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Created October 7, 2015 20:35
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Command to export all grafana 2 dashboard to JSON using curl
mkdir -p dashboards && for dash in $(curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $HOST/api/search\?query\=\& |tr ']' '\n' |cut -d "," -f 5 |grep slug |cut -d\" -f 4); do
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $KEY" $HOST/api/dashboards/db/$dash > dashboards/$dash.json
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Hello guys!

I created this script based in work of @KMurphs
in this comment:

The script can export datasources and dashboards of Grafana, but I only tested with Grafana 6.6.x

Example of execution script:

chmod +x

[INFO] Datasource AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125 exported
[INFO] Encrypting the file ./backup_grafana_dashboards_20230321_1347/datasources/grafana-datasource-AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125.json...
[INFO] Dashboard alerts-prometheus-kGqyea3Zz exported

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Also needed to export a bunch of Dashboards adjusted the code of @senz a bit to get the proper dashboard names as the filename and to get rid of the dashboards_raw folder.


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# set -x

headers="Authorization: Bearer $2"
set -o nounset

echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $FULLURL"
mkdir -p $in_path
for dash in $(curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
        curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" 1>/dev/null
        curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . > $dash_path 
        jq -r .dashboard $dash_path > $in_path/dashboard.json 
        title=$(jq -r .dashboard.title $dash_path)
        folder="$(jq -r '.meta.folderTitle' $dash_path)"
        mkdir -p "$folder"
        mv -f $in_path/dashboard.json "$folder/${title}.json"
       echo "exported $folder/${title}.json"
rm -r $in_path

@merlian2 @mintuguptha To import with folder structure, I make use of dashboard provisioning. See Grafana Docs

thanks, this works well except if dashboard has a "/" in the name (or another character that would need escaping as a filename).

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thanks, this works well except if dashboard has a "/" in the name (or another character that would need escaping as a filename).

Thanks, that works fine. Here is a tiny update based on that, using sed to replace "/" with "-".


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
# set -x

# e.g. http://localhost:8888 (no trailing slash)
# API key
# e.g. eyJr0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
headers="Authorization: Bearer $2"
set -o nounset

echo "Exporting Grafana dashboards from $FULLURL"
mkdir -p $in_path

curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" > tmp.json

for dash in $(curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
    curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/search?query=&" 1>/dev/null
    curl -H "$headers" -s "$FULLURL/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . > $dash_path
    jq -r .dashboard $dash_path > $in_path/dashboard.json
    title=$(jq -r .dashboard.title $dash_path | sed "s/\//-/g")
    folder="$(jq -r '.meta.folderTitle' $dash_path | sed "s/\//-/g")"
    mkdir -p "$folder"
    mv -f $in_path/dashboard.json "$folder/${title}.json"
    echo "exported $folder/${title}.json"
rm -r $in_path

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I'm trying to create automatization of export dashboards, folders, datasources from all org.
My problem:

  • Trying to export dashboard from folder "Test" via api
  • Delete dashboard via UI
  • Trying to import dasboard via api
  • Open UI Grafana, dashboard was recreated at "General" folder.
    What i try to do:
  • Login to Grafana, create folder "Test" and in this folder dashboard "Test_dashboard".
  • Login to Orgs, get list of dashboards via api
curl --silent -u $user:$pass "${grafanaurl}/api/search?query=&" | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'
  • Download dashboard via curl
curl --silent -u $user:$pass "${grafanaurl}/api/dashboards/uid/$dash" | jq -r . >${dash}.json
  • Delete dashboard from UI Grafana.
  • Import this dashboard to Grafana via curl
cat $FILE | jq '. * {overwrite: true, dashboard: {id: null}}' | curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u $user:$pass "$grafanaurl/api/dashboards/db" -d @- ;
  • Open UI Grafana, dashboard was recreated at "General" folder. (Expected to appear in the "Test" folder)

Can anyone help with this problem? The documentation says that the JSON file should have "folderId or the folderUid property".
In JSON file i have all tags, because grafana make it itself.
Tryin to reduce nubmer of it , move from meta, but it doesnt work.

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sfranzis commented Jul 22, 2023

  • Open UI Grafana, dashboard was recreated at "General" folder. (Expected to appear in the "Test" folder)

Can anyone help with this problem? The documentation says that the JSON file should have "folderId or the folderUid property". Link: In JSON file i have all tags, because grafana make it itself. Tryin to reduce nubmer of it , move from meta, but it doesnt work.

You have to put the folderUid into the root object.
See my solution here:

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Hello guys!

I created this script based in work of @KMurphs in this comment:

The script can export datasources and dashboards of Grafana, but I only tested with Grafana 6.6.x

Example of execution script:

chmod +x

[INFO] Datasource AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125 exported
[INFO] Encrypting the file ./backup_grafana_dashboards_20230321_1347/datasources/grafana-datasource-AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125.json...
[INFO] Dashboard alerts-prometheus-kGqyea3Zz exported

do you have anything to export grafana alerts?

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A simple script to export grafana rules/alerts



curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GRAFANA_TOKEN}" \
	     "https://${GRAFANA_DOMAIN}/api/ruler/grafana/api/v1/rules" | jq > './alerts.json'

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isidhux commented Aug 25, 2023

hey, I want help in exporting data used by grafana for a dashboard. Does someone know anything related to how to do it?

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8763mb commented Nov 20, 2023

Hello guys!

I created this script based in work of @KMurphs in this comment:

The script can export datasources and dashboards of Grafana, but I only tested with Grafana 6.6.x

Example of execution script:

chmod +x

[INFO] Datasource AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125 exported
[INFO] Encrypting the file ./backup_grafana_dashboards_20230321_1347/datasources/grafana-datasource-AWS_Cloudwatch_PRD-125.json...
[INFO] Dashboard alerts-prometheus-kGqyea3Zz exported

I successfully executed the script, but how do I import it?

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Just trowing here some recent contribution from "Gonzalo Di Biase" on Grafana Slack

export HOST=https://mygrafana.mydomain

for dash in $(curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" ${HOST}/api/search\?query\=\& | jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "dash-db") | .uid'); do
  curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEY}" ${HOST}/api/dashboards/uid/$dash \
    | jq '. |= (.folderUid=.meta.folderUid) | del(.meta) |del( + {overwrite: true}' \
    > "${SCRIPT_DIR}/export/${NAME}/dashboards/${dash}.json"
  echo "Dashboard: ${NAME} - ${dash} saved."

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saibug commented Mar 15, 2024


it doesn't work wuth grafana v7.3.1 API :(

It's seems like folderUid doesn't exist in meta block ..

    "meta": {
        "type": "db",
        "canSave": true,
        "canEdit": true,
        "canAdmin": true,
        "canStar": true,
        "slug": "tcp-status",
        "url": "/d/YCaAbWJIk/tcp-status",
        "expires": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "created": "2024-03-15T11:24:21+01:00",
        "updated": "2024-03-15T11:57:33+01:00",
        "updatedBy": "admin",
        "createdBy": "admin",
        "version": 3,
        "hasAcl": false,
        "isFolder": false,
        "folderId": 27,
        "folderTitle": "system",
        "folderUrl": "/dashboards/f/Oe6cfZ1Iz/system",
        "provisioned": false,
        "provisionedExternalId": ""

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