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Created January 15, 2012 03:07
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Save crowell/1614093 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using SdlDotNet.Graphics;
using SdlDotNet.Core;
using SdlDotNet.Input;
using System.IO.Ports; //connection to the Arduino
using System.Text; //stringbuilder
using System.Data;
* BUILDS Door Code rewritten in C#
* Should be much more readable and maintainable
* Code Readability and style is most important here
* All complaints, feature requests, etc. go to
* Jeff Crowell <>
public class SDL
//begin members
private static Surface mVideoScreen;
private static Surface mBackground;
private static Surface mForeground;
private static Point mForegroundPosition;
private static Surface mTextSurface;
private static SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font mFont;
private static SerialPort mArduino;
private static StringBuilder mID2;
private static bool mStringReplace;
private static string mBackgroundPath;
private static string mForegroundPath;
//begin functions
public static void Main(string[] args)
//args are the image(s) to load
mBackgroundPath = args[0];
mForegroundPath = args[1];
if (args.Length > 2 && args[2] == "true") mStringReplace = true;
//first, try to connect to arduino
string arduino = GetArduinoSerial();
if (!ConnectToArduino(arduino))
//Kill the program because we can't control the door like this
System.Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to Arduino on port " + arduino);
//select the font
mFont = new SdlDotNet.Graphics.Font(@"font.ttf", 48);
//set up the screen dimensions
mVideoScreen = Video.SetVideoMode(1366/*width*/, 768/*height*/, false /*resize*/,
false /*opengl*/, true /*fullscreen*/);
//load the images or quit if they can't be loaded
if (!LoadImages(mBackgroundPath, mForegroundPath)) Environment.Exit(1); //try to load the images, if cant, die
Events.Fps = 30; //30 fps seems good for this application
Events.Quit += new EventHandler<QuitEventArgs>(Events_Quit);
//Events.Tick += new EventHandler<TickEventArgs>(Events_Tick);
//Events.KeyboardDown += new EventHandler<KeyboardEventArgs>(Events_KeyboardDown);
Events.KeyboardUp += new EventHandler<KeyboardEventArgs>(Events_KeyboardUp);
PrintWelcomeMessage(); //Prints out the welcome message, should be able to grab updates from a file on disk
private static void ResetScreen()
mVideoScreen = Video.SetVideoMode(1366/*width*/, 768/*height*/, false /*resize*/,
false /*opengl*/, true /*fullscreen*/);
if (!LoadImages(mBackgroundPath, mForegroundPath)) Environment.Exit(1); //try to load the images, if cant, die
private static string GetArduinoSerial()
string[] ports = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
int index = 0;
if (ports.Length == 0) return null; //no connected serials
foreach (string port in ports)
System.Console.WriteLine(index + " : " + port);
if (Int32.TryParse(System.Console.ReadLine(), out index))
if (index < ports.Length && index >= 0)
return ports[index];
return "impossible to get here";
private static bool ConnectToArduino(string arduino)
if (arduino == null)
return false;
mArduino = new SerialPort(arduino, 9600);//9600 baud rate for the arduino
if (mArduino.IsOpen) return true;
return false;
private static void PrintWelcomeMessage()
DispSDLText(mVideoScreen, "Welcome to BUILDS", -1, 100);
DispSDLText(mVideoScreen, "Please Swipe Your ID", -1, 150);
DispSDLText(mVideoScreen, "testing this", -1, 200);
private static void DispSDLText(Surface screen, string text, int x, int y)
mTextSurface = mFont.Render(text, Color.Red); //hardcoded, but should look up from a location
if (x == -1)
x = mVideoScreen.Width / 2 - mTextSurface.Width/2 + 2;
mVideoScreen.Blit(mTextSurface, new Point(x,y));
private static bool LoadImages(string aBackground, string aForeground)
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(aBackground) || !System.IO.File.Exists(aForeground))
System.Console.WriteLine("ERROR: could not find the images");
return false;
mBackground = (new Surface(aBackground)).Convert(mVideoScreen, true, true);
mForeground = (new Surface(aForeground)).Convert(mVideoScreen, true, true);
// mForeground.Transparent = true;
// mForeground.TransparentColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.White);
mForegroundPosition = new Point(mVideoScreen.Width / 2 - mForeground.Width / 2, mVideoScreen.Height / 2 - mForeground.Height / 2);
return true;
private static void Events_KeyboardDown(object sender, SdlDotNet.Input.KeyboardEventArgs args)
switch (args.Key)
case Key.DownArrow:
case Key.UpArrow:
case Key.Escape:
System.Console.WriteLine("Escape pressed, Quitting");
private static void Events_KeyboardUp(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs args)
if (args.EventStruct.key.keysym.scancode != 0x24)
string id = mID2.ToString();
mID2 = new StringBuilder(); // zero out the mID2
if (mStringReplace)
id = id.Substring(10, id.Length - 1);
char[] idstr = id.ToCharArray();
idstr[0] = 'u';
id = idstr.ToString();
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection doorDB =
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("user id=uid;" +
"password=pwrod;server=url;Trusted_Connection=yes;" +
"database=database;connection timeout=30");
catch (Exception ex)
string query = String.Format("SELECT id, first FROM users where swipe=\"{0}\"", id);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand qCommand = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(query, doorDB);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader qReader = null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello ");
qReader = qCommand.ExecuteReader();
while (qReader.Read())
query = String.Format("insert into log(user,time) VALUES(\"{0}\",NOW())", qReader[0]);
DispSDLText(mVideoScreen, sb.ToString(), -1, 100);
//now unlock the door
SdlDotNet.Core.Timer.DelaySeconds(5); //delay so to show the animation
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
private static void Events_Tick(object sender, TickEventArgs args)
//not used now
private static void Events_Quit(object sender, QuitEventArgs args)
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