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Last active April 13, 2018 10:47
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  • Save crmne/8481724 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save crmne/8481724 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Converts currencies using Google Finance. Created specifically for LaunchBar, just put it in `~/Library/Application Support/LaunchBar/Actions`. It accepts input in this form: `<amount> <from currency> […] <to currency>`. So for example all of those strings will result in the same conversion: "60 gbp to eur" "60 gbp in eur" "60 gbp eur". It will …
on parse_input_string(theString)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
set theFromAmount to text item 1 of theString as text
if length of text items of theString is greater than 1 then
set theFromCurrency to text item 2 of theString as text
set theToCurrency to text item -1 of theString as text
set currenciesGiven to true
set theFromCurrency to "USD"
set theToCurrency to "EUR"
set currenciesGiven to false
end if
return {fromAmount:theFromAmount, fromCurrency:theFromCurrency, toCurrency:theToCurrency, areCurrenciesGiven:currenciesGiven}
end parse_input_string
on currency_convert(fromAmount, fromCurrency, toCurrency, currenciesGiven)
set theURL to "" & fromAmount & "&from=" & fromCurrency & "&to=" & toCurrency
if currenciesGiven then
set theShellScript to "curl " & quoted form of theURL & " 2> /dev/null | xmllint --html --xpath \"//div[@id='currency_converter_result']/span/text()\" - 2> /dev/null"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
return text item 1 of (do shell script theShellScript)
open location theURL
end if
end currency_convert
on handle_string(theString)
set parsedData to my parse_input_string(theString)
set toAmount to my currency_convert(fromAmount of parsedData, fromCurrency of parsedData, toCurrency of parsedData, areCurrenciesGiven of parsedData)
if areCurrenciesGiven of parsedData then
tell application "LaunchBar"
set theMessage to toAmount & " " & toCurrency of parsedData
set theTitle to (fromAmount of parsedData & " " & fromCurrency of parsedData & " = ") as text
display in large type theMessage with title theTitle
end tell
end if
end handle_string
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