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Last active July 26, 2019 12:12
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-- implementation of
-- I, Chris Pressey, hereby place this source code into the public domain.
import Data.Char
-- A program in An Odd Rewriting System consists an alphabet of symbols,
-- each of which belongs to one of two categories (an odd symbol or an even symbol),
-- except for a special halt symbol that appears in neither category;
-- two definitions for each symbol (an odd definition and an even definition);
-- and an initial string. Both the initial string, and each definition, is simply a
-- (possibly empty) string of symbols from the alphabet.
data Defn = Defn {
symbol :: Char,
oddDefn :: String,
evenDefn :: String
} deriving (Show)
data Program = Program {
defns :: [Defn],
initial :: String
} deriving (Show)
-- The source code is in Unicode (and should be represented in a file via using UTF-8);
-- most symbols are represented as Unicode characters with the "cased letter" property
-- (odd symbols have the "uppercase letter" property, even symbols the "lowercase letter" property),
-- with the halt symbol being represented as $.
isOdd = isUpper
isEven = isLower
findDefn char defnGetter [] = error "No such defn"
findDefn char defnGetter (defn:defns) =
if symbol defn == char then defnGetter defn else findDefn char defnGetter defns
-- At the start of execution of the program, a data string (which forms the program's memory)
-- is initialised with the contents of the initial string. Thereafter, execution of the program proceeds
-- as follows: a new data string (replacing the old data string) is formed via concatenating the
-- definitions of the symbols in the old data string. At positions which have an odd number of
-- odd symbols to their left (in the old data string), the odd definition is used;
-- if the position has an even number of odd symbols to its left, the even definition is used.
run program = evolve (initial program) (defns program)
evolve dataString defns =
dataString' = step dataString defns
[dataString] ++ evolve dataString' defns
step dataString defns =
(transformedSymbols, _) = foldl (transformSymbol) ([],0) dataString
concat transformedSymbols
transformSymbol (newElems, numSeenOddSymbols) char =
defnGetter = if numSeenOddSymbols `mod` 2 == 0 then evenDefn else oddDefn
replacement = findDefn char defnGetter defns
numSeenOddSymbols' = numSeenOddSymbols + if isOdd char then 1 else 0
(newElems ++ [replacement], numSeenOddSymbols')
-- - - - - --
testProg1 = Program{
initial = "Cwg",
defns = [
Defn{ symbol='c', evenDefn="c", oddDefn="C" },
Defn{ symbol='C', evenDefn="C", oddDefn="c" },
Defn{ symbol='g', evenDefn="wg",oddDefn="wg" },
Defn{ symbol='w', evenDefn="w", oddDefn="C" }
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