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Created June 24, 2016 00:30
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latex build script (work in progress)
markdown --> pandoc --> latex --> pdf builder script
- checkes for changes in the current working directory
- stores change data between runs in this file itself (at the bottom)
- will only rebuild and rerun those parts that need to be rebuilt
- will run `pdflatex` only as many times as necessary
- for every `.md` file in the cwd it will run pandoc and produce a so-named `.tex` latex file
- if any `.tex` file changes then pdflatex is run
- pdflatex will then write to .aux, .log, and .out files, and changes to these files
trigger pdflatex to run again
- pdflatex is run until no more changes to these files are seen (ie it's done)
- add bibtex support
import os, hashlib, subprocess, sys
def storedHashes():
""" returns a dictionary of stored paths and stored hashes
with open("", "r") as dataFile:
data = {}
withinData = False
for line in dataFile:
if line.startswith("# END DATA"):
withinData = False
if withinData == True:
filename, hash = line.lstrip("# ").rstrip("\n").split("\t")
data[filename] = hash
if line.startswith("# BEGIN DATA"):
withinData = True
#data will be empty if no data or data fields are present
return data
def saveHashes(data):
""" saves the current hashes to the `` file found in the cwd
previouslySaved = False
file = ""
toWrite = ""
with open("","rw") as dataFile:
file =
fileLines = file.split("\n")
for i, line in enumerate(fileLines):
if line.startswith("# BEGIN DATA"):
previouslySaved = True
if previouslySaved == True:
toWrite = replaceData(fileLines, data)
toWrite = saveFresh(fileLines, data)
with open("","w") as dataFile:
def replaceData(listOfLines, data):
""" used to find and replace hash data stored in `` with new data
start = 0
end = 0
for i, line in enumerate(listOfLines):
if line.startswith("# BEGIN DATA"):
start = i
elif line.startswith("# END DATA"):
end = i
forInsertion = []
for k,v in data.iteritems():
forInsertion.append("# "+"\t".join([k,v]))
return listOfLines[0:start+1]+forInsertion+listOfLines[end:]
def saveFresh(listOfLines, data):
""" used if no previous data is present in the `` file, to store said data
forInsertion = []
forInsertion.append("# BEGIN DATA")
for k,v in data.iteritems():
forInsertion.append("# "+"\t".join([k,v]))
forInsertion.append("# END DATA")
return listOfLines + forInsertion
def findChanges(old, new):
""" given two dictionaries of paths and hashes, this function crossreferences each one
with the other looking for differences. Files found in old, but not in new are ignored.
Files found in new, but not in new are deemed "changed". All other files are examined by
old and new hash to determine is any changes have occured
changedFiles = []
for file, old_hash in old.iteritems():
if file in new:
new_hash = new[file]
if old_hash != new_hash:
for file, new_hash in new.iteritems():
if file not in old:
print changedFiles
return changedFiles
def changeHandler(extension):
""" returns the handler function for a given file extenion
if extension == ".md":
return handleMarkdown
elif extension == ".tex" or extension ==".log" or extension == ".aux" or extension == ".out":
return handleLatex
return handleDefault
def handleMarkdown(file, verbose):
""" handles markdown files, converting them to latex
mdown = ''
with open(file, "r") as inFile:
mdown =
inFile = ''
inStart = 0
inEnd = 0
if "\input{" in mdown:
# print "found input"
inStart = mdown.find("\input{")
done = False
inFile = ''
i = 0
while done == False:
# print "parsing name"
next = mdown[inStart+7+i]
if next == "}":
done = True
inEnd = inStart+7+i
inFile += next
# print("filename: ", inFile)
if inFile.endswith(".md"):
# print "detected as markdown"
forInput = ''
with open(inFile, "r") as inFile:
forInput =
mdown = mdown[:inStart] + forInput + mdown[inEnd:]
command = ["pandoc", " -o" + file.rstrip(".md") + ".tex", " -f markdown+yaml_metadata_block "]
# command = ["pandoc", " -s -o main.tex", " -f markdown+yaml_metadata_block "]
if file == "":
command = command[0:1]+["-s"]+command[1:]
p = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(command), shell=True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout_data = p.communicate(input=mdown)[0]
print "handling markdown"
if verbose:
print stdout_data
def handleLatex(file, verbose):
output = subprocess.Popen("pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode main.tex", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
print "handling latex"
if verbose:
print output
def handleDefault(file, verbose):
print "handling default"
def getChanges(dir):
old = storedHashes()
new = currentHashes(dir)
changes = findChanges(old, new)
return changes
def currentHashes(dir):
filesToWatch = []
for path in os.listdir(dir):
if path != "" and os.path.isfile(path):
results = {}
for file in filesToWatch:
results[file] = hashlib.sha256(open(file, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
verbose = False
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == "-v":
verbose = True
print ("to print verbose error messages, use '-v'")
cwd = os.getcwd()
# TODO: handle each file seperatley and check for changes in the handler
# - this allows for markdown handlers to check for \input{} changes
changes = getChanges(cwd)
while len(changes) > 0:
print changes
for file in changes:
if file == "":
_, extension=os.path.splitext(file)
print extension
changeHandler(extension)(file, verbose)
changes = getChanges(cwd)
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