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Forked from taras/showing-progress.hbs
Last active June 19, 2016 17:46
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{{#with (async (ajax)) as |result|}}
{{#loading-overlay result.isPending}}
<button onclick={{action ajax.get '/products'}}>Load</button>
{{#with (list result) as |products|}}
{{#each (list products) as |item}}
<button {{action (action ajax.delete 'products/:id'
on-success=(action products.remove item))
on-error=(action notifications.error 'Could not delete item')
{{#with (ajax) as |ajax|}}
{{#with (async ajax on-init=(action ajax.get '/products'))) as |result|}}
{{#loading-overlay result.isPending}}
{{#with (list result) as |products|}}
{{#each (list products) as |item}}
<button {{action (action ajax.delete 'products/:id'
on-success=(action products.remove item))
on-error=(action notifications.error 'Could not delete item')
{{#with (ajax) as |ajax|}}
{{#with (async ajax (action ajax.get '/products'))) as |result|}}
{{#loading-overlay result.isPending}}
{{#with (list result) as |products|}}
{{#each (list products) as |item}}
<button {{action (action ajax.delete 'products/:id'
on-success=(action products.remove item))
on-error=(action notifications.error 'Could not delete item')
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