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Journeying through levels of abstraction trying to land

Craig Quiter crizCraig

Journeying through levels of abstraction trying to land
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crizCraig / gist:2e15fff780a28b4757adbf81e9e9dbd0
Created December 7, 2019 01:52
ppo dd2d plus accel STRAIGHT_TEST
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
:27.232 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:477 - Episode score 266.12, Steps: 708, Distance 19.58, Angular velocity 0.0, Speed: 2.61, Max gforce: 0.09, Avg gforce: 0.03, Trip pct 95.28, Angle accuracy 0.0, Num episodes 521
2019-12-06 17:31:27.963 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:560 - Reached destination! Steps: 819
2019-12-06 17:31:27.963 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:477 - Episode score 299.97, Steps: 820, Distance 24.26, Angular velocity 0.0, Speed: 2.71, Max gforce: 0.09, Avg gforce: 0.02, Trip pct 96.07, Angle accuracy 0.0, Num episodes 522
2019-12-06 17:31:28.836 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:560 - Reached destination! Steps: 972
2019-12-06 17:31:28.837 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:477 - Episode score 325.85, Steps: 973, Distance 31.91, Angular velocity 0.0, Speed: 2.8, Max gforce: 0.09, Avg gforce: 0.02, Trip pct 97.01, Angle accuracy 0.0, Num episodes 523
2019-12-06 17:31:29.696 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:560 - Reached destination!
crizCraig / gist:19626fdcaa2509d9593015ee889228c0
Created December 6, 2019 23:36
ppo dd2d plus accel STRAIGHT_TEST
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
velocity 0.0, Speed: 3.24, Max gforce: 0.09, Avg gforce: 0.05, Trip pct 94.11, Angle accuracy 0.0, Num episodes 20638
2019-12-06 15:32:08.903 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:559 - Reached destination! Steps: 96
2019-12-06 15:32:08.904 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:476 - Episode score 613.24, Steps: 97, Distance 24.4, Angular velocity 0.0, Speed: 3.44, Max gforce: 0.09, Avg gforce: 0.04, Trip pct 97.05, Angle accuracy 0.0, Num episodes 20639
2019-12-06 15:32:09.019 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:559 - Reached destination! Steps: 108
2019-12-06 15:32:09.020 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:476 - Episode score 719.49, Steps: 109, Distance 28.63, Angular velocity 0.0, Speed: 3.53, Max gforce: 0.09, Avg gforce: 0.03, Trip pct 97.69, Angle accuracy 0.0, Num episodes 20640
2019-12-06 15:32:09.115 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:559 - Reached destination! Steps: 89
2019-12-06 15:32:09.115 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:476 - Episode score 553.03, Step
crizCraig / gist:97eed7f0d9fe1b9c37e74a475ec03521
Created November 30, 2019 20:35
plus accel - speed, angle, gforce reward
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
89, Angular velocity 3.31, Speed: 2.13, Max gforce: 1.22, Avg gforce: 0.21, Trip pct 74.17, Angle accuracy 1.08, Num episodes 522
2019-11-30 13:23:35.498 | WARNING | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:522 - Harmful g-forces, game over
2019-11-30 13:23:35.498 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:458 - Episode score 97.78, Steps: 69, Distance 5.61, Angular velocity 2.7, Speed: 2.16, Max gforce: 1.18, Avg gforce: 0.22, Trip pct 70.89, Angle accuracy 1.11, Num episodes 523
2019-11-30 13:23:35.563 | WARNING | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:522 - Harmful g-forces, game over
2019-11-30 13:23:35.563 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:458 - Episode score 84.38, Steps: 54, Distance 4.38, Angular velocity 0.92, Speed: 2.12, Max gforce: 1.02, Avg gforce: 0.21, Trip pct 55.52, Angle accuracy 1.1, Num episodes 524
2019-11-30 13:23:35.627 | WARNING | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:522 - Harmful g-forces, game over
2019-11-30 13:23:35.627 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:458 - Episode score 133.14, Steps: 55
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Trip pct 88.9, Angle accuracy 0.98, Num episodes 33665
2019-11-24 11:39:37.319 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:530 - Reached destination! Steps: 43
2019-11-24 11:39:37.319 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:447 - Episode score 204.11, Steps: 44, Distance 5.37, Angular velocity -0.23, Speed: 2.38, Max gforce: 0.06, Avg gforce: 0.06, Trip pct 86.25, Angle accuracy 0.97, Num episodes 33666
2019-11-24 11:39:37.374 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:530 - Reached destination! Steps: 49
2019-11-24 11:39:37.374 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:447 - Episode score 234.25, Steps: 50, Distance 6.86, Angular velocity -0.22, Speed: 2.66, Max gforce: 0.07, Avg gforce: 0.06, Trip pct 90.08, Angle accuracy 0.97, Num episodes 33667
2019-11-24 11:39:37.432 | SUCCESS | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:get_done:530 - Reached destination! Steps: 52
2019-11-24 11:39:37.432 | DEBUG | deepdrive_2d.envs.env:_step:447 - Episode score 244.53, Steps: 53, Distance 7.61, Angular velocity -0.28, Speed: 2.8, Max
crizCraig /
Last active October 27, 2022 20:30
bash boilerplate
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e # Abort script at first error, when a command exits with non-zero status (except in until or while loops, if-tests, list constructs)
set -u # Attempt to use undefined variable outputs error message, and forces an exit
set -x # Similar to verbose mode (-v), but expands commands
set -o pipefail # Causes a pipeline to return the exit status of the last command in the pipe that returned a non-zero return value.
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# end boilerplate from:
crizCraig / log.txt
Created July 30, 2019 20:23
Deepdrive Unreal Build success after dialog
/home/a/UnrealInstalled/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor /home/a/src/deepdrive-sim/DeepDrive.uproject
Increasing per-process limit of core file size to infinity.
LogConsoleResponse: Display: Failed to find resolution value strings in scalability ini. Falling back to default.
LogInit: Display: Running engine for game: DeepDrive
LogPakFile: Registered encryption key '00000000000000000000000000000000': 0 pak files mounted, 0 remain pending
LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper
LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 5 named threads and 20 total threads with 3 sets of task threads.
LogStats: Stats thread started at 0.048704
LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: -8:00, Platform Override: ''
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin DatasmithContent
"score": 35.55670358192535,
"gist": "not uploaded",
"sensorimotor_specific": {
"num_episodes": 1,
"median_fps": 4.502848922376865,
"num_steps": 101
"driving_specific": {
"max_gforce": 0.4195085098619047,
crizCraig / gist:b9f9f86dc404a5658a85328e490d585e
Created July 10, 2019 21:58
UnrealEnginePythonTutorial introspection output
[2019.07.10-21.57.23:071][235]LogPython: Methods -------------------------------
[2019.07.10-21.57.23:071][235]LogPython: __call__
[2019.07.10-21.57.23:071][235]LogPython: __class__
[2019.07.10-21.57.23:072][235]LogPython: __delattr__
class timer:
def __init__(self, msg, fmt="%0.3g"):
self.msg = msg
self.fmt = fmt
def __enter__(self):
self.start = time.process_time()
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
"actor_info": {
"actor_bounds": [