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Matthew Moore crowdmatt

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== RemoveNameFromOrganizations: migrating ====================================
-- remove_column(:organizations, :name)
-> 0.1580s
-- add_index(:organizations, :domain, {:unique=>true})
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
ActiveRecord::JDBCError: Key column 'domain' doesn't exist in table: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `index_organizations_on_domain` ON `organizations` (`domain`)
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
crowdmatt / gist:2979403
Created June 23, 2012 18:42
Create a new Amazon CloudFront distribution for an S3 bucket in Ruby
# Here is some sample code to create a CloudFront distribution programmatically from Ruby.
# Tested to be working on 06-23-2012.
# Amazon's documentation is wrong, so we're putting the XML here!
# We're using this at to simplify our development process.
# Prerequisite: You'll need the simple_aws gem which you can get from `gem install simple_aws`
require 'simple_aws/s3'
crowdmatt / linked_in_people_search_by_company_name.rb
Created July 7, 2012 16:46
How to query LinkedIn People Search by Company Name from Ruby with the LinkedIn Gem
# Call me with linked_in_by_company('Disney')
consumers: {
test_person: {
"IAB1": "Arts & Entertainment",
"IAB1-1": "Books & Literature",
"IAB1-2": "Celebrity Fan/Gossip",
"IAB1-3": "Fine Art",
"IAB1-4": "Humor",
"IAB1-5": "Movies",
"IAB1-6": "Music",
"IAB1-7": "Television",
"IAB2": "Automotive",
crowdmatt / ForeachLine.go
Last active December 14, 2015 07:29
The purpose of this function is to be as memory efficient as possible when operating on files with many, many lines, in Golang
import (
// readWholeLine returns a single line (without the ending \n) from the input buffered reader.
// An error is returned iff there is an error with the buffered reader.
func readWholeLine(r *bufio.Reader) (string, error) {
var (isPrefix bool = true
err error = nil
<script src="//"></script><!-- required to getJSON from our server -->
<script src=""></script><!-- required to parse dates in ISO format -->
var device_tracking_type = "mac_address";
var current_user_device_type = "android";
var current_user_country_code = "ca";
var current_user_mac_address = "11:11:11:11";
var current_user_location = "37.8188,-122.4784";
var current_impression_uuid = "mynetworkimpression-iowd23e823jsd094";
var current_time = new Date();

Setting up Flume NG, listening to syslog over UDP, with an S3 Sink

My goal was to set up Flume on my web instances, and write all events into s3, so I could easily use other tools like Amazon Elastic Map Reduce, and Amazon Red Shift.

I didn't want to have to deal with log rotation myself, so I setup Flume to read from a syslog UDP source. In this case, Flume NG acts as a syslog server, so as long as Flume is running, my web application can simply write to it in syslog format on the specified port. Most languages have plugins for this.

At the time of this writing, I've been able to get Flume NG up and running on 3 ec2 instances, and all writing to the same bucket.

Install Flume NG on instances

How to setup a Go / Golang WebServer with Kafka Log Aggregation to S3

This is a work in progress.

Install Kafka

Download the latest Kafka, which you can find at:

openssl rsa -in MYFILE.pem -pubout >
ssh-keygen -f -i -m PKCS8 do |config| = "squeeze64-ruby193"
config.vm.box_url = "" :hostonly, ""
config.vm.share_folder "v-cookbooks", "/cookbooks", "."