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Paul Curry cr3ative

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cr3ative / gist:e6731295fe0a2e10e733e163143ff947
Created January 9, 2023 15:45
an innocuous sequence of characters
cr3ative /
Last active July 11, 2024 08:38
Making an inexpensive USB Mouse Jiggler, with slightly better USB Descriptor (PID, VID, Manufacturer)

Making a half-convincing USB Mouse Jiggler on the cheap

I object to USB Mouse Jigglers being £20-£30 on Amazon for something a microcontroller should be able to do with ease, in an unconfigurable/unknown state when it comes to how they describe themselves to the host machine.

We can do better, with a reprogrammable version for about £6.

There are existing guides to each part of this, and I've linked them inline. Here's a great one for people less familiar with Arduino, but this guide assumes basic knowledge of Arduino.


cr3ative / .vimrc
Created October 6, 2017 15:29
alias vim="nano"
cr3ative / gist:35240a472d6a95410c35
Created July 15, 2015 12:59
Vagrantfile for image-dreamer, more CPU, more RAM
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "data-science-toolbox/dst"
# Salt to taste
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.memory = 12015
v.cpus = 8
cr3ative / gist:faea1edc0999e7a58f7e
Created July 15, 2015 12:53
Process multiple .JPG images in a folder using image-dreamer on vagrant
for f in $FILES
echo "Processing $f..."
vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant/; ipython $f $f.png"
cr3ative /
Created September 22, 2014 21:34

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am cr3ative on github.
  • I am paulcurry ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 17F9 B2C0 FCAA C523 30D0 1E5F AD43 BEAC DB78 1C82

To claim this, I am signing this object:

cr3ative / gist:8340001
Last active February 14, 2024 03:31
Drift HD Ghost - Technical Notes and Root

## Drift HD Ghost - Technical Notes and Root

Note: Please don't attempt anything here unless you are comfortable with the possibility of permanently damaging your camera. I also do not guarantee your camera is the same as mine - this is just for information and fun! It goes without saying that I take no responsibility for what you do with this information, and it will probably invalidate your warranty too.

It is reported that the firmware re-flash does not appear to disable the debug network on a Ghost S.

  • Most of this was found by simply running strings over publically available firmware and software, then searching around for anything interesting.
  • The camera runs on the Ambarella A5S chipset, which appears to run PrKERNEL (implementing uItron):, then boots Linux as a process inside the uItron OS.
  • There's lots of references to BOSS in the firmware, presumably a codename for this chipset from Ambarella.
  • The code on the device-side is a very close im
cr3ative / gist:8337446
Last active December 8, 2022 08:16
Drift HD Ghost WiFi Application API

Drift HD Ghost WiFi Application API

See my technical notes here, which include how to get root on a Drift HD Ghost with no modifications to the unit.

The following is a list of URLs which might be handy if you connect your machine to the Drift HD Ghost's WiFi network.

Live Video URL (works great in VLC)
