometimes/');
if (resp.ok) {
updateView(yield resp.json());
* Returns an operation that has an implicit reference to its previous invocation. Whenever it is started
* it first cancels that previous task.
function cancelPrior(operation) {
let current;
return function*() {
if (current) {
yield current.halt();
current = yield spawn(operation);
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getify commented Nov 15, 2021

@cowboyd This was a really interesting gist/example... thanks for posting!

For my own learning and posterity, I expressed it with CAF + helpers: There were things CAF didn't have that it should have had, so this exercise helped me improve my library.

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