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Created October 31, 2012 18:42
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Safety in the process file
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "getpost.h"
#include <sys/resource.h>
using namespace std;
char text[5000]; /* The text supplied by the user. */
int length; /* The length supplied by the user. */
int TOP_NUM; /* The number of entries to show the user. */
class cStringMap {
// implements a map from C-style strings to integers
int& operator[](char *key) { return data[key];}
char *topValue() {
static char *result;
map<char *,int>::iterator iter;
int maxSeen = -1;
for (iter = data.begin(); iter != data.end(); iter++)
if (iter->second > maxSeen) { // I found a value bigger than maxSeen
maxSeen = iter->second; // record the value
result = iter->first; // record the key that produced the value
return result;
void print() {
map<char *,int>::iterator iter;
for (iter = data.begin(); iter != data.end(); iter++)
cout << iter->first << ": " << iter->second << endl;
cout << endl;
class cmp_str { // a class for comparing C-style strings
bool operator()(char *a, char *b) { return strcmp(a,b) < 0; }
map<char *,int, cmp_str> data;
char **topValues(cStringMap &patterns) {
// Returns the TOP_NUM keys with the highest values in <patterns>
char **top_entries = new char *[TOP_NUM];
char tmp[TOP_NUM];
for (int ii=0; ii<TOP_NUM; ii++) {
top_entries[ii]=patterns.topValue(); // extract the key with the largest value
patterns[tmp]*=-1; // make the value small so that we do not choose it again
// fix all negative numbers so that they are positive again, as they were initially
for (int ii=0; ii<TOP_NUM; ii++)
return top_entries;
void parse(cStringMap& patterns, int len, char *text) {
/** Records in <patterns> the substrings of length <len> in <text>, and how often they appear. */
for (int ii=0; ii<strlen(text) - len + 1; ii++) {
char *substring = new char[len+1];
strncpy(substring,text+ii,len); // copy a piece of <text> into <substring> SAFE with strncpy
substring[len] = 0; //SAFE null terminate it
patterns[substring]++; // tally this substring as seen
int main()
// initialize
map<string,string> Get; // parameters from the server
cStringMap patterns; // patterns found in the text provided
TOP_NUM = 10;
//If this is run on the command line, uncomment the next line.
length = atoi(Get["len"].c_str()); // the length inputted by the user
strncpy(text,Get["text"].c_str(),4999); // the text inputted by the user Made safe with strncpy
//begin safe checks
if(length <=0)
cout << "nice try..." << endl;
cout << "length must be greater than 0" << endl;
return 1;
if(length > strlen(text))
cout << "nice try..." << endl;
cout << "length must not be longer than text" << endl;
return 1;
//end safe checks
// set some limits on resource usage
rlimit lim = {10,10};
// output the web page
cout <<"Content-type: text/html"<<endl<<endl;
cout << "<h1>" << TOP_NUM << " most common patterns of length " << length
<< ":</h1><pre>" << endl;
// populate the patterns class
parse(patterns, length, text);
// get the top TOP_NUM values
char **result = topValues(patterns);
// display the top values
char* myString = new char[length];
for (int ii=0; ii<TOP_NUM; ii++)
if(ii != 0)
if(strncmp(result[ii], myString, length) == 0)
cout << result[ii] << ": " <<patterns[result[ii]] << "<BR>" << endl;
strncpy(myString,result[ii], length);
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